Friday, March 11, 2011

JESSICA Z. & TWO YEARS, NO RAIN by Shawn Klomparens

Winner Announced!
All these answers to my two-fer question was so much fun - there were some creative ones and likewise, some gross ones -- chocolate milk and PICKLES? Ewww! But I liked them all so very much! However, there can only be one winner, and chose one of you!
Congratulations to
If you email me your full name and address you'll be receiving both copies of Shawn's books. The only problem, you won't know which one to read first! Congrats, and don't worry everyone, we still have a lot more books coming your way!

Author: Shawn Klomparens

Two Years, No Rain

Jessica Z.

Winner Announced Here: Becki***

Well lookie here folks, it’s ANOTHER TWO-FER! BUT YOU HAVE TO READ THIS!! (some of you didn’t read the last post all the way through … Naughty-Naughty. : ) Since you’re tired of telling me: PICK ME, PICK ME, and since this is a TWO-FER giveaway, in the comment section, just tell me TWO THINGS you like together: like pizza and French fries, or movies and popcorn. It can be anything: vanilla and chocolate, whatever. I don’t care. I like to read something other than PICK ME PICK ME! Thanks!

Today’s author is Shawn Klomparens and both of his books are being offered here! And the only MaNiC-author related story I have to share here is that I don’t know him (kinda wish I did – he is very good looking from his author photo), but I have been in Jackson, Wyoming, and that’s where he lives. So. There’s that.

I’m in the middle of reading his debut, Jessica Z, and let me tell you, it’s intriguing, fast-paced, and one that I can’t wait to find the moments to slip away so that I can get back into the world of Jessica. Already I find that my heart is racing as I dive into the pages.

The story is told post 9-11 in a world where danger lurks and suicide bombers are prevalent, and Jessica is trying to cope the best she can in a world she tries to make safe for herself by working a mundane job and dating her neighbor upstairs (where certain rules apply). When she meets an intriguing man who’s going to take her out of her safety net … well, that’s where I am now. So it’s a very exciting book and let me tell you, I’m in for the ride!

Shawn’s other book is Two Years No Rain, and I can’t wait to get to this one either (so many books, so little time!). Here’s the blurb:

In San Diego County, it hasn't rained in 580 days. But for weatherman Andy Dunne, everything else is changing fast...Only a few weeks ago, he was a newly divorced, slightly overweight meteorologist for an obscure satellite radio station, hiding his secret love for a colleague, the beautiful--and very much married--Hillary Hsing. But nearly overnight, Andy has landed a new gig, flying a magic carpet in a bizarre live-action children's TV show. So what is affable, basically decent Andy Dunne going to do now that he can do practically anything he wants? With a parade of hot moms begging for his autograph and a family that needs his help more than ever, Andy has a lot of choices. First, though, there's this thing with Hillary, their heated text messages, a long-awaited forecast for rain - and a few other surprises he never saw coming…

Catherine McKenzie of The Author Effect introduced me to these great books, and I’m not making this mandatory, but if you’d be so kind to head over there, I promise you there will be LOTS more chances for you to find out about even MORE fabulous books – she is ALWAYS sharing great new authors and books with fans AND GIVING THEM AWAY. I feel so fortunate to have found her and found out about her books.

(SIDENOTE, the winner of her books has not come forward, and I have not seen her back here to enter again, so there still may be a chance to win SPIN and ARRANGED at a later date during this giveaway and HER BOOKS ROCK!)


Please leave a comment, and all those who do will qualify to win both of Shawn's books! I’ll draw the winner in a couple of days and I will post the winner’s name at the TOP of this post, in the highlighted area.

Come back and read about each book every day in March. Choose the books you'd like to win. Enter for any or ALL the books. Each entry will count as an entry toward the grand prize of winning ALL 31+ books at the end of the month. You can win the book of the day and still qualify to win ALL the books at the end of the month!

PLEASE be specific with your name in the comment section, and IF YOUR NAME is listed as the winner, you must email me at in order to claim your prize. Email me with your full name and address so I can have your book(s) sent to you.

Thanks, and GOOD LUCK! And come back tomorrow to see what book I’ll be giving away then too!

It’s MaNiC MoMMy’s March Madness Book-A-Day Giveaway! Read ALL the Rules and Details Here!

Sorry, only U.S. and Canadian residents only!


Missy B said...

Popcorn and Junior movie food ever!

Katy Finn said...

Two things I like together...pitas and hummus!

