Friday, April 18, 2008

The Mighty Octave

In our family, we celebrate birthdays eight days prior and eight days after ones’ birthday. Well, not really ‘celebrate,’ more like acknowledge. Say if Tukey is in the potty and needs a wipe, and is yelling, “Mooo-oooom!” at the top of his lungs, and it’s still ‘within my octave,' which happened this morning, I can defer to Mr. Manic and use the OCTAVE card and say, “You go wipe.” And he has to. So that’s how we use up our Octave card.

So, it’s still ‘within my Octave.'

But how is it that I am sick as a dog, and Mr. Manic has left this a.m. for a weekend of golf and drinking and manly men stuff and I’m going to be here with three kids, three soccer games, and one basketball practice tomorrow? How does that add up? Yo no se. That’s Spanish for “I don’t know.” Yes, I am fluent. In that one sentence.

And yes, I am delirious, as you will soon discover in the youtube video I will shamefully share with you. I must love you to show you how disgusting I look in real sickly life.

Speaking of real life, WE HAD AN EARTHQUAKE LAST NIGHT! And I had to laugh because my bed was shaking ALL OVER THE PLACE and it was the one night Mr. Manic was NOT IN IT WITH ME! I tell you, I was a’twittering! Before bed last night, he asked, very sweetly, “Don’t take this the wrong way…”

I thought he was gonna bitch about laundry or the kitchen or how no dinner was prepared and then I was gonna let him have it—


But he simply asked,

“Should I sleep in the other bedroom tonight?”

YES! YES! YES!!!!!!

Of course, this was supposed to be generous on his part, to give me a good night’s rest, but really, he just didn’t want to catch the HIV from me so he can have his fun getaway this weekend.

Digression is a terrible thing to waste, and I am so doing it here, so I will try to speed things along, but keep in mind, I am ill! T-SHIRT WINNER:

I had to do it the old fashioned, by myself way because I’m sick and couldn’t do a fun video, but the winner, and you’ll just have to trust that I’m honest here, cuz I am! …
The winner of the t-shirt is:


I've always loved Morning Light Mama cuz just look at her profile picture! She's smiling surrounded by all those kids with some kinda unhappy faces. Yet she still sees the joy in parenthood! Yay Morning Light Mamma!

Thanks to the awesome owners of who so generously donated the t-shirt for this prize. If you're looking for a perfectly appropriate gift for a fun mom friend of yours, they've got a great selection of tees that will fit any type of mom in your life! Check 'em out! Perfect for Mom's Day gifts, birthday gifts, or just because you're a cool mom gifts!

And the non-mom winner, who will be getting some fun delightful "Targetty" package from me is:

DeeMarie at MY LIFE IN A NUTSHELL! which I think is cool because I do believe she is a fairly new blogger!

So fabulous ladies, please email me at and I’ll fill you in with details on how you can claim your prizes!

And, MT, you are still holding as the winner of You’re a Good Mom contest for the Febreeze way of cleaning your clothes, but if I don’t hear from you by Friday, April 25, I’ll be forced to give the prize to someone else, so if you can, please contact me! Are you such a SLACKER MOM you don’t even read the blogs you enter contests on to see if you’ve won!?!?! That just further guarantees you are the Ultimate Slacker MOM!

Other birthday news, cuz it’s still my OCTAVE—

Here are some photos from my PRE-Octave fab dinner out with the wonderful Michelle, Dawn, and Mimi...

The four of us at dinner. This is the EXACT same booth that Julia Roberts and George Clooney dined in! So we are the second batch of celebrities to eat at this table! Ha!

Flirty boy Andre with Michelle and Mimi. Where are his hands!?

Flirty boy Andre with Dawn and Manic. Where are Manic's hands?!

Just Another Tequilla sunrise! I wear my sunglasses at night! Why are they wearing sunglasses?
Yummy food:
Yummy food:
Not Yummy food--this is actually GUM UNDER THE TABLE--YUCK!!!

I also got great prezzies from neighbors and friends—flowers and candles and candle holders and a gift pack of the WORLD’S BEST SALSA, POINTS FREE!, and bookstore gift cards. And a package arrived from the fab Kim Stagliano yesterday and take a look at the most disgusting Manic Mommy as I open a wonderful and completely unexpected gift from awesome Kim!

But I have to say, the best gift is the one I got from my mommy:

MY MOMMY DONATED BLOOD AND DIDN'T TELL ME, then she mailed me photos! Is THAT not the coolest thing EVER!

Thank you MOMMY! What a great birthday present!!! (She said my dad was too chicken. He faints a lot around needles, but he means well. Daddy, that's OK, you can just send me a check (one that's FILLED OUT!)

Now, I’m anxiously awaiting the bus so I can schlep my kids off to a neighbor’s so I can redeem a lengthy nap to get rid of this sickness and try to get well.
Peace UP and prayers for our little friend, who has had the tumor removed and is recovering in the hospital.


Kim Rossi Stagliano said...

Your Mom is beautiful! Feel better.

And that nifty vase is from Southern Living at Home. I used to sell the line. Beautiful stuff!


March2theSea said...

Well hope you feel better soon..and get your revenge by taking a long weekend with the ladies..that should be at LEAST 6 can tell him you NEED to do it for your "art" (aka this blog)

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

oH, I'M mad! I TRIED to leave a comment on my own freaking blog and it won't let me!

