Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Strange Word

Look at it. It's weird, isn't it? And what the HELL is it?


I mean, I get the lantern part, but really, who's jack, and is it an Irish sort of pumpkin, with that little 'o thrown in their for good measure?

I guess I could Google it or look it up somehow, but I'd rather you guys tell me about it.

What's the strangest, stupidest, corniest word you know?

And speaking of corny, why the hell is there candy corn? Why is it specific to Halloween? It's not a vegetable. Corn is not orange? I prefer the ones with the brown tips more than the white ones, don't you? Although I'd never buy the stuff purely for the heck of it.


CT said...

This answers the questions about candy corn!

Steve H said...

white tips over brown anytime...

Kari Lee Townsend said...

Jack because they couldn't think of any other name, maybe??? and Candy corn because it's CORNY!!!

And I'm with Hotwire, I like the ones with the white tips. But like Manic, I wouldn't buy them just to buy them.

Trish Ryan said...

Honestly, anytime sugar masquerades as a vegetable, I have to support the effort :)

xxxx said...

LOL, Trish! I've been buying candy corn for the candy dish I have at my desk at work, and it's like the biggest event to hit our office in weeks. EVERYONE has an opinion about candy corn.

Drewpy Drew said...

OK, so you put the candy corn in the dish at work. Hello!! It's the cold and flu season. Every one is putting their germ ridden hands in the communal food bowl. Thanks, but I think I'll pass on the treats.

I didn't blow out the candles on my birthday cake for the same reason.

TTQ said...

Honey and I have finished 3 bags of candy corn so far this season. We are waiting for the County Fair next so we can get sick from Cotton Candy. We just don't learm, it always seems like a good idea

tommy said...

I think it was first utilized during anal sex????

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

Tommy, as in 'getting corn-holed?'

Only you, Tommy, only you!

hahahaha, and look at my word verification:


Rachel said...

I like the marshmallowy type pumpkins over candy corn.

Anonymous said...

I've always wandered about the candy corn too. we dont have it here!! Bugger!!!! as for the jack o lantern perhaps it was a guy named jack who invented it...

I'm with drew swishy a bowl of candy corn on your desk, what if they dont wash after the toilet can you imagine what is in your bowl.... ewwwwwww....


xxxx said...

OK, about the candy corn in the bowl--seriously, there has to be 25 people who come and eat candy out of the bowl, and NEVER has anyone said a word about that. I guess if one of us keels over and dies, we all will.

Anonymous said...

I don't get the whole halloween thing, we really don't have it here at all, I didn't realise you guys start with it so soon! One year some kids came trick or treating though and my mum gave them some lollies, then turned around and told me and brother that we couldn't go cos 'we don't believe in halloween'. This is a VERY typical comment of my mother, hypocrisy is her specialty. Even at age 10 or so I could figure this out, I was so damn pissed that we didn't believe in halloween, yet she gave some kids lollies!!

kim said...

White tips.

Have you ever seen the plant that has flowers that look just like candy corn?