Karen said...

Apple slices and chunky peanut butter. Semi-healthy version of a treat for me! ktmixon315

Jen R said...

Chocolate and peanut butter!
jen rabenstine

Lisa justus said...

Anything salty and sweet; chocolate and salty peanuts go great together.

ChristineCet said...

Red wine and smoked gouda cheese

Sugar__Mama said...

2 things i like together are pizza and wings

Anonymous said...

Chips & guacamole would be my number one. But so many.... Sun and sand, pizza and beer, warm blanket and good book.... You get the point, could go on and on. Have a great Friday, (Friday and payday),

Sadie said...

Fingers crossed!!!

Debbie said...

I'm all about chocolate and peanut butter. Debydew110

Anonymous said...

I love milk and cookies together. I don't like to drink milk by itself but if it is with cookies....yum!

Thanks for the great book giveaways!

-Donna W.

Tina Brannan said...

I LOVE pancakes and bacon together! The combination of the syrup and bacon....mmmm....heaven!!

Croppergirl said...

Mornin Stephanie, I like french fries and Wendy's Frosty's together. Dip the fry, it's AMAZING! And I'm eaxcited to get another chance at Catherine McKenzies book.

Margie said...

Coffee and French vannilla creamer!
mtakala1 AT yahoo DOT com

Meg said...

Milk and Oreos. I think its illegal Not to like those two together.

Of course, I also convinced my sibs that they Loved sandwiches with PeanutButter,Mayo,&Pickles. Which they Absolutely did. Until my mother found out...

IandSsmom said...

I do love pizza and french fries I grew up eating it that way and alot of people look at me strange but it is yummy and what I'm use to. I also love peanut butter and banana sandwich!!! Oh so good! I could go on and on. And I love both these books they are both on my to-read list!!!

Emma S. said...

Wine and any food!

LindsayK918 said...

the ultimate McDonald's two-for: vanilla ice cream in a dish with a small fry to dip! YUM!

Unknown said...

Caramel lattes (or just about any flavored latte) and coffee cake!

Deb said...

I got hooked on dried apricots and dark chocolate discs (like you use for melting) when I worked at a bulk food store as a teenager. I don't get this very often anymore though.

jdstec said...

sunshine + seashores, orange juice + champagne, and winning + good books.

Lindsay Elizabeth said...

Peanut Butter and Honey... mmm

or another weird one I've started to love lately is Mac & Cheese with red pepper flakes!

Tiffany Drew said...

Rain and sleep! I love falling asleep to the sound of rain. It is so relaxing :)

Anonymous said...

French Fries and Wendy's Frosty's. Don't judge it is delish.

K Loeser

Kimmi said...

Prozac and vodka. Now don't you feel sorry enough for me to pick me pick me? :)

Meredith said...

I like lots of stuff, but today I am craving margaritas and nachos! Hope I get some tonight...

Anonymous said...

peanut butter and maple syrup on french toast, sooooo good!

Autumnn D said...

Two things that I love together: family and laughter. Nothing is more therapeutic!!

The Jagow Family said...

hmm, what two things do I like together? Well, being pregnant means I love about everything....but if I have to choose I would go with chips and good pico. me some chips and good pico!! :) Thanks MM! Have a great weekend....I'll be back tomorrow! :)

Ronit said...

Coffee and a good book (I don't eat the book...but you just said things you like together!). Ronit W

Erin Goff said...

Rainy days and a good book always go together. And I am totally on board with Wendy's Frosty and French Fries... Mmmmm...

Melissa B. said...

Wendy's french fries and a chocolate frosty...yum!!!

Melissa B.

Leah B said...

This is a tough one ... so many good pairings. Right now I could go for some guacamole and chips ... sounds heavenly. And these books sound really interesting!

Denise said...

brown rice and hummus mixed together - sounds weird, but it's delicious!!!

Sharon Cox said...

Beer and nachos - that is on the menu for tomorrow night!

Crystal said...

Rum and Coke.

don't judge. LOL!! is it five yet??

Crystal I.

Tracy Miller said...

I like a good book and an hour of peace and quiet in my house. A roaring fire doesn't hurt.

Bee said...

Smoked salmon and avocado - it's my absolute favorite combination.

Bee H.

Lilianarenee said...

Orange & carrot juice.
Ruffles & worchestershire sauce.
Water & lemon.

janabailey said...

Good champagne and an In & Out burger (it is an Oscar night tradition as well).

