Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Maybe I'll think of something interesting to write about tonight.



Anonymous said...

Conjunction Junction, what's your function?

B. said...

Worst date ever.

Anonymous said...

Back to school preparations with the kids

Anonymous said...

What? You need something to talk about...OMG

Here's one - why is it that when you first get tweezers they work really good at grabbing the hair and yanking them out of your face (whereever the hair is located - eyebrow, upper lip, chin or neck)?Then you get this really "hard" hair - i call them tree trunks - that just won't come out, it's really bothering you and you just know everyone can see this hair and wonder why you haven't plucked it. Finally you're able to get the monster out and you're left with this ugly booboo on your face.

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

R-martini--Okay, I just know that was a schoolrock house thingamagig when I was a kid. Is this the am, is, are, was, were stuff?

B--Worst Date Ever--I'll have to give it some thought... hmmm... maybe that one where the guy wore white shorts with orange underwear... oh, no a better one--this guy I was kinda seeing turned out to be a real druggie (Acid/pot, etc) and I was going to tell him I didn't want to go out with him anymore. He got p.o'd and was driving like a maniac and I feared for my life.

Anon--Back to school prep--UGH!!! I am in Back-to-school prep hell right now, and that is a subject I'm probably going to write about.
After school starts when I'm jumping for joy!

Jody--here's a weird one. When my hubby gets stubble, I used to pluck the 'wires' from his chin and cheeks--these were the tree trunk hairs you are talking about. I used to LOVE when he would let his beard go for two or three days and when he would let me lie in bed with a pair of tweezers and just yank them out because it was so gratifying to pull those suckers out. And I can tell you know exactly what I mean on this, right? When you said tree trunks, I was like, WIRES! He doesn't let me do this much anymore. I think it aggravates him. but it totally relaxes me and actually now that I think about it, it made me happy!

TTQ said...

Ok you guys got me thinking about high school with all the music of last weeks post.. Did you ever have big hair, wear stirrups and slouchy socks? And what kind of boy did you have a crush on, a football player, a garage band boy or the science geek? My hair dresser and I were laughing about what time we got up for school to get ready.. Usually 2 1/2 we live for that extra 2 1/2 hours to SLEEP!!!

Drewpy Drew said...

Here's one that always gets me. How come there are never any ordinary looking people in the front row at concerts? All I ever see are the twenty year old bleached blond enhanced bimbos up there. Why do all of us normal people have to sit in the nose bleed seats?

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

TTQ--I often try to remember how my sister and I got ready for school in the same bathroom!!!


Anonymous said...

hmm, could you give me some good ideas???

What about the one where R martini thought my question was gross? I thought it was funny,

Do you like the smell of your own farts?

He wouldnt choose me for his question of the day, I was hurt :)


Anonymous said...

Manic....surely RR understands the problem with answering that question?

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

RR and RMar (hey! That rhymes!)... I think it would be remiss to say that each individual has a penchant for at least inhaling a little deeper and categorizing ones gaseous odors on the scale of "ooh, that's an interesting smell" or "oh sick."

Don't you agree?

Anonymous said...

Yep I agree, and R martini where's your sense of fun? It was a fun question one to ponder. And hey dosent everyone smell there farts and say hey that was a ripe one? LOL...

I'm sorry R Mar if I upset you!!