I said thanks to kim for saying my mom is beautiful, and I love the vase and am admiring it right now as it is stuffed with nine toothbrushes! LOL

And then I told March that I get the next two weekends off--one for a writer's conference, and the next one for when Diva and I go visit my sister where we will attend my niece's b'day party--a Hannah Montana/High School Musical party--Do you wanna come!?!? hahaha

AlaneM said...

Ewwww, being sick is the pits!
I hope you feel better soon!!

Oh, and I love the octave thing...might have to institute that in my household!

Amanda said...

God bless the birthday Octave - our house loves it!

You know you really can tell that's your mum - and I bet you're really alike too.

Hope you're all better by now seeing as I've been away for a bit due to my mum visiting (she gets cranky if she's not entertained!!)

morninglight mama said...

Thanks so much, Steph, for running these fantastic contests. You've made my day today! :)

I do hope you're feeling better soon! A mom being sick is no fun for anyone. Hope the nap was enjoyable!

Michelle said...

I love the wrapping paper Kim used, too! Very girlie. Cool vase, too. Gotta love people who love you. And send you rocking presents!

And the whole birthday octave thing... that's a concept I may have to steal.

Feel better soon -- and enjoy the weather while we have it!

B. said...

Being sick AND having to go to a gyno appointment=double whammy! Get well soon.

Billie Wages said...

Manic, give your mommy a great big THANK YOU and hug from me for her blood donation. I am receiving my blood product as we speak. That makes her very special to me.

Get to feeling better soon, or I'll have them put you in a bed down the hall from me! Ha! Ha! Just Kidding!!!

Ragdoll Billie

As Cape Cod Turns said...

Hope the double shot of Nyquil helped you out! You are a brave or really sick woman to video yourself in your "condition". Feel better!

Moll said...

I'm sorry you're sick, but seriously? Best video ever! I loved you snapping your fingers, "Focus." Awesome.

Kim Rossi Stagliano said...

In honor of the birthday Octave, I am announcing the new and improved "Birthday entire keyboard." That's 186 days before your birthday and 186 days after your birthday. Add the two numbers and you may notice the total is more than a year. In this manner, you celebrate the SAME birthday forever. Voila! Why didn't I think of this 5 years ago when I was Manic's age? DOH!

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to start off by saying how much I enjoy you. You are funny,clever,sweet and endearing.But Manic please don't joke about HIV. It simply is not funny.
Thank you.

Texasholly said...

Oh I hope things get better. ugh. I nearly fell off my seat laughing at the "Digression is a terrible thing to waste" TRUE!

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

Oh Jenn, I am sorry. And I knew it. I JUST KNEW IT as I was writing it. As soon as I wrote it I thought to myself. BAD THING TO WRITE. SOMEONE's GOING TO GET MAD AT ME FOR WRITING THAT.

I need to listen to that little voice in my head that tries to stop me but doesn't stop me in time. Please consider that faux pas because I am not feeling well and that little voice in my head was overruled.

This isn't the same person who wrote about the xanax comment is it?

Anyway, I did hesitate for a second when I wrote it but didn't not write it. I don't mean it when I write that stuff, I would hope by now readers understand it's my warped sense of humor and that readers get that about me and can override that and know that my joking is not me being insensitive.

Eileen said...

I love that your mum donated blood. Hope you feel better soon. I've got walking pneumonia so I feel your pain. I don't know why they call it walking when all I want to do is lay in bed.

Anonymous said...

I know Manic,I know.Believe me I debated for a while whether I sould say anything at all.In the end I had to.I'm writing my disortation on serodiscordant couples and I'm sensitve to anythign AIDS related.Please know I love you still and always will,we all say things we want to take back the minute we say them.You are a love.No worries
P.S. I'm not the Xanax lady.

Grandmother Goddess of the Garden said...

Hope you're feeling better soon!


Grandmother Goddess of the Garden said...

By the way, we have bizarre family birthday rituals also...and allow ourselves "unbirthdays"! Kendra

Jules said...

That was your MOM giving blood?!!! I thought she was your sister!!

Get well really soon! :)

Anonymous said...

Cyber chicken soup to you. A steaming hot mug of it...w/ goldfish crackers.

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

Jenn, it's all good. I feel the love, and I'll watch my Ps and Qs from here on out!

Kendra--LOVE YOU! Here I am bitching about a freaking cold with what all YOU have been going through! You are a GODDESS! Everyone, go over to Kendra's blog and give her some cyber love, Seriously, you'll get it back ten-fold!

Jules-you are officially my mom's new best friend. Yep, that's my mom!

Greta--I can't tell you how much cyber chicken soup means to me! Last night I was whining to Ajers--"But you don't understand! My mom's not here to take care of me! To make me soup, to put a cold cloth on my head, to bring me cranberry and gingerale (my sick-drink-of-choice!)... I had Panera Chicken soup two nights in a row, and btw, Ajers said, "But mom, you're just SO BORING when YOU'RE SICK!"

No shit! So leave me the hell alone so I can get better so I can be non-boring mom again!!!

Thanks for all the happy thoughts guys!

Amanda said...

I may be showing my ignorace here but what is a serodiscordant couple?

Anonymous said...

Amanda you are not ignorant.
A serodiscordant realtionship is one where one partner is HIV positive and the other is HIV negative.
Hope this helps.

Kelli said...

Yummy food. I wish I could wear sun glasses always, but then you cant always see! Happy day

Tanya said...

Birthday octave, thats a totally great idea.

I'm glad I'm not the only person who likes to take pictures of dinner.

The earthquake was totally fun.