(But everyone who participated this month, please read this notice!)
Missing Persons: DENISE
Missing Persons: DENISE
The Little Women Letters: MARGIE
Congrats winners! Please email me at NOT with TWO Ts ... there is another stephanie elliot out there who has been getting my emails. If you put Two Ts at the end of elliot you will be sending it to the WRONG Stephanie! I am STEPHANIE ELLIOT with ONE T!
Thank YOU ALL who participated! There will be a GRAND PRIZE DRAWING with lots of books to win when I return from Chicago, probably late July/early August. If you've posted at ALL during the month of June, YOU ARE ELIGIBLE TO WIN! I will DRAW one name per POST for each day, and then ALL of those entries will then go into the drawing where two names will then be chosen to WIN a bunch of books and possibly a Target or B&N gift card and some other treats or stuff to go along with it! So stay tuned and keep reading MaNiC! Also, when I get back home, I will have the updated list of MANY MORE great books that will be offered up during the SEPTEMBER BLOWOUT MONTHLONG GIVEAWAY!
OK, we are officially down to the wire and I’ve got three more books to share with you. But not to worry because I’ve already got a KICKIN’ list started of new books that I’ll be bringing to you in the Fall. Because I’m leaving for Chicago in two days, I’m posting the last three books here. Enter once, and I will be choosing THREE winners for these books very soon, so you gotta be quick here. (Or maybe, just maybe I’ll let it go through the weekend and I’ll choose after the fourth of July – I’m pretty sure I can manage to choose winners while out of town, I just know I have to get this post up, because, well, have you tried to pack for five people for almost a month lately? NOT FUN!)
NOTE: Please make sure to go back and check to see if you've won a book -- there was a mistake on one of the previous books and I accidentally listed the wrong winner on one of the books. You may have won!
So, here are the LAST THREE BOOKS of June’s Blast-O-Books! Hope you’ve enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed sharing them with you. I’ll be giving you some more details on the giveaway, and will be announcing a grand prize winner with a GRAND PRIZE SURPRISE PACK of MYSTERY books when I return at the end of July. I may even choose two winners like last time!
There will also be vacation posting so please do check in through July…I'll be seeing U2, and REO Speedwagon, and seeing old friends, and having family reunions, and meeting my niece for the very first time, and watching my kids get together with their best friends they haven't seen since we moved here over a year ago, and attending the Very Late Housewarming Party at my old home (Yep,the house we used to live in!), so there will be much to blog about! ... and you can always check out my posts at Real Moms Guide - I post over there every single day - mostly about women issues and parenting stuff, also some different book reviews too! If you get a chance, stop on by and leave a comment! Thanks!
So, without any further you know what, here are today's final three books! Thanks for taking the ride with me this month! It's been a lot of fun!
MISSING PERSONS by Clare O’Donohue
This one is a Kate Conway Mystery, and it seems I’m becoming a mystery fan, so if you are too, you can expect to find more mysteries here on MaNiC!
When Kate’s soon-to-be ex-husband is found dead, she’s the suspect, and while she might have wanted to kill him, she didn’t do it. While she’s in the middle of this mess, suddenly, her dead ex’s new girlfriend wants to be friends with her – ok, how weird is THAT, and what is UP with that? Pretty mysterious there, huh?
Since Kate is a Chicago (gotta love going back to my roots) Television Producer, she gets a new assignment for a TV series called Missing Persons, and she throws herself into the project, which is about the disappearance of a young woman. She’s got to get 22 minutes of footage but suddenly, she’s discovering that the case on the young woman, and her ex’s death may have something in common.
It’s fast-paced and heart-racing, and since the author has a background in television as a writer and producer, she’s got the inside scoop to make Missing Persons an authentic and exciting read!
SKINNY by Diana Spechler

When I first discovered SKINNY, I knew it was one I had to read, and share with you! It had all the elements I look for in a great book – a protagonist dealing with some inner turmoil, a bit of a YA feel with the kids in camp (love the setting), some sexy sexy, and I already knew that Diana Spechler had written a great first novel, Who By Fire (check it out too!) I was especially attracted to the fact that there was a weight issue there. I guess it’s because for my whole life I have battled with the dreaded calorie. I’ve never been to summer camp though, and in SKINNY, main character Gray heads there as a camp counselor in order to stop a sudden bingeing due to her father’s death, and also to unravel a family mystery.
