And I have not eaten a single one.
How's that for freaking willpower. You can smell the butter and sugar and chocolate wafting through the house.
Don't worry, I'm taking pictures, and will have a full account of the cookie fest (which is tomorrow night), which I feel is fast becoming a neighborhood-excuse-for-the-women-to-get-loaded wine party!
PS... ANOTHER BREAK-IN, this time ON MY STREET! And someone was home when it occurred! The dude got scared and ran to his car and the guy in the house didn't get the license plate number. Duh. I just keep laughing cuz the joke's gonna be on them if they attempt to rob me...there's nothing here to take! Well, unless they come tonight, cuz then they'll get a lot of yummy cookies!
ME WANT COOKIE! But me want skinnier ass more than cookie!

Peace UP!
Good job! They don't call me the cookie monster for nothing. I could not handle having that many cookies in the house and not eating them. Your willpower is STRONG!
Can't wait to see the pictures from the party!!
omg, breakins are scary. i would freak and never sleep if one was on my street. but then again, i'm a crazy neurotic who doesn't sleep much anyway :) i could probably resist most of the cookies, but no way could i ignore a plate of 7-layer bars. I just couldn't. good for you!!!
YOU ROCK! I do not think I could resist but you are my inspiration now!!!!
I cannot wait to see the pics.
Women in your neighborhood need an excuse to drink? Pfft. Just wallow in the wine ladies- no excuses required.
I would LOVE to see a guy try to rob you while you're there ... HA HA HA. He would live to regret that, for sure.
hasnt anyone told you you shouldn't give out your address whilst you were in jail for the pie murder.... Obvisouly your new friend was coming to visit you...
Mmmmmmmmm cookies....
Wow, that IS willpower. I definitely have referred to myself as the Cookie Monster on many occasions. I can NOT turn down cookies...especially when dipped in milk....mmmmmmm
hats off to you manic! Remember in a weak moment, EVERYONE will know if you nick one because there'll be an odd number!
Any chance those cookies will still be lounging at your house in two weeks?
Ooh! An honorary comment from my SIS IN LAW!!! You betcha I'll freeze some for ya Beck!!! XOXO!
I can see the headline now:
Manic Mom Thwarts Robbery in Own Home:Cookies Prove to be Best Defense
can you mail cookies? Like a prize pack from Manic Mom?
C is for Cookie! OMG. I have been gorging on cookies...and candy cane roca.
Ooh, good idea March...
NOT! hee hee.
A round donut looks like the letter C but it's not as good as a cookie.... Yanno, I was concerned your going back on meds, but now I can see that you are quite insane. 1800 cookies in your dining room while you're on Weight Watchers???? (I'll be happy to take several dozen off your ass, er hands.)
All kidding aside, mind the break ins. Desperate economic times make people do stupid things, especially before the holidays. Be careful!
You're a better woman than I!
And to Amanda - Not if you eat two!
Wow, your willpower is a force to be reckoned with!
I have yet to make cookies, but when I DO, there will likely be an ugly feedbag-type incident when they come right out of the oven.
excuse-for-the-women-in-the-neighborhood-to-get-loaded-wine-party... Sign me up!! I'll bring cookies! ha ha
Wow is all I can say. WOW. I have next to no self-control, so all those cookies would be driving me crazy. Just thinking about them makes me want to get on a plane to come to Manicville.
Good job on week 1 on WW and not eating all of those cookies.. My advice, get them out of the house ASAP cause, at least with me, one minute I am totally in control, don't need cookies, other minute, I am sneaking a few, next total cookie monster (very funny by the way). Don't tempt yourself!
Sorry about the breakin. That would freak me out. Do you have an alarm. Hope they catch the creep, who sounds like he is getting more reckless.
Take care...
Girl, you are awesome. Even though you don't look to me like you even need weight watchers, I applaud your dedication, and your desire for skinnier ass.
Think I need to attend a wine party...
Girlie, I'm right there with you on the non-cookie-eating binge. I committed to fast from ALL sugary treats thru year end to honor Julian (from My Semblance of Sanity's blog)who is battling cancer. My WorldWide Fast Weds.turned into a thru the end of the year one. I cannot say I haven't been tempted, oh I have. But....with God's help I'm staying strong. I almost caved when my old boss from Nestle' sent me a HUGE box of candy yesterday. I mean like 10 bags of chocolate jingle bell crunch bars, etc....They're hidden from my sight up on the top of the fridge. They better watch out cuz come Jan 1, they're not trash, but in my belly. Keep up the good work. I bought a pair of size 12 Banana Republic jeans yest. that I want to get into. SOON!
I made cookies from scratch for the first time in about five years last night. I am the queen of the Betty Crocker cookie mix. My kids seriously didn't know what the heck I was doing with the flour!!
Can't wait for the pictures!!
We have a neighborhood ornament exchange aka sophisticated female frat party every year.
A friend of mine does a "Martini March" in her neighborhood. She said it starts out great, but it's more of a crawl by the time they're getting to the last houses.
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