Thursday, September 21, 2006

Just Another Day In Suburbia

Okay, so once again, I am jazzed up today. What is going on!? I did yoga this a.m. and then we hit Starbucks, where I will share a funny story at the end of this post. I am switching things around at Starbucks and am slurping up a nonfatpeppermintmochanowhip, getting into the fall spirit, even though the pumpkin spice lattes are more fall and the peppermint mochas are more winter. Yesterday, I EVEN put up the few Halloween decorations we have, and I've gotten compliments from neighbors about how cute it looks and it's all just crap!

If you know me, or even if you don't, you'll know I am not one of those 'decorate-every-crevasse-in-the-house' kinda gals. Takes too much effort, takes up too much space. But the few things we have, like the large black hanging spider, and the mesh pumpkin signs are out, and the neighborhood kids think that's so cool. It's all about the kids anyway, right? My one good neighbor (not that I only have ONE good neighbor), but this one in particular decorates her whole house, and she admitted to me that she's got too much crap. I told her, "Who cares? Your kids are going to grow up and remember how much fun each and every holiday was, and how festive the house they grew up in was!" Isn't that what's important? Making the memories for the little ones? I think so.

So, the Starbucks story:

You know, you go to yoga class first thing in the morning, so you roll outta bed, send the kids who go on the bus to the bus, cart the one kid who doesn't go on the bus over to the mom's house whose turn it is to watch the youngsters.

You throw on whatever is there, a jog bra, some crappy black pants and a t-shirt. Your underwear ride up when you do the downward dog but nobody cares, and nobody can see because their heads are all stuck between their legs anyway, hair hanging down over their face, so they can't see that you're wearing the six-year-old Victoria Secret's high-cut briefs with the elastic losing its hold.

Right? You're not pretty. You're not trying to be pretty. It's freaking yoga. And you're just happy to be doing something healthy and calming for your body.

We finish yoga and it's become our habit (a bad, expensive one) to go to Starbucks afterward to grab coffee for us and for the mom who gets stuck at her home with three kids--five and under--while the others of us go do yoga. We switch it up so everyone gets a turn, but lucky me managed to do yoga twice this week. Namaste baby.

But, that's not the story. That's just the beginning of it.

So, we get to Starbucks and we run into like four other women from our neighborhood, so we're all chatty and jazzed up and laughing and ordering, and this guy comes up to us, out of the blue, and he was kind of good-looking, but much too young for me, of course, and he was wearing jeans and a pull-over fleece and some funky artsy hat and he goes, I kid you not, he says:

"Looks like we all got the memo saying it's 'Dress Like You Don't Give A Shit' Day!"

Can YOU Believe it!?!?!? How would you have responded to THAT one?


Anonymous said...

I told you it was an "ACCIDENT" when I said that to you all.....geez, everyone always holds you to something you said.....

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

R--that was YOU in the Starbucks!?!? What the hell are you doing in the suburban midwest!??!

Anonymous said...

Sometimes you'll travel to the end of the earth for the right Starbucks......

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

Hmmmmmph! I do not live at the ends of the earth, Mr. Martini.

Anonymous said...

Figuratively speaking of course....sorry.

At least you don't live.....hang on.....I see I'm digging myself deeper and deeper in trouble.

TTQ said...

I think men are forgetting how to approach women these days..Swishy in the Pizza Place, you in a Starbucks and I got a stupid comment last week too..while meandering a Wal-Mart of all places, checking out electronics..a man comes up to me and says, I see you are wearing a wedding ring..but..I just wanted to tell you, you look good.
Okay, so he saw my rings and decided to ignore it? Isn't my ring a significant sign, a token of someone else's undying love for me??? The ring nearly blinds people in direct sunlight.. he admitted he SAW it..I wasn't checking him out, I was oblivious to everyone around me. I left chuckling and thinking what a dumbass!

Anonymous said...

OH My god Manic your finally Back I've lost you for a whole 24 hours!! I was in Panic Mode... LMAO

As for the ass I would have said yep and it looks like you are the winnner ASSHOLE!!

What a prick!! and what is the world coming to? Since when has it been okay for men to make comments like this to women? And vice a versa ? Why are people accepting this?



MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

How funny; see, you all, I was cracking up at his comment cuz it was TOTALLY right on! Of course, had I been dressed better than normal, I would have been pissed!


Kari Lee Townsend said...

That is so funny. I don't care, I go out like that all the time. I'll be all sweaty and gross from the gym but still stop by officemax or wherever. In fact, I was at Barnes and Noble today in sweats and a sweatshirt. Felt shitty, so I looked at everyone like "I dare you. Say something to me. I'm just in the mood."

Drewpy Drew said...

The proper reply is:

"But it looks like you were the only one who got the memo about smelling like it. Now please go bother someone who is not me, jerk off!"

BlondeBrony said...

Okay that was very funny. What an ass.

Hope you had a good comeback. Or if you're like me you thought of it hours later.

Monkey said...

Good Lord.

But... being a boy monkey, I must say, it was probably his ADHD way of trying to pick you up.

Anonymous said...

I keep sending you emails- but they get bounced back. It says you have fatal errors....

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...


Everybody, go over to Monkey's site and read his fabulous adventures.

I missed my monkey so much!

Anonymous Fat Blogger said...

Bitch slap him. :)

I'll never tell said...

A ladder and a baseball bat!

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

I don't get the ladder and the baseball bat thing? I mean, I get the baseball bat cuz we want to beat the crap out of the guy who dresses like shit, right? But why the ladder?

Lady Apple said...

OMG!!!! That is terrible! What in the world?! Starbucks isn't the type of place that you have to dress up to go too! Man, what did you all say?!

I'll never tell said...

I'm sorry manic, I'm a short person, just barely 5ft.3. So normally most guys are taller than me. And if not it is still an advantage. I have an almost 16 year old boy and he's 5'11". And I've told him not to get cocky with me cause all I'd need was a ladder and a baseball bat. Just kidding of course. Just kind of a running joke.

Steve H said...

i'm sorry, but that was kind of funny.

Kari Lee Townsend said...

Where are you???? You didn't post Friday. I can't go on without another post;))))

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

Lori--No, that is HILARIOUS! I guess I didn't get it cuz I'm 5'9", slowly turning into 5'8"... hahahah, funny about the ladder!

And everyone, I laughed at his comment, I didn't get mad. The guy was a guy that looked like you could hang out in the coffee shop with him and laugh. I seriously thought it was hilarious when he said that! (I guess it's because I know what we all looked like that morning!)

Heather said...

I swear people do not know how to filter out in their head the mean things that they say! I am sure you looked just fine in sweats. Forget him!

Anonymous said...

I would have said, "bite me junior! Nice hat, NOT!" Or I might have thrown my frap in his face, but they're expensive and who wants to waste a good frap on a jackass?

TooMuchCoffeeLady said...

How bout: "Must be really sad to have such a trite and meaningless life that you let strangers' clothing get to you so much."