So thank Tukey for randomly choosing your names from the bunch of contestants and if you'll both email me at with your addresses, I will send you your books.
These are the books they will be receiving:
And hey, if you're not pregnant, and are a parent looking for a fun read, you'll want to check out this one:
Which is a HILARIOUS look at the "REAL" joys of parenting, and yes, I'm using that term very sarcastically here, cuz yeah, there are joyous moments in parenting, but author Jenna McCarthy makes the crappy ones even laughably fun.
And maybe I can say that because I'm no longer changing diapers, although I do still get the occasional yell for butt-wiping help from the bathroom, but we're working on that. No kid ever goes to college still needing their butt wiped, do they?
Anyway, check out Jenna's book too!

Isn't it just the cutest cover!?
I'm so excited that a friend of mine won (KatieBug)!
I'll keep these titles in mind should we ever, you know. =)
Yay to the winners (and good luck with the new babies)!
So glad to hear that butt wiping isn't supposed to end the second the underwear goes on. Generally Mister Man is fine... but I do sometimes worry :)
YAY for KatieBug- she's my sister so I'll get to read the book too. :) Again with the small internet world.
WOW! How exciting for me! :)
Thank you so so much!!
Woohoo! I am so excited!!! Thanks so much Tukey. :)
Gratz to the winners. I'm not a big Jenny McCarthy fan, but you've never steered me wrong in a book yet so I'll probably go and get it:))
Have a great day!
It's JENNA!!!
A totally different person! Not the Singled-Out-Wrote-Books-About-Her-Pregancy-Now-Autism-Spokesperson JENNY...
This is JENNA!
Check out her book!
That looks funny!
As much as I pretend that having a dog is preparation for parenthood, in this part of the country teaching one's kids to relieve themselves outside and clean it up with a plastic bag is frowned upon...
Maybe if we lived in the country???
I love the cover of The Parent Trip!
When hubby leaves Friday I'll need some good books for the next 13 1/2 months so I'll be back to see what you suggest.
How bout adding a list of recommended reads to your layout? lol
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