(Please make sure to scroll down past the photos for prize and drawing details.)

If I accidentally missed your photo, please email me right away! : )
Here are the names of the contestants:
Barb of Melbourne who got this whole thing rollin'!
Cathy of Orlando
Robin AbFabGeek
Valerie of Carrollton
Amy of Indianapolis
Kalynne PhD with Nine Kids
Tanya for President
Ryan - Katie Kat's Hubby
Karen - Suburban Correspondent
Sarah H.
Kay - Kay's Simple Life
Beverly - Sauntering Soul
Angie of Canvas
Michele B. - Ground Hog's Day Fan
Kelli H. - All K Names
Kevin H. - All K Names Hubby
Lastel - Unique Creations
Kristin - Kristabella
Jacqui - Dawsonville
Laura H. - Mom to Martha
Martha H. - Daughter to Laura
Stephanie - The Daily Grind
Lisa M. - Orlando
Kim Stag
Donald B. - Zolofan
Jules - Scared O' Needles
Melisa Wells - DOESN'T WANNA WIN : )
Elizabeth W. - Madison
Sammie Banks - Deserves special mention who lives in the UK. Sammie sent me a beautiful email a while back about her regular donations and I just wanted to say thank you to her and her beautiful family! And God bless your little angels!
Here's the prize breakdown:
We are going to be able to draw NINE names to win prizes! And tomorrow, I'm going to the Heartland Blood Center and the ladies there will choose the names, and if all goes well, it will be documented on camera and shown to you via a blog video on Wednesday!
The first name chosen will be the LAST prize winner, and we'll work our way UP to the grand prize winner, announcing that winner LAST! Just like they do that in the Academy Awards. You know, Best Picture, they always wait till your eyes are half glued shut from exhaustion and pure boredom from stupid acceptance speeches, and then at like 11:38 p.m. they'll say, "And now we have the nominees for Best Picture of the Year!"
Yeah, that's how we'll do that tomorrow, just for fun!
Here is the list of prizes --
To be clear, the first name drawn tomorrow will win:
Two movie tix and a coupon for a Baker's Square pie
Second name drawn will win:
Three movie tix and a coupon for a Baker's Square pie
Third name drawn will win:
$10 Target gift card and a coupon for a Baker's Square pie
Fourth name drawn will win:
$15 Target gift card
Fifth name drawn will win:
$15 McDonald's card
Sixth name drawn will win:
$25 Lonestar or Outback and a don8 bl%d t-shirt
Seventh name drawn and the third place prize:
$25 and a don8 bl%d t-shirt
Eighth name drawn and the second place prize:
$50 and a don8 bl%d t-shirt
Last and ninth name drawn and the Grand Prize winner will receive:
$75 and a don8 bl%d t-shirt
Some other lucky donors may receive ice cream, but that's for me to know and you to maybe find out.
MyLHIBug because without this generous Cool-Dad Blogger, we wouldn't have half the awesome prizes we have! Originally, when this contest was conceived, I had thought I could donate $1 per donation. Well, that's not enough to thank you guys, so we decided to try to do one dollar per lives saved, and THEN SOME! So, between MyLHIBug we threw out some extra fun and cash your way so there are lots more prizes originally planned!
And also, Prize Committee Member (we just decided we had a committee like TODAY! LOL) Melissa at Hope for the Hopeless has been instrumental in this contest! She's held her own gig over on her site as well, and teamed up alongside to offer gift cards as prizes at her site and at Manic Mommy's!
We're already dedicated to making this an annual Blog event with major sponsors for next year with loads of fabulous prizes and more fun beginning next January so keep track of what's going on! You won't want to miss out, and what's a pint of blood anyway?
Check back tomorrow for a video featuring the drawing of our nine winners!
And you know, even though this little Manic Contest has rolled to an almost close, there's nothing stopping you but the sleeve that's covering up that arm of yours...
Go out and donate!
You won't believe how good it'll make YOU feel.
More so than that, you won't believe how good it'll make SOMEONE ELSE FEEL!
