Hahahahaha, I am just kidding. Well, I'm not kidding about getting pregnant; I did, three times, but not until we had been married for four years (I was a virgin before we got married, of course!)
This is the reason I married him: I get home from a particularly stressful morning doing particularly stressful morning things like going to Target, Weight Watchers (down 1.8 AND I attended a party this weekend!), and the Health Club. So, okay, not particularly stressful, but nonetheless... I come home, turn on the computer, click onto the internet and open my mail.
There's an email from him. We exchange emails throughout the day sometimes, whether it's:
Me: "What time will you be home?"
Me: "I'm making dinner tonight!"
Me: "Can you please pick up a gallon of milk?"
Him: "Did you get my dry-cleaning today?"
Him: "What's on the calendar for January 3?"
Things like that. So, I open his email which has no title, but I see there's an attachment.
Inside it says simply:
I'm in love with this woman...
And of course, I'm thinking he's put a pornographic photo of Pam Anderson (Wait, isn't that redundant, or an oxymoron... oh wait, isn't she a moron? Anyway, I'm cracking myself up here with my stupid thoughts on Pam Anderson...) or of a supermodel, or of some cracked-out coke-head with a wrinkly face, you know, like one of those joke "You're getting too old" birthday cards. So, I'm bracing myself for a good laugh on the woman he's in love with, and...
It's this picture:

Tell me that ain't reason enough! What's the top reason you married your spouse?
Things like today, sometime while I was sleeping he came home from work to eat lunch, I think. He didn't wake me, but when I got up at 3:30 (this afternoon)there was an IM from him saying I Love You!!!!!!
He tells me I'm beautiful everyday and if I don't agree, he pinches me till I say I am.
Oh and he's telling me lately I'm getting too skinny!
She loves God, her family, dogs and cats, and children.
And she puts up with me and pretends to think that my jokes are funny.
Very cute. You've got great cheek bones too!
You WIN. Big time!
Is this KJ of Raising Devils?!??! HELLOOOOOO! : )
Nice! And you look quite thin in your photos. Now how do you get a photo on your blog??
And you reckon your fat??? NOT EVEN .... you need lots of Tim Tams!!!
How lurvely of your hubs... if that was my hubs I'd be thinking what does he want?? he he he
Top reasons for my guy?? His cute Australian Accent, He's a loving man, caring, compassionate, god loving and a terrific father who took me on with all my shit....
Did I fail to mention that picture was taken two summers ago. It's not as good as that one is, that's for sure... add twenty pounds to that photo, then you're seeing the real me!
awww...dat's so sweeeeet..
I can't answer your question right now as I'm not married yet...but if one day, my bf do things like dis to me, dat'll be when I decide I HAVE to be with him...
and OMG, you got cheek bones, too!..you want to know what my friends' nick for me about my cheek bones?..they call me "Fishball"..no less...Haha..
How sweet.
1) because I knew he would always make sure there was oil in the car.
2) he respected me. Relly respected me.
3) he thinks I am organized. haha
4) he was/is polite. soo attractive!
5) he loves his mother, in a very non-creepy, non-mama's boy way.
6) he never leaves the house w/out saying I love you. If he forgets he calls asap to make sure .. even if we are having a tiff.
What a great pic - I bet you don't look too different. Swishy will tell us, won't you Swishy???
I just have to say I am loving these fun replies from you all! I love getting comments and especially when you share fun stuff with me because it makes me feel like I get a chance to know you all too!
And if you're not currently married, tell me the reasons he SHOULD marry you! : )
Or she, thank you very much.
Sorry Drew, it was very sexist of me. But hey, you admitted to carrying a purse!!!! LOL!
Adorable picture!
My guy was quirky and cute...
That's EXACTLY what she looks like! SO CUTE, right? She's even cuter in person. So when she says she's fat and I say she's not even close, you know who to believe now, don't you??
Also, she got me pregnant.
You're so cute!!!
And how romantic is that, to get an e-mail during the day, and ....wow. You married the right guy.
