Tuesday, December 09, 2008

i NeeD To GiVe you SoMeTHiNG

It's been so long since I've held a contest on here, so let's do a giveaway, shall we?

There's this great new book coming out next week by author, Rachel Safier called Boy Meets Girl and that's exactly what it's about -- how couples who fell in love first met each other!

Remember these love stories?

Whether it was love on-line or in-line, in first grade, or hate-at-first sight (or site, if it was via a website -- ha, I am so funny!), the 40 couples in Boy Meets Girl tell about the first time they locked eyes on their soulmates! I've already started reading it and only put it down long enough to email the author to ask her if I could share the book with you guys because I think it's that fab!

And after you check out the book, check out more on Rachel Safier, who lives in DC. Her website will be live soon at www.rachelsafier.com. You can also check out her other site www.theregoesthebride.com and "friend" Rachel on FACEBOOK!

So, if you'd like to win a copy of the book, personalized to you, of course, simply leave a comment on how you met that somebody special, even if he was somebody special back then, but is a raging a-hole now. Hahah! And boy-readers of Manic Mommy, of COURSE you can play too! We can't forget about the three of you!

We'll give away one for the best answer, and one just randomly, so everyone will have a chance to win! And if you don't win, consider this a really charming holiday present to give to anyone you love! What a great gift idea!

And yes, if you're so inclined to do so, you can read how I met my la, la, la, la, la, la, laaaaaaa ... soulmate too ... How Manic Mommy Met Her Soul Mate: A Truly True and Romantically Romantic Love Story.

Bwhahahahaha, I kill me!


Anonymous said...

Well, mine isn't really that interesting, but figured I would try to enter b/c I love books like this :)
I met my boyfriend who I have been with for 6 years through my Dad. He worked with my Dad and was coming around my house to help my Dad out with some stuff, and we went on a date. We have been together since then.

Jenni said...

I met my husband online. Neither of us went to chat rooms regularly, but I was home from college on break (and therefore bored) and he was looking for a friend of his. Somehow, we ended up chatting with each other. We continued to chat with each other online (me in California, him in Missouri) for 3.5 years. We tried to meet one summer when I was home from college, but his car broke down. We eventually did meet up the October after I graduated from college. We got married about a year later and now three years later we're having our first baby!

March2theSea said...

nutshell version:
Worked at hospital in boston. She was a transfer from the midwest. She broke up w/her BF..my GF broke up w/me so we went out as friends on Valentines day. I didn't kiss her on that first date and she will never let me live it down. Been with her now (married) for 12 years. Nothing wild.
-march (ps I am one of the three male readers!!)

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

March-- I totally almost wrote MARCH in the blog post cuz I KNOW you are one of the three. These days you might be the ONLY one. I don't know what happened to my BF R Martini ... hahahah. He was the only other one who used to comment frequently. Looks like you're my BF now! LOL!

My Two Army Brats said...

I need a good book to read. I met my huband of soon to be 9 years in a country dance club when I was dating his friend. The friend moved to a different army post and my husband and I were the best of friends. It wasn't until I moved 8 hours away that we realized we were in love and we got married six months later.

Kelly said...

I met my husband playing racquetball. I had never played but was convinced by a friend that anyone could play. Well anybody did not include me. This was made public knowledge when I was pegged in the head with the ball by future husband. We say it was love at first concussion :)

3carnations said...

I met my husband on a blind date. He was the coworker of a friend, and she had thought we had similar senses of humor. But, for some reason she had thought he was married. She found out he wasn't, gave him my number, he called me on Halloween, and we talked for an hour while I handed out candy. We met 2 days later, and now we have been married 6 and a half years.

Great idea, by the way!

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

I know, isn't this a fun one! Tell your blogger friends about it!

Jaimie said...

I met my husband (aka my soulmate) at a friends house. I had JUST left my then a**hole husband a mere two hours beforehand. I went to my friends house to tell her what had happened with the now ex, and there stood the best thing that has ever happened to me. He was there visiting my friends husband. We were inseperable from that point forward. The divorce of my "then" husband was finalized 4 months later and me and my husband were married two days after the divorce was final! That was seven years ago and we are still in awe that we found each other.

