The Loot!

I received a lot of stuff when I attended BlogHer '09 from all of their terrific sponsors! So much stuff in fact, that I want to pay it forward and share some of it with you!

More Loot

This awesome prize package contains all of the following --
~A Go Girl for all your traveling peeing needs

~My Tiara
~My personal Boa
~Mouse Pad
~Mary Kay case
~Paula Deen signed Walmart bag - yes, she TOUCHED it!

~$20 Starbucks gift card, thanks to Maris at Edelman

~Nintendo DS Guitar Hero - ONLY because at the time I wasn't aware that my kids owned one and the fabulous Jessica Gottlieb GAVE it to me because she is just so sweet and nice!

~Baby Food
~2 pairs of baby girl leggings - they're really cute!
~Laundry detergent samples
~Lotion samples from Nature's Baby Organics
~Pop Rocks - YES the candy!
~M&Ms from Mamarazzi, and the fabuloso "menoblogger" Poppy!
~SpiderMan activity book
~Power bars from Starbucks
~Rubby Ducky (cuz you're the one!)
~Water Bottle
~Mr. Potoato Head
~Sock Grippers
~Disney Pins
~Coupon for Angus Burger at McD's
~Coupon for Free spaghetti sauce from Ragu
~Skin Care products
~Two Precious Girls Club book
~Apple sauce
~Hanes Socks
~Official Wiener Mobile t-shirt

~Sprouts Wiggles CD
~Hanes T-Shirt Bag
~Cute pedometer
~Recyclable cute bags
~Handy little purse hanger
~Individual coffee samples
~Individual water beverage mixes
~A wine basin to hold everything!

In order to qualify to win, please leave a comment, (with an identifying name, no anonymous please! - just make sure I have your name and a way to reach you) and tell me why you think you should get the goods? Also, if you win, you HAVE to promise to put on the wiener t-shirt, the boa and tiara and send me a picture.
Sorry, if you don't live in the U.S. you can't play - it would cost me a shitload to send it all to you (special sorry to Amanda who is so awesome she sent me English biscuits that ROCKED!). Also, my family members can't play either. Nanny nanny boo boo.
Have at it. I'll choose a winner next week. Not sure if I'll go random or if one of your answers particularly strikes me, or if I'll have a guest blogger choose a winner, so stay tuned!

read about this on twitter just now. I'll toss my hat in to the ring.
Why do I deserve to win this? Ummm I am going to my mother in laws wedding on the 16th of is out doors, alcohol free AND we are driving (if we are lucky 12hrs). Just figured that might push me over the edge...and as long as the t-shirt fits over my man boobs I'll def take a picture.
-Todd (aka March)
Why do I deserve to win this? I don't really, but I just wanted to tell you how cool I thought it was that you were giving away all your blogher swag!
I would totally rock the wiener shirt, tiara, boa and throw on some heels for good measure. Self-portrait will be included. Fun!
Oh mah holy hell......
I should win...because I wasn't at BlogHer (it would be kind of sad if I had been though, and was all up in your blog trying to score MORE free crap, huh?). So yea, wasn't there. And I have a two month old. And a two-and-a-half-year-old. And a sixteen-year-old. I need free goodies. Plus? Tomorrow? A root canal. C'mon now!
I'd love to snag some swag.....for me and my family, especially for my darling Nicole, my 2 1/2 year old granddaughter. I promise to put on the T-shirt and take a picture to send you.
Why should I win the goods? You can drive to my house or I to yours or meet in the middle and it would save you postage! Convenient being next to your town.
Very creative and super fun idea! I think I should win this giveaway because I am getting married in October, and can use everything I can get! With these lovely prizes, there would be no need to register! You may think, hmmm getting married but I bet you're not a mom so why would you want Mr. Potato Head and Play-Doh...well adults get bored too! Plus I have lots of very cute nephews that would go wild for these awesome goodies. Oh more thing, I may not be completely sane by my wedding day because my sisterzilla is driving me mad, Play-Doh can totally be a stress reliever right??