I married him because he asked me! Well, that is sorta true! He is the complete opposite of me - it does make it hard sometimes! He is my best friend - we were friends first and foremost - then one night, after a few cocktails.....booty call, on my part! We just really like each other. He is the most loyal, honest, caring, responsible, loving father in the world (okay, so was dad, maybe that is how they are alike!) He has this dry sense of humor that I JUST GET. He kisses and hugs his children and tells them he loves them, and sometimes, I can see "sand" (you know what I mean) in his eyes when he looks at his them. He is THE GUY that is there when you (anyone) need someone for anything. He puts up with me!
That is way too cute. Isn't there a cute overload site for stories like this?
By the way: roll call!
Omigosh...that makes my day!!! That is too adorable (and you and hubby make a fine looking couple!)
I married my spouse because he loves God, looks great in plaid, and when my dog needed an emergency surgery on her unmentionable parts that cost hundreds and hundreds of dollars, all he said was, "I'll go to the ATM and be right back."
Awwwwwwwwwwwwww! Everybody has such great answers! All the right reasons!
Ah shit, they can be so sweet, can't they? ON Monday night, mine came home with a little gold bag from Godiva "just because." Of course I had to share the dark chocolate with 3 boys, but whatever. When he is nice, I feel like being nice.
Fat smat. It is all relative. You look adorable.
Oh my Gosh! That is the SWEETEST thing!
My hubby is so kind, sweet, considerate, gentle, and he handles my bitchiness so very well! Even if I'm PMS'ing, he asks if there is anything he can do for me.
Plus, he tells me how much he loves my ass, which I think is a big, fat, bubble butt! :-(
My first year after university I was stuck in this shitty small town working a dead end job. The employer only gave Christmas day off and it fell in the middle of a week so I wouldn't have time to drive down to my family and back. I was miserable. Then boyfriend, later husband, had a live Christmas tree ornaments, lights the whole she-bang sent to me. ah love.
OMG, that totally almost made me cry! I hope you gave him a BJ or something for being so sweet! ha, sorry, couldn't resist. And stop with all the fat crap you're beautiful! Can I just tell you that I went without power for five days and had to stay at my mom's house with my prince charming and our hyper offspring for FIVE WHOLE DAYS! Do you feel so bad for me?
It's those unexpected wonderful moments that are the best! You two make such a cute couple!
He puts me first puts up with me.
R u in a Tim Tam Coma yet??? LMAO
RR----Uh, yeah! Did you see my post on RR--I am going to put up a post about the whole Tim Tam love tomorrow--about how much I LOVE you, and also how much I HATE you for ruining my diet! YOU ARE THE BEST!!
Thank you!!!!
what post on RR ??? Cant wait to see it.... And swishy thinks your going to save her some... LMAO>.... I wish her luck on that one...
ps... I said Santa was bringing some...
So sweeet....
U look so skinny!
Hi, I ran across you blog today. That has the be the sweetest post. You handled it better than I would have. I would have freaked out before I even opened it.
Great site..I will be visiting again.
How fabulous! He is a good guy. Well, much better than good.
I was thinking about why I married my lovely husband. He's tall and handsome and all of that with a beautiful baritone voice. But it's the kindness that really got me. He's not one for jewelry or other conventional gifts, but he always makes sure my car is in tiptop shape with a full tank. He brings me small gifts on a regular basis, even if it's just chocolate. We went through some very hard times and he never took things out on me. From the very beginning, he was always on my side. He's intelligent and funny and yeah, he thinks I'm pretty darn great.
Mr. Fabulous called me a dumbass today.
So much for the "awwwww" factor. Ha.
And Nancy--that picture was from a long time ago. I wish I still looked that cheek-boney!
I married my hunny because he's incredibly adorable, loves me and puts up with me, and takes care of me and my car. And he makes me smile. He's truly my best friend.
I married my man because he asked me in front of 30,000 people.
I didn't think I was in a position to say no!
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