Monday, March 20, 2006

First Day of Spring

And the diet starts today.

I've decided to make this a progressive post today since I've got no laundry, or cleaning, or showering to do today. Ha.

10:28--Haven't eaten anything yet (Don't yell that this is NOT a smart practice. I KNOW THAT!) I will go drink some water now. Stay tuned for more daily minute-by-minute updates. Feel free to make bets in the comment section on the time of day I crash...

10:31--Thinking about Thin Mint Girl Scout Cookies.

10:32--Dipped in grandenonfatsugarfreevanillalattes.

10:34--Drank some water.

12:03--Okay, I didn't really drink any water yet. But I am eating a cup of fresh pineapple. 1 WW point. I think I get like 22-24 points a day. Will go drink water now.

1:07--Tallnonfatsugarfreevanillalattenowhip. 2 WW points. Hot new guy barista working there! "Did you just start?" I asked, gazing into his beautiful eyes that match perfectly with his green Starbucks apron. And then, I gave him a dollar tip! Hope he remembers me! Hottie-Barista-Boy.

1:10--Not feeling hungry yet.

4:21--Orville Reddenbacher 94% FF Smart Pop Kettle Korn; WW points: 1-2. I am eating a whole bag. I have discovered that picking up the kids from school causes anxiety and makes me want to devour flourless chocolate cake... yum, doesn't that sound good? The children definitely cause the desire in me to eat. This is a good thing to discover. I will not let the fact that Ajers told Tukey to spit-blow a whole mouthful of reduced-fat wheat thins all over the van floor cause me to stray from today's diet. I did however freeze to death by going to the car wash to immediately vacuum the van. This little stunt caused much stress to me and made me yell and think, FOOD, FOOD, FOOD. I wonder what a therapist would say so far?

5:46--The threatening of the kids after the van vacuum debacle must have worked because they are all being little darlings and I was even able to get an hour's worth of 'real paying' editing work done. And two loads of laundry. I don't feel that hungry. I didn't power walk today, but did both weekend days. And I'm going back to yoga tomorrow! I used to go in the evenings but by 8:30 at night all I wanna do is get into bed and read. So now a neighbor and I are planning on switching mornings to watch each other's kids who are in preschool so we can take turns going to our neighbor friend's yoga class! I hope it will work out for us.

On the food front. I'm going to make that pasta with the extra whole grain and omegas and fibers and crap in it (have had it before, pretty good) with some multi-grain bread, and some tomato/basil sauce. Since I've only had 4-5 WW points today, I'm not worried about dinner. But I'll still post the actual food consumed later. I do think I'll have enough saved WW points to have a Skinny Cow. And go ahead, leave a comment asking, "What's a Skinny Cow?" If you don't know, you must not have ever been concerned with your weight IN YOUR ENTIRE LIFE, YOU LUCKY DOGS YOU!

7:10--Okay, I am totally full.
Ate two cups of Barilla Plus Rotini for 6 WW points
1/2 cup of Barilla Tomato and Basil Sauce for 1 point
1 Tablespoon Parma Cheese, another point
Whole Grain Bread--had a lot of this, so made it 4 points (when in doubt, round up!)
Butter--for the bread, 2 points.

And I'm stuffed so I probably will not be needing a Skinny Cow after all.

Total WW point intake today: 19 points

I have three points left over.

I know this is a boring blog post, but keeping track of this today made ME stay on track. I'll try to, I dunno, have an anxiety attack and eat a box of Double Stuff Oreos or something more exciting for tomorrow...


MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

Hey Cee--You are right, 4:00 is when I usually crash and burn. But that is when I will make my bag of Orville Reddenbacker, SmartPop Kettle Pop Corn, 94-percent FF and eat the whole bag for what I call a one-point WW treat.

Happy first day of spring to you too!

Jess Riley said...

I started my new diet yesterday. I dove right in with a vigorous cardio/weight workout (60 minutes of a FIRM tape after a 4 month fitness hiatus) that has left me physically unable to lift a fork to my lips today.

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

Jess, who needs a fork?

Chrissy said...

I had to stop reading at the HBB sentence (hottie-barista-boy) 'cause it made me think of the OTHER HBB--lol!

ok, back to read the rest........

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

Christa, come on. How long have you known me? I'm a pathological liar girlfriend! I have a shitload of laundry.

Can't you interpret sarcasm!??!!? xo

Sugarmama said...

Somehow, I found this fascinating. Wonder what all my points would be for yesterday. There was an incident involving a pint of Ben and Jerry's...