Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Wow. I am just sad. *Edited ...

This blogger friend's house burned to the ground on Sunday.

John Travolta's son has died. Which has me just walking around completely and utterly stunned and saddened.

People are in desperate need of your life-saving blood.

Happy New Year? Is it?

Can you help make it better? Please donate. Call your local blood center.

And ALSO, this enthusiastic Mom Blogger makes me happy!
Go Michelle at My Semblance of Sanity!! Check her out here! She makes everybody happy!


MaBunny said...

Gosh Manic, it saddens me that I cannot donate blood due to some medicine that I have been on in the past. However, I have a huge shout out to you and a link back to your virtual blood drive post on today blog post. Hope all is going well:)

Michelle Kemper Brownlow said...

Well, my goodness, thanks!
I am blushing...and praying for those you posted about.
You are a good person...a manic one...and a good one.
May God bless you for all the work you do!

Anonymous said...

I also can't donate blood b/c I am pregnant. I am trying to talk my boyfriend into it, though :) It's really great that you do this blood drive.

Kim Rossi Stagliano said...

TWO houses, Manic. A Backspacer in Canada lost her house and all her book research in a fire in December. It's so important to reach out to people. We've had our ups and downs (OK, I'm still waiting for the ups, but I'm damn sure they're coming.) and so many people have reached out to us. We even had Christmas elves leave goodies at our door! We're nothing if we don't help eachother. Send Travis an Amazon Card - buy a brick for his new house. Find a red kettle and fill it. Give blood. The world needs some love. It sure does. Betty Confidential did pick up the quote you got from me = thanks. Jett - too sad and no one should second guess the parents - unless it Britney Spears.....

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

Kim. two houses??? Wow... and I did send Travis a brick! I was very bummed about that one.

Travis Erwin said...

Thanks Manic. This entire experience has been easier to bear thanks to the support of friends around the globe. My entire family is grateful.