Monday, June 19, 2006

Poetry In Progress

If I let it
It will devour me

I want it
Consume me
from the inside


Anonymous said...


I wish I could write poetry.

I can't.

I'm awful at it.

Anonymous said...

Those words are filled with mystery,

So here I sit and wonder,

Where is she headed,

With this poem that makes me ponder?

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

r martini-- ponder and wonder don't rhyme! LOL. It would be wander! I'm cracking up.

And yeah, I agree the words are very mysterious! You would not believe what I was thinking about when these words found their way into my head.

TTQ said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog... and yeah the middle name works out well *wink* *wink*
Keep on going with your poetry.

Ponder and wander..

Cristina said...

oooh, what is it? Do tell.

Anonymous said...

Very nice. Now I wonder what the "it" is. Could be so many things. And I'm especially curious after your comment above.

Anonymous said...

you are correct.....but a valiant effort with little or no thought......don't you think?

next verse..please.

cubmommy said...

You are leaving us hanging. Please tell.

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

I didn't really think there was another verse. I'll have to consider this.

Unless anyone else wants to take a shot?

TTQ said...

If I let it
It will devour me

I want it
Consume me
from the inside

Swallowed from the deep
for my mind to keep
Bright as a fire
reaching for heaven and higher

her master said...

If I were to guess, you were having the big OOhh!

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...


We have a winner!

And TTQ--nice addition. How in the world do you have time for poetry, aren't you like getting married, um, tomorrow!!!!

TTQ said...

I gave up worrying about the wedding last week. If it isn't done or being handled, I can't be bothered! I had a whole year to get it done... I handed out the schedules to the bridal party and now I'm kicking back..

Andie said...

I can't write poetry anymore. but I did write one in college about sex.

it was quite steamy. and lost forever, as the disk that it was on is missing.


CozyMama said...

i know what you mean girl!!!! totally bragging on my blog today.....