Hey everybody, it's the first installment of MaNiC MoMMy'S Virtual Blog for Blood SUNDAY BLOODY SUNDAY where I'll be featuring the awesome blood donors every week! Since this is the first official week of the blood drive, it's a little slow, but let's help spread the word! We do have two awesome donors who stepped it up this week to offer up a pint of their lifesaving blood!

You can still donate to this awesome blood drive! Take your photo in the blood chair like these guys here and email it to manicmommy@comcast.net along with your name, email, city and state and a little info on why you donated. There will be fun prizes at the end of the drive, which runs through Feb, including gift cards AND a Southwest airlines ticket for one grand prize winner! All the details can be found at http://www.tinyurl.com/gotblood
Please help spread the news on your own blog, Facebook and on Twitter!
P.S. Mrs. 4444 -- Where are YOU?!!?
P.S. Mrs. 4444 -- Where are YOU?!!?
*He really didn't mind and flirted with all the women there and even the guy taking his blood.
I totally forgot about your Bloody Sundays! My husband Chris and his cousin Brett went Saturday and both donated! Thats the second time Chris has gone and he says he is now making it a regular monthly thing!
I wish they had taken pictures...
Can you tweet Ashton Kutcher and make him get into contact with Ellen or how about making him do it? I follow his tweets and just had the idea.
I'm going soon -- promise :)
And Mrs4444 DID donate on Friday. She has a pic up on her blog, and I thought she said that she'd sent one along to you?
Love my word today: roodrood
I just may go today. I haven't given blood for over a year so it's time!@
Ma Bunny--Drat, wish we had gotten their photos! But happy they donated!
Mandy--I tweeted Ashton and Demi--let's see if they get on it! Thanks for suggesting!
Michelle--are we going on the 22nd with Melisa and Weasel? And I went over to 4444 - thanks for telling me. I have not gotten her pic yet!
Bina! YAY! Go today!! : )
Holly cow! Mr.Manic's chair looks like one he'd love in his livingroom Maybe you could talk them into setting up at your house; you'd never have trouble getting him to donate, haha.
Yeah, imagine if they made HOUSE CALLS for donations! They do have nice chairs at our place!
I am going to try again this week. Last week they rejected me due to low iron. (and I had even been taking iron pills all week). I've heard pomegranite juice, beets, spinich and meat are also good sources of iron. Anyone else have suggestions? I'm all for eating all the weird food I need to get the iron count to donation level.
Black beans! Also, are you vegetarian? Go out and have a big juicy hamburger!!! Can't wait to see your adorable smiling face on my blog again! xo
Just got back from the Heartland Blood Center with my friend who donated! She ate black beans for dinner last night!
No kidding - I posted on facebook last night that I was 'cursed' with drinking red wine so I could donate. Got lots of sympathy ;) A phlebotomist (who goes unnamed because they no longer 'suggest' such goings on) once told me to eat a steak or have some red wine the night before I donate.
I haven't failed an iron count in a year. Sucks to be me, huh?
You know, when I donated Xmas Eve day, I drank red wine the night before! My iron count was 15.4! But my blood ran very slow, it took like 12 minutes to get the whole pint out when it usually goes much faster for me. Probably dehydration. I shoulda drank more water. So, I do think that red wine has some validity to it!
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