I have … oops, we’re getting to the Eff word part on the movie. The best part. First here's a random picture to prove what a Ziploc Whore I really am. This is my Ziploc cabinet, dedicated to only Ziplocs. Ziploc, I salute you. Thank you for being you!

(I just screamed when Ralphie’s dad tried to put the leg lamp together and it fell apart. I forgot that had happened! I’m not doing too well with this post while watching this show. I forgot how much I enjoyed it.)
So, right before Christmas, our family went on a Staycation to Chicago for two nights and we had a great time and did it all: Diva and I went to the Museum of Contemporary Art while the boys took in ESPN Zone, we all hit Lincoln Park Zoo, Gino’s East for pizza, The Bean at Millenium Park, John Hancock Building, the Water Tower, Garrett’s Popcorn, we went swimming and hot-tubbing and cheesecaking and apple-tini-ing. Yep, one night I did a bunch of overindulging in the sugar department and boy, did I feel the major effects. It HURT. An overdose of caramel popcorn, three appletinis, Cheesecake factory Oreo cheesecake and Stefanie’s 5-inch high red velvet cake (how could I resist a cake named after ME, although misspelled!)

I’ll also be video-blogging about some great books I’ve read which will be lots of fun, and will hopefully be giving away some fun reads as well!
Wishing you all a great New Year!
Peace UP!
Happy, happy new year, Manic!!
Oh how very fun. I was actually supposed to go donate today, but the roads were too bad... Monday (fingers crossed). FYI at least by us, the blood centers are doing a $1,000 a day giveaway until Jan 6.
It looks like you had a great time in Chicago. I love that idea, although the unfun with the sugar overload... bummer (although huge upside from the other POV).
PS Manic, you have GOT to get my blood center contacted about the ok to take pictures in chairs. As of last year, they still refused to have a camera in the building, let alone one with blood coming out a vein -- and it's a Heartland, which I know is who you work with. :)
Michelle--that's INSANE about them not letting you take a photo! If they don't let you do it, just take a pic outside with your bandaged hand! I trust you! : )
Happy new year to you!
Glad you had a great Christmas! those cookies look amazing;) Hope you have a fantastic new year too!
Fun! MISS YOU! Tell everyone I said hi!
These are great pictures! Happy New Year!!
Just wanted to say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and also that while driving Sat night we drove by a house with THE LEG LAMP in their window, and I swear I think I need to have one. You know, just for Christmastime, not all year long ;-)
MM, you really should consider joining my Friday Fragments meme, as you're a pro already!
Lucky you on the stacation, except for the feeling like puking part. I hope you're doing well on your no-sugar promise :)
In case you're interested, we got rid of our cookie exchange a few years ago in favor of a "Soup Swap," which is every bit as fun, about the same amount of work, and none of the guilt. Interested? Read more here: http://www.halfpastkissintime.com/2008/12/tis-season.html
It's been a long time. I'm really happy to "see" you again :)
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