You can win a gift card for $25 to Build-A-Bear right here on Manic Mommy! My kiddos love Build-A-Bear -- we've celebrated plenty of birthdays by bringing home stuffed pals! Even the big football player kid, Ajers, has a few lovables, but don't tell him I told you!
Here's Diva with her latest, the brand-new Hannah Montana Build-A-Bear.

We named it Hannah Bear-Tanna. Pretty clever huh? Oh, and here's something else that's new and cool about Build-A-Bear -- you now get a code and can bring your bear to life on the computer. Diva's been playing with it, and in Hannah Bear-Tanna's world, there's some really great music and some fun stuff that keeps her entertained for hours!
So, while this is a completely RANDOM drawing, in order to qualify for this random drawing you have to write a four-lined rhyming poem with some reference to a BEAR in it. For instance, here's me quick thinking:
There was a bear named Johnny
Who loved to sit in the park
One day he sat too long
Until it was after dark.
OK, so that was totally lame, but it gives you a good idea that I'm not looking for anything special. Now ... GO WRITE ME A POEM and you could win $25 to Build-A-Bear!
Contest closes ... I don't know, later this week.
P.S. -- Sorry, my family members are not eligible (that means my sister and sisters-in-law, and other blood or marriage-related peeps!)
P.S.S. -- To be clear--at least a FOUR-LINED POEM THAT RHYMES! (Preferably ONLY a four-lined poem.) See how "park" and "dark" rhyme in my example? Do something like that. If it's not four lines, and if it doesn't have a rhyme in it, I don't put your name in the hat! Yep, I'm being mean! : )
There once was a Mom with boys,
They filled her life with joy.
Married to the sweetest of men,
her hubby slept like a BEAR in his den.
When the house awoke in the dead of night,
So did Mommy while Dad slept with all of his might.
The boys needed extra lovely hugs,
Lucky for them, they've got cute little mugs.
A stuffed BEAR to cuddle when nighttime monsters scare,
Would let Mommy FINALLY sleept without a care.
What do you think Manic? Can I enter the contest?
There once was a new mommy-to-be
She worried what kind of mommy she would be
A little girl is on the way
Wouldn't a teddy bear make her day?
What do you think Stephanie?
There was a mom with 5 kids,
no time to even comb her hair,
How to manage? How to distract?
Cart them off to Build-A-Bear!
There once was a BEAR from Nantucket... oh wait, never mind...
Bears are furry and live in the woods
At least that's what I've heard they should
I'd like a bear to live at my house
To keep my kids quiet as a mouse.
Yup, lame. But it counts, right?
Hally, yeah, you can enter, but you were a little exuberant with how long it is! LOL!!!!
All good, and all entered! Keep 'em coming!!!! FUN!!
And Kirstin - congrats on a little girl on the way!
My daughter loves the little bears,
Holding hands and dressing them
My son loves his fuzzy friend,
He's been with him from the start,
And they are one of my favorite gifts,
to give right from the heart
"Lions, and Tigers and Bears...Oh My! " :)
lbreiss34 --
You gotta do better than that to QUALIFY!!!!
A RHYMING 4-LINED POEM. I gave an example. Do that, and your name gets put into the random drawing. If you didn't do that the first time around, try again!
We have penguins, giraffes, and oh yes, some bears
some of the stuffed friends were won at the fair
George is a monkey, the octopus is Inky
A trip through the washer makes all of them less stinky.
I'm writing this rhyme in a hurry
About a bear who is cute and furry
My daughter Lila would love him so
So pick me please don't tell me no!
We all know its not nice to hit,
but if your kids are being shits,,
Maybe what you have to do
is give them to a bear to chew.
I've no need to build me a kitten;
you see, I already have three.
I've no need to build me a doggy;
A big black one sits staring at me.
I've no need to build me some daughters;
God graced me with two who are fair.
I guess all that's left to make me complete
is to win this damned build-a-bear!
