Of course, we drank our Pool Boys, which, for those of you new to Manic Mommy's blog, Pool Boys are GREAT in the summer, GOOD in the winter drinks - champagne, cranberry and a splash of pineapple over ice.
You drink them in SOLO cups and part of the fun is you have to NAME your POOL BOY.
So you have your SOLO cup and it's named, like you write the name on your cup with a Sharpie pen, something like Julio, Roberto, Enrique, Andre, you know, some sexy pool boy name, and throughout the night, there are Pool Boy jokes, like, "Do you need ANOTHER Pool BOY? And "How's that Pool Boy GOING DOWN?" and "Is your POOL BOY getting warm?" "Do you need some ice for your Pool Boy?" or "Can I taste your POOL BOY to see if I want one?"
Oh my Gosh, you know it's pretty pathetic when you're sitting in your house alone writing on your computer cracking up at the words that you're typing because you just are thinking you just might be the funniest person in the world typing about a drink you invented. I kill me sometimes.
So anyway, the cookie party. Pictures. Cuz I know you want to see 'em:
These were the cutest gingerbread cookies!

I made these--break and bakes - I cheated, but then I put candies on top, so I didn't cheat too bad, and hey, I was hosting! And they still taste good!

My front door! I wrap it every year! Isn't it pretty!

The whole assortment!

The one in the middle with the DOVE chocolate in the center has got to be THE BEST COOKIE OF THEM ALL and I probably snuck EIGHT OF THEM! It's a take on the peanut butter with Hershey kisses in the middle. OMG!

I was playing with the cookies and setting up the girls in this photo. It was fun. Of course, I had to save the blue girl for Diva or she'd have a smack-down fit.

These are the boxes we assemble all the cookie assortments into so there is no cookie-grabbin' fights and so we can drink more at the party!

And this is all the wine everyone brought! Isn't it all pretty lined up. Actually, I think that's all that's left over. We had a ton of wine!

And now, I have to go wrap some presents. How is your holiday
OK. Why did I not get any cute gingerbread girls in my box? I also only got 1 Dove cookie (OK, I actually got 7 because the baker of said cookies dropped off some warm cookies at my house, but those don't count). I am bummed I couldn't make it. I could have been hungover Friday, too!
Why have I never been invited to participate in a cookie exchange?
3carnations--see, this is exactly why I had to start hosting MY OWN!
Yummy, I want a box 'o cookies, too!! And a bottle of wine wouldn't hurt either.
If anyone reading these comments lives in Ottawa, Canada, let's organize a cookie exchange for next year. I'm assuming our transit strike will be over by then....
Nobody brought Arbor Mist to the party?!?!? This must be a classy cookie exchange. ;)
This all is making me very hungry...
Sounds like lots of fun!
Wow! Surely it can't be a whole year since the last cookie swap? Surely it can't be that I've been reading your blog for more than a year already??
cookies look good....wine looks good...looks like a manic good time!
Cute cookies! Clayton wanted to wrap out front door. . . maybe next year!
I want that pb dove cookie NOW! I am so craving chocolate and there is nothing near.
Liam's mom--I have one in the freezer!
Oh how fun! We had a cookie exchange err scheduled a cookie exchange for last Sat. I had to cancel, but you're definitely giving me motivation to ensure I get it planned again for next year.
And I LOVE the pool boys -- cracks me UP. You're bringing them to BlogHer, right? ;)
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