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Thank you for clicking onto MaNiC MoMMy. No gimmicks AT ALL, and if you're a long-time reader, you know I'm not a gimmicky gal. I may be snarky, sarcastic, bitchy, whiny, moody, but you'll never find me as gimmicky!
So here's the dealio:
Want to win a chance at a $25 Target gift card? Anyone can enter (except you Mom, and my sister, and well, anyone who is blood-related or anyone I have ever had an 'intimate' relationship with). There, that weeds out a few of you ...
Leave a comment* and share the crappiest moment of your day, because no matter how great a day is, there's always a teeny-tiny crappy part of it, right?
Maybe your alarm woke you right during the best part of a really great dream. Maybe it was a dream about American Idol contestant Michael Johns singing that sexy loving lies song to you?
Maybe there was no more French Vanilla CoffeeMate for your coffee this a.m?
Maybe Starbucks was out of their seasonal cookies?
Maybe you had to get the kids up extra early for dentist appointments and when you arrived you discovered their appointment is for TOMORROW!
Take that teeny-tiny crappy part and toss it into the comment section!
A random winner will be chosen next week, so check back to see if I can make your day a little less crappy by sending you a $25 Target gift card ABSOLUTELY NO STRINGS ATTACHED! Three runner-up random winners will also receive Orville Redenbacher popcorn bowls with microwave popcorn! So, here's to a less crappy day!
Also, if you're female, between the ages of 25-49, check out BettyConfidential, a great new site for women like us! Betty's Your Best Friend. Only Better.
Peace UP!
*You may enter anonymously, just please create an identifying name in case you win, so we will all know it is YOU winning, and not some other anonymous poster!
**Thanks to the amazingly talented Michelle Kemper Brownlow for her rendition of Manic Mommy!
Crappy moment number 1. I left the cuban bread on the counter at home which was supposed to be part of my lunch. Number 2. Also forgot the organic half and half. Other than that, even with my period starting on the way home, it was a pretty good day.
Dawn! For me, having my period start is always a good thing--hahahah! Mr. Manic needs to get that V!
My crappy "moment" was waking up this morning with a wonderful summer cold. I just wanted to climb right back in bed and forget the day even started.
Spilling a full large size soda all over the passenger side floorboard of my car in traffic with nowhere to pull over and nothing to clean it up with even if there was a place to pull over. It was epic.
House of Jules
I have a bad cold, and couldn't lie down to go to sleep because it made me cough so much I was keeping myself and my husband awake. So I trotted my sorry self out to the couch and watched reruns of Angel until 4 am. (OK, really, the Angel part wasn't too bad, because I think he's hot.) Finally at 4 am my cough calmed down and I went to sleep in my comfy bed. I'd been asleep for one precious hour when my two kids woke up cranky and sick, and demanded to share the bed with us. That was my total sleep for the night - one hour.
Lets see, today standing in church with my 3 1/2 year old who had suddenly turned into a mexican jumping bean and when I leaned down to tell her to knock it off she jumped right up into my forehead causing me to see stars and sit down heavily in the pew. But still a good day. B.T.W. Manic, I hear ya about husbands needing to get that V. ~~ try Mirena, it's pretty good.
Hey Manic,
My low moment today was realizing that from the ankle down I looked like a hobo. Sad but true. See the pic on my blog!
The crappiest moment, literally, has to be three dirty diapers in 20 minutes. One of which involved using three clean diapers to get it right, and another which involved both hands and both feet in one of my hands so child wouldn't smear poo everywhere. Ah yes, and the other one always wants to "help." I wish I could say this was an extraordinary moment, but alas, it happens much more often than I would care to guess.
Kirst--I don't have the Mirena, but I do have the Paraguard! I didn't want the hormone one! I do think it's a great alternative! I didn't wanna do the Mirena cuz of the hormones, but loved the idea of no period!
See, isn't throwing these crappy moments into the comments making it fun?
Today was actually a pretty great day, but that's because I'm leaving in the morning for a weekend get-away. But since that won't qualify me for a Tar-get gift card, how about this: every morning, whether it's a sleep in Saturday or a wake up early Monday, my adorable yorkie wakes me at 7-freakin' AM to go outside! The only positive is that I've trained her to go back to bed afterwards....Mommy needs her beauty sleep!
I am a early intervention speech therapist and I had a kid pee on me (went home and changed). ONE hour later had a different kid vomit on me.....yeah, took the rest of the day off after that.