I'm pretty sure that the little one
needs a bear to match his brother's
So I decided to enter your contest
before I entered others.
firemom at stopdropandblog dot com
Just what we need in our house
Is one more Build-A-Bear
Tell me Steph, where do you put these things...
Oh where, oh where, oh where?
Ok, that was lame but since the drawing is random and it rhymes...there ya go. Thank goodness it's not based on poetic talent.
I've never been to Build-A-Bear
But know there's one at the mall
Maybe if I win this contest
We'll go sometime this fall.
That's all I've got after a day of teaching 6 year olds!
Four in our family one far away
@e hold our "Daddy Bears" and pray.
With a squeeze of a paw we hear his voice.
He misses us but has no choice.
We each have a bear (well mines a puppy) from build-a-bear that we made last time my husband deployed. They each have a voice recorder with a message from daddy, they got us through last time and are helping with this deployment as well. But I get freaked out when I walk across the kids room and accidently step on one and it starts talking to me! hehe
Oh I love to hug teddy bears
for they give you no airs.
big, short, little or tall
I Love teddy bears
I love them all!
My girl has a passion for bears
found on floors, the bed and our stairs.
We've asked so politely,
in voices quite lightly,
To find new homes if she dares.
Ok so it's five lines. I couldn't finish it in four. And she LOVES the new Whitey Bearzog her auntie gave her for her birthday. Personally, I prefer Snowy. So when did they start bringing the bears to life? Whitey we just got at the beginning of last month!
There once was a mom called Manic
When I can't read her blog I panic
She has lots of cool giveaways
From books to hair
And now a bear!
OK - completely lame but it's the best I can do off the cuff!
Shelley (SPepper22)
That one about kids being shits is from me. I switched to Mozilla Firefox and lost passwords for a day. mea culpa.
I'm making a rhyme with a bear
Who just doesn't seem to care
Then along came his pretty friend Claire
Who said, "Who's that chick over there?"
(I know...weak. I was trying to play by the rules, without changing "bear" to "bare." That would have been an entirely different rhyme...)
"I want to go to Build-a-Bear"
said Little Susie with some flare.
"I'm looking for a bear named Ted,
to spend his days upon my bed!"
I love Build-a-Bear! I actually have a stuffed dragon in knight's armor (get the irony?) that lives on my headboard. My hubby took me there on a date...see it's not just for kids!!!
We have a black bear named Jack,
Who sits upon a big stack,
But if we were to win,
It would not be a sin.
Debbie (
We all know its not nice to hit,
but if your kids are being shits,,
Maybe what you have to do
is give them to a bear to chew.
OK Colorado, I fixed it!
I am really no good at writing
especially when kids are fighting
but if we win this build a BEAR
there will be 2 and no need to share!
I have a little boy named Ian
Who would love to build a bear
However he needs a little gift card
That is made of money and square
The once was a bear
Who went to a fair
He saw the Corradetti twins
and said I hope your mommy Wins
Ok, I never claimed to be a writer. Denise
I'll build a bear
with pretty pink hair
I'll take him home
so I wont be alone.
sandy N.
thanks for the web sight..i love reading your stuff!
I'd write a poem that's not lame
To win a sweet build-a-BEAR
If it weren't for my coffee deprived brain
That is mostly full of just AIR
Sierra has a little bear,
She thinks he's really neat.
But mommy thinks he needs to go,
'cause his paws have begun to stink.
Oh gawd, I hope none of my clients ever see this! lol!
There once was a Mommy named Manic,
Who called a Mr. Fix-It mechanic
He did fix the gas and showed his bare ass
And now our sweet Manic does not panic.
There it has "bare" in it - does that count? I hope I win!!
With love and laughs, your blogging buddy - Shawna at
Shiny eyes and lots of hugs
Is what this mom would get,
'Cause Gracie is the biggest Build-A-Bear fan
That I have ever met.
**Okay, that was LAME, but I have no brain this morning...
We love to go to Build a Bear
But my hubby hates the bill
Please choose us for the card
Maybe then hubby will chill
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