Below is the blurb of the book:
In the aftermath of her Orthodox Jewish father's death, twenty-six-year-old Gray Lachmann finds herself compulsively eating. Desperate to stop bingeing, she abandons her life in New York City for a job at a southern weight-loss camp. There, caught among the warring egos of her devious co-counselor Sheena, the self-aggrandizing camp director Lewis, his attractive assistant Bennett, and a throng of combative teenage campers, she is confronted by a captivating mystery: her teenage half-sister Eden, whom Gray never knew existed. Now, while unraveling her father's lies, Gray must tackle her own self-deceptions and take control of her body and her life.
Visceral, poignant, and often wickedly funny, Diana Spechler's masterfully crafted second novel illuminates a young woman's struggle to make sense of the inextricable link between hunger and emotion, and to make peace with her demons, her body, and herself.
Here’s the book trailer of SKINNY.
The Little Women Letters by Gabrielle Donnelly

I am positive I read and loved Little Women when I was a little girl, and for some reason, I think I wanted to be Jo. (Yes, I just went to Wikipedia to confirm – she was the one who wanted to write a great novel, so that is true – I wanted to be, and still do want to be, Jo!)
The Little Women Letters is a fictional take on Jo’s descendants – and I’ve yet had a chance to read it, but anyone, whether or not you’ve read Little Women, will enjoy this “compassionate and spirited tale.” And if you’ve always been a Little Women fan, then well, you will fall in absolute love with this imaginary continued tale of these women!
Here’s the premise:
Vibrant, fresh, and intelligent, The Little Women Letters explores the imagined lives of Jo March’s descendants—three sisters who are both thoroughly modern and thoroughly March. As uplifting and essential as Louisa May Alcott’s Little Women, Gabrielle Donnelly’s novel will speak to anyone who’s ever fought with a sister, fallen in love with a fabulous pair of shoes, or wondered what on earth life had in store for her.
With her older sister, Emma, planning a wedding and her younger sister, Sophie, preparing to launch a career on the London stage, Lulu can’t help but feel like the failure of the Atwater family. Lulu loves her sisters dearly and wants nothing but the best for them, but she finds herself stuck in a rut, working dead-end jobs with no romantic prospects in sight. When her mother asks her to find a cache of old family recipes in the attic of her childhood home, Lulu stumbles across a collection of letters written by her great-great-grandmother Josephine March. In her letters, Jo writes in detail about every aspect of her life: her older sister, Meg’s, new home and family; her younger sister Amy’s many admirers; Beth’s illness and the family’s shared grief over losing her too soon; and the butterflies she feels when she meets a handsome young German. As Lulu delves deeper into the lives and secrets of the March sisters, she finds solace and guidance, but can the words of her great-great-grandmother help Lulu find a place for herself in a world so different from the one Jo knew?
Some things, of course, remain unchanged: the stories and jokes that form a family’s history, the laughter over tea in the afternoon, the desire to do the right thing in spite of obstacles. And above all, of course, the fierce, undying, and often infuriating bond of sisterhood that links the Atwater women every bit as firmly as it did the March sisters all those years ago. Both a loving tribute to Little Women and a wonderful contemporary family story, The Little Women Letters is a heartwarming, funny, and wise novel for today.
Read an excerpt of THE LITTLE WOMEN LETTERS.
To enter to qualify for each one of these books (I will draw three separate winners from all the entries, so you’ll have three chances to win), tell me … hmmm, I was going to ask you to name your fave crime show and if you’ve been to summer camp, but then I couldn’t come up with something for the third book, like what is your favorite letter? That’s dumb, so I’m trying to think of something really clever and interesting to ask you…. Let’s see …OK!
Since I’ve been thinking a lot about my OWN manuscript (which has been edited and sent back to my agent!), let me ask you this:
If you could ASK THE EX YOU THINK ABOUT MOST one thing, what would you ask him (or her)?
Thanks for reading and being a part of June Blast-O-Books.
I also blog at Real Moms Guide. Please take a look at my posts over there if you get a chance!
Don't forget to enter for any of the previous books that you may have missed. AS LONG AS A WINNER's NAME is NOT posted at the top of the blog post, then that means a winner has NOT yet been chosen so you can still enter to win that book but ONLY ONE TIME per book entry PLEASE!