OMG, a go girl? I'm so afraid to ask just exactly how you use that...I can just see myself squatting in my car aiming for a little plastic tube...yikes, I can't even hit the little plastic cup they give you at the doctors office.
I can't believe how much stuff was given must have been like know with 1500 guests and lots of estrogen...and don't forget the alcohol!!
I'm glad you had a fun time.
I think I should win because it's been a rough 14 months without my soldier and now it's rough getting used to having him home. We've been doing a lot of camping, fishing, hiking and I really need to get a go girl so I can quit peeing on my foot. AND if I win you can just give it to me when I have to have be the only fat girl in my best friends wedding on the 16th in your neck of the woods! BONUS! Save on postage!! And because I'm just cool enough to rock the wiener shirt, boa and tiara. Oh I could wear it at the way fancy wedding reception! Or not.
Pick me pick me pick me!
Michelle! I can't believe he's HOME!!! YAY FOR YOUR FAMILY!!
Hi Steph!
I would love to win this mega prize! I think I deserve to win because I promise to share my good fortune!
Thanks for doing such a great give away!
Wow! Yes, I will wear the t-shirt, boa and tiara. Then my daughter will wear the t-shirt, boa & tiara. TWO pictures!
Why do I deserve to win? Oh my, my Snow Day Box, Summer is too hot to go outside box, and Mommy is about to loose it if you don't find something quiet to do box will be stocked for months to come.
Thanks for this awesome give away.
I don't think I should win anything, but if I did win, I would totally use the Go Girl everyday just for fun. In my own toilet. Just to freak my kids out. Maybe I'd even bring it to the park, so I don't have to leave the playground, just go behind a tree like the preschool boys do.
Yes, perhaps I took that joke one step too far... into crazy bum lady territory...
I should win this because I need some good news right now after the news I got yesterday about my sweet baby boy (why is it that everything bad happens all in the same day?)
WOWZA! That's alotta stuff!!!! :) I should win because I could use pretty much all of it! :) I've never ever won anything before either so let's start now! :) I'd totally send of pic of the shirt, tiara and boa on me! How fun would that be?!?! Awesomely fun!
I can't beLIEVE you're giving away the tiara and your purple boa. I'm so sad :)
You got some way cool stuff that I totally missed out on. I wish I could take just some of it -- the purse thingie? I SOOOO am lusting after one of those. And the Playdough and crayons? Hello school supply list. Oh, and I worked until 10:22pm, and I hate my life :)
That t-shirt though? It rocks. I would so wear that. With the boa and tiara. In public.
Plus, if you gave me some of it, you could save on postage ;)
Why do I deserve to win the loot? Because I so kindly sent you on hikes in Yellowstone that were sure to tone up your bum. :-)
welllll I should probably win because I'm 8 months pregnant and therefore haven't had a delicious stout cocktail in 8 months (and I can't wait to get this kid out of me very soon and enjoy a white Russian or a martini or really anything I haven't been able to have!) And if I win, I'll definitely rock the weiner shirt over my huge belly and send you a photo!
I want to win because I LOVE free stuff! And winning swag will make me feel like a real celebrity and not just a celebrity in my own head. I will put on the boa and the tiara (which I CAN'T believe you are really giving away!!!) and give a royal queenly wave and totally send you a pic. So pick me.
I think I deserve to win all of this fun and cool stuff, because I'm a fun and cool Mom. And becasue I'd share with my kiddo and co-workers if I won. That way the winning would be spraed around!
And not only would I take a picture in the shirt, boa and tiara, i'd let you post it for the whole world to see!
Why should I win? Because I just found out that I will be out of work for 2 weeks instead of 1 after my surgery and I could use something to cheer me up. Oh, and I love Starbucks, but my daily stops are starting to add up. And the reusable bag that Paula Deen signed - my neighbors would love that. Of course I would have to share my winnings with co-workers, neighbors (and their kids) and my little girl too. Baby food and leggings! AWESOME!
