OK, let’s have another contest. Want to win some great reads from some great author pals of mine? Well, OK then. Let me just tell you a couple good stories here then.
BUT FIRST! There’s always a first, isn’t there. Wanna enter? Gotta read.
First, I was bummed out today. Yep, and there’s always a story about ME, right? Because it’s all about me; me being whiny and crabby and bitchy, and woeful. That’s just me. I was having me a little pity-party on why I don’t have a novel out there yet. I don’t understand how it was completely feasible to write a 400-page novel when I had one child in diapers, and two toddlers running around like crazy lunatics, and now, I’ve got like two-thirds of them out of the house for six full hours, and I haven’t been writing, and how it’s impossible to write the next one. And how I have completely SUCKED at keeping my New Year’s Resolution. (Thank you all for not even remembering what it was! Because, apparently, I don’t even remember it either.)
Then I thought to myself that I could just give up and just say I’m not gonna be a writer anymore, or I could NOT give up and be like these two terrific ladies I’m going to tell you about in a couple seconds.
I think I’m not going to give up quite just yet. I’m tired, yes. But not too tired where I want to quit.
So, here are two new fabulous debut authors on today’s bookshelves that you MUST check out. They happen to be friends of mine I’ve had the pleasure of knowing through some great writer’s organizations online.
Up first is the talented author, Jenny Gardiner, whose debut novel, Sleeping With Ward Cleaver has already received rave reviews and has a great cover blurb from Meg Cabot, THE author of Princess Diaries. You know, it really doesn’t get any better than that for your first novel!

And the cool thing about Jenny is that she didn’t quit. She dreamed of writing (like me), wrote (like me), got rejected (like me), kept going (like I’m going to do), entered a contest, WON A PUBLISHING CONTRACT, and about a year later, here she is… a real-live PUBLISHED AUTHOR!
With a real-live book! I’ve not had a chance to read Sleeping With Ward Cleaver yet, but as soon as I’m done with my pity-party, I’m going to, but from what I know, it’s a fab and fun read, with lots of warmth and wit! To give you a sneak peek, you can even read the first chapter here!
And then, be sure to read more about Jenny over at her website, www.jennygardiner.net.
And she also is one of the Debs at the awesome writers’ website, The Debutante Ball, which is a goal of mine someday—to be invited as a Deb because this is where the crème de la crème of up-and-coming authors go for their pre-party before publication!
And allow me to introduce to you another fabulous up-and-coming novelist, and who would have ever predicted this? I mean, this is just sooooo Unpredictable! And yes, this is my corny, quirky little way of introducing the title of Eileen Cook’s debut novel.

And Eileen, like Jenny, just happens to be another Deb from The Debutante Ball, (along with fabuloso pal Jess Riley—Hey there Jess!)
I don’t know how Eileen and I hooked up online (sounds kinda swarmy in a Swingers movie kinda way, doesn’t it?). But if there were ever four Internet chicks to be on the lookout for, I would have to say the four who come to mind are Eileen, Jess, Swishy and me, just judging from our online banter and camaraderie the past two years.
And the four of us will have the chance to be united in real-world life time in just a few short weeks when we celebrate Eileen’s debut when she comes to a nearby not-to-be-named location. Yes, there will be pictures. Yes, there will be Swishy/Manic/Jess/Eileen stories. Yes, there will be mayhem, and quite possibly jail time. And with Swishy there, possibly Jail Bait! Check back at the end of the month for that blog post.
Digression is a terrible thing to waste, especially when there’s a contest to announce! Breathe a sigh of relief all you needle-fearers because, while the Blood Donation Contest is still in full swing through Valentine’s Day, this contest involves nothing more than a mouse and a click and a few kind words to our fabulous and talented debut authors!
Both Jenny and Eileen have kindly agreed to give away a signed copy of their debut novels (you did, right gals? Cuz if not, I’m totally screwed and will just have to go out and buy copies and forge your signatures, and you know I will do that, right?)
And to top off this prize--like a signed copy of their book weren’t enough--I will toss in a gift card--either a Starbucks or Cold Stone Creamery (your choice) but it’s only going to be for FIVE BUCKS per winner because I am seriously going to go broke with all these dang contests I’m holding.
So, here’s what you need to do.
*IMPORTANT NOTE: When you enter the contest at their blogs, please make sure to leave a link to your own blog or include your email addy so we have a way to contact you if you are the winner! (I already notice some of the earlier entrants have not done this so you may need to go back and leave another comment please!)
Second: You only need to enter once please!
To win Unpredictable, click HERE and leave a comment telling Eileen that Manic Mommy is so UNPREDICTABLE!
