Yay! My Daddy is OK! Thank you all for your thoughts, prayers, and kind comments. I have been a wreck, and now can breathe.
A good friend of mine mentioned we are now in the "Sandwich" years where we have to not only worry about our kids, but our parents too. It's hard. So hard.
My Dad said my "dumbass brother" (his words, not mine) kept him laughing in the hospital (he's there till tomorrow) ... and that he has about 38 staples from his ribcage to his pelvis. My cute little brother, who is 11 years younger than me, and works in the medical field, told me he specifically wore his SCRUBS to the hospital so people would THINK he was a doctor! DORK! But he got where he needed to be and he got answers to help our Daddy, and he kept me posted through all of this and he and his wife were there to help my Mom!
My Dad also said he couldn't talk to us kids all that much during recovery because we would make him laugh so much and that would hurt his incision, but I know the truth. It's because my Daddy gets sand in his eyes a lot, cuz he loves us all so very much. He gets sand in his eyes. I had a lot of sand in my eyes this week, worrying about my Dad, and my Mom. And I have to thank God for this moment of Peace He has given me, and be thankful for my wonderful family.

I love you Daddy, and Mommy...
Pooker Pie
WONDERFUL NEWS!!!! I'm so happy for you all! We'll keep praying that his recovery is quick and he doesn't tear his incision laughing with his wonderful family!
So happy for you! I am so happy. Hugs across the blogosphere.
Funny note re: the "sand in his eyes" - when we were first dating and married, The Boss used to say that the ceiling was leaking! So cute!
Thoughts on last night's AI? Just wondering where you are falling in the David vs. David controversy. ;)
So glad to hear some good news!! Your family is in my prayers!
great news!
I'm so glad to hear he's okay!
Great news! Im happy for you all!
So glad he's okay and recovering well.
Sounds like laughter had something to do with it. I love that.
So happy to hear that he is feeling better.
I am thrilled to hear he will be ok ... I so can relate to not laughing after abdominal surgery...it hurts!
Hugs and prayers
Glad to hear the good news!! Your parents are so cute...and YOUNG! If I remember correctly, you're in your late 30's so I'm guessing they're in their 60's, but certainly don't look like it.
Psst, your dad is kinda hot. ;)
Good news! Hope to see you in Chicago! Be there tomorrow!
What a relief! I'm so happy for your family!
That's great news!
I hope you plan a trip to visit them soon!
That's such wonderful news! I got a little sand in my eyes reading about it.
Yay! I'm so glad he's doing OK! And I'm glad you have such a supportive family!
Clear is a wonderful word. :)
Thank you guys. It has been such a great day! So relieved!
And yeah, Barrie, clear is a wonderful word! : )
Yeah--that is awesome news!! Your parents look fantastic, by the way.
So happy for your family. :)
Yay for you, your hot Dad and cute Mom! OK, and yay for your dumbass brother too, since he got all the medical news.
YAY! I've been thinking about you; glad the news is awesome!
Yay, Manic Daddy (or Grand Daddy? hmmm I'm confusing myself)!
So glad it turned out well for you, and such a relief for everyone. Good job to keep him laughing....
I'm so glad to hear that your dad is ok! :)
Wow. I am so sorry he had to go thru all that, but I am very happy for you that he is well and healthy. Bravo!
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