I'm out, heading to celebrate Little Granny's 95th birthday! Whenever I call her, I always say, "Hi Granny, it's your favorite granddaughter!" She has four granddaughters, but she always says, "STEPHANIE!" all happy and excited to hear it's me, her FAVORITE granddaughter!
I told her on the phone the other day what I was going to get her for her birthday. I said, "Granny, I'm going to get you two-carat diamond earrings for your birthday on one condition."
"What's the condition?" she asked.
"You have to will them back to me when you die!"
Aren't I so nice? She did crack up though. Especially cuz if I did get her earrings, that would mean she's also need pierced ears! Haha! My little Granny, so cute.
She's my little Schnickelpuss! (Pictures of Little Granny taken last November, 2006 -- Isn't she a spirited little gal?)
Hope your Fourth of July is spectacular!
Peace UP!
Manic Mom
That's a cool post! Happy Fourth of July!
aww Manic..Granny is so lucky to have as her favorite grand daughter!!! Have a great 4th!
i love grannies...everyone last one of them...
I love that picture so much!!! Your Granny looks like the cutest ever. I miss my Granny so much, we had a relationship very similar. Enjoy, Enjoy, Enjoy!!! As I know she does, time with her favorite granddaughter!! Perfect Post for today!!!
Happy Birthday to your beautiful, slender Granny! She's lovely. I miss my Grandma Yoli!
What a cute granny!! I love the relationship and fun you have with her. I'm sure you ARE her favorite granddaughter!
She looks spunky!
95th! Woo hoo! Happy Birthday to your gran!
Manic, that pic of you with your granny is priceless. Love it! She looks like one spirited gal. Happy 95th to her!
She is sooo cute!
A real gem. Lucky you.
Cooooooooome baaaaaaaaack!!!
I am back.
So cute, MM! My own g-mom is 93 and chugging along too. Hope you had fun!
God bless Granny at 95!
MM, are you on myspace? Did you see the bulletin I sent out about Pat/Lottery/contest?
So cute. :) 95! Amazing.
I have a cute granny just like your cute granny. Only mine turned 100 in February! And, I might add, she's still damn funny. Cracks me right up, she does.
Oh slouching mom! 100! I don't think my little granny wants to celebrate a centennial! Whoa! Great for her!
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