Wednesday, September 05, 2007

I'm Scared...

But I'm putting it out there, and my agent said it was OK to do, so here it is:

The first chapter of 40 Weeks, A Novel can be found here.

Please be kind.

And check back with Manic Mommy because there's going to be a big blowout promotion/contest/whamma-lamma-ding-dong coming at ya next week!

With real prizes.

As always, thanks for reading!

Peace UP!


KATE said...

Oh my Manic - I'm so excited! I can't wait to get the baby in bed, so I can check it out!!! Thanx!
- Kate

KATE said...

Okay, I just got done reading it. I left a comment on that post too. But I just have to say
I like it a lot! (lame attempt to quote Dumb & Dumber)
I really do love it girl, I can't wait to get my hands on some more!!
- Kate

Anonymous said...

I love it and i love you i cannot wait for the book to come out!!!

Monnik said...

Good stuff, Manic!!

Here's my favorite line:

"I brush my teeth, which feel a bit like bunny fur..."


Love it!

The Gang's Momma! said...

I'll be right over to read it and check your other sites too. Thanks for the comment on my Back to School agony - just out of curiousity, how did you find me? I'm always excited to get a comment from another blogger, but I just love finding out the "network" that led them there. . . A little quirk of mine! Off to read your chapter . . .

Stephanie J. Blake said...


I just read that whole chapter in like 6 minutes, and I need more.

You know when you are reading something and the whole world kind of disappears around you and you get into a silent little bubble of the world the author is creating???...that just happened to me.

You what else???? That is almost exactly how I found out I was expecting Son#1 in 1991.

Don't be scared! It is awesome...

Kari Lee Townsend said...

Awesome, just like you. YOu so rock. Good luck with 40 weeks. It will sell, it's just a matter of when. And good luck with the new diet too;))

March2theSea said...

*quickly clicks new link**

Patti said...

i am wishing you all kinds of good.

March2theSea said...

i like it...part of me wants more..but as a whole book....might be even better.

well done!!

T with Honey said...

I read it and I'm completely hooked! Need. more. chapters. now.

Eileen said...

You know I love it!

Beth said...

Great dialogue, great beginning, great characters, great descriptive passages and, well, it's really good!

Do NOT be "scared."

Jess Riley said...

I'm with Eileen on this one. We are so rooting for you, hon! Keep the've got the talent to get where you want to be.

Drewpy Drew said...

You rock! You have nothing to be afraid of.

Except maybe El Guapo.

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

OK drew, you got me. What's El Guapo? Like the clap or something?

Drewpy Drew said...

Didn't you ever see The Three Amigos? If you haven't, see it tonight. It's one of the top five funniest movies ever.

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

OK Drew? Hellooooo? First of all, if I had the time to see a movie tonight, it would certainly not be The Three Amigos, sorry pal! : )

Second of all, I have to go to my children's ice cream social tonight!

El Guapo, mi amigo, el guapo! (I hope that doesn't mean 'get fucked!') LOLOLOL

xxxx said...

THE CLAP, she says ... ha ha ha.

OK, so you already know what I think! I am loving reading what everyone else is saying ... you know how you, like, want everyone to love your kid as much as you do? That's how I feel ... I want everyone to love my Manic and her book!

Anonymous said...

OK, I just finished reading it, and I honestly loved it. I was very sad when the chapter ended and can't wait to read the rest of the book. It is the type of books that engages you right away and keeps you hooked. Very funny, very real and will make a very, very good book. When will it be out?????

Anonymous said...

hey, I'm a reader and one time commenter but I thought I'd let you know I enjoyed what you've posted so far... any chance of more? Maybe we should bombard publishing companies with emails to get this book printed so we can find out more.

PS. in other news, I know you're a Zac/Vanessa fan (that was the post I commented on before) and thought I'd give you a heads up on the big news over at today... Vanessa had some pictures of her leaked online... naked. She should have denied it because it really doesn't look like her, but if you want to see the unedited version almost every gossip blog has it, but check if you have the urge to check her out.
just thought I'd let you know, one Zanessa fan to another

eatmisery said...

Let me know when I can buy a copy. I read it over there and I'm aching for more.

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

I knew that about Vanessa already--is my little Gabriella now a teen slut? Say it isn't so? Next thing she'll be eating In-N-Out burgers while washing a car in her bikini!

Off to check out the photos!

Thanks everyone for all the nice comments about 40 Weeks! I'll see if I can post the next chapter. Hell, if no one wants to publish it, I may just do a chapter a week!

la bellina mammina said...

Love it - you're talented!

Patricia said...

Thanks for sharing! I almost felt like I was reading about myself with baby #3.

Matt said...

How cool is that! And extra kudos on having the moxy to post it online where all can see. I'm not sure I could do that...

The Dummy said...

Great chapter MM! It's like a little snippet of a YouTube movie I want to keep coming back to to see.