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...


Kristin said...

I met my husband when we were freshman in college. I was stopping by a guy's room (let's call him "John") who I was interested in and my husband was there, hanging out with "John." They were sitting around singing to different country songs. I was annoyed because I was hoping "John" would have been alone. The man who became my husband was a jerk to me and looked at our friend "John" and asked what I wanted. I decided to get away from the jerk and headed out with friends that night. I thought my husband was a jerk for the next four years and didn't realize how great he was until we met up about a year after graduation. We got married last year and are expecting our first little girl. :)

Janelle... said...

I met my hubby in high school. My little sis (14 months younger than me) and I were pretty inseperable because we were at a new school. We hadn't made too many friends yet and the ones that I had made didn't have the same lunch period as me so I sat with Sis and her friend. Hubby was also a friend of Sis's friend so he sat with us too. The guys always joked about how weird we were for eating our "Snow Fries" (french fries that we bought daily for lunch and then covered in heaping mounds of salt--lucky I haven't had a heart attack yet!) but it apperantly hooked the hubby. When I stopped dating another guy and gave him a call out of the blue one night, we ended up going out to play pool with a group of people and have been together ever since. Now 11 years later, we have the classic High School Sweetheart story to tell our children.

Amanda said...

I found hot-hubs in a garden shed party - yes, the party was in the shed - my best friend introduced us and we have been together for 23 years now. Just glad he was sober enough to call my friend the day after the party to get my number!!

Kate said...

I was new to town and had just joined a church and then it's choir. The first time I went to practice, someone had set out a nametag for me, and although I normally hate them, I was so pleased that they were welcoming me, I slapped it on my chest. After practice, I was standing around talking to some people and this guy came up behind me and said, dripping in sarcasm, "nice nametag." We got to know each other slowly and two months later I asked him out. Nearly 8 years later, I can't really complain when he teases me. I knew what I was getting into!

MaBunny said...

Oh, I like these types of contests and I have a great entry...
I met my hubby when I was dating his friend!
His friend was 'ok', but never really took me anyplace special. One night he said we were going dancing and that a few of his friends were meeting us there. Ok, since I had only met one of his friends I thought it would be fun, since some of my friends would be there too...
Well we were sitting at the bar waiting on them, when I see this group of guys walk in. I immediately noticed the really good looking cowboy in the nice fitting wranglers, starched shirt and cowboy hat. /drool...
Now normally when I was dating a guy I would never drool all over someone else. But Oh. My. God...
Turns out this was his 'best'friend. Every time this friend went by me on the dancefloor, or talked or whatever, I couldn't take my eyes off him.
/more drool... I was really embarrassing myself at this point.
Later that week I actually set the friend up with my BFF Nikki, BUT when he showed up at our apartment for the four of us to go out, I'M the one that ran down to greet him...
about 3 wks later he called me back because his friend had skipped town and wanted to know if I'd heard from him. Nope.
He said there was some stuff I didn't know about the guy I had been seeing, and would I like to go out for dinner and talk?
Yeah, well, lets see... we went out for a very nice steak dinner, and he wound up leaving my house at 4 the next morning, after we talked most of the night... then he took me to see Forrest Gump the next day and moved in with me on that Monday...
That was 14 yrs ago...I think I found meself a winner:)

MommaSuds said...

Well..ummm....I had just moved back to Indiana from Va Beach. Nothing but trouble for me then. I started working at a convenience store/gas station on 3rd shift. With my friend. One night she said wait till you see this younger smoking hot guy that comes in here and flirts with me every night. Ahem....So he came in. She was my bestfriend and I love her but...he was hot but he was scraggly. He was 3 yrs younger then me. Turns out he wan't flirting with her he was just a really talkative sweet guy. A younger guy. A younger guy who would hang out in there and talk to her all night because she would let him look at the naughty magazines behind the counter. LMAO

Anyway she got fired and he kept coming in. We got a lot closer each night he came in. He had just graduated high school that year and he led a very sheltered life so he thought he was cool stayin out all night after he got off work talkin to some older girl. He never asked me out. To shy I think. So one day I said I was having people over and he should come. So he did....and he never left.....and we are still together. The end.

