Sunday, June 18, 2006

Happy Father's Day

So, I was trying to come up with something clever for all you dad readers out there... what, are there like two of you? R Martini and ...Okay, so there's one of you! I know there are other male readers--LMBK and J Holden, Oh, LZ Blogger--you're a dad, aren't ya?

Any of you male readers out there my exes? Hmmm....? Yeah, and there were like two of them only as well!

Anyway, I was thinking I would say, "For all you dads, here's a picture of a hot chick" and then I would link to a chicken on fire, or... ahhh, wait a minute, I can find a picture of a hot chick... hold please...

hang on...

picture of hot chick loading,

please wait...

oh, here she comes, that hot chick you've been waiting for...

Happy Father's Day all you Dads:

Hot Chick Coming Atcha

Bwahhh hahahahah!

I am sooo Internet Sauve. Wait, that's a shampoo. I mean Savvy. I am so Internet Savvy.

Anyway, folks, hope you're having a great day. As I mentioned a mere month ago, on Mother's Day, I am making sure Hubby and I are on even playing fields in honor of HIS day!

Happy Father's Day honey, in case you ever discover this blog, and all the secrets I am spilling about our lives!



Anonymous said...

God, that looks yummy. And I don't mean that in any lesbian fantasy sort of way, either. Or bestiality sort of way. Well, you know what I mean.

Anonymous said...

There are also those photos of Peeps being lit of fire....

G said...

that looks amazing! you can put that up with the food bloggers for sure.

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

Dudes, do you guys really think I cooked that chicken? That's the funniest thing I've EVER heard!

:P fuzzbox said...

Rico Suave.

Steph said...

It's not fathers day down here till September, but i hope all the US Daddy's have a great day.

Anonymous said...

That has to be the oldest joke in the universe, but it was still funny to hear again. But I'm glad you didn't make any "breast" jokes about the chicken. That would have been too much.

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

Come on Neil, the OLDEST joke in the universe? I must be really young because I thought I made it up. I mean I've heard the one about the chicken crossing the road... LOL... anyway, thanks for stopping by, and if you want to read about breasts, there are plenty of blog entries in here on the subject!

Anonymous said...

I've always been a breast and leg man....

Thanks for the pict and including me in your blog....

Steve H said...

as one of your regular dad readers would have like to have said that I liked the picture, but alas, it was a big letdown. nothing to do now but surf for pix of natalie portman...!

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

Hey HOTWIRE--So sorry to have forgotten you in my Ode to Dad post. You've been a regular reader (and poster, which I love!) for a long time!

Natalie is beautiful, and in a not-slutty-or-enhanced way--just a natural gorgeous girl.

The Dummy said...

Hey, that's a good looking chicken. Where's the recipe for that? :)

Steve H said...

that's exactly why i like her!!