Winner announced here!
Happy Middle of the Summer Book Celebration!
I'm on vacation and since I didn't want to leave you all
hanging, I thought I would offer a fun giveaway while I'm lounging away on a
beach. Sounds fun? Well, I hope you enjoy it because I've got a load of great
books to offer to ONE LUCKY WINNER!
I decided to put all my new-found-faves into one batch of
great reads for you. These are all relatively newly released books from authors
I have recently discovered that I think would make great summer reads. Whether
they have water themes (some of them do), or just were really great books with
characters that I couldn't get out of my mind, I want someone to have a
collection of them all. So, thanks to these authors and their publicists, it's
going to happen for YOU!
Here is the list of books that are up for grabs to ONE LUCKY
WINNER, in no particular order:
(Click on the title of the book for the full previous Manic
Can I Get An Amen - Sarah Healy
I’m in love with Ellen who gets dumped by her husband
because of their infertility problems and she finds herself back at home with
her very God-loving, God-fearing mom, who spurts phrases about the Lord every
other sentence, and suggests that Jesus will show Ellen the way.
On the Island - Tracey Garvis Graves
People love this book. It's got a great catch to it -- two
people are stranded on a deserted island -- a 16-year-old boy who's in
remission from cancer, and his 30-year-old tutor. And yep, they get BUSY! But,
Tracey doesn't get all Fifty Shades of Grey on us … however, I can
guarantee there is some steamy scenes and you'll definitely be thinking about
TJ and Anna long after you close the pages of On the Island!
The Underside of Joy - Sere Prince
A stepmom loses her husband to a drowning, and the birth
mother comes back to reclaim her two children. A custody battle ensues. It’s
not your basic stepmom fights birth mother story – the writing is so lyrical
and fluid, and the setting adds so much to the novel in the fictional Elbow,
California, with its Redwood trees, the lush forest, and the flowing river that
runs through it.
Saving Ruth - Zoe Fishman
A near-drowning at the pool occurs and the events that transpire afterward put the whole story into motion – Saving Ruth deals with issues of eating disorders, depression, racial indifferences, marriage problems, sibling rivalry, and family relationships.
The End of Everything - Megan Abbott
The End of Everything is another one of those books that I
read about and I KNEW in my gut I just had to read ASAP. There are very few
books like this that I just feel in my soul when I read about it that I just
KNOW I have to get my hands on it or I will die won't be able to stop
thinking about it. (Megan's got another one I'll be featuring very soon called
DARE ME that you'll LOVE as well!)
Attachments - Rainbow Rowell

The Art of Forgetting - Camille Noe
I cracked it open thinking I would take a sneak peek and
suddenly I was on chapter six dying to know what was happening with the mystery
behind Nathan, Marissa’s ex-love, and wondering about the brain injury that her
best friend, Julia sustains. I read this book at a super-fast pace and couldn’t
recommend it enough! Such a great read!
Monarch Beach - Anita Hughes
This is the one I have actually been
savoring to take to the beach with me as a special present to myself to enjoy!
Already going into second printing! Yay Anita!
This is one of those books that I hunted down myself. I saw
it on FB or somewhere on another author’s page and I knew I had to get my hands
on it so I contacted the author’s publicist and asked for it. The whole mystery
of the story caught my eye; the fact that the main character is already gone
and her best friend has to put pieces of the mystery together by reading her
journals, and the fact that it’s actually two stories in one. I just love
journal stories! And I wanted this book!
Spin & Arranged - Catherine
SPIN: I loved SPIN because it was a little like peeking into the life of a
starlet like Lindsay Lohan or Britney Spears in rehab, and the ways that Katie
matures during her rehab stint shows that it’s possible for even the most
skeptical to gain a little insight in rehab. And yes, there’s also a little
love connection going on in rehab too, so you won’t want to miss out on SPIN!
ARRANGED: Anne Blythe has just broken up with another one of
her boyfriends and finds a business card in the street promoting what she
thinks is a dating company. She keeps the card and eventually calls this
‘dating’ company only to discover they really arrange marriages. Tired of
picking the wrong men, and after deep contemplation, she agrees to be matched
for marriage. Soon, Anne is on her way to Mexico to meet, Jack, the man who’s
the perfect match for her, sight unseen.