The book looks good btw.

Anonymous said...

The first time I met my husband, I was on a "Girl's Night Out" with my BFFs from High School. We just "happened" to run into her new boyfriend at a bar and were totally pissed she ruined GNO by inviting her boyfriend. He called to invite his roommates to meet us at the bar so we wouldn't be as mad. Didn't work. I spent the entire night alternately ignoring my future hubby or cracking lawyer jokes (he was in law school).

The second time I met my husband was a year later and we were in a wedding together. Yes, my BFF married the boyfriend from the bar and we were both attendants. We were paired up for the wedding and neither of us were allowed to bring dates. By the time the wedding was over, we were inseperable. I loved him enough to move half-way accross the country (which I remind him about every time we have horrible weather here in Chicago!).

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

Heidi! IT's so FUN To see you on here! Thanks for answering and what a cute story of how you guys met!!! Love it!

Denise said...

Mine's not that interesting! We had actually met through AIM, he sent me a message late one night and I of course responded. The first words were "I will talk to you now." LOL They just struck me as funny because no one ever started a conversation like that before. So from then on we talked online for a few weeks, then called each other and then finally met! It was love! We took a little walk down the road and watched the stars for awhile and all that time I was wondering why he hadn't kissed me yet! :) Finally he did and it was wonderful! It's been seven and a half years since! Wow time flies! We got married five years ago and we're having our second son in early March! :)

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

Necie--not boring at all--sweet!

Barb said...

Honestly, I haven't met my soulmate yet but I'm a suck and love a good romantic story. So, I think I'd really like to read this book.

Denise said...

Thanks! :)
I did get your comment and I actually updated! I'm going to try to do better! :) Go me! LOL!

Anonymous said...

Looks like a fab book!... and a wonderful gift! So... I met my soulmate at a bar! He likes to say he "picked me up". ha ha!!! The scandalous truth is... The night we met was suppose to be my wedding night but I called off my wedding only 3 nights before! My girlfriends dragged me out of my house crying to "go have some fun." Needless to say I was pretty grumpy and looked like crap (no make-up OR shower!) and my now hubby simply made me smile with the DUMBEST magic trick ever!!! Even at my darkest moment... I could see what a gem he was! So, I smiled, My girlfriends passed him my number, We married a year later... And we just celebrated our 16th anniversary with our 4 beautiful kids. sniff sniff

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

Aw, Christine! WOW! That's a good one! I met mine in a bar too! See, we can find the good ones in bars too!

Michelle said...

Funny - I was going to email you to see if you were just buried in Betty or still posting her sometimes :)

My husband: I went to Durty Nellie's (the old one) to meet up with a friend of mine from work. For whatever reason, she didn't show. I didn't have a cell at the time (I'm a Luddite, shut up) and so was sitting there fuming for an hour waiting for her. My husband approached and asked why I was so pissed. I'm pretty sure I unloaded on him, but he was undeterred and offered to make my night memorable. And the rest... is history!

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

Michelle! My favorite band Poi Dog is playing at Durty Nellie's in February!!! That's a good story that he was brave enough to talk to a mad woman!

Anonymous said...

I met my husband while on Christmas break my senior year in high school. I was visiting a friend in MI (I lived in Chicago) and she worked with him at a Little Caesar's Pizza! He saw me pass by the store with her and told her he wanted to meet me. When I got my first glimpse of him, he was wearing his brown polyester uniform and stunk like pizza. I didn't care - he was still hot! Our first kiss was New Year's Eve 1986. We've been married almost 20 years and have two wonderful kids.

Shawna Lee Coronado said...

I met my husband while making a sales call to his office over 11 years ago.

I wore my miniest mini-skirt and crossed my legs daintily in front of him. He dropped every pencil, paperclip, and notepad in his office four times. He didn't buy any thing at the sales call, but asked me out to a "business" lunch to further discuss a "sale" Riiggghhhttt.. Slick, real slick.

The story is long, but ten years later we are still married.


Chris Redding said...