Kelly G
We had to put our downstairs furniture up on bricks because the forecast in our area is for up to 5 inches of rain in the next 2 days which means we will probably be getting water in our house.
Today I realized I am out of vodka and low on Jack... ;-)
Hmm. I had many crappy parts to my day (including discovering my period had arrived when I came back to sit down and work after getting a glass of water and seeing the red stain on my white couch). At least I managed to get it out.
This morning, I couldn't make my oatmeal for breakfast because we were out of milk (because although I went to Costco Sunday, Monday AND Tuesday -- the last two days because of things I'd forgotten to buy on previous trips, I STILL forgot to get the milk). I opened the cabinet to peruse my options, and a Costco-sized bag of almonds flew out of the cabinet and spilled all over the floor. Including, I later discovered, onto the steps of the basement that is a u-turn away from where they first landed. Blanched, sliced almonds make a larger and harder to clean mess than you'd anticipate. And I decided to eat leftover cherry cobbler for breakfast.
ah, for me it was finding out my grandmother is having a pacemaker put in on Monday. She'll be 84 on Aug 3.
How about having a great day and getting home to start having annoying pains in your chest? Indigestion.
Crappy part of my day is discovering my faithful companion of ten years my cat is not feeling well. He always greets me at the door when I get home from work and tells me a little "story". Today he didn't greet me, he was sleeping on my bed and wounldn't even move for wet cat food. I am off to the Vet first thing tomorrow which will make that the crappy part of tomorrow (imagine putting a Bear is a pet carrier)
I have literally had a crappy day. The day started wet and dreary, as anyone in New England can attest to, is quite common. My husband took the day off and that was terrific. He took the kiddies shopping for a reason that will soon become apparent. The house was mine, I turned off Noggin, made another cup of coffee, sat down at my computer and *poof* no electricity. Ok no big deal still quiet, still no kids, coffee is still warm and it’s all good..until I stumbled my way to the bathroom and stepped in cat poop. Hubby came home with my beautiful babies and one of them had the Grand Kahuna of poopies in her diaper. I gave up on the relaxing, the computer, the delicious coffee and thought to myself Oh well, there’s always next year, you see Manic today is my 40th birthday.So don't make me beg,I need a break.
JENN--HAPPY 40th!!!
Or shall I say, CRAPPY 40th!?!?!?
B--good thing you guys are smart enough for the bricks.
Jari--sorry to hear about your grandma, but you know what? She'll be OK! Pacemakers are really easy these days!
GA--I hope your kitty is OK!
Beth, go get some VODKA!
Michelle, go get some TAMPONS!
Celtic, go get some ROLAIDS!
Hey, if you guys win the Target card, you can pretty much buy what you need to make your day less crappy!
Like pretty much every other day at this hotel, when I jumped in the pool to swim laps, another three people jumped in just to stand there and talk- in the MIDDLE OF MY FREAKING LANE.
TuTu--That is just R U D E ! ! !
Actually today wasn't too bad. Now yesterday is another story....
But we did go to dinner, and had the suckiest(is that a word?) service. We actually didn't leave a tip. That is saying a bunch since we leave some what of a tip even when we have not so good service. My hubby had to eat all his boneless "Hot" wings without anything to drink. We never saw our waitress after she took our order. We finally got a manager after we paid.
My crappy day started with a phone call at 8am from my boss. See I took this morning off to go to a doctor’s appointment. Then it took 20 minutes to get my internet working so I could forwarded an email to my boss, confirming I actually had done my job. Once on work email it took me another hour to get off, which made me have to rush to my doctor’s appointment.
The doc was my OB/GYN, who a couple weeks ago had taken a nice little chunk of my cervix (she called it a biopsy, I call it meat carving) after a "bad" Pap. My informational follow up turned into the doc saying, and I quote, "I really didn't expect it to be this bad, it's not cancer, but I didn't expect this." So, my crappy day has gone from plain old crappy to OMG is it the dreaded "C-word". Now my crappy day will turn into a crappy weekend because I have to have a LEEP procedure on Monday for the meat carver to take an even bigger chunk of me. AND she will have to remove my prized Mirena before the LEEP because she might cut the string during the procedure. So from Monday until I get me another one of those wonders I will have to deal with periods that have not been a part of my life for 3 years. Crappy, crappy, crappy.