Dulcibella said...

Ummmm....all I can think of this morning is coffee and girl scout cookies! Specifically, thin mints.

(I'm a sucker for cute kids asking me to buy stuff, so I have quite a few boxes of thin mints and samoas in my freezer.)

And I am very interested in reading this author's books as someone who hails from Cody, Wyoming (just a quick drive thru the park from Jackson haha.) And I am wondering if he is related to the Klomparens in Cody?

Amanda D. said...

Driving fast with loud music...or a good cocktail and my best friend...or a sunny day and my love...also, my niece and my nephew! :)


Nanette said...

Hot bath and a good book! Sounds like I'm gonna have to try the Frosty & Fry thing at Wendy's tho! TGIF!! Nanette N.

BrendaBMarion said...

cheese pizza and a coke

Anne said...

peanut butter toast and milk

Anne Beth

Carly said...

Crackers and Soda. Yum!

Carly Haynes

Holly W said...

my comfy pants and movie night. I'm super busy and don't get to lie around much but if I do, I put on my pajamas, lie on the couch and watch movies!

Amanda Skarsgard said...

Wendy's Chocolate Frosty and French Fries....salty and sweet

Tara S. said...

I'm gonna say ranch dressing and french fries. But that could really be "ranch dressing and anything that gets ranch dressing into my mouth..."

MaggieDu said...

This list could go on and on for me. Popcorn and Sprite. Rain and a Tin Roof. Texas and Thunderstorms. Snuggling and movies. Country backroads and country music.

Ok I am really done with this list. I am very interesed in adding Jessica Z to my reading list.

Juliet Farmer said...

Ooooh! I've had Two Years, No Rain in my to-read list for a while. Hope I win!

Anonymous said...

Friends and drinks!

Anonymous said...

Boxed wine and girlfriends, chips and queso, reading and laying by the pool!


Logan Collins said...

White Chocolate Mocha and a good book

Casey said...

notice how everyone's is food? i like pancakes and bacon, margaritas and guacamole, chocolate and potato chips, Wendy's fries and a frostie. I also like pajamas and a movie and a book and a warm blanket.

Jenn3128 said...

Filet Mignon & Bearnaise Sauce. Yep, just drooled on my keyboard.

Erica said...

So many things . . .
birds and blue skies are my favorite combo though. A close second is pancakes and jam!

keltban said...

Love Beer and Pizza's the best.

JBarr5 said...

hot tea and a cookie

Hawkzter said...

I know it sounds strange, but I LOVE mac and cheese and applesauce. Not necessarily mixed up together, but as a meal. I guess that's the kid in me that will never grow up :)

Tammi Hawk

Lauren Louise said...

Whenever I feel the need to treat myself, I go to Starbucks for a caramel latte and a pack of chocolate covered graham crackers. They go so well together and always make my day better!

Melissa said...

Peanut butter and chocolate! Melissa Rem

Ready To Be A Momma said...

chips and salsa, yummy!

Alli said...

Oooh these sound great!! Let's see...two things I like together...When I was little, I loved to eat peanut butter and alfalfa sprout sandwiches! Pretty weird combo...I think I have outgrown it! I love popcorn and red wine...a delicious snack and perfect way to unwind after along day!!
Alli M. Jones

Melissa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Melissa said...

I still love Wendy's frosty and french fries although I don't eat it too often.

Mary said...

I love caramel and coffee together. Yum!

Mary Ward

Ruthie said...

Coffee & biscotti

DaphneSFL said...

2 things I like together:

Popcorn & Goobers (best movie combo)

Popcorn & pinot grigio (my dinner of choice)

Popcorn & bacon (are you noticing a theme??)

Chelsea Hoffman said...

a good book and some chai tea. or maybe mexican food with a frozen margarita? ;)

Kirsten said...

2 things I love together ~ a jar of Nutella and a GIANT spoon. Really all I need to be content ;-)
Kirsten R.

Jeffie Laura said...

ice-cream and french fries.

Bridget said...

Chocolate and peanut butter! I live in San Diego, but we have had lots of rain this year.

AnnEliz said...

Another Great book!!

Jules said...

Hot buttered toast and cocoa

Christine in NJ said...

Green Tea and my ugly but EXTREMELY warm blanket! (with a book of course!)

A new author AND new books for my huge list! Thanks again MaNiC! You are the best for doing this!


Jennifer Dunaway said...

Raw Potatoes and Salt

Unknown said...

