Wednesday, March 21, 2007

My Type

This is why I write:

OK, not because of HIM, but because of HIS STORY, which I located on Stephen Parrish's site.

Follow your dreams, no matter what you have to do to get there. And man, is this guy hot or what? Maybe I should print out his photo for motivation! Shame we're both married... tee hee, kidding... I wonder how tall he is? I only go for tall guys. In fact, that's the first thing that I find attractive about a man. Has to be tall.

What about you? What 'gets' your motor runnin'?


Jenster said...

Smile, eyes, sense of humor - not necessarily in that order.

The first thing I noticed about hubby (23 years ago) was that he was HOT! LOL Not just one part but the whole package. :o)

Alicia said...

Alright, eyes. I love the sparkle...twinkle, seductive bedroom eyes.
Smile.... Great eyes are USELESS without a gorgeous smile. I don't care if a couple of bottom teeth are crooked... but you can tell a lot about a man by the way he takes care of his mouth.
He HAS to be funny. I can't gaze into those eyes and adore that smile unless he's making me laugh.
I DID care about height... but I met Chris on the internet 7 years ago. Thank God he told me he was 6'2"... (of course he was lying!)
I'm 5'11", he's 5'8"(ish... he seems to think he's 5'9")

Stephanie J. Blake said...

I used to go for the bad boy, 6 ft+, man's man, Sex-God type...married and divorced 2 of them...then I got wise 5 years ago and married the guy who became my best friend. I am exactly 1-inch taller than he is (I am 5'6")...and we could wear the same shoes (if his foot wasn't so wide). I actually wore his jeans when I was postpartum. I tower over him in heels, but it's ALL the same in the dark (whink whink). We fight sometimes, but our commitment to each other and our kids is a big turn on. The unconditional love, etc. is the GLUE...Oh, he's cute and all, but when we're old and wrinkly...our friendship will be what keeps things interesting.

Not to say I don't SEE those 20-something hotties at my gym. OH YA.

That was probably too much information.

Anonymous said...

I love his story too! I also like good hands. Strong, but not fancy. Men who spend more on grooming products than I do make me nervous

xxxx said...

TALL! Definitely tall. And great hands. I always, always look at the hands. A funny guy, too.

xxxx said...

I just saw Eileen put hands, too!!!

Frannie Farmer said...

Eyes .. nice teeth and a guy who laughs with children. Sincerity ... Give me all of those and life is good. Good thing Mr. Farmer fits the bill (most of the time - lol!)
I thought I prefered tall, but when you are pushing 5 foot 2, almost everything can be considered tall.

Anonymous said...

The eyes definitely have it...gahhh..

Oh yeah, I'm finally remembering to blogroll you, dang if I can remember anything anymore since becoming a mom!

Hey, that's it, a man with a good memory, I could use one like that..

Jenster said...

I want to add hands, too. I love to watch my husband's hands. They're sexy.

Kim Rossi Stagliano said...

My husband. 6 ' 1", 202 pounds. Dark hair peppered with gray, blue green eyes, gets told he looks like Alec Baldwin a lot and used to hear he looked like Tad Martin from AMC when he was younger. He's a real, live hottie and he's a great husband and father to boot. He has stood by us through thick and thin and three kids with autism and more. My Mark. I love him.

Kari Lee Townsend said...

Oohhhh, I love big hands and guy who's muscular. And I'm a huge butt fan. Has to have a nice butt for me. I also love a really rugged, chiseled guy. Not a prettyboy.

My hubby buzzed his head, grew a goatee and drives a motorcycle. Oh, yeay, that gets my motor running;)))

Kim Rossi Stagliano said...

I should mention, Stephen Parrish is a doll.

Anonymous said...

Smile, confidence and a hearty laugh, like he means it. And yes, the bad boys are always appealing from a distance, but they tend to be pretty scary up close.

Anonymous said...

What's so HOt about him?

kim said...

I like the tall, wiry type (think Tommy Lee), but my husband is neither of those, so what do I know?