So, if you want to receive ALL 11 of these books by these 10
authors to watch for, leave me a comment on what the most exciting thing you've
done or will do this summer!
A random winner will be chosen when I get back
from my very own summer week at the beach.
Please note we can only send winning
books to a U.S. or Canada winner!
Thanks, and I hope you've enjoyed this little extra surprise
giveaway on Booking with Manic!
If you're new to Booking with Manic, thank you for stopping
by! We love new readers! Some notes - If you're entering to win a book, please
use an identifying name and it's usually a great idea to include an email,
which I will never give out to anyone else. You can only enter once please. You'll
need to check back here in about a week or so to see if you've won the book -- I
will highlight the winner's name at the top of this post. Most books are
supplied directly through publishers, publicists and the authors. Winners will
receive books directly from the publisher within 3 weeks from the time you
provide me with your address, unless I send you the book (sometimes I will). Sorry,
but we can only ship to U.S. and Canada so if you're from another country,
thank you for coming by to read and discover new authors, but we can't send you
a book. Any questions on how I run the blog or suggestions on who you would
like to see featured, please email me at Thank you
for your support!
The most exciting thing I've done this summer so far has been kayaking the Chicago river at sunset!
i've played my first round (18 loooong holes) of golf with my boyfriend's mom & sister. this is HUGE since i'm a very new noobie at the game and they're not.
The most exciting thing I did this summer was finally start a real job. I know it doesn't seem exciting, but I have been in school for 8 years working hard to reach this moment.
Brn2shop9 at gmail dot com
It's hard to pick just one thing as "the most exciting thing". The first one that comes to minds is that I finished my 6th 5k race a few weeks ago and am half way to my goal of completing 12 this year.
Tracey M. from CLC
The most exciting this summer, my niece is expecting.
Well, the most exciting thing that has yet to happen would be to win these books. I have almost all of them in my sample queue in my Kindle. To win this many actual physical books would be a thrill.
The most exciting thing I've done this summer taking my nephew to the Strausburg train museum to see Thomas the Tank Engine and to Dutch Wonderland. It was his first time at an amusement park, and he loooves Thomas!
I think the most exciting thing will be at the end of the summer when we go to Hilton Head for vacation.
The most exciting thing I did this summer was go to the shore for a week with my family.
Well, the most exciting I've done this summer is spend time with my cousins from California. They're here this week so I'm still having fun!
-Jessica M
My most exciting part of summer will be my upcoming camping trip. We will be goen a week and are bringing many family members with us.
So far the most exciting thing I have done this summer is our week long vacation to Huntington Beach and San Diego. My boys are almost 7 and 4 and this was our first vacation with two big boys. No diapers, no naps, no major meltdowns, etc. It was awesome! Mel Rem
The most exciting thing that I have done this summer is take care of my newborn grandson.
This summer has been lovely and different since I have met new cousins whom I never knew about.
In two weeks it will be my birthday and I am having a girls wine night party. We are all going to get together and drink and in lieu of presents everyone is being asked to bring something to donate to the local domestic violence shelter. A few days after that I am going to the beach!!! FINALLY :)
The most exciting thing I have planned is a trip to Hawaii with my husband! I can't wait!
The most exciting thing I've done this summer was going to the Darius Rucker and Lady Antebellum concert!
Our road trip! We leave tomorrow.
San Diego, Yosemite, Lake Tahoe, Crater Lake, San Francisco, Morro Bay, Home!
Carly H
The most exciting thing was staying at hotels while we waited for our power to come back. It was like a mini-vacay...we went swimming and dined out for all meals.
I also had fun seeing Rachel Bertsche and Jen Weiner in DC and am excited to meet Emily Giffin next week!
Melissa A from CLC
The most exciting thing for me so far this summer was finding out that I am expecting a girl in a few months. I already have two fabulous boys! But a girl will be a great addition to our family!
The most exciting thing we will do this summer is take our first camping trip! We are heading up to the mountains in a few weeks for the weekend and as much as I am not a fan of sleeping outdoors, I am excited for my kids. It will be their first time camping!
The most exciting thing that I did was spend a couple of weeks at camp vegging out. Swimming when I wanted, cooking when I felt like it and drinking lots of wine.
Kristi Marie W.