Besides I'm local and would gladly stop by to take these items off your hands.
And finally...I look great in a tiara and feather boa - and I'm sure I would look even better with that weiner shirt to top off my outfit. I would gladly take a picture so you can post it here, twitter and facebook. And I will of course, post it on my site (and Twit/Face) too.
I would luv all that stuff. I am a special ed teacher and I give prizes to the kids when they behave. I will wear everything all day to school and have pictures taken with the kids! Would make me quite popular! Thank you for doing this! Fun!!
I should win this because I have so many friends who would love some of these things so I could feel not greedy keeping the rest. ;) And I'm not afraid of a tiara and feather boa--and that Weinermobile shirt is so freaking cute!
I was going to leave a totally witty comment explaining exactly why I deserved your treasure trove of free crap when I wondered just what in the hell I was thinking? Although the randomness of items {might} keep my four kiddos occupied for hmmmmm....shall we say aprox. 27 minutes.....what would I do with the stuff when the novelty wore off? So....this is exactly why I DON'T want your shitload of free fun as it all looks.
P.S I SO totally hope my reverse pyschology is working on your psyche right this very minute. Give me the free stuff NOW!
I love your blog and would love to get all of that swag. My name is Stephanie and I teach ESL Kindergarten in an inner city school in Houston, TX and I am also very active in my church. I would go through all of the stuff, give the kinder appropriate stuff to my kids at school, donate anything else useful to my church's donation center, and then keep the totally awesome, cool, and amazing stuff for myself. I would not only wear the shirt, boa, and tiara, I would wear them to school and tell my class all about you and show them everything you gave to me to share with them.
Thanks for your hilarious blog, pick me, pick me, and my sweet class.
I would really like all this blogher loot :) I don't really deserve it other than the fact that it would make probably every member of my family happy and I'd really like to have it :) Please pick me!!!
Valerie G from GA
Well if Courtney is pulling the preggo card, so. am. I!
She didn't say which number baby this is for her though. For me, this is baby #4 (girl #2), and quite obviously I need something else to do for entertainment since sex has such sizable side effects!
And the word verf? gaggl - as in, I will have a gaggl of kids in a few weeks.
I think I should win b/c I think the weiner shirt is awesome! I will send you a picture of myself in it! I will even get my two weiner dogs in the picture too!! :)
Certainly, there are a myriad of other just as (if not more) deserving of this wonderful gift. However, I will be turning 30 in a few weeks and this giveaway would be the perfect way to ring in my thirties. Plus, I LOVED the Oscar Mayer wiener song growing up. 'Oh I wish I were an Oscar Mayer wiener...'
Let's see...all these answers are good, but I'm going to be honest. Totally honest. I'm going to hoard it away and gift it to my kids for some of their Christmas/birthday loot. And the shirt would go to my BFF cuz she'd rock it better than me. But best of all, the WalMart Paula Deen bag would go to my crazy mother. And it would be used EVERY DAY....she's crazy like that.
I would love to win all of this very cool stuff because we just moved into a new house in June and my kids had to get rid of a lot of their stuff before we moved. This would be such a great surprise especially since they are starting in a brand new school! Plus I think the t-shirt is awesome!
--Katy (Robert is my hubby!)
I would love to win and deserve it because I have 5 kids and they are on my last nerve (well, except for Simon my youngest) about I'm boooored... What can I dooooooooo?
Is school about to start PLEASE??
I want to win because, well, I think you rock. fo realz. :)
***Do I get points for brown nosing? teehee
I should get this loot, Manic! Why? I have less than eight weeks left (at the most) until I deliver these twins and I'm going to need things to occupy my 3yo and 4yo while I'm in the hospital, etc. Plus, I pee A LOT and could use that Go Girl rather dicreetly, if you know what I mean.