I love ketchup & as a dip. LOL I mix them together & it makes this horrendously orange looking sauce that I dip my fries in. Mmmmmm Now PICK ME! PICK ME! ;)

Anonymous said...

My ultimate go together is peanut butter and jelly. Boring but I love, love, love it still. My kids love the Wendys fry and frosty thing, me not so much. I also like popcorn and strawberry kool-aid...reminds me of being a kid. LeslieGC

equinn726 said...

Mixed M&M's (dk chocolate, peanut, peanut butter, almond) and ice-cream.

valerie said...

white wine (sauv blanc or pinot grigio) and indian food. i hope i win so everyone will try it! now i'm craving it!!!

Anonymous said...

Doritos and sour cream. My husband introduced me to this combination. I knew there was a reason I married him. TaraUB in IN

Rachael said...

Saturday morning and no alarm clock. Anyone else happy it's almost the weekend??

Ally said...

Beer and Pizza!
Ally N

BethC said...

Greasy, salty, movie theater popcorn w/raisenettes mixed in! Yummy!!!

your invisible pixie said...

two things i like together.....apples and cinnamon! these books sound awesome. i love this stuff.

LizzybethDJ said...

red wine and a good book!

Abner's Mom loves books said...

pretzels and dark chocolate :)

Unknown said...

vanilla ice cream and peanut butter Cap'n Crunch... mmmmmmmm

Shelly said...

Two things I like together - cheese and crackers. I know, so original!

Lizett34 said...

Okay this is going to sound weird but Mexican rice with bananas! It's amazingly delicious!

jpetroroy said...

Chocolate and peanut better!

Kristin Shelburne said...

Two things I like together...hmmm...a good book and a warm dog beside me..

Joelle said...

Two things I like together...well there are tons of twosomes running through my mind but I think the one that stands out is a glass of wine and a good book.

Anonymous said...

Celery with cream cheese and some salami... oy so good... Will eat this when I win and read these books!
yes thats me, aaammmaaannndddaaa

Anonymous said...

pizza and poutine!

Kristin j said...

Wine & cheese

CariL said...

cold soda and sunflower seeds in the shell...sweet bliss! CariL

Kristen said...

Chips and Queso. :)

Homestead Jen said...

OK, I am sharing two different two-fers with you, both of which gross out my husband, but I think are delicious.

1) twizzlers and bloody mary mix. Use the twizzler as a straw.

2) peanut butter and dill pickle sandwiches.

(And, no, not pregnant. Just like savory stuff!_

Christina said...

French fries and ranch dressing...yum!!!


faithspage said...

mashed potatoes and worchestershire sauce, I know sounds disgusting, but it's yummy. and chocolate and strawberries.

Dani In Chicago said...

Coffee and donuts, especially dunking the donuts in the coffee. Yum.

Dani Patarazzi

Tyra said...

French fries and chocolate shakes! Since a teenager at church gave me some when I was eight, I have loved that salty/sweet combo:)

Melissa Braun said...

Chilled wine and an afternoon with my best friend.
(Honorable Mention: Ice cold peanut m&m's and hot buttered popcorn.)

Dizzy Ms. Lizzy said...

Apple slices and caramel dip - - pure heaven!

Liz J.

Crafty Mama said...

Mint and chocolate. Thin mint cookies are my favorite!

Tracy Lynn said...

sunshine and flip flops.

i live in san diego so... obviously i need the second book.

Brenda L B said...

Pizza and a Cola. I 99% of the time given up pop for some years now so it so strange when I have pizza now and I still miss that cola along with it. MMMM!! Brenda L B

Beverly Victoria said...

Two things I like together. . . oreos and coffee!

Anonymous said...

french fries dipped in chocolate shake!

Jen Fee 9476

Susan @ The Book Bag said...

I haven't thought of this combination in years but it popped into my head when I read your post. We always had Peanut M&Ms and Diet Coke in college while studying at night in the dorms. If I win these books, you know what I will be doing while reading! =)

Also I LOVE that we might have a second chance to win Catherine McKenzie's books!!

Suzebomb - The Book Bag

jne said...

French fries and a Frosty from Wendy's. Mmm! Or, Cheez-Its and a Coca Cola. I can't decide which is better... -Jenni(fur) N.

Angie McCraine Parks said...

