and I'll be sharing that interview on bettyconfidential.com and telling more about my night with some fabulous new blogger friends here on Manic Mommy later.

(Here they are, from left to right: SnarkyMommy, Martha Macgyver, Heather sitting, me, Susie Sunshine, and Jen Lancaster!)
Yes, THIS Jen Lancaster. Her next book, Pretty in Plaid, comes out in May, and it's awesome, beginning with tales of her exploits as a Girl Scout badge deceiver and cookie seller... order it now HERE!
But anyway, back to why you're here! TO WIN $5!
Last night there was another author there whom I really admire as well. I've met this NY Times bestselling author previously and I didn't know she was going to be there and I had the chance to talk with her a little bit. And it thrilled me! It was like a hat trick or a trifecta of authors last night! Getting three for the price of one!
Name the mystery author and win this week's $5 Friday challenge! Of course, those of you who were there last night CANNOT play this week, so don't guess!
Here are some clues:
I have blogged about her in the last year.
She has written about Santa, being joyful, and donuts.
Previous $5 Friday:
Guess which magazines I subcribe to?
Guess the dude's name?
What movie ticket stubs?
Guess the Lunch Bill?
Paula Derrow: Behind Bedroom Door
Rachel Safier: Boy meets girl
Dawn Meehan: Because I said so
ohhhh... now that my three guesses are in.. your last twit just sent me to the right place...
grrrr oh well, next time :)
Melissa Wells: Remembering Ruby
That's my one guess.
Michelle, you know I love you, and you know I love Melisa Wells, but NY TIMES BEST SELLING AUTHOR!
And did I say DOG?
hahahah, keep guessing ...
Lisa Johnson?
Eileen Cook
Look man I'm just searching your blog for authors that haven't been guessed yet lol!
She has had a book as an Oprah pick.
She lives in the Chicago-land area.
julie buxbaum?
Jodi Picoult
Elizabeth Berg who wrote Open House.
Im staying anonymous and I want you to donate the $5 to a charity of your choice. :)
Murmer--I would have loved to have hung out with Julie Buxbaum cuz I really dig her too, but that's not correct. She's currently living in London.
Shelley, 'nother good guess. And you know what, I have not read ANY of Jodi's books. Bad ME! I read the last few pages of Daughter's Keepers and CRIED! That's all I could take.
Anonymous -- can you please email me? You win, and you can stay anonymous, but that defeats the purpose and fun for everyone else!
However, I would like to know what specificially you would like me to do with the $5 -- come up with something creative and interesting and then I will blog about it. You can email me at manicmommy@comcast.net. And do I know you? Hmmmm?
Thanks for playing everyone! And yes, I love Elizabeth Berg--she is such a classic, amazing, charming woman, and graceful!
Read The Day I Ate Whatever I Wanted, Say When and Joy School just to start out! You'll LOVE her!
Thanks everyone for another FUN $5 Friday! Happy weekend to you all!
Seriously, I keep forgetting it's Friday and totally missing out on the fun :)
But - if you haven't read anything from Jodi Picoult, go find something. She's a great read.
I was all warm and fuzzy when I read the comment from My Two Army Brats, and then Manic had to totally harsh my mellow.
Thanx Manic. A girl can DREAM, you know. :)
(Thanks, Army Brats! Love you long time)
Melis, at least I didn't say "deceased" dog.
I love Elizabeth Berg! OMGosh, what a fantastic evening.
I met Jen in Nashville last month and it was such a thrill :-) If you see her soon, please tell her that I rocked my interview!
How did I not know you met Elizabeth Berg that night? Gah!!! I'm not so sure about sharing my Sunshine Family toys anymore.
Come on! Let's play Sunshine Family together! Besides, I have the bestest toy!
And Elizabeth is going to be there reading/signing late April/May for her new book that's coming out. AND she finally has a website! (And I was talking to her right after I made you all hold my waters and cookies!)
HIyas Steph! your busy lady! come on by my blog and get your award:)
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