Bet you didn't know we were on vacation for the last eight days!
It's good to be home.
Anyone who doesn't know where I went wanna guess where I was?
Here are some clues and pictures:
Visited two states.

Water was involved.

So were relatives.
And alcohol,
But relatives and alcohol go hand-in-hand in our family.
And many good friends.

I got crabs while I was there.
But so does mostly everyone else.

There was a ferry that took us from one state to the other.

And while a family member of mine may have suggested I might need to do some facial bleaching, I did not come home with extra facial hair like someone else:

Any guesses?
Nope, no idea that you were on vacation. I'm going to guess, however, that you were in Massachusetts and Rhode Island?
And I think the family and alcohol was a bit redundant. Is there really any family where alcohol doesn't play a prominent role?
And finally... just because you first inspired me to start blogging (truly), while you were gone, you got an award from me if you choose to be so honored.
Here's hoping you had no storm damage by you!
Chicago/Michigan? No matter where you were it looks like a good time was had by all.
New York and New Jersey? I honestly have no idea where you went, but it looks like a ton of fun. Did you have to fly to get to the first state?
Myrtle Beach? I'm a bad guesser. Plus, I'm still bummed that everyone got crabs. That just stinks :)
wisconsin and michigan?
Hmmmmmm, I know, I know!!!!!!!
But I won't guess b/c YOU told me!
I am jealous. I'd kill to go to real beach. Well any beach would do. We settle for the river but it's not the same and on the off chance one of my kids gets swept away down the river by the current I'm screwed! Lake or ocean please!!
You did NOT visit Missouri I know that much for sure!
Well it looks like you all had WAY too much fun, where ever you were, and I'm not going to guess because my geography of America is not I don't think I could pinpoint where any state was at all!!! LOL!!
I was gonna say Florida but then I can't think of a Ferry going from Florida to anywhere but the Bahamas and since that's not a state... *shrug*
I did leave you a present at my blog, though. :)
I'm going with South Carolina and some other state. I suck at US geography. I only know the West and the North East. Perhaps I need to expand my horizons.
Oh, and I prefer waxing to bleaching...
Me = jealous!!!!
Maybe I could re-read your blog and figure it out but I just don't feel like it today. Sure looks like you had LOTS of fun!!
No guesses, but it sure looks like you all had a lot of fun.
Lord Manic, I have NO idea! You are all over this country (well, according MY life anyway) I just hope you had a GREAT time!
Ferry from state to another. Hmmmm. Thinking. Ohio and Michigan? No, maybe not. But somewhere on the Great Lakes, right??
My guess is Virginia and Maryland (Maryland being know for its fabulous crabs!). Looks like you had some great weather and lots of fun!
Rhode Island and something.. Massachusetts maybe?
Looks like you had a great time!
okay... based on what I've read in the past AND your photo's... I'm going to have to say, Conn. and New York... more specifically Long Island, way out east!... just a guess!!!!
Wisconsin and Michigan is going to get my vote. I hope this is correct, I have taken that ferry before a long time ago...when I was a mere child.
Nice pics. Hot guys! You and your manic man are adorable!
I have no idea where you were...but it sure looked like fun!
New Jersey and Delaware?
Cape May ferry?
Cape May ferry--yep! I gave away the answer on the Popcorn post earlier ... not that there's a prize involved or anything! LOL!
We were in Maryland (crabs!) and NJ! Great fun vaca!
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