First, some business stuff: If you've come here from Dawn at Because I Said So, thanks so much! I love Dawn, she's become a close personal friend, and she's just as wonderful in real life, except she lied--we were NOT on our second drinks in this photo!

Can you guess which one is mine?
Now, if you haven't seen how my weekend started, go to Dawn's site, and check out
our business lunch at Stir Crazy. Who has mai tais and Green Dragon martinis at noon on Fridays at lunch? Oh yeah, probably every male in the universe, so why not US!
So there!
Friday night, my friend Emacy and I had a Girl's Night Out and went to see Housebunny, which was pretty funny, and we actually went out to Taco Bell for dinner! Are we dorks or what? We didn't care! We had a limited amount of time, and te quero taco bell!
Saturday we had a wedding to go to. OK, well, not really. We weren't invited, didn't know who the bride and groom were, or anyone in attendance for that matter. We kind of crashed it.
Mr. Manic and I had planned on going out, and our friend, who we call the "Derailer" because he is Mr. Spontaneity and goes with the flow and throws caution to the wind, or would that be, "throws NO caution to the wind?" ... anyway, originally, it was going to be a nice, low-key date night for Mr. Manic and me. We were going to walk to the outside eatery at the golf course, have a drink or two, dinner, and then take a leisurely and romantic walk across the bridge home.
Then, along came the "Derailer."
Derailer shows up, and he's like, "I'll grab Emacy (his wife), and we'll join you!" So, we throw their two kids into the capable hands of my in-laws and off we go. And we get to the outside eatery at the golf course, and there's a wedding going on indoors. What a gorgeous night for a wedding. Perfect weather, a beautiful bride and groom!
Three vanilla vodka / sour-apple Pucker martinis later, and we decide to check out the wedding. Once inside, I see the photographer and the backdrop.
"Can we get our photo taken?" I ask.
"Sure!" she said.
So the four of us get our pictures taken at this wedding and the photographer is posing us in front of the backdrop and telling us to tilt our heads this way and that and we are busting out laughing hoping the chick in the white dress doesn't come by and tell us to get the hell out of her best day of her life because we're ruining it!
Even better, I wrote down my email address on the photographer's list so I will get a link to the photos so I can buy pictures too!
And then, when Emacy and I slip away to the bathroom, Mr. Manic and Derailer decide to have the photographer take some prom photos of just the two of them! Classic!
And we couldn't crash a wedding without snagging the little giveaways which originally I thought were mini-bundt cakes but they turned out to be like TRIPLE-DIPPED CHOCOLATE CARAMEL APPLES.

Yes, dark chocolate, regular chocolate, and white chocolate surrounded a huge caramel apple on a stick. Now that's some wedding favor! They must have cost ten bucks each!
We then headed to a nearby hotel to
pool hop hang out at the bar and have cocktails and I brought my apple treat with me and some dude came up and said, "My wife is DYING to know where you got that!" Because obviously, I looked like I was enjoying it so very much!
I told him I was pretty much done with it, because even though Emacy and I had been sharing bites of it, there was no way we could finish it so I took it over to his table.
"Here, you want it? Seriously, I didn't bite off this side, and if you pull off the layers of chocolate here, it's totally OK to eat! Take it! It's AWESOME!"
So she did! And she ate it! How cool is that! This is what it's all about, my friends! Sharing the good fortune of a crashed wedding! Then Emacy and I remembered we stole THREE apples. Stole is such a strong word though, don't you think? Because by the end of the night, we were BFFs with Jerry, the groom's dad, and also Beverly and Dave, friends of the bride's parents, so it's not like we were really being thieves now were we? So, we went back to the car to get another apple to share with our new friends.
Later, we played music we wanted to hear, and also Emacy and I invented "Dumb and Dumber" pool, which is played exactly how it sounds, and not too difficult of a task when you've downed four vanilla vodka / sour-apple Pucker martinis.
One thing that struck me odd was I woke up this morning with a sore jaw and for the life of me had no idea why my jaw would ache, until I remembered gnawing on the bowling-ball sized caramel apple. Oh, and the fact that I tried to shove the pool cue ball in my mouth just because.
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Later this week on Manic Mommy:
I will be giving away a
$25 gift card to BUILD-A-BEAR!Win a copy of this
fabulous book!Check out the Neti-Pot video below. Yep, just scroll down ...