I was a reporter for the local paper. My beat was police, fire, rescue. I did a series of firefighter interviews called "Hot Stuff." He didn't want to be interviewed. Then he did, but it was really a date. I married him 9 months to the day later (No, I wasn't pregnant.) Here we are 18 years later!

Trish Ryan said...

Of course, you know I need to win this book, right? I LOVE stories like this.

I met Steve at the least likely of places...a Bible study group at church. He walked in and I was like, "Wow--you're new!!!" I may have even blurted this out loud...

I was the girl who would have been voted, "Least likely to meet ANYONE at a Bible study" back in high school, so I think of this as proof that you can meet Mr. Right anywhere, at any time :)

Murmer said...

So I was attending a job fair and was offered a job...but the job was in AZ and I was in UT and I wasn't really sure if I wanted to move to AZ...but I only had 12 days to decide and had to go back to my "real" job in 5 days...so I did what any sane person would do and got a plane ticket that left that day in about 5 hours...since I didn't want to leave my car parked at the airport for 3 days (again sane) so I had to find someone who would be willing to drive me to the airport...right then...and none of my roomates where home...so I called the apartment of guys across the way and one was home and agreed to take me to the airport...so as I am stuck in his car driving the hour to the airport he is talking to me and I hear...."I have a brother and you have a sister wouldn't it be cool if the brothers and sisters when out on a date" and I (thinking I am stuck in this car another 30 minutes) said yeah that would be funny but I am going to AZ...and he then said great we can plan it for next weekend when you are back...so I go to AZ accept the job...fly home and the next weekend I am going on a BLIND DATE...which I ended up having to plan (yeah date I didn't really want to go on I had to plan)...so I go over the the guys apartment across the street and there unfolding from the couch is a tall, dark, black trench coat covered man...who is now my dh...go figure...oh and the guy who gave me the ride is now married to my sister...the same one he went on the blind date...yeah wouldn't it be funny if the brother's and the sister's went out...

The Gang's Momma! said...

I met The Boss in the commons of our campus center. A mutual friend kept telling me about this guy I really needed to meet. "He's so funny and he has a CAR!"

So I got introduced by said mutual friend and got BARELY a civil hello back. More like a "too cool for my shorts" nod and a mumbled, "hey."

Suffice it to say, I was not impressed. But toward the end of that first semester, The Boss turned his heart over to the Lord and began really growing in his faith. I was very impressed by that. And by what a good friend he was. By the end of the year (I was dating another), he really liked me romantically but I wasn't interested. Yet.

That fall, I was "taking a break from dating" and trying to fix my roomie up with his roomie. They both cancelled, and long story short, we went anyway, I thought, as friends. The rest is history - we've been best friends ever since and I am still impressed by the godly man that he is. And by how much more I love him every year. AAAAAND by the fact that he gets sexier with age. How DOES he do that?!

Michelle O'Neil said...

My husband and I lived five minutes away from each other our whole childhoods and never met until I moved back to my home town at age 27 (after college and then living in DC for a time).

He is a hospital pharmacist and I was going back to nursing school, working as a pharmacy tech.

I thought he was the biggest malcontent. After working there a short time, I understood why he complained about the place.

It's funny now, because he is SO not a complainer. We'll be married 11 years this month. He is the best man on earth.

Anonymous said...

My husband and I were pen pals. Before the internet became popular and computers so small. We began writing to each other just after I finished high school and ended up talking on the phone for hours. I used to get HANDWRITTEN letters everyday 5-6 pages long. I was about to turn 21 he asked what I would like and nonchalantly I said for you to come over. We hung up the phone 10 minutes later he rang and said done I'm on such and such flight and will be there on such and such date.... My roommates and I had a back up plan in case he was a mass murderer etc.. 15 years and a continent later I'm still in love with my AUSSIE!! 3 kids and tons of moves with his career he still is my best friend. I've given up family, friends and my country but I couldnt be happier!!

emily mac

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

I am loving these stories--they are so great and are making me happy!


Jess Riley said...

I looove these stories!!! I met J at a bar called The Lizard Lounge. When we started talking, our conversation included lots of this: "Me too! Me too! No way, me too!" Later he drew a cartoon to commemorate the night we met, in which all the people at the bar were differently-colored shapes, but we were the only two lime green diamonds. :)

Wendy said...