People always ask me if I'm pregnant, but I love Ranch dressing on everything but mostly on Mahatma Broccoli Cheese Rice or leftover Mac and Cheese. I literally will make Mac and Cheese in advance and put it in the fridge to get it good and cold, just so I can heat it up in he microwave and add Ranch to it. :) It is not Gross, it is so yummy!!!
~Angie Parks

hannasmom said...

Two things that i love together are: Chocolate and Peanut Butter! Yum!

Anonymous said...

Both of these books look amazing, I hope to read them soon! jennyfromthecube

Kristy said...

When I was pregnant I LOVED spaghettios and genoa salami together. It sounds SO disgusting right now! LOL

What I LOVE now is mashed potato with gravy and ketchup! Yum! lol

And thanks for your friends website! I love looking at places that suggest different books. I've already found so many new ones from yours. :) THANKS!

Kristi said...

Margaritas and cheese sticks. My 2 favorite things.
Kristi Marie W.

Terri said...

Flip-flops and sunshine. Good thing I live in Arizona!

Terri M. in Phoenix

AisforRandom said...

I'm nine weeks and the best things in the world are mcdonald's cheeseburgers and sweet tea. The big bad boogey man is already trying to courrpt my unborn child. Oh the horrors!!! Didn't care for them before.

Christy Finepoet said...

I like the soft fur of my cats and the happy grin on my dog's face when I come home from work.

Anonymous said...

eggs and ketchup!

Gen K.

Amy R. said...

chips and bean dip!

Sarah Lashua said...

Sushi and pizza!

Anonymous said...

Chips and Salsa!

Anonymous said...

Cherry Rum and Sprite :)

kristinrose said...

tortilla chips & bbq sauce

RedDragon said...

Grilled cheese sandwich with guacamole and salsa. New discovery this week that almost supercedes the wine and golden oreos combo.

Leslie Barr said...

peanut butter and chocolate

RosieC said...

Two things I like together? Pizza and beets. Weird, I know, but it makes an amazing pizza topping :)

I just found you through the FB group. So great. Thanks for running the contest!

Anonymous said...

salty and sweet combinations - The Happy Baker cookbook has a seasalted caramel fudge that I love!


Erika L. said...

My favorite: chocolate shake and french fries

buttah said...

Hot berry infused green tea and a great book go great together...hint, hint!

Anonymous said...

French fries and mayo - sounds a bit weird but so delicious! Thanks holland for introducing me to this deliciousness!!

Lesley Davis, Esq said...

Milk & oreos, yum!

Nearl said...

Burrito's and movies

Ronda C. in B'ham said...

My two kids entertaining each other without fighting.

Tanya Quilts in CO said...

Peanut butter and jelly sandwich with potato chips!

Anonymous said...

I actually didn't think of food when you said TWO THINGS you like together!! I thought of my husband and the beach. Love them. Patti Cole

A.C. Morris said...

Odd choice for most girls, but I love beer and football! Makes for a perfect weekend :)

Anonymous said...

comfy couch and a good book
milk and cookies
wendys frosty and fries...
my list could go on and on.

Dislike: strawberries and banana, will eat them in fresh fruit salad, but no yogurt or smoothies. Weird, I know.

xx (fingers crossed)


Honi A. said...

chocolate milkshake and seasoned salted frenchie fries!

Michelle Mierczewski said...

Sand between my toes, sunshine on my face, the sound of waves, and a good book in my hands.....(yes I can count)

Anonymous said...

books, the couch and wine... tivo and popcorn and wine... lots of good combinations... but they mainly involve wine... and a good story (with good looking men).

Siobhan F. said...

Hmmmm, two things I like together. That's tough. I could say my two Chow Chows, Cinder and Bettis, sitting with me watching tv. Or maybe my camera and a beautiful day. Both make me feel content.

Anonymous said...

Chocolate and raspberries!

Colbey J

Anonymous said...

Chocolate and raspberries!

Colbey J

kathygold9778 said...

coffee and birthday cake (preferably w/ buttercream icing!)


karenk said...

i like apple pie and coffee :)

kmkuka at yahoo dot com

Germaine said...

Frosties and french fries.

I gave up fast food for my News Years Resolution, and right now am totally craving this!!

emily said...

Pierogies and sour cream... <3

Emily Riley-Berghorn

shopgirl said...

Whipped Vodka and OJ...
Malibu and OJ
Gin and Tonics

Water and Aspirin....

Especially if I've indulged in all of the above!!

Anonymous said...

After Dinner Mint ice cream and hot fudge topping!
Pennygirl, Manitowoc

Philadelphia said...

