With funny chapters such as:
If You’ll Just Go to Sleep, I’ll Take you To Disney World in the Morning to helping you through Potty Training, food issues (which I still battle through with my nine-year old – where was this book BACK THEN?), Jen’s book will have you laughing AND figuring out exactly what you need to do to get through The Toddler Years without having to commit yourself!
Throughout the book, Jen’s got “It Worked For Me” tips and “Gimme A Break” sections on how to revive yourself, and even little “OK, I Admit It!” confessions from other moms so you’ll know you’re really not alone as you navigate your way through these fun toddler years.
Jen’s book is SO MUCH fun, it ALMOST really and truly makes me wish my kids were back in the Toddler stage again!
You can win yourself a copy here on Manic Mommy too! Just leave a comment - one lucky toddler-frazzled mom will win a copy of Jen’s book! Or enter to win the copy for your sister, your cousin, your friend ... whoever you think might need a book like this--BASICALLY ANYONE WHO HAS OR WILL EVENTUALLY RAISE A TODDLER!
And don’t even tell me you haven’t heard of Jen because I’ve written about her before because she has OTHER great books out too, like You're A Good Mom and her amazing website is www.mommasaid.net so check out what Jen has got going on over there at the 'back fence' of the internet.
And in the meantime, be thankful for your kids, because you know what, they really are THAT GREAT!
Thanks Jen, for writing another great book, and for always making us moms feeling like we're NOT INSANE and we can get through these years in one piece and that it's OK to make mistakes and that our kids WON'T break, and that it's OK if we're not perfect and that it's OK if we scream a little ... OK, I'll stop there.
GO GET THIS GREAT BOOK! Or leave a comment to win it NOW!
Peace UP!
I would love to win this book! I have a toddler and somedays I just get whelmed over by his constant energy! I just put this book on my Amazon wishlist a few days ago, and I would really love to win it! Thanks!
I just finished Jen's first book about a month ago, and having a toddler boy after 2 (now in hindsight) angelic girls... I NEED IT!! (I love my little man, he's just... VERY energetic!!)
Pick Me! Pick me! I'm out of the toddler stage, but several friends are deep in the trenches with their high-spirited kids and I'd love to bless them with it.
Oh, I'm doubly in this toddler stage with Red about ready to turn 3, and Pudge about to turn 1.5. Tantrums are pretty much a by-the-minute kind of activity around here!!
As a mom of two daughters, 5 years and 18 months, there is much drama in our house. I second-guessed myself through the toddler years with my older daughter -- and it turns out - she was the easy one! (at the time)...she was cautious, focused and even-tempered (the even-tempered part has gone out the window now that she's 5 going on 13) -- but my second came out of the gates running at age 1!!! She angers easily (and shrieks or growls at the offender :); has NO patience; steals toys from other kids and is into everything! (other than that, she's a sweetie pie :) This situation has me MAJORLY second-guessing myself everyday! HELP ME JEN SINGER!
Hey! You have been BUSY! I love seeing you keep everything moving. Let's get back in touch!
I hope to have a toddler some day. Does that make me crazy? Yes? Oh well. =)
If I don't manage to win a copy, I am going to go and buy it. I am going to be knee deep in toddlers before I know it with one daughter about to turn three (much harder than two!) and two more little girls right behind her.
Sometimes I wonder what I was thinking. ;0
Stop Second Guessing Yourself could have been written for me! My son just turned 18 months and I never feel "right" about any decision that I make! I would love to win a copy of this book but will go out and buy it if I don't.
Thanks for including me on Manic Mommy. I can't wait to see who wins.
I really do hope you all stop second guessing yourself. We've made 21st century parenting such a crazy-busy competition that it's hard to settle down and trust your instincts. But you're all good moms -- you are! Trust your gut and enjoy this time. Also, get moving, because, no doubt, your toddler is disassembling something in your house right now.
Jen Singer
I think you should give it to Morninglight Mama, because having a 3 year old and a 1 1/2 year old sounds quite exhausting to me. Yikes. Better you than me sista! :-)
Hey Manic... a few years back when I was in the middle of toddlers years, a friend loaned me Jen's book "14 Hours Till Bedtime" (the title alone makes me laugh!)- It was FANTASTIC - and I've been a BIG fan ever since!... She is an amazing woman!... I'm looking forward to reading her newest book!... BUT - Please don't enter me in the contest - my "baby" is 5 years old and a Toddler Mom should win this one!
That book sounds amazing! I need it for my 19 month old.
Mommy of 2 under 2 here. My 22 month old baby boy is fevered and heading to the doctor @4pm today with a possible UTI...maybe the fragrance from the bath wash??? I also have a breastfeeding 8 week old baby girl. I could use some good reading material, while I'm stuck on my couch with the Boppy pillow :)
If you check out this blog, you will see the link to my baby girl Macy's blog on the top-right-hand side. I suppose if I don't win the book, at least I may have made a new blogger friend ;)
Have a great day!
That sounds like a great book! I have a 3 year old...could definately use some advice/comic relief! :)
I would love to win this book but I certainly think there are other moms who have posted that deserve it. I would love to share this book with my friend who has 2 toddler boys. My little one is only 10 weeks old but like most of us I second guess myself constantly.
I'd love to win this book! It will probably still be helpful with my 4 year old and I can definitely use it for his sister :)
For the moms with kids over three: The preschool book comes out in September. Hopefully, Stephanie will let me come back again then and offer a copy of it up to you.
Thanks all!
I hope I didnt miss the chance to win this book. my 2 year old just told me I'm being difficult and prehaps I need a nap.
Just posted re my 2 year old chastising me I'm not anynonmous. I'm Jenn!
You guys will have through the weekend to leave a comment to win the book! ANd of course Jen, you are ALWAYS welcome back! You are one of my FAVORITEST MOMS ON THE BLOCK! Hey, Jenny on the block! hahaha
Oh how fun. I could SO use that, especially with Little Miss :)
Glad my lateness in reading blogs didn't preclude me from entering.... This would be SO perfect for our preschool's Cinco de Mayo event, too. I may have to buy a copy and "donate" it.
Missed you today with Dawn -- they sold out AND more people wanted copies, yay! Coming to Barrington @ Ice House next month?
I hope I'm not too late for the book entry?!?! I've got 2 boys under 3 and I find myself often thinking...'You're lucky you're so stinking cute when you're sleeping!'
Yep, I need this book. I have a three year old and a 1 year old... needless to say I'll be in toddlerville for a while!
I would love to win this book! I have three sons, 7/5/2. 'Nuf said. Thank you!
We have a winner and I'll be announcing it on the blog in a few! Thanks everyone for playing, and I have another fun book coming up!
I;d love to win this book since
I have not one but two toddlers. There is nothing more horrifying than watching your sweet baby bitten by the evil toddler monster. The soundtrack to my life could be called "Screaming in Stereo."
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