Thursday, September 14, 2006

This Season's Hot Toys

So, I have to admit, I stole this original concept from Christa who writes some funny and heartwarming shit.

Recently, she was discussing a new Barbie item that Diva has actually showed quite an interest in obtaining. It's the closest she's gonna get to the real thing:
Barbie and Her Shittin' Dog!

Per Christa: "If only all dogs shat perfectly molded plastic poop. But now, for a mere 15 bucks or so, you can teach your little one the value of a Pooper Scooper. Some things in life really should just be left alone by Barbie. What's next? Period Barbie? Flatulent Ken?"

I posed this question to Christa:

Haven't you seen the "Wait-Ken-Let-Me-Put-In-My-Vaginal-Contraceptive-Ring-Before-You-Cum" Barbie?

That's a hot one for this Christmas Season!


xxxx said...

Oh. My. Goodness. No, you did not.


LMAO. Holy crap, you crack me up.

Anonymous said...

haha, I cannot believe they make 'pooper scooper barbie', seriously!! I do believe period barbie is next, followed by contraceptive barbie, where else can they go with her?!?! you should patent that one and sell it to mattel!

violetvirus said...

Haha..dat's a good one...very sexducational for young ones, are so funny!..

Susan Senator said...

I actually saw that commercial on cartoon network and my kids and I could not believe it!

Maybe what should be next is anatomically correct Ken, for God's sake? If they can mold poop, why not Ken's penis?

JT said...

I'm so glad my daughter never played with barbies...that is just weird.

Anonymous said...

Hi there! I found you from your comments at Miss Snark with the singing orange picture (and thanks for the pinball reference - you have no idea how many times I end up with that thing in my head, and spend three days trying to get rid of it). The singing orange was indeed a personal favorite SS skit... right up there with "HeeeeerefishyFishyFISHY!!"

Anyways, just wanted to pop in and say thanks for the laughs!


PS - Drew, I think you're really on to something with "Pull-My-Finger Ken"!!

Anonymous said...


You guys are SICK I tell you....just sick!

No Barbies in this house thank god...but we went through our share of GI Joe's. They'd go bungie jumping out of the upstairs window and down the stairs. I'm still finding limbs in weird places.

Trish Ryan said...

Perfect for the child that has everything...

Anonymous said...

Not sure what to say......really.
BTW...I'm alive.

Barbie Jo Mahoney said...

AAAhhhhh!!! I saw that commercial with my kids too! We have a REAL dog with REAL poop and the kids HATE doodie-duty. I just thought that was a bitch much. I mean really.

maybe after Barbie matures a little more, they'll have plastic surgeon Ken give her a makeover. I mean, she can't have that perfect body forever.

Hell...maybe I need to go to mattel.

Thanks for posting on my blog, manic. I've seen you on Karitown's too. Hope to see you back. I'm here for the party!!!

TTQ said...

Oh boy it can come gift wrapped! I wonder if it will be wrapped in newspaper??

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

TTQ--It can "come" gift wrapped. I am so warped. But it won't be in newspaper, but unidentifying brown paper.

Anonymous said...

I think Barbie's pooping dog is seconded only by Barbie's dog that has puppies in her tummy. Yeah. "There's a surprise inside!" The surprise is that when you open the poodle's tummy there are about 6 little puppies that come out. Niiiiiicccceeee.

1 plus twins said...

lol that is too damn funny!!

Kari Lee Townsend said...

Okay, I'm dying over that post. You are too damn funny. My daughter just started playing with Barbie, but I think I'm pulling out the boys GI Joe's. At least they just look violent, not weird.

Save Sheila said...

Funny!!!!!!!! I remember when Barbie was just plain old fashion model Barbie! Those were the good old days!

Anonymous said...

Ya think with Barbie's money and faboo wardrobe, she would pay someone to walk the dog.

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

LOL Anon!

Anonymous said...

What will they think of next?