To win a chance to Sleep with Ward Cleaver, WHOOPS!... I mean, to win a copy of Sleeping with Ward Cleaver, click HERE and leave a comment for Jenny—say Manic Mommy wants to sleep with Ward, yeah, that’s a good one, then she’ll know for SURE that I sent you to visit her!
You’ll have up until Sunday night to enter the contest, so stop on by and tell these incredible and talented ladies hello from Manic Mommy, and you can enter over at both of their sites for a chance to win BOTH books. And if you don’t luck out and win, Amazon.com is bundling the books as a package deal and you can order them together online!
Congrats to Jenny and Eileen! And good luck to all you who enter. You know life is just so unpredictable, like did you even think when you clicked onto Manic Mommy that there'd be ANOTHER contest you could enter? I mean, you never know what may happen next... Who knows, you may just end up sleeping with Ward Cleaver.
Is it wrong?
Peace UP!
If I ever get a writing contract, I'm going to insist my agent employ you as my publicist. Nice pimp job!
Sincerely, though, both of these sound wonderfully entertaining. (Much more so than, say, John Stuart Mill and Immanuel Kant.)
I've no doubt you have a debutante tiara in your future, Stephanie. Keep the faith :)
I never win these contests...
not worth trying .....
Thanks for the book tips. So far your recommendations have been right up my alley. Can't wait until the day you get your book published!
Anonymous--DO NOT BE THAT HALF-EMPTY GLASS GIRL!!!! I am going to write a blog post about you one of these days!!! You make me sad! : (
And Laura and Jennifer, who already entered, YOU DEFINITELY WON'T WIN if you don't go back to the sites and include either a blog site or an email address so we can contact you if you win the contest--COME ON--do you know how many LAURAs or JENNIFERs are out there who will claim to be YOU if I say, "HEY LAURA! HEY JENNIFER! You won the contest!!!!"
So make sure anyone who wants to enter that you include a way for me to contact you in case you win!!!
I've entered! I've entered! And woman, there are better men out there than Ward Cleaver. I'm just sayin.
Manic, you crack me up.
Anonymous, you can't win if you don't try... I won a mix CD from swishy once. It was awesome!!!
True Monnik! And Swishy and I LOVE to give stuff away, don't we!?!??!?!?!
And also, you can't win if you don't leave your email or your blog link when you visit the authors so remember to do that please gals!
It is so NOT wrong!! Thanks for the heads up. Your unpredictable and your sleeping with Ward...wow, you have quite the life!!
Writing ebbs and flows. In a way, it is like dieting. There are good days (or weeks) and bad days (or weeks). You have to just get up and keep trying...every damn day. Your writing mojo will come back. I promise!
Stephanie, I can hear the karma train pulling into your station.
I started writing a little less than a year ago seriosly and you've always answered questions (on myspace and the yahoo group who's name change concerns and confused me) I know it'll be you one day. REALLY? you know how cows can tell when it rains? oK, that's me and writers who are about to be published. anyhoo. I know the down days suck..many good thoughts (and great contests!) Rhianna
You pimp like nobodies business.
All good karma coming your way.
I entered the contest because I am a good girl who always does like I am told, like June Cleaver...
I win right?
I like to read. although right now I'm reading Band of Brothers, because my husband told me it was a "really great book." I'm sure after all the fighting in that, I will be ready to read some good "girl fiction." Thanks for the new book recommendations.
Peace up? Thats new. Do you get to put on a peace suit to combat all hatred? We should totally do that.
Thanks for pointing me to another great book, Manic. I can't wait to read what happens with Ward in Miami! Now I have to pick up TWO books at Book a Million, and hopefully that'll be tonight!
Tanya, I ALWAYS say Peace UP! Where ya been galpal? hee hee.
I just heard from Jenny that Amazon has already ordered more inventory! Isn't that cool?
I entered. Thanks for the heads-up. :)
aw manic...such a nice comment to me. it was a fun morning of getting 'er done!
You guys!!! Sorry I'm late to the party--I was in Richmond doing a spiffy little television morning show. Stephanie, you are SOOOO going to published--you know you are!!! It'll happen, you just have to keep plodding through all the crap (and there is a LOT of crap, isn't there?). You know all of us over at the former CL loop (what the hell is it called now?) have been rooting for you. And I would love to be the little fly on the wall observing the little get together with you and Eileen and Jess...I can't imagine there will be much alcohol involved, will there?
Thanks for pimping me, girl. It's a fun book and I think you'll love it cause you're a smart aleck like me ;-) . And Eileen's book, well, it goes without saying it's hilarious, cause SHE'S hilarious!
you're hillarious!!! I love your blog! :)
Fantastic pimping, Manic Mommy! And I can really relate to having trouble writing that next book while waiting for the first to sell. I'm sending happy publishing vibes your way!