If you're new here, check out the rules and other stuff for the June Blast-O-Books there under that highlighted link back there, or feel free to leave me a comment always and I'll answer it in the thread, or email me at It is always at my discretion to change things up, and because of some regulations, I guess I must say that the books I review are given to me by either the authors or publishers or publicists, and I am never paid for my reviews, and they are my own personal reviews, and you know what, because I'm here telling you this anyway, I will also tell you that I never review a book I don't like, because you know what, why waste my time, life is too short to read a crappy book! There. There's my new mantra!
Some great selections here! (I just want to let you know I have Skinny already, just in case!)
Oh good question! I would ask a particular ex first if he is married now and assuming he is, what changed his mind about loyalty or if he's unfaithful to his wife too. Ouch! Even I felt that sting!
I'll be back throughout the summer but here's wishing you a good one Stephanie! Cheers!
Simply, why did the feelings end for you?
ENJOY your trip to Chicago.
OOH Ladies, I am ALREADY LOVING what you would ask your EXES!!! Steph aka MaNiC
I agree with Nattygirrl......I don't think of him much, but I suppose I would ask the most significant ex (as in ex-husband) if the "once a cheater always a cheater" saying is true.....and how his new wife feels about that!!!
I was never that serious with my exes (although that's not what I thought at the time). So it's difficult to come up with a question because my relationship with my husband always has been on such a different level (even when we were just dating).
So no questions here, but I do have the same thought everytime I see him post something to FB...
I think: man, I got the better end of the deal. You broke my heart but it really worked out better for me! :)
Kristi Hooke
-MM, thanks for your sweet comments on EGs facebook the other day. Love your blog!
I'm in the same boat as Kristi. They are exes for a reason. And they got me to where I am now, with my Husband, so I really have no regrets. Of course, I'm not saying the bulk of them are not complete jerks. TaraUB in IN
Oh Gosh, I wouldn't ask him anything. It was a bad relationship and break-up. It was a life learning experience which I'm grateful for, but I wouldn't even want to ever be in the same breathing space as him!!
I'd ask him exactly what the point was of inviting my parents to his first wedding (three years after we broke up) AND addressing the invitation to "and family". Really?
~Colbey J
My ex is currently the wedding planner for a friend's wedding. He has some tendencies that make me question him, so I would ask him if he is gay.
The "ex" I think about the most, isn't really an ex, b/c we never actually dated. We flirted a lot and dodged the mutual attraction, so my question would be: Why not? Everyone else in HS could see that we had mutual feelings, so why didn't you ask me out? (I went to HS when it wasn't 'cool' for girls to ask boys out, and besides, my mother would have killed me!)
I would apologize and ask for forgiveness.
Oh wow! Poor Cobey J.
I would ask why he continues to email me when he cheated and it was over 3 years ago. Don't act like you care now!
I would ask my ex if he regretted the fact that he dumped me for a girl that got pregnant on purpose...who practically neglects their child.....but continues to use the little boy to keep him in her crazy melodramatic life...aside from the fact that he did het a wonderful little boy out of it...I'm really hoping he would say yes!
I would simply ask him if he's happy in his life... I would hope he's where he wants to be in life (as I am).
Hmm...How much did you regret ending things with me?
Wow, what a great question! I would have to ask him, if you could go back and do something differently, what would you do differently?
Thanks so much for all the great books and posts; this is so much fun!
I would ask my ex why he completely ignores me now. Before and after we dated, we were best friends and completely inseperable. About 5 years ago, he just stopped talking to me and hasn't said a word since. I'm curious as to why.
I would ask him if he was happy and if he missed me!
why did you sleep with my skanky roommate?
I think you have some interesting selections. I honestly don't know what I would ask my ex because I haven't really had one.
jenceyg msn com
I actually did get the chance to talk to the ex about a year ago that I met before my husband,and probably would have married instead except that he pressured me to sleep with him toosoon which caused problems right from the start. If I had gotten to know the real him as I saw a year ago first then I believe things would have been different. I asked him the question "did I mean anything to you then or was I just another girl for you?" I got my answer when he sent me a picture of his family. His wife and I could be sisters we resemble each other so much. I guess not sleeping with a guy as soon as you meet him leaves an impression whether he realizes it or not.