But I'm not done yet! After the lovely morning with my boss and doctor I have to be at work for a 1 pm meeting (to which I needed to bring refreshments). In my current state of mind the only refreshments good enough will be cookies. I stopped and got chocolate chip, oatmeal/raisin, peanut butter and my personal favorite, those really soft sugar cookies with the thick layer of frosting and sprinkles (note: each one of the first 3 were on sale for $1.99, I splurged on the frosting ones at $3.49). Is it to much for a girl to sit in a meeting drowning her sorrows with a soft, sweet, succulent pink frosted cookie? That's all I wanted. BUT NO! After opening the chocolate chip and oatmeal cookies I proceeded to "try" to open the frosted cookies only to drop them all over the floor. After struggling to save at least one, the cookie gods worked in my favor, I was able to save 2 of 12. The day isn't so crappy after all. So, I told my boss (yes the same one who called me on my morning off) that I was going to wash my hands (I'd look pretty silly licking my fingers during the meeting), but would be right back, I left my precious pink beauties, still in the box, on the table along with 3 dozen other cookies. I came back from the bathroom ready to slip into a sugar coma to find that my boss and coworker ate the last 2 deliciously sweet pink cookies. UGH my crappy day was back with a vengeance! Sorry it's so long, but it really was a crappy day.
Today IS my crappy moment. One year ago today I found out my husband was having an affair. It has been a long, rough, not fun year, and I would love to sit down at the computer a year from today and remember this as the day I won a giftcard instead of today is the day my heart broke.
"...I want (ed) to ride it all night long!" (to finish your title)
My husband and I had scheduled a date, okay after 13 years of marriage and 4 kids under 11, let's call it a 'moment', in bed last night, after the kids had gone to sleep. We had just cleaned up from my oldest's birthday party and we were exhausted. Let me tell you, hosting your in-laws isn't all it's cracked up to be. And the cell phone that we got her as a gift made my other daughter GREEN with envy. Once we distinguished all the 'fires' of the day, we settled in for the night. You see, my 19 month old has been refusing his own bed since he was sick a month ago, spent every night in our bed and we've been struggling with baby boot camp ever since. So he thinks our bed is HIS domain. Most nights, he'll start out in our bed with someone, either my husband or another kid (after trying the 'crying it out' thing for at least a half and hour) and then I transfer him to his crib when I come to bed (I'm a night owl!) and all is good. Notice I say most nights...well, not. last. night. I quietly and swiftly moved his peacefully sleeping little body to his room into his cozy crib with a freshly fluffed pillow and fabric softened blanket only to have him scream at contact with the sheets. There was nothing I could do to pacify him long enough for my 'moment' with my hubby. So here I am this morning, planning out my baby's day/nap so that I can get a little piece tonight! Sad. But true.
just want a 'moment', ohio
I was woken up by my alarm feeling refreshed for once, and so I didn't hit snooze, but I did fall back asleep, only to wake up an hour later -- late! Late for work!
Wow, I like that ! Michelle sure has artistic talent! I love seeing her namesake creations.
Um, hmm, crappy day...
Yesterday was actually pretty good, but on MOnday , the evening turned pretty crappy. My hands are weak due to the MD, and due to that sometiems I hae trouble doing stuff that would be easy for everyone else.
Our kitchen faucet has 3 speeds. You pusha little button top to get it to change. Well I was trying to change it to normal flow in order to fill one of my dogs water dishes and I could not get it to change. So I tried it with both hands... and pushed down to hard and snapped the faucet right off! While wter shot across the kitchen , and all over me. Hubby was NOT happy needless to say. Having to go to Home depot at 7pm and then working on the faucet till 10 by the time he got home, did not make him a happy camper. Bad way to end an otherwise decent day!
Wow. Compared to some of these (lady whose husband had an affair one year ago, OUCH!) my crappy day isn't crappy at all!!!!!! In fact, it's marvelous, darling!
Okay, so my crappy moment of being woken at 2:40 a.m. and kept awake by violent storms and whimpering 6 year olds doesn't seem so crappy any more. But thank goodness this is a random drawing - I might actually get a chance to win something! A Tarjay card would be fun for a spending spree for our new baby girl!
Oh, I'll see your bad day and raise you 2 stinky boys.
Got called (while shopping!!) to toddler's preschool to pick him up as he started a low temp. He refuses to eat when we get home, my 3 month old refuses to sleep, hubby was working late, mother in law stopped by to say hi and toddler threw up 3 times while she was here. Did I mention the dog has a stinky ear infection?
