Well, the donors have been coming in slowly but surely this month. What is it folks!? Is it too cold to go out and roll up your sleeves for a very great cause? With the tragedy in Haiti, and people here close to home in need of blood, what's a mere hour out of your day stopping you from donating blood? If this is the first time you're stopping by, and you have no idea what I'm talking about, hop on over to Got Blood for all the details on the 3rd Annual Virtual MaNic MoMMy Blog for Blood Drive!
This is our third week of donors and I want to give a special shout out to some of you who can't donate but are doing what you can to help spread the word about the drive:
A special thanks to Shelley at I Miss My Sanity. Although she can't donate she helped spread the word by blogging about the blood drive! Stop by and see what her blog is all about and send a big heartfelt thanks!
And on Kids In the City, Melissa Chapman shared the info with her readers too! Thanks to you gals for telling your readers about the blood drive! I truly appreciate your efforts to help spread the word!
Here's my good friend Jackie. I am pretty sure this is her second year donating in the drive. We went over to Heartland on Wednesday and she took one for the team! Thanks so much Jackie! Of course we then had to go out to lunch after cuz donating blood makes ya hungry, and taking a picture of a friend donating makes ya hungry too.
If you haven't already heard by now, crazy chicks Melisa with one S. (Yes, THAT Melisa!-my Original Blog-Stalker!) and Weaselmomma teamed up and we all went over to Heartland on Friday after I got to be a part of their live chat show Suburban Wow! on Friday. And the whole day was a blast with Melisa and Barb.
The two were first mistaken for "partners" (and I'm not talking "lab"), and then they decided to race to see who could "GET ER DONE" in the "bag-o-blood-fill-er-up-fastest" competition. (There's a timer on the blood drawing machine). I was rooting for Melisa (sorry Weasel - I shoulda known!), but Weasel beat her by SIX SECONDS!
Anyway, to hear it like THEY like to tell it, check out the day's events according to Melisa and Weaselmomma HERE: Blood, Weasel Style, and Blood, Melisa Style.
Thanks to Barb and Melisa for a great day Friday. Thanks also to the great crew at Heartland for always making donating blood so much fun! Elka, Gloria, Udho, Tami and the rest of you guys are awesome!

Also, on a personal note, a very, very dear friend has undergone some major unexpected heart surgeries this past week, and I don't know how many pints of blood was used during these surgeries to save her life, but she did almost die. To those of you who donate, thank you so very much. And for those of you who pray, and have some extra space in your hearts to pray more, please keep her in your hearts so that her heart can continue to heal. She has a long, long road ahead, and it's because of a miracle and the grace of God that she is alive right now.
Please consider donating.
Got Blood? I know you do.
Hey Steph, I WILL be donating, no worries on that front. Unfortunately an unnoticed day off school kept me from joining this Friday :( And it'll be a bit, as this is not the time of the month for me to be donating blood successfully. Ahem. I'll get 'er done though. And hopefully in under 4:53 ;)
I love what you're doing with this, and I pray for your friend. Add her story for next year's calendar?
I'm ineligible just a weeee bit longer...but not much longer. I expect to be getting a call in the next 2 weeks from them.
Awesome girls! So I've got two more committed for this year's drive, right!?!?!? : ) xo
Ooooh I feel really guilty now. ;)
Just wanted to say hello to you.....I saw your comment over at bitchcakes about WW points of the ginger snap cookies. that's my apron design and recipe AND i'm a lifetime member of WW. i'll let you know when i figure the points. i always bend the rules a bit in december and have never bothered to figure it. hope all is well.
Just wanted to let you know I'm scheduled to donate platelets on 02/06, so watch for another photo ;) And my friend, Miss Magina, donated & took a pic. Hopefully she'll remember to send it to you...
YAY Suz! Thank you! Send the pics!!
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