Since I've been with my husband since I was 19, I dont' have many exes from adulthood...but if I could ask my ex from high school it would be why didn't you stick around longer? Was it lack of maturity (ahem...I was a "good girl"...) on my part or did you simply lose interest?
ohhh, i would love to say "do you understand what a great woman i am
and what a wonderful opportunity
at a great life you would have had with me? oh, you don't? here ask the man i'm with now. he knows and he'd LOVE to tell you!"
enjoy that vacation and thanks for all the book suggestions!
As he is married now (thank you FB), I would have to ask at what point did he realize that it was time to grow up, get a job, and move out. He seems happy now, for that I am glad. He was a good guy, just not mature enough. LeslieGC
He's not technically my "ex", he was my best friend through high school and college, but there was always something there and he always hesitated when it came to the surface, so I would ask him "Why didn't you believe in yourself and me enough to just try?"
Great selections.
I'd ask him why he felt it was appropriate to hit on my BFF 4 days after we'd broken up. WTF?!??!?
And for the record, my BFF shot him down, as she should have.
Well, he's gay now, so I guess I would ask him what did he find so attractive about me?
Are you happy?
First I would say THANK YOU to one particular ex for breaking up with me because I was blind to the fact that it wasn't the best relationship for me to be in. But I would ask why? Not that it matters because I got the better end of the deal...and my husband is way better looking!
Amy Nichole G
The ex I think about most is no longer here, and I have actually thought about this very question a LOT.
I would simply ask him why he choose drugs and an OD over living.
P.S. I'm currently reading Little Women right now. Beth DIES?! After surviving the fever?! NOOOOOooooo...
I would definitely ask why he took the cowardly way out and cheated on me with his ex-girlfriend instead of just talking to me like a human being and breaking up with me first.
Could be that I've got a heart made of stone, but all of my ex's are ex's for a reason. I don't have any desire to ask any of them anything.
Was it worth breaking up with me for the woman who literally stabbed you in the back with a pen?
I'm jealous that you're going to Chicago. I usually go for 4th of July but I have no vacay time thanks to maternity leave sucking it all up. The baby was worth it though. :)
I think about my first ex but more in a "how things were back then" way. Maybe I would ask what made him lose interest in me? I don't know. We're friends who e-mail sporadically now. We have similar lives (both married with kids). I am not as intrigued as I used to be and I'm over "us" anyway.
I don't really think about my exes and most of my relationships ended on pretty good terms.
I guess I would ask if he learned anything. I know I learned a lot so I can only hope he came out of the relationship a better person.
oh gosh. I only had one "semi-serious" relationship before my fiancee and I really don't think about him much. But if I could, I would ask him this one thing:
"Remember when you said that YOU deserved better than me? that YOU were too good for me? Do you still think that NOW?"
After all I graduated from college and am an engineer in training. While he is still home living with his grandma, bumming out at our friends' house, while trying to play "daddy".
Who's better than who now? :)
But you know what MaNiC? I already got my answer ;)
Oh the ex, that stomped all over everyone to get to his 'amazing dream job' at the RitzCarlton? Then just last year quit the management position he DID get there, to 'pursue his dream and be in a band'? That ex....hmm....I'd ask him if he thought it was worth it? Really truly.
Thanks for the giveaway Manic!
I know I would ask him why he cheated on me, but I already know the answer...he was drunk and his "best girl-friend" took advantage of him to get back at her cheating lame, but then again it was high school! Haha! And I am WAY better off now than I know I would have ever been staying with him!
Dont really have a significant ex to ask. Was a 20 year old virgin when I got married!!! 30 years ago June!
I MUST WIN THE LOUISA MAY ALCOTT book. LOL Been to her house in Concord, read everything. SOUNDS AWESOME.
I would ask him how is he ever going to get out of debt?
Yep, I'm an asshole - but much better off now! ;)
That's easy, my daughter's father went into a relationship pretty quickly after our break up and I know that he cheated on me with her, so I would ask him to come clean about that and how many others were there?
Wow this one is making me think...I think answering the favorite crime show question would have been easier! LOL! I guess I would ask him if he's happy and if his life turned out like he had hoped it would. Though we had our ups and downs I really did love him at one time so I don't wish anything bad on him.
Elise B.
Best question asked so far, the responses were very interesting!!