Danielle Younge-Ullman
What a hysterical idea, to leave the entry posts on their blogs...brilliant :)
It was kind of like filling out those Mad Libs pages from when we were kids...Manic Mom is SO unpredictable that_____!
You are quite the friend, and quite the human being. You should be very proud of yourself.
I'm not entering, as I'm happy to purchase books and support the writers...but really, it's so nice of you.
Steph, you are awesome. Have I told you that lately? I love how this contest is scavenger hunt-esque. (Can't wait to see you in a few weeks!!)
You gave me a great idea for my wife's birthday, so your pimp job is a success, because even if I don't win the contests, I will still go out and purchase them for her.
Shh don't tell now. :-)
It's me, Laura,from the world of 1 million Laura's. I did put my email address when I commented (on both enteries) it said in brackets that it was required but will not be shown on the blog comments section?? So I do hope that it is there for the blog mistress' to see as I did type it in. I guess I need to start a blog so that I can put that down..hmmm!
Well here I am - long time reader and first time poster here.
I just wanted to say that I thought it was really a sweet thing for you to promote your friends and their new books in your blog. Your time will come soon - I can just FEEL it.
And pssst - I have a guilty secret to tell you... for the first 3 months that I read your blog I kept telling everyone that -ahem - MANIAC Mommy had a great blog. Oops. : )
LAURA--just email me at manicmommy@comcast.net and then I'll have your email address so I will remember that you are the contestant and hopefully that will bring you extra good luck for the contest!!!! SO then I'll have your address! I don't know why it didn't show up!
"me being whiny and crabby and bitchy, and woeful"
I feel the same lately - I know you're in the Midwest too (you had lunch with Dawn, right?). I heard the Chi Times published an article that said the Chicago area got 11 minutes of sunlight so far this month. I'm using that as MY excuse...
so many contests, I can't keep up!
DO. NOT. GIVE. UP. It is clear that you are talented and funny as heck! You are awesome for supporting your author buds!
Hey Manic!
I just went on over to Eileen's and entered - she emailed me that you were pretty dodgy and that made me laugh because I remembered what made me think you and I would be friends - it was reading that you dived in to the bin at McDonalds to retrieve a Tukey Tooth! That's just what I would have done!!
A contest that doesn't involve needles... from me, the Queen Needle-fearer. I will head over and put my name in the hat :-)
Don't give up! Don't give up!
It's so impressive that you wrote a 400 page novel. I wish you tons and tons of luck. My first novel had been rejected so many times, I had completely given up hope... and then I sold it! It was published last July!
And I'm psyched for the contest. I love entering contests!
What???You're still depressed??? Even after my counseling???LOL
Long time lurker, first time commenter......I LOVE your blog!! You are so funny! Thanks for the new contest! I just entered both....I also wonder (like Laura) if my email showed up as I had the same experience she had. I soooo wanted to send you a picture of me donating blood (because not only would you be proud of me but I would be proud of me too!!) but I have to wait for the "tattoo taboo time" to be up....I'm soooo close maybe I could fudge the dates a little??
Jenny just told me "Ward" just hit the B&N Romance best seller's list at #32! WOW!!!!! It's a really fun book. If you like Manic Mom's blog and her great sense of humor you'll love Jenny's book.
This is your blog. Be as bitchy and whiney as you want. Personally, I love reading about bitchy and whiney. It makes me happy because I write about bitchy and whiney.
The books look good!! And you MUST keep writing. Do you hear me? Or would that be read me? Anyway, you had better not give up. EVER!!! It's all a matter of timing and it just hasn't been your time yet. But it's coming! I know it as sure as I know my butt keeps growing. And I'm going to be among the first in line to buy your debut novel!!
I love your blog. Finally, a contest I can participate in! (LifeSource tells me my veins are too small.) I'm definitely looking forward to reading the two books, whether I win them or not. And one day soon, I'll be reading yours, too. Keep at it!
Yay!!! No needles!!!!
It's so nice of you (and your friends) to have this contest. The books look great, and I can't wait to read them!
I read that first little bit of Ward Cleaver, and now I have to have the book. The part about her kids being unable to properly dispose of band-aid wrappers made me pee my pants a little, because that is SO MY HOUSE.
Holy crap, it's only $6.99 at Amazon! I still entered the contest though. I said you wanted to sleep with Ward Cleaver because you were such a ho. Is that wrong? ;)
Shelley, no I cracked up and it's true.
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