Thursday, February 18, 2010

CoNFiDeNT MoMeNTS oR BeT you THiNK THiS SoNG iS aBouT you

So I’m taking this 6-week course at the Health Club called “Ready Set Action” which is a small group personal training segment that incorporates direction, attitude, motivation, celebration, commitment and support throughout the weeks. The first week kicked my ass, but in a good way. This coming week, tomorrow, we are focusing on attitude and part of our homework assignment is to list ten of our top confident moments of our lives. Easy right? No to the Hell. How do you think through the past 40 years to figure out 10 achievements that were confident moments? When I stopped using diapers? When I picked up a fork for the first time?

So I’ve given it some serious thought, knowing I can’t use “giving birth” as three of my choices, and I thought I’d make myself REALLY accountable and list them here. It’d be fun for you to try it too, if you’d like, and I’d love for you to share some of your achievements in the comments section!

Here’s my list, Ooh, and I’ve just checked and happily, I’ve come up with EXACTLY ten of them! …

And in no particular order, here they are:

1. The first time I took two babies out on my own, one was nine months old, the other a newborn, and then after I had my third child, when I first took my three children out on my own, ages newborn, 2 and not quite 4.

2. Completing my novel, 40 Weeks. Yes, even though it never got published.

3. Securing my agent for my novel, which took a very long and angst-ridden time. It was a great learning experience.

4. Having two successful VBAC births, specifically noting that one awesome push that got my daughter out and the feeling of accomplishment knowing that I had finally done it, after pushing for almost two hours, fearing another C-section was necessary.

5. Landing a job with a 33 percent raise after current boss had told me I didn’t have what it would take to get a promotion within, and telling him I was leaving company.

6. Being sought after for writing jobs on the internet.

7. Making goal with Weight Watchers / Lifetime and losing 60 pounds and being one of Weight Watchers Success Stories on their website.

8. Spearheading/Hosting what I think is the only Virtual Blog for Blood Drive on the Internet and continuing it now for three years, having saved hundreds of lives by doing so. Still time to donate through Feb! GotBlood.

9. Total vanity on this one: Spring Break 1988 and 1989 – my bikini worthy body back then!

10. Walking down the aisle toward my husband in 1993, and upon reaching him, saying over and over, “This is so easy, this is so easy,” and having him tell me to just “Be quiet and enjoy it!”

So what are some of your big confidence-building moments in your life?


Julie said...

I love this!!!

msprimadonna67 said...

You have a lot to be proud of! I would have to say one of my confident moments (besides having my three children, of course) was when I landed a gig as a freelance writer for a few of the standardized tests in a couple of different states. Just the thought of how many sets of eyes see my work (albeit anonymously) makes me feel confident and pretty proud of myself for pursuing that opportunity.

Unknown said...

wow. what a great great list of accomplishments. what a hard question.
I would say 1- having baby e. LOVED the birthing experience -- though was five minutes away from C-section.
2-TPA -- teacher's performance appraisal. I killed it!!!
3- Standing O after high school dance performance--one I almost didn't do b/c of my own insecurities.

those are right off the top...but landing my hubby is up there too:-P
thanks for the list...great accomplishments.
4--having people read and comment on my modest, focus-less blog.

Travis Erwin said...

I'll be giving your blood drive a shout out on my blog today. Check it out if you get a chance.

Kim Rossi Stagliano said...

Great list. Mine are similar. Giving natural childbirth to my kids, taking THREE out (2 w/ autism) and bringing all THREE home (I was terrified I'd forget the baby) my first post on HuffPo, finishing a book and getting an agent. Selling a book. Finishing the book I sold. Watching Age of Autism grow into a very cool site. Weathering unemployment with my husband 3 times and remaining hopeful and married. Moving too many times to count because of unemployment and still being happy. Having one site on the web where I am completely ANON and can have some snarky fun. Speaking of Snark - life would be complete if Miss Snark would return. I still miss her.

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

i love hearing everyone else's accomplishments!

Travis-going to check One Rung out now!

Kim--guess you're not going to tell me where I can find that Anon site!?!?

Mary~Momathon said...

Great blog post! Mine includes birthing my babies without dying - thought I'd scream my head off. Literally. And next month I'm going to hit the 4 year mark for breastfeeding. Yeah, that's right. 4 years of breastfeeding. I can't believe it's true. Took a 4 month break between the kids, but I'm still counting that time since there was still production going on. I might have to blog about that!

LisaSam said...