My question: Do you ever think about me?
the exes that are exes for a reason, i have no questions for. for the one who quit calling: what happened?
How long did it take him to get over me or if he never did? As he is still not married!
"How you doin?" (said in Joey voice) because that's just how we were. :)
hmmm, great question for us Steph! Did his now ex-wife know about me when he married her? Because if she did, she probably wouldn't have married you and ended up an "ex" too (he cheated on her too). Good luck to you and your current wife...can't wait to hear how that one works out. (I'm friends with his brother and sis-in-law.) ha!
I'm just thankful that he is the "ex". I definitely got the better end of the deal.
Have a great time in Chicago, MM!!
And thanks again for the give aways!
michelle jagow
If I had to ask my ex one thing it would be: Why did you have to to Hawaii to find yourself and did you really find yourself?? I know now that I am so much better off without him but at the time it really hurt to be told he was in love with me but just had to go to Hawaii for the summer to find himself. I didnt understand that at all. But like I said. . .I am so much better off and it opened my eyes to what kind of person he really was.
The only thing I wonder about my ex is where he is and what he is up to. A few years after we ended things he disappeared off the face of the earth - mutual friends have not even heard from him. I am sure he is doing great ... just wonder what made him up and leave the area.
I don't really think much about my ex's and I'm not sure there's anything I want to know about them and how they're doing now. I have a great husband and a good life and if it weren't for those failed relationships, I would have never met him. I now that's probably a 'cop out answer' but I just don't want to think about the exes or that part of the past. Thanks again for the contest!
I think I'd ask...why is it that you thought ending things was "for the best"? Like, what in particular made it better to be broken up instead of together? And if it was the right/better choice, why do you still check on me all the time? my only true ex, the ex husband, it would have to be when exactly did the current relationship start? He jumped right into a serious relationship with his best female friend about a month after we separated. They are getting married this weekend. No hard feelings, we grew apart, but just curiosity. But more fun questions would go to some of those that I still wonder about. Those "wonder what would've happened if" questions. :)
Thanks for another fun month of books and enjoy your vaca. See you around town!
Terri M.
Good question! This could go in two different directions, but I think I would ask a specific ex more than one question:
How many of my friends did you sleep with?
What was your real relationship with your "friend" Jeff?
Plus a few more lol.
I think that I would ask him if he is happy? I know that I am and just wonder if he is as well!
I would ask my ex what he really, trully thinks of me. Does he love me? Does he see a future with me? Pathetic, I know. But love is pathetic.
Dani Patarazzi
I would ask my ex--- how his little sister is doing.I always had a soft spot for her mainly because she was a very sweet girl who just happened to have a pretty messed up family life.
Will you leave me alone?
This is the best question ever. I'm loving reading the responses.
I would ask what about his behavior he'd have changed when I gave him a second chance, or simply would he have taken down the email that I read that put an end to it all?
I don't really think about any of my exes, as none of them were THAT serious. I met my husband at 21 and he is the first person I truly fell in love with (not puppy love). I would probably ask "Do you think we could have done anything else that would have given us a chance to make it, even for a little while longer?".
Since I am the one who ended it....I would ask him how long it took for him to get over me! that mean?
I would ask if he realizes now what a great catch he let get away? hehehe!
Thanks for all the wonderful giveaways and have a fantabulous July!
WOW!... My head is spinning with questions! But I think the first one would be, did you ever really love me?... which I'd quickly follow with I'm not sure I ever really loved you!... sounds mean; I know... but i'd say it kindly! HAHA
I'd ask him if he still regrets letting me get away :)
I'd ask "The Ex" if he could imagine a different ending for us.
I think I'd ask why he is still writing such trigger-ing things on our mutual friends pages. He knows I'm not going to get back together with him, and even if I wanted to I doubt he would want to because of how it ended, so...what's the point?
'when are you going to grow up?'
wow, crazy question. I would ask how many people he really cheated on me with and if he is continuing to be unfaithful. Is that considered two??
holly wohle
Don't really think about him... but I suppose I would ask him if he misses me, since I left him!
I would ask do you ever wonder what could have been?
Great books!
I think there is one question always - why?
I wouldn't ask my exes anything, because I'm so glad they're gone that I wouldn't seek them out to talk to them.
Kristi Marie W.