Some of these are making me sad. Aah coffee, I am so sorry. Maybe if you look at today as the start of a new year, and think of how far you've come from where you were a year ago, that might make it a bit easier. I am really sorry for your crappy day and wish I would take it away from you!
And Toni--my thoughts and prayers are with you for your health issues! And by the way, I COULD DEVOUR THOSE COOKIES! I know EXACTLY WHICH COOKIES YOU ARE DESCRIBING, and they melt in your mouth and they are sugar-crack!
That sucks that you didn't even get one. However, I would have taken the ones off the floor and moved them to my desk or something and eaten them later when no one was looking. Yes, I would!
Everyone, Peace UP!
I have had a really bad day. I went to bed late last night (my own fault) but then my husband's cell phone rang at 5:00 this morning. I got up thinking someone died and it was a spam text message. Grr. Does anyone else get those? Then, I start my bike ride workout and about 1/4 of the way through my 20 mile ride, I ran over glass and got a flat tire. I had to call my dad to come and rescue me. It's only 10:30 a.m. I hope the day gets better from here.
-Donna W.
Having to go to the hospital with what turns out to be a kidney infection, and then finding out when you get home 6 hours later that your keys are inside the apartment and not in your purse.
My crappy or shall I say pissy moment happened at 3:00am this morning when my 2 year old daughter crawled into my bed made herself comfy between me and my husband the decided that she didn't want to get up to use the potty. So she went pee in my bed. I got up, cleaned myself and her up while my husband "stripped" the bed. He put a new sheet on, got us another blanket and back to bed we all go. About 5 minutes later I realize that the bed is wet AGAIN! Oops my husband forgot to take the mattress pad off the bed. I strip the bed this time and re-make it AGAIN. By this time I was wide awake and couldn't go back to sleep so I decided to start the mountain of wet laundry only to discover that we were out of laundry soap.
I am too tired to even type. OUR crappy part was all nightlong every night. Kimber who doesnt sleep very well anyway, just went from a crib to a big girl bed. YEAH I am up all night trying to keep her in it
I am not entering twice, but had to comment on the Mirena, I had it for over a year and a half and had a period more days than not! GRRRRR hubby had the V.
My Ex called me this morning to tell me all his problems.
man...why does he think i care? call your girlfiend with that sort of stuff, goof ball!!
I found a review of Lottery that said they were reviewing it but wouldn't read it because they thought it was another do-good-retard-heart-of-gold-books that they hate and then proceeded to describe how awful they probably thought my book was...
Oh and then someone emailed me to see if I saw the most recent one-star review on Amazon...
Oh and about those periods?
I'll see you the period and raise you menopausal heat flashes and irrationality...
Okay this wasn't today, but Tuesday night. While making out with a new beau, I hit my head on the windowsile above my bead. The bump on the back of my head is like a half of a golf ball... and it's still there!!! Not sure.. maybe I need to have it looked at.
I meant "bed" not bead. I think the bump is making me forget how to spell.
Ooh! Making out with a new beau sounds scintillating!!!!
Doing the point-system-diet-thing.. Took a short trip to Chicago yesterday... thought I did better than I would have without dieting.. entered my points in today and went about three days worth of points over what I am supposed to have.
Oh Crap..
Crappy moment #1 - falling asleep on my bed around 1:15pm for a lovely and much needed nap...then waking up at 2pm and realizing I had to leave for work in just minutes.
#2 - Having to work tonight and having small one's daddy take her to "meet the teacher" this evening. I hate when I miss stuff like that because of my dumb job.
My two crappy moments of today:
1. Found out my dear neighbor's father died.
2. Found out my old writing instructor, the one who got me motivated and excited to be writing again after I had childre, also has died.
Washing machine door got attacked by gremlins right in the middle of the wash cycle. Water all over the wooden floor, which is now buckling. And its' only going to cost $350 to fix.
i read about 1/2 of the comments before posting, and now i feel like my 'crappiness' really isn't anything. i dont even think i should post it bc it doesn't rank up there with the others, but here it is (only posting so i have a chance at the gift card ;))
my upstairs neighbor has a squeeky board in his bedroom, directly above my head. and EVERY morning, i wake up to him walking around. It wouldn't be so bad except he wakes up 30-45 minutes before i do, so i lay there cursing him until my alarm goes off.
Melek - I know what you mean. Sounds like people aren't having the best moments.