The most exciting thing I've done this summer is picking out my wedding dress and booking our venue! :) Next up is a road trip to San Francisco! I'm super excited because I've never been to California! Love you blog, Manic! Thanks again for all the great giveaways.
Vacation ... can't wait! First time with our daughter. :-)
The most exciting things I have done this summer is go to Florida for vacation. I got to spend a week with my immediate and extended family and it was great!
The most exciting thing for me so far was meeting my newborn nephew a couple of weeks ago! And there's a strong possibility that we may be moving from Minneapolis to St Louis in a few weeks, which is a little scary, but definitely exciting!
i've lost 5 lbs so far!
Most exciting thing we've done so far: having our yard re-lanscaped.
Most exciting thing we will do: going camping for the first time in a really long time!
Took my daughter to Las vegas to see One Direction and she got to meet them! We stayed at Planet Hollywood and had an amazing time.
You're so AWESOME Stephanie! :) Thanks for doing this!
Well yesterday was my birthday & that's always a pretty awesome point of my summer. But the ultimate is the week-long vacation I'm taking the first week of August! :) I've NEVER taken a week-long vacation before!
Visiting Ellis Island and Statue of Liberty with family who came from California - born and raised in New Jersey and had never been - observing through perspecives of a 6, 10 and 13 year old (cousin's kids) was enlightening. JillFay
Although, not really exciting, I went to my 35th high school reunion. It's the most memorable!
The most exciting thing for me has been taking my kids, 3 and 10 mos, to do simple things, usually free, this summer and see pure joy on their faces! It makes staying at home with them such a treasure!
We just got back from camping in the mountains. After weeks and weeks of softball, it was the most exciting thing!
Have fun on your vacation!
Went on vacation to Panama City FL. Loved it.
kyfaithw at aol dot com
The most exciting thing I have done this summer is hike Angel's Landing in Zion National Park with my 10 year old son.
-Donna W.
The most exciting thing I will do this summer is graduate from nursing school!
Well, not the most exciting really, but when we were gone at Comic Con on July 12, we returned home and our house was flooded! We have been in a hotel for two weeks and it looks like two more. A lot of my books were ruined, so I would love to win these new ones. (and I won't be putting them in cardboard boxes under my bed!)
The most exciting thing I've done so far this summer is I went back to Vancouver and spent a couple of days with my close friends that I haven't seen in YEARS!! It was so uplifting to see them all -- had a BLAST!!!
My most exciting part of my summer awaits - I'm headed to Hawaii for two weeks in September!! (That counts as summer right? I'm going with it, since it will still be hotter than all get out)
The most exciting thing I'm doing this summer is buying a house!
The most exciting thing on the plan for this summer is surprising my little ones with their first train ride to see Laurie Berkner at Ravinia on Saturday. They have no idea.
I'm planning a bachelorette party for my sister in a few weeks. Other than that, my plan this summer was to just survive the drama!
What an amazing and generous giveaway! Thank you!
The most fun & exciting thing I've done this summer is attend several of the free outdoor movies (some new to me, some I've seen before but outdoors at night is an awesome way to see a movie!) offered in various locations around Brooklyn & NYC & so far I've seen To Kill A Mockingbird; Slumdog Millionaire; Manhattan; and I finally attended Shakespeare in the Park!
I hope you're having a great summer! And enjoyed your vacation!
The most exciting thing I've done so far is see my beloved Yankees beat the Braves when we took a trip to Atlanta to see them!
It hasnt happened yet! Hubby is traveling to visit his parents week and I get to and WANT to stay home and organize and clean and shop and read!!! lol
the most exciting thing so far was getting to meet my husband's brothers over the weekend. You've probably seen me posting about it, but my heart is still so full of joy and happiness from the weekend.
The most exciting thing this summer has been my beach vacation, with my boys and 10 of my closet friends and their families. My 40th birthday was spent at a bar on the Florida Alabama line...great fun! Maked turning 40 an absolute joy :) LeslieGC
The most exciting thing I did this summer was to swim with manatees in Cozumel. That was one of the highlights from our first ever cruise.
I know this is going to sound funny but I have lived in Chicago my whole life and went to Summerfest in Milwaukee for the first time this summer and it was so cool! I will not try to do it every year.
I've done a couple exciting things so far this summer. I got to a Milwaukee Brewer game, went to a Nascar race and got to go to Summerfest one of the best music festivals around!