We met on the trailer park of all dating websites...myspace.com! LOL

I wrote on my profile that I wasn't going to be dating anyone so don't ask and when he saw my profile he said he had to meet me so he wrote me anyways and said he liked my blogs and he was sad that I wasn't dating because I seemed so cool. When I read his message I was blown away...you mean SOMEONE reads my blogs??

We met that week and hit it off and within 8 months we were married.

Anonymous said...

I met my husband when I was seperated from my ex. He came into the office, and the lady that needed to help him wasn't there that day so I helped him instead. Later that day, I was thinking about him and getting something out of the freezer in the breakroom. A restaurant-sized box of aluminum foil came crashing down from the top of the fridge and I blocked my face. The serated edge nearly sliced my pinky finger off. I had surgery and was on recovery leave for two weeks. When I returned, my office mate told me that the young man I had helped that day came back and asked about me. I quickly looked up the paperwork and called him. We went to lunch, he drove me home (I had a stick shift and couldn't drive with my hand in a splint--convenient, eh?)and we started seeing each other from that day forward. And I can do better than Jaimie--my divorce was final on July 17th and we got married on July 18th. It's been 14 wonderful years so far, four hand surgeries on the same pinky and it still doesn't bend. I only have to try and make a fist to remember the day we met. :o)

B. said...

Here's my chance at winning randomly because I certainly won't win for the best story. I see there are 37 comments before mine...geesh!
Anyway, I met my husband in 7th grade when we both started at the same jr./sr. high school. We dated off an on in 9th and 10th grade and then started seriously dating the beginning of our senior year and have been together since, and that was over 10 years ago.

Anonymous said...

Whoa, didn't proof my comment...sorry about the spelling mistakes. Was making dinner and typing at the same time. YIKES!

Anonymous said...

I had joined a dating service - met some nice guys, but ended up marrying the guy next door. Literally. He moved in next door to me about three months after I'd joined this dating service. We became friends pretty quickly. He used to page me (remember when everyone had a pager and no one had a cell phone?) all the time when I was out on these dates. I had no idea he was trying to sabotage them until much later. We got married almost a year to the day after we met.

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

Sandra, you're making dinner and typing AND you've got a pinky finger THAT DOESN'T BEND -- OF COURSE YOU'RE GONNA MAKE TYPOS! lol!!!

Anonymous said...

emily mac is me tim tam emily :O)

you can contact me at petermacbeth@bigpond.com

MaBunny said...

Ok, you are handing out a book, and I' giving you an award:) please come pick it up on my blog:)

Anonymous said...

OK, I wasn't really going to say anything here, because it's not so much the how we met as the whole picture. But I'll tell ya anyway.

Technically, we met in a bar as well. The Russian Lady in Hartford CT. Hubby's band was playing that night (he's a percussionist.) But this was a total set up.

My sister had been living with a guy - they broke up - she moved in with me - he moved in with the percussionist. The percussionist said to my sister, "So, I hear you have a sister." (You know the routine.)

So my sister and I go to the bar and are dancing away - Dancin-a-with-my-se-elf. So when they take a break, he comes over and smoothly says to me "So, you must be CARA." (No, dork, it's KARla. With a K. Ok, that's just what I wanted to say.)

And that's it. BUT, here's the funnier thing. He proposed on April 1st, so that in case I said "no," he could say "April Fool's!" (Who does that?!)
You might be thinking that obviously I said "yes" because here we are 14 years later. But I didn't. I didn't say anything. He jumped the gun. My birthday was 2 days later and I wasn't expecting it until my birthday, so I was so flustered I didn't say anything! Then we went home and called everyone and told them.

And the postscript is that 10 years after that April 1st, I gave birth to our 4th child, a son. So good things can happen on April Fool's Day.

btw, I love the video clip of the couples. They're hilarious!
Thanks Manic.

March2theSea said...

i am your BF! YEEEESS

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

Scared you, didn't I, March!?!?!? Hahahah.

just until R. Martini comes back calling for me. : )