Saturday, December 02, 2006

You Know What Would Be Really Great Foreplay?


Note to self: Don't attempt to put up the tree and indoor decorations when you had just a few too many appletinis at the first holiday party of the season.

And note to hubby: I know you're hungover, but NOT HAPPENIN'!!!!!!!!!!!

And note to children: Why is it that you all begged and begged ALL week to put up the tree and decorations, and how is it that you are all three outside playing in the snow, while hubby is lying on the couch comatose and I'M TRYING TO MAKE THIS HOUSE ALL HO-HO-HO for everyone?

Why? Why? Why?


Save Sheila said...

Thanks for sticking up for me! And good luck with the tree--mine will go up tomorrow after church. I am NOT looking forward to it, but I love it when it's done! I may finally get in the holiday spirit. Then again, I may have a few margaritas and get in the spirit tonight!!

Anonymous said...

Okay, coffee all over the computer screen now! ROFLMAO!

Anonymous said...

Take it all down and put a menorah in the window.

That should get their attention.

Lady Apple said...

snow?! how cool...i think it was like 60 degrees here today :(
well...too bad you couldn't just say you were playing "Cat" (I think that was the name of the sleeping game) and just ignore everyone...

Anonymous said...

Tell them you've decide there will be no christmas if there are no lights or tree that should get them going!!!

Anonymous said...

oh no!!! How come you took me off your reads??? Did I piss you off am I too boring????

I'm hurt, crushed .... :(

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

RR--I didn't take you off! I just never made the change when you changed your address! I will do it someday!

You are never too boring, but you have pissed me off--by MAKING ME ADDICTED TO TIM TAMS!!!


The Dummy said...

They figured you out! They now know how to get you to do all the work and play at the same time! Kids sure are bright aren't they.

Drewpy Drew said...

I can see why they want to do all the work. You are so full of holiday cheer.

Bah humf*ck. :)

The Dummy said...

Hey, yoga definitely counts. Does that mean you're in on the workout list too? If you are, I'll add you to our weekly roll call!

Frannie Farmer said...

I agree with Trish. Get the menorah. Tell them it's a new tradition .. no more tree or lights. Or you could turn it into a conservation lesson - conserving energy (the lights and yours!).

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...


acaligurl said...

i only read the first line and i am cracking up! ok, now i'll go back and read the rest. :)

Stephanie J. Blake said...

OMG, I choked on a piece of Red Vines licorice while getting all caught up tonight on your blog. You are freaking hilarious! I got so sick of untangling our GD lights this year. I threw the entire f-ing ball in the garbage and my DH says, "What? No lights this year?" F-NO! Never again. We have a nice wreath on the door. No lights again---ever.

Anonymous said...

Ahaha that's was always the problem in my house when i was kid -- we would nag and piss and moan for my mom to put the decorations up and then we'd never help!