I have been stuck on bed rest for 3 straight days and I'm only in my 13th week of pregnancy. That day started with my doctor sounding more concerned than I would have liked when she told me to come in since I have been having pains in my abdomen. By the end of the visit she was telling me that bed rest would be the only option for me right now to prevent a miscarriage. Outside the doctor's office my husband hugged me as I bawled in the parking lot.
Thankfully, the doctor called me the next day to let me know that things were fine but I needed to take it easy. So here I am three days later still stuck in bed (but with a safe baby.)
Maybe I shouldn't have posted this because the CRAP just continues:
I came home to find the beagle (aka Sharkdog) had eaten an entire container of salted cashews... and then left "presents" for me in the dining room.
My crappy moment was finding out that after working out and eating right (90% of the time!) for the last 4 MONTHS...my body fat percentage has not changed at all! I have lost 10 pounds and look and feel better, which is great, but WTF about the body fat??? Trainer says I'm probably not eating enough (!?!) so my body is holding onto the fat. Go figure!
Don't worry about anything else! Keep on keeping on!
Hottest day of the year, husband out of town, and the A/C quit. It was 102 yesterday afternoon, and 85 degrees in my house at 11:00 last night. Bleck!
1) I've sprained my left ankle stepping off a curb after seeing the dark knight
2) I pulled something in my right leg, and walking far isn't really an option...
I will borrow my moment from a couple days ago. I have a co-worker who is kind of a snob and I don't like her very much. She's getting married in a couple months so I suggested that we throw a surprise shower for her (because I would want to do it for any other co-worker.
Half an hour later in a meeting she made a snide comment to me about how when our department moved to a new campus, I would "miss our old boss from our old department" (hinting that there was something more than an employee boss relationship (which there wasn't, I just did my job well and was rewarded for that)). What a jerk!
This is from a week ago, but I still feel crappy about it, and will for the next six months; does that count?
I went to my annual OB/GYN appointment, and had started my period that morning, but they said not to worry about it b/c my Dr. doesn't care as long as it's light. Well, she calls me six days later and says I had an abnormal pap, but no HPV (the cancer virus), so I just have to come back in six months instead of a year. OK, like I'm not going to be freaking out for the next six months? Thanks so much. I should have just rescheduled the darn thing, if it wouldn't have taken them two months to find an open appt. spot...
~Laura in CT
Oh, I forgot to mention the CRAPPIEST part...the phone call from the OB/GYN was my first call of the day, ON MY BIRTHDAY!
~Laura in CT
My crappy day was learning my son is now legally blind in his left eye due to an injury at a Cub Scout event! He had a detached retina and had surgery to have a band put around his eyeball, the surgery was successful but it changes the shape of his eye which changes his sight. UGH.
I should have read the other posts before commenting, because my crappy moments were just...trivial.
I think you can call a miscarriage during the last two weeks pretty crappy, right?
Hearing Carrie Underwoods new song Just a Dream put a dent in my day yesterday. The possibilities are too real in that song and my life.
Now uncrapify my day and draw my number!!
Coming back to work after taking off for a few dasy was enough to make this a shitty day.
Seeing my boyfriend of 2 years act just fine, then once we're alone he breaks up with me. Yeah. Totally sucked.
being woken up at 5:45 AM this morning not by my son who had finally decided to sleep in for once, but by the $&@! Cat scratching the door.
Well while I wasnt directly impacted by two things that occurred near me today-they are still crappy for my community. We unfortunately experienced a murder here in Ames today right when some tornadoes were heading through a smaller town south of us. I currently have friends that have been without power for over 8 hours and the storms are not letting up. I wish there was more I could do for them all right now which makes it crappy for me!
Daycare called my son has 102 fever. crappy for him but I am out of vacation time so crappy for me too.
So my hubby was sick last week, wouldn't touch my 3-month old for fear of "contamination." Now today it sets in that I'm getting what he had - but do you think I even get an hour to rest? Eh, not without the baby next to me. So much for that contamination theory.
Add in that tomorrow morning I need to take my 3-year-old to the doc's to get her stitches out - when she got them on Friday night they had to hold up the stitching to attend to the passing-out-mama. Yes the 3-month-old will be accompanying us as well. Should be fun!
crappy moments.... my damn yahoo mail keeps making me log in every time I try to delete an email.
My head is KILLING me.
the lean cuisine I just ate for lunch wasn't all that satisfying.
Winner will be announced this weekend, August 1 or 2.
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