Thursday, September 21, 2006

Can You See Me?

Some of you have emailed to let me know my blog is inactive... when you click on Manic, do you view it?

I don't want to be tossed out into the unknown Blogosphere, so if you're having trouble viewing, please email me, but duh, if you're having trouble viewing, then you aren't even able to see this post, so pretend it doesn't exist.

Ah, shit, that brings us back to square one.

Can ya see me now?


Anonymous said...

No problem here.

Anonymous said...

Where are you?

All I'm able to do is post a comment.

Can you read this?

Are you still there?

Kidding.....all is good.

Unknown said...

I can see you from my workplace....(shit my outloud voice again lol) but was not able to see you from home this morning 'bout an hour and a half ago......

Here grab hold of this..........

**tossing manic a cyber-life ring**

March2theSea said...

no problems for me (well getting on your blog at least) word verification: fegjmywp

Kari Lee Townsend said...

I can see you fine now. Yay, it's fixed. Boo7, I've tried to comment on your blog a few times, but it won't let me. Not sure why.

Anonymous said...

No problem here either

I'll never tell said...

Had a problem last night but you are visible now. Your page actually came up but no writing and some wierd writing at the very top of the page. On my computer you're all better now.

xxxx said...

Sometimes it doesn't work when you type in the link, but if you go from the profile page it's OK. Not that that helps any!!!

cubmommy said...

I can see you this morning! Seems to be fine.

Anonymous said...

I can see you- can you see me? BTW from here it looks like your zipper is down.

Two Roads said...

Is this a take off on the "can you hear me now?" commericals. funny.

Yes I can see your blog but I can't see you- hhmmm - not what you were thinking.

(fyi - it does take a long time for the page to load so maybe that's what wrong)

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

I'm Found, I'm Found!

Boo7--thanks for the cyber life ring. Next time can you just toss me a martini?

OH, and I don't mean an R Martini!


Where's My Freaking Prize R?

violetvirus said...

It did disappear 10 hrs or so back..I couldn't see anything when I typed in your url...just a blank blogger page...but it's all fine now :)

domestic_valerie said...

Oh! I've been missing you for weeks!! I thought something was wrong, now I know it was a computer thing. Geeze. They make life good...they make life bad. Glad to see you now, I have massive catch up reading to do.