Wednesday, October 28, 2009


This is the longest stretch I have gone in almost 5 years without blogging, and I don't really know why other than I'm trying to figure stuff out. What kind of stuff I don't know. I don't know if people even come here anymore to read or what the point is of this blog. I fear my kids are too old now to make them the focus of this blog, and the really deep thoughts are thoughts that are unsharable. Not bad thoughts, just introspective thoughts. I have said it a million times on here that I need to get working on my second novel and maybe if I put the blog aside and do that, then I'll be DOING THAT and not just blogging about doing that.

See, again, I still don't even know what I'm saying here. And things have happened where I'm like, "Oh, that would make for an interesting blog post" but then the moment passes and it's gone, and not that important anymore. I'm just thinking about being rather than doing, if that makes any sense. None of it makes any sense actually. I don't know what I'm trying to figure out. Nothing really. No need to comment. I'm just here. Trying to figure out the shit I'm not sure I need to figure out, and if there's really anything I do need to figure out.


DawnfromCA said...

I'm just posting to say that I, for one, DO still check your blog every day and look forward to reading your novels WHEN they are published!! Do whatever you need and/or want to do, just know that you are a gifted writer and I've really enjoyed getting to "know" you here!


Mame said...

Write that Book! NaNo starts Monday...*wink*

I'm one of your followers, so when you post, I come. (That sounds bed)

Kirsten said...

I know you said no need to comment, but wanted you to know that we are still here. Whenever you write, whatever you write, we'll read. :-)

Anonymous said...

A lot of people are going through some huge emotional stuff right now. This can lead to growth. Write when or if you feel like it. We'll read.

Monnik said...

I still come to your blog when there's a post that shows up in my reader. :)

I think you should start that second novel too. If you feel like posting, great. We'll be here. If you'd rather focus on life, writing other things, or whatever, that's cool too.

MaBunny said...

Yes Stephanie, I miss your daily dose of humor and wit. I follow your blog, so I just click and read when I see an update. We out in bloggy land still love you , so just come back when you feel you can!

Anonymous said...

I am not a blogger but I follow your blog. I love reading it and I can relate in a lot of ways. Do what you need to do for you and your family tho. Take care.

Christine in NJ said...

Not much more that I could add from the other comments... I totally hear ya!... I'm trying to figure lots out here too!... But what I do know - I love your writing and think VERY highly of the person you are! When and if you choose to write... I'll be there to read! If we lived close - we'd be doing coffee (or martini's) everyweek! HAHA

Be well, stay happy, cherish your family and do things that make you smile... all else will fall into place!... (and google "The Sunscreen Song" - It never gets old and always gives me a little pick me up!)

Your non-bloggin friend in NJ! xo

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

xo to all of you guys! I am sure we would be friends in real life!


Kim Rossi Stagliano said...

Fb is faster and easier to use. Blogs are going to have to evolve. Blogger is NOT that user friendly as far as adding photos and hyperlinks and such. I feel like my blog is my old wife and FB is my mistress and Twitter is a, OK, MY, vibrator. :)

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

Twitter is soooo my vibrator!!!

March2theSea said...

i have you in my bloglines post I come over. I see you on Twitter a lot too so I get my MM fill that way too. Do what makes you happy..that is what is key.

xxxx said...

I think it's just because you get faster and more immediate gratification from Twitter and Facebook. Kind of what Kim said! haha :)

shopgirl said...

Ok - this might come out wrong -but I'm glad someone else is having trouble blogging lately too. I have been struggling with blogging lately too - and I haven't been blogging for any real length of time either -but I miss it so much - yet, when I sit in front of my computer? BLANK... nothing, nada - can't seem to put anything down in blog form.

Take all the time you need sista - we're still here for you! :)

Unknown said...

I still come here and I love to read what you write even when you don't know what you writing. It all makes sense to me.

Kim Rossi Stagliano said...

Swishy!!! I think we all miss Miss Snark - she blogging cool.

Amanda said...

Maybe, for us gals of a certain age, blogs have had their day. We've all moved on to FB, twitter and the like. It's still the same stuff, just easier and more of it.

Kim said it all really

Karla with a K said...

Ok, what shopgirl said.
Except, I don't blog, I just read them, including yours. And I have been so busy that I don't get to read them so much anymore. And I am so relieved when I get here and I can catch up quickly. Feel better I'm not the only one "sluggish".
I enjoy your blog and your writing. And your honesty.
Thanks for sharing.
Take care of yourself and your family.