I need your help, Manic, and you're the only one who can do it for me.
I would like to enter for the Weinermobile Shirt because I would totally wear it to a family function. And take a pic of me in it.
I promise to split the swag with family and friends and share the wealth.
I was at BlogHer, but your stuff is WAY cooler than what I got.
hey remember me... i think i should win b/c i helped you with your tag line.....i thought up there's a method to her manic !!!
I would love to win this loot giveaway! I am no more deserving then anyone else but I would LOVE to win!! I would also be willing to pose and send you a photo.
Wow, what a haul you got there. My husband looked at my screen, and said, "what's that?". When I told him it was a giveaway, he said "well, get it!!". It was really cute.
In a house with two girls, one boy, and another boy on the way, we could make use of a good portion of that stuff. Plus, whose kids don't love getting packages and getting to go through and pick out the fun stuff.
The picture might have to wait until I have the baby, or maybe I could talk my oldest daughter into posing for me.
And in our house, anything we can't use definitely has a good home. My son is in a special needs classroom, and we pass on "extras" when we have them. I promise nothing would go to waste.
Look what you did...I got inspired and started my very own blog! yay me!
Hi Manic! What a GREAT bunch of stuff!... In your spirit of Paying it Forward.... I deserve to win because I will PAY IT ALL FORWARD!!!!... In case you do this randomly - I wanted to get in on the action and Pay it ALL Forward to Brandy, who is now known as "Rebel with a Diaper Bag" who's epiphany was/is hysterical and sooooo on the mark!... And your giveaway launched another BlogHer!
Good Luck with your selection process!!!!... Lots of deserving folks!
Why do I deserve to win?? Because after being laid off for SIX FREAKIN MONTHS I finally have a job!! WOOOOO!!! And, every woman should own a Weiner Mobile shirt.
Why should I win this? Um...Really, I'd be happy with just the Spiderman book, because my son LOVES superheroes. So, I guess I should win because I don't want much. :-)
I deserve to win because the only thing I have ever won in my whole life is a set of hot pads from the VFW Bingo game I was forced to partake in by my nazi parents when I was 8. Oh and because I love Play-Dough, Mr. Poato Head and applesauce and so does my daughter so can both benefit from this and her first win can be a lot better then mine.
I would REALLY like to win all this loot! I don't really deserve it for any particular reason other than I just had a baby and it would make me happy :)
I don't think I really deserve it per say, but I'd really like to win it. I would love to attend a BlogHer, but just never seem to get the chance. Maybe next year!
Holy Freaking Moly! That is a lot of stuff! I deserve to win that stuff because I am a mom of 4 kids and get up every day and promise to do my best. There may be days that I fail, and want to quit but in the end, I know it's worth it! :-)
That would be so cool!
I deserve to win...uh... because I'm awesome and will forward some of it to family members/friends??
Hello... first time here.. heard about this from another Blogger... Why do I think I should win this? lets see, my husband and I are getting ready to become foster/adoptive parents very soon.. we don't have any children and from the looks of the pictures, this would be so much fun to share with our foster child/children. I would also share my winnings with other foster parents in my area. That way the children will have something nice and new they can have.
WOW! I should win b/c I have FIVE KIDS to keep entertained while I'm away at school this semester! I'm going back to school - after years of being 'stay at home mom' and getting a degree to go into social work! :) I deserve it!
(you're pretty cool too!)
I feel like I'm writing an essay like I was in the 5th grade again. "I think I deserve to win because...." Well, due to my lack of creativity at the moment, I'll just say that even though I'm the mom of twin three-year-olds, I probably don't deserve to win it any more than all these other awesome parents who read your blog. I'll just say that I sure wouldn't mind winning it, because that would give me some fun stuff to check out and share with my kids, my brother and his kids, my friends and their kids, etc. :) Thanks for the offer on your blog!!!
