Thursday, March 26, 2009

NeW WiFi CoDe: KiLL THe MaN

So, I always lose the WIFI code we need to connect a laptop in our house, cuz we don't have a laptop (YET!) but we borrowed one last night and I had to dig up the code. I then thought it would be a good idea to send a copy of the code to hubby so he would have it in case for when I lose it again.

So of course, it's some gibber-gabber huge code that looks something like this but not really:


And he emails me back asking this:

"Can we change it to something simple like myhubbyishot?"

My reply:

"Why would I want a code admitting that I might shoot you someday?"

Ha Ha. Do you get it?


I kill me!


WeaselMomma said...


AutoSysGene said...

I'll bet you'd never forget that code!

Kristin said...

Nice catch.

Kirsten said...


The Gang's Momma! said...

Fun! I'll bet if you sat still long enough, you could come up with a bunch others to help us less than creative idiots with memorable codes. I'm just sayin'. . .

Jess Riley said...

How about you change it to "Mostadorablebloggerandherentertaininghusband"?

It has a nice ring to it, I think.

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

Ah Jess, I love you! And boy, that would be SO fun to come up with quirky fun things that appear to be different than they are, Gang!

Michelle said...

I like it! I have no idea what our wireless code is. I rely entirely on my husband. That probably isn't a good idea, is it?

So did you find something fun to change it to? My email password when I was in college was ez2remember. It was always so easy to remember it, too.

Michelle said...

btw - the date with Melisa if she didn't get back to you before she left for NYC is Monday April 27. I'm 90% sure :)

Kim Rossi Stagliano said...

Eats Shoots Leaves. (Great book, BTW)