One of these fabulous qualifying donors (you know who you are!) will be winning a trip to Sandestin, Florida for six days, five nights! Here's the prize structure:
$25 Target gift card: ONE winner.
$25 Target gift card: ONE winner.
$25 Target gift card + a copy of an existing doodle artwork from Organized Doodles from Rick.
$25 Target gift card + a cute bow purse from Jen from her site HERE.
$50 Visa GIFT CARD: ONE winner.
$50 Visa GIFT CARD: ONE winner.
$100 Visa GIFT CARD: ONE winner.
GRAND PRIZE: Sandestin, Florida VACATION. (Travel not included.)
Thank you to Jen, Carlos, Melissa at Hope Floats, Rick at Organized Doodles, Laurie at Sandestin Beach and Golf Resort, (and moi!) for making all of these fabulous gifts available and possible!
And FYI, Target, I don't have to give away YOUR gift cards for this blood drive, I just do because I LOVE TARGET!
Also thank you to Heartland Blood Center for all of their special help during the blood drive.
So, later this week, we'll be doing the video announcement drawing live at the Heartland Blood Center locally, so check back on Thursday (hopefully!) to find out if YOU'RE GOING TO FLORIDA!)
Here are our wonderful donors this year. Will you just look at the faces of these AMAZING people! THey are all SMILING and GRACIOUS and BEAUTIFUL! And they're not smiling about the prize they may or may not win. They're smiling because of the selfless act they are taking part in. The life-saving act of donating blood!
Are you in for next year? I hope so!
Here they are! And not all of the donors are shown here, but we got close to 50 donors in a two-month period!
Me, kicking off the Second Annual Manic Mommy's Virtual Blog for Blood Drive:



Jennifer, Santa Maria, California:

Feisty Irish Wench (LOVE HER SCREEN NAME!) for donating, and she put up a whole blog post about her experience (I tried to put up her photo but had some technical difficulties so you'll have to go see her blog!): Go here to Feisty Irish Wench's blog!


My Mom:


Shelly P.:



Monique and her dad:


We can't forget Kirsten who donated but didn't take a photo and doesn't care about the contest because she just had a trip to St. Thomas and is happy to just be saving lives anyway!!
Weaselmomma (the ONLY one to accept and take the Manic Mommy CHALLENGE!):
Mommy Melee:


Jen T.:

Amanda H.:

Madison A.:

Nikki B.:

Maddie S.:

Michelle B.:


Erin H.:
Ryan's Blood Bag:

A Day Of Blood Loss - a very unique take on donating blood!
Wow... 44 donors? Did I count that right? How does that compare to last year? And I am soooo eager to see who wins what. You're keeping me on pins and needles, Steph!
I didn't have photos from some of my friends/family who donated. We got very close to 50 this year. Last year I was about 34 I think. I am very happy with the efforts! Every year a few more! It's all good! : )
So many sick folks will benefit from all that blood drawn in those photos! You are honestly the coolest blogger around Steph!
GO US! :)
Totally! ANd hey, if I forgot to list anyone, please let me know! I hope I didn't forget anyone!
Perhaps you should edit my notation...little did I know but I was already freshly planted when I donated! No wonder I reacted so strongly to donating. Now I'm excluded from donating till I have the baby in September!
word verf: defor - as in: Defor I will be eligible to donate for next year's contest.
Thats awesome! Good job to everyone who donated.
Next year I will be there too. I tried this time, but I didn't have enough iron.
Thanks Tanya! I know you would have done it if you could have!
*hoping Thursday comes soon*
Love ya, Manic!
Wow, is your mom like 16?
Awesome turnout! Can't wait to see who wins!
yes cause last year we ended up with 99 lives that we helped :) so 33 or 34 its sooooooooooooo cool to see this grow :)
I'm truly honored to be on your list of prizes MaNiC. Perhaps your readers should know that the prize is not for an original caricature, but for a copy of one of my pieces. Some of your readers might be confused.
Love the pics. I need to find out if they will take my blood since I am on high blood pressure medication.
I'll fix that Rick. I think I mentioned that in an earlier post and will make sure to announce that in the drawing video as well! Thanks for participating in the prize donation!
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