WOW I don't know what I would ask him. He's married w/child. Maybe ask him if he ever thinks about me and if he learned anything from our relationship.
kyfaithw at aol dot com
Why her? Why not me?
I would have to ask him why he felt it was okay to just stop talking to me one day and whether or not he had stopped loving me before or after he started sleeping with her... I may still be a bit hostile...
NicoleMG from CT
Why wasn't I worth toughing it out for? Although I already know the answer - and already found a guy willing to tough it out for me now and forever. So who cares?
I have no idea what I would ask him. I saw him about 8 years ago, just as he started dating the woman that became his wife. If inhadn't met my husband later that year, I would have asked why her and not me? Now I just hope he's as happy as I am.
I don't think about my exes. I know that I was meant to be with my husband. Therefore, if I saw any of my exes, if I anything I might want to say thanks for letting me go.
Well I only have one ex, but I don't really think about him all that often. Basically I just hope he's happy and enjoying life!
A year ago, I would've had a million questions for my ex. But now that I've been with my husband, I never think about him anymore! Weird; and I hadn't noticed until you asked the question!
Do you wonder what our life would have been like together?
I would ask him why he felt the need to try and control every move I made!! Glad I got rid if him!!
Great giveaway!! The books sound awesome!!
The question I would ask my ex, I kinda'- sorta' asked him and didn't get a complete answer. I asked him why he broke my heart and all he said was that he was "stupid" I would have liked to have a more detailed answer, but at least it was something, I guess.
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
What was I to you?
Love these books!!
So...Why haven't you contacted your daughter in 7 years? But you feel the need to take care of your wife's children? Huh.
PS...I'm actually glad that he hasn't contacted us because my husband adopted my daughter. So there. lol
I think I would ask my ex why he couldn't choose between me or her? I really don't think he can answer that question, so it's probably not fair (like since when is cheating fair?). Maybe a better question would be if he misses our friendship? We were friends (before he began to wander) and I miss the interesting conversations we used to have.
Hi Manic! A month in Chicago sounds FAB...have a great time! Anyway, I've always wanted to ask my ex (husband) if he's managed to stay faithful to his 2nd wife. He sure as shit couldn't be faithful with ME. Yep....Nuff said. Have a great summer!! Nan XO
I'd ask him if he cheated on me with his best friends girlfriend in high school.
Have a great vacation!
I would ask my ex if he still thinks about me.
-Donna W.
I didn't have any clue what I wanted to ask until I read the comments. Now I want to know why the guy I dated right before I met my hubby cheated on me--and with a friend. I also want to know if there were other girls he cheated with while we were dating.
Don't really have any questions but would like to thank him for breaking up with me because of the wonderful family I have now.
does he ever think of me....
I really don't have any ex's I married my high school sweetheart we've been together 15 years and are celebrating our 8 year wedding anniversary today.
I would ask my ex-boyfriend why he let his family ruin a good relationship.
But in all reality I am glad that things did not work out because I would never have met my husband! :)
Katie in N-ville
What would I ask? Are you as glad as I am that things didn't work out? ktmixon315
I don't have many exes that I really think about. I guess I would ask my ex why he was such a jerk. I really have nothing to ask him, haha.
One question - why?
He'd know what it's about.
Hmmm....I don't have an ex so I don't know what I would ask him. I'll spin this to an ex-friend and ask her why she couldn't form her own opinions on me instead of listening to lies and rumors others started. But life works in it's own way and I am better for not having that friend.
I would ask if he still thinks of me, and if so are they good thoughts or does he hate my guts lol.
Why did you dump me? patticole
Guess I would ask if they are happy with their life. Married? Children? Been married for 25yrs. Honestly don't think of them.
I'm friends with the majority of my exes and those that didn't make the freinds list aren't worth asking anything!
i didn't date anyone before my husband long enough to consider them "exes". but there were a couple near misses that i would love to ask what went wrong.
Why he is such a butt head?!! LOL I don't know! I think about my daughters father the most because I have to still deal with him. But not romantically just why he is so up and down on being a father. Acts like he wants to be involved but is so self involved it just is frustrating!! Love all the books and can't wait to read them!!
My question to a ex would be "was cheating really worth all of the drama you created in our lives"?
Did you cheat on me while we were together? I have asked this already and was told no, but I feel this is a lie.
Wow, there is a lot of worthwhile material above!
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