Sunday, February 11, 2007

Cabo Photos

Details to follow... but, isn't it beautiful?


OhTheJoys said...

...and the bathing suit looks HOT!!! Woo Hoo, YOU!

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

Ha! Funny--You are toooo nice!

xxxx said...

Those two of the kids were my favorite. SUCH CUTIES! Ajers is looking so big and Diva so sophisticated and the Tukester ... THE TUKESTER! I just want to squeeze him every time I see him!

(And of COURSE you look hot!)

xxxx said...

And WTF, Blogger made all the rest of us switch and not you?!?!

Anonymous said...

Those pics are sooo cool. I think *I* need a vacation now!

Angel said...

I am SO stinkin jealous right now! How great for the kids!...that little guy looks just like you! great suit.

Andie said...

god, i need a vacation.

Anonymous said...

You do look hot and the vacation looks divine!

violetvirus said... look HOT in dat, seriously!..really hot! :)

and your kids are so cute...Hello kids! I'm sure you had a great time...regardless whatever happened with d xanax