Chocolate milkshake with french fries and M&M's with my popcorn! Yum!!

Hope C. said...

A hot bath and glass of wine!!

Katrina Swiney said...

Reading and pajamas!!

Hally said...

peanut butter & chocolate.
Like Girl Scout Cookies, those HoeDown/Peanut butter patty ones!!
Or Resse's Pieces.


Hally Hoots

Juliet Farmer said...

my cats!

Nicole Marie said...

Sliced apple and caramel sauce! Yum!

NicoleMG from CT

Buffy Dee said...

Good Friends and a few laughs!

Kas said...

Hmmm Think I'll go with good friends and good wine!

Kassie H.

Books & Reviews said...

Chips and salsa.

StephRochelle said...

Yogurt and graham crackers...yum!

Corey~living and loving said... and applesauce. idea why....have loved it forever. yum! :)


Nicole said...

your best girlfriends + wine night!

Nicole Harper

Carie Casey said...

plain potato chips and mustard.


Amanda Leigh said...

Two of my favorite things to put together are pretzels & ice cream. Yummy!

- Amanda Leigh

Unknown said...

Sun and the smell of coconuts!

Sarah S. said...

Chocolate and peanut butter of course!!!

Sarah S.

becki*** said...

A good book and a good snack go together like a charm!

Hope C. said...

Shrimp Cocktail and smoked cheddarbcheese, which I just good!!

Jonessa said...

Wine and a good book/movie

Shanderella82 said...

Nutella and animal crackers!

Dawn Gross said...

thin mints and milk! mmmmm!

Dawn MG

Wendi from Louisiana said...

Purple hull peas and mayo!

musiquedevie said...

Baseball & my team winning the game! :-)

Lauren said...

Pickles and chocolate milk. Sick...I know. Lauren Royall

Carla said...

Cocker spaniels and dog doesn't get any better!

Wendy (Florida) said...

peanut butter and chocolate!

Jessica said...

My name is Jessica.
Popcorn and diet coke. I can never have popcorn without diet coke. Yum! Also milk and cookies. =]

CariLynn said...

Hugs and Kisses. :) CariLynn

Sherry Bercu said...

pancakes & Peanut butter

Dolly said...

Chocolate chip cookies and ice cold milk - a classic!

Melissa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
My Two Army Brats said...

Two things I love together are my husband and my kids. Unfortunately it's not always easy to get.

Oh and I love salt and vinegar chips and sloppy joes. Homemade sloppy joes not that canned crap either lol.

Unknown said...

Coffee and cherry cheesecake. It is so delicious!

Michelle said...


Sushi and bubble tea. Yum!

Dawn from CA said...

2 things I love together are my bathtub and a glass of wine! I love to make the water extra hot, and the pinot grigio extra cold. Grab a good book, lock the door, and I'm blissfully happy. :)

girllovestoread said...

oh peanut butter and will always be my favorite combo!

LynnBelo said...

italian sausage pizza and house salad with provel cheese from Pirrone's in Florissant, MO! For the movies though, it has to be popcorn while drinking an Icee through a Red Vine straw!

Sadie said...

Fingers Crossed!

Krystal said...

Ice cream with a soda.... I love how the carbonation bubble up the ice cream in my mouth! :)

Krystal Dyer

grandytaiko said...

Two things I like together are french fries dipped in a Wendy's Frosty! Salty and Sweet, yummmm!

Another two things I like together are when it's just getting to be spring out and it's a bit too warm for a jacket but too chilly without, I like to wear a sweatshirt with mittens! Keeps me just the right temperature.

Lucy872 said...

Nacho Cheese Doritos with French Onion Chip Dip...specifically Bison brand (I'm from's a staple of life here!).

Dawn Geske said...

I guess mine didn't post. Glad I checked back... My two favorite things are the way it smells after a summer rain and taking a nap on a Sunday afternoon. Dawn Geske

Amy Nichole G said...

A body of water and a cold drink.

Kristi said...

Pizza and ranch dressing! What can I say, I'm from Texas where Ranch is considered it's own food group!

Kristi H.

Ms. Thouvenel said...

I may have put my double on the wrong post...probably too late for the pick, but I was reading this weekend.

How about a cat and a lap?

Faith Hope and Cherrytea said...

sooo maybe another chance on this one? i love butter tarts with tea!
thx for your creativity in this month of giveaways - for reading and writing!