Thursday, August 31, 2006

Quick Convo

Actual conversation between hubby and me at 3:45 a.m. in my office this morning...why we were up? Why not?

Him, looking at my bookshelves:
I wonder how many thousands you've spent on books?

Me, quick-witted even at 3:45 a.m.:
Less than I would have if I were a Shoe Whore.


Heather said...

I love it!!

Two Roads said...

there is no comeback for that. Excellent!

Anonymous said...

too right!!!

Anonymous said... know what I would have been thinking/doing at 3:45 a.m.?

" There's the alarm....time to get up."

Slackermommy said...

3:45am???!!! What were you doing? Is your office your sex room? When our son slept with us we used the guest room as our sex room.

TTQ said...

You go girl! Good answer!

Andie said...

Very very clever!

I'll never tell said...

I'm filing that one back into my brain so I can use it on my hubs the next time he makes a comment or question like that. Don't you love it when you can come back so fast?

Anonymous said...

Was he speechless? He was speechless right?

I love a comeback that shuts the door on the whole conversation.


Anonymous said...

Great comeback. Ar eyou all usually awake in the office at 3:45am?

Drewpy Drew said...

Shoe whore? All this time I thought it was called a shoe horn. No wonder people always look at me like that when I'm in the shoe store.

Anonymous said...

Nicely bantered! Hey it could be male strippers or drugs.

Rachel said...


eyes_only4him said...

amen sista...amen..

Lady Apple said...

too funny! amazing that you had a comeback at 3:45am!!! and i am with slackermommy on this one...i hope that your office is your sex room....there just can't be any other excuse for being up at that time;)