Katie L. (
I would love to win this. We are having a silent auction for our local shelter and would love to donate some of this stuff for that!
I would love to win this. We are having a silent auction for our local shelter and would love to donate some of this stuff for that!
How cool are you to be giving all this away! I would share a lot of this and use the rest to make a basket for the animal rescue organization "Pup Squad" that I volunteer with. They are having a fundraiser in Sept and really could use raffle items.
I would love to win this!
I don't know if I deserve to win anymore than anyone else, but here goes my reason:
I really wanted to go to BlogHer this year! I've been blogging for over a year now, and was looking forward to meeting all these great bloggers face to face.
But God blessed me with a pregnancy! So I stayed home instead...
I hope to make it next year, but the free swag would put a smile on my face!
Saw this on twitter...why do I deserve this? because I'm a completely exhausted stay-at-home--very-part-time-lawyer-homeschooling mom of two little diet-coke-stealing girls. This will be a great bright spot to my day and thrill me since I've NEVER won anything...except for a makeover by F&M when I was about 16. Thanks! Amy at
Hmm lets see why do i deserve to win this..I think i deserve to win this because my husband is overseas my sister in law is overseas and so is her husband so guess where that leaves me??? Pulling my hair out!Only because i have my son age 7 my nephew age 7 (my son and my nephew are only 8 hours apart in age) my niece age 6 and my other niece age 2 here living with me with no other family members close by its me and the kids all day EVERYDAY!This would surely entertain them for 5 mins so i could go pee since i'm pregnant that is a huge priority in my life right now lol..
If by chance i happen to win contact me at Thanks so much!
i found your blog via dawn's (because i said so) post on facebook/twitter! you are being very generous with all your swag.
why should i win this? well, i am a teacher for students with special needs, and i am a graduate student, so i am very busy and never get time to do fun things like blogher (although i think i would like it!). another reason i think i should win is that i will pay it forward! whatever i am unable to use, i will gift to others who can or save to donate to different charities.
i would definitely don the shirt, boa & tiara for a photo shoot :)
Becky D. (my blog is linked up there and you can reach me that way)
Wow! It would be cool to win because I couldn't afford to go to BlogHer. =)
I deserve to win because I spent the day with a 3 yr old puking on me and all over my bed and it would really cheer me up.
Whoo lady, I see stuff that would keep my 3 kids(soon to be 4) rocking.. Plus hubby would love the 'I love weiner's shirt' we can all guess where he'd go with that.. With the tiara and boa along with it, he'll have to call me princess first.
I'm throwing my name in the hat. I would so wear the t-shirt,boa & tiara to the first day of school just to embarass the crap out of my kids! A few of the goodies would keep my 4 1/2yo busy. And the rest I would share with the folks at the nursing home where stepdaughter's grandma is. They'd love some goodies!
I don't deserve this anymore than anyone else (but there are some really good stories here!) but I'll thrown my name in anyway......this would go a long way in continuing to spoil my nieces and nephew! I AM the greatest aunt in the world!!
P.S. - Hoping that anon is ok since I've given you a way to contact me!
P.S.S. - I could save you postage and meet you locally if I win!
I would love to surprise my eight kids (ages 14-5 months)with all of the goodies - it looks like there's something for every age! And I definately promise to send a pic with me wearing the shirt, boa, and tiara (I think all mom's should wear a tiara everyday!) Maybe it would inspire me to get my blog going - I've been staring at a blank page, trying to figure out how to get started!
How fun! With all of the kids that come through my house on a regular basis, we'd have a ton of fun with this stuff (would have really come in handy last week when I had 7 kids for 5 hours....and only 2 of them were my own! lol).
I can't say I deserve to win but I do deserve the tiara! I live in a household of men! Even the dog is male! Plus, I could share alot of the stuff with my two sisters! They have a bunch of kids (The older one has grandkids!) and not much money but they were really awesome helping me out when my son developed cancer. They rocked! I might also have to put the shirt, boa and tiara on my pug for a pic!