Catch you all tomorrow!
Peace UP!
Wow, look at all of those beautiful (and handsome) faces! You guys make me proud to have had at least a small part of this...
It was great you donated once, now keep on doing it. Good luck to y'all!!
What a bunch of fanfreakintabulous people!!!
And you're the fanfreakintabulousest of the lot!!
Oh, man, now I feel so guilty - I chickened out on the apheresis and blew off the vampires yesterday.
You all are amazing!!
Thanks for coordinating this, Manic!
ok i feel stupid but whats bakers square pie?
pics are awesome contest is SO very cool!!!
can't wait to see the drawing!
love the t- shirts so very cool.
Hugs and grins
Laura, mom of martha :-)
Did you call E! or the TV Guide channel to show the red carpet show?
How awesome would THAT be?
Check your email, the "prize committee" kicked in a little something extra. :)
I'm a sucker for good causes, and causing trouble.
Have a GREAT AWARDS show!!
DUDE! I never said "I don't wanna win". I ALWAYS want to win.
But (Note: sap alert!) I feel like I've already won in doing the good deed of giving blood...and spending time with you! Bwahahahaha
You are hilarious! (and shy!)
it's true!! you do feel great afterwards. i ♥ giving blood!
manic you are really working hard at this. i thank you!
Wear something slinky on the red carpet. And don't forget the tiara!
Wow! Those are some great prizes and I can't wait to see the video tomorrow!
Peach- Baker's Square Pie is an awesomely delicious dessert. The restaurant is a Chicagoland Specialty.
Manic- My picture isn't on there, but as long as my name is in the drawing, I'm happy. It was a good thing you did by guilting us all into donating. Well except for your BFF Swishy. Needles aren't scary when you don't look at them.
Tanya! Got you up there now!!! So sorry I missed you!!!!
Aww thanks fro your mention hun :) that was sweet. Ooooh AWARDS CEREMONY :D yay haha.
Well Done Everyone for your FABULOUS donations *claps a HUGE round of applause to each and every donor (and those who thought about it, as the thought counts too) *
Sammie Banks x
I love the way you're doing the prize drawing. You're an awesome, fabulous woman and I feel honored to have entered your contest!
Good luck to all of my fellow bleeders!
P.S. I really hope I get one of those t-shirts. My bum is already too big to eat pie.
Oooooh, am I the only one excited for tomorrow's award ceremony? I'll be anxiously awaiting!!!
Okay - duh. Seriously. I thought I was up to date on your blog entirely. Not so much as I just realized TODAY is the award ceremony! GASP!!!! Oooooh, American Idol and awards all in one night! Be still my heart! LOL
OK, I am just to F'ing stupid for this contest. My brain was in that pint.... I've watched the video. It poops out at 1:56 on me. I am not on the the first nine names of the list. Therefore I did not win, yes? OK. Fine by me. Congrats to all the winners. I am still too stupid for words!
Kim we had extra $$ for prizes so there are actually ELEVEN winners...
I apologise in advance for gate-crashing your website, but there is something I think you all should know...Sammie Banks is a fraud..I am a member of a pregnancy forum and she has just been caught out having told numorous lies re. being pregnant with twins and one dying.. she stole somebody elses pictures of a dead baby and 'her bump' and also put these on the pregnancy forum.. she has also been banned from many other pregnancy forums! She also makes out that she is some great charity worker and asks online for donations.
Apologoes again for intruding on your site..but just thought you should know.
Anon, if you can, would you please email me at manicmommy@comcast.net to discuss this? I'd appreciate it very much!
Hi Manic Mommy
I have sent my admin a message re. this situation, asking her whether she would like me to contact you, or whether she would like to take over and mail you herself with further details (she knows a lot more on the situation than I do)
I send you another message/email when I have heard back from my admin.
Kind Regards
I have mailed you
Yes, thank you--i got your email--I am concerned--she has tried to befriend me but never asked for money.
Sammie Banks really is a fake...She is all over Face book now doing the same thing. Please guys contact the local police with your information about her I beg you.
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