I don't deserve to win. In fact, I think I am still in some weird Karmic retribution stage and winning might upset the balance. Seeing as how my car and my AC unit were stolen, your package would only get lost in the mail. Kind of like my chart at the doctor's office.
I should stop typing before your BLOG turns blue or something.
Why do I deserve to win this? Because if I did, my wife would freak out and love me even more than usual.
I don't know about "deserving" to win, but I do know that games and tshirts and little girl items would all be appreciated... game would go to Daddy, who is deployed; tshirt would stay with Mommy, and baby/child stuff would be used with our little angel.
How to get ahold of me? Best way is to email me at: =)
Wow....Deserve to win. That's a tough one. I am a mom who works full time, runs her household, does ALL the cleaning and laundry, and I am a full time student trying to make it in the big bad world after being out of school for 10 years (Eeeekkkk!). I don;t think I deserve more then what I have right now but damn it, for once it would be nice getting something I did not have to bust my hump to get!
Reach me at
I think it's so sweet of you to do this! But I don't want to win. It's an amazing prize package, but if I did win, I would just donate most of it to the local Head Start or hospital play area or something. My kids are so frigging spoiled! But, I would LOVE the weiner shirt! Can't you take that out and have people bid on it? With the tiara included? COME ON!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!
You all still have time to enter. I think I have to do a RANDOM drawing because all of these answers are so incredible and you are all so deserving!
Does the Paula Deen bag come with a few sticks of "buttah" inside?
I would so wear the wiener shirt, boa, and tiara . . . to church. AND I'm the pastor's wife.
Wow, this is some crazy stuff.
Why do I deserve to win? Okay, let's see--I've had a crazy rough year. In February, I woke up to discover I was missing giant pieces of my eyesight, spent weeks in the hospital, and diagnosed with a crazy bizarre eyesight condition, so i'm still missing some of my eyesight( had to relearn to use a computer). I'm still sick and probably going to the mayo clinic to get diagnosed. I can't go back to school so i spent my time entering contests on the Internet (i'm 27 and a grad student). And I will put the stuff on but you have to promise not to publish my last name or show my face;-)
Would love to win the swag!
Niki @
I deserve to win this because my husband has been unemployed FOR A FREAKIN' YEAR! 'Nuff said...
I'm a mom of three - 10th grade, 8th grade, and 1st grade. I also teach preschool, substitute teach, AND volunteer in a leadership position at all three schools each of my children attends. I could put everything in that swag to good use in one way or another. The feather boa and tiara - my dd would love to see me in it, then want it for herself to be a cute 1st grade princess. My teenage boys would love to use the Guitar Hero. The rest - split among me and my kids, my preschool class (teaching 2 year olds this year for the first time in a LONG time). I think this would be an awesome prize to win!
WHy should I win because I have said "I have hit my limit" way too frequently to my 4 year old and her playmates, and my husband this summer. (Apparently the 6 month old is the only one in the clear.) The loot would give me more to occupy the time of my daughter and all the neighbor kids ranging in age from 3-7... and the 30 year old father. I can think of all the laughter we might share playing with some of this stuff. And if not, then they can all just laugh at me when I get loopy enough and proudly wear the weiner shirt, tiara AND boa... out in public. Oh, I would totally do it. And I have a cute pair of baby legs to put those baby leggings on :) (not my legs, my baby's)
And what we couldn't use we would pass on to other desparate mothers during these last few weeks of summer down here.
WHy I should win: I should win because even though my job was automated and I was just laid off I am thinking of it as a mini vacation. I am spending time being a stay at home single mom. School can not start soon enough so I can get back to work, as that is the plan - get a job as soon a possible, no living off the government for me :) This gift would definately help with my 2 nephews birthdays that are coming up soon. Anything that I could not use would be paid forward to charity organizations as I believe if you give to others even when you have nothing if will come back ten fold.
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