The most exciting thing for me was finally getting "officially" hired for my dream teaching job which will start in a few weeks! :)
The most exciting thing for me (and not in a good way) was when 2 baby copperheads fell into my canoe! Ack!
The most exciting thing that I have done this summer was to go on a cruise to the Bahamas! It was great and such a well needed vacation!
The most exciting thing this summer so far will start this Fri. with a camping trip in the Finger Lakes region of NY. Beautiful wine country and winery tours.
I got married in Vegas in April, and we're finally having a reception for family and friends this summer! Looking forward to the zoo it will be!
The most exciting thing that I am planning on doing this summer is going to the beach! yeah for vacation!1
I really haven't done much exciting this summer. A couple weeks ago we did go to the coast. I live in ORegon so - it is about an 90 minute drive. A nice way to spend a Sunday! Thanks for the giveaway!
Kay Swederski
Kayswederski at yahoo dot com
The most exciting thing I've done this summer so far is to lay in bed for 14 days with strep throat AND mono :s I am on the mend and thankfully I have many great book recommendations from you to download to my ipad to keep me company! Now that I am on the mend, I am looking forward to going to a cabin on the lake and Whistler Resort :)
I have had the best summer--We started with lazer tag party for my son and then the very next day we (Aunts, Cousins, and Grandma--no Adult boys) went to Disneyland --stayed at the Disney Hotel and had the most amazing time. Then we have done mini day trips all summer, I took we a week off for MYSELF :) and to top everything MY Bestie flew out to meet me on a work trip in Southern California were we beach hopped everyday when I got off work--must say we both want to move to Newport Beach--and on those days I am stuck inside at the office-I sport a a flower ring and suntan lotion so I can at least smell like the beach--oh and don't forget beach wave hair and flip flops got to love living in California:)
The most exciting thing I'm going to do this summer is go in Indianapolis with my niece and her 2 children ages 4 & 1. We are going to see the WIGGLES. The next day we are going to the childrens museum. I can't wait.
Animallover 75
The most exciting thing for me was my road trip with my four kids, for six weeks...excitement (good & bad) every day!
Turned 40, started a new job, moved to the coolest small town in the USA, started a new wellness plan, and made lots of new friends.
We are going in August to Pender Harbour (BC, Canada) and renting a cabin and going to enjoy the nature surrounding us. Hopefully the mosquitos will be on vacation that weekend too!
Margaret(Literary Chanteuse)
Well looks like lots of people are having a much more exciting summer than I am :o)
My son broke his ankle 5 min into his first BBall tournament game and my daughter had oral surgery so I've been nursing injured children!! Maybe not too exciting, but it is certainly the essence of being a mom!!
Like others have mentioned, winning these books would be REALLY exciting!! I'd be GIDDY :o)
The most exciting thing I will do is travel! I love it and can't wait to see as many cities as possible!
Looking forward to a cross country roadtrip with one of my dear friends & trusty pup
What wonderful choices!! I'd love to win.
Most exciting - I started back to work after being a stay-at-home mom for 5.5yrs.
I would say the most exciting thing would be a visit from my daughter and her husband after not seeing them for 7 months! Thing is it was only for about 3 hours, but it was awesome!
Planning a wedding!!
Also, going to Wisconsin in a couple weeks with a group of friends for a cabin weekend. As long as the bears stay away it'll be a blast!
The most exciting thing that has happened this summer is starting my new job. I am so happy in my new position.
Manic Mommy you are so right about the Bungalow.
jenceyg at gmail dot com
Hopefully we'll be closing on our house in in August and moving.
Most exciting thing so far this summer is a band that I used to trail around after got back together (after 16 years) for my birthday. And they *still* sounded AMAZING. (and I still knew most of the words, which was kind of sad.....but fun!)
The most exciting thing I will do this summer is to watch my now 4 month old baby grow and develop and see what new things she will learn!
I visited my family in CT!
The most exciting thing that I have done this summer so far was spend a few days in NYC!
the most exciting thing I will do this summer is finish the bar exam tomorrow. I have spent the last 4 years and 2 months getting here, and the last 2 months have pretty much sucked. So I can't wait to be done tomorrow at 5 and have a (million) cocktails!
It's been a fun summer, but I don't know if I would call my summer "exciting". We did get a new kitten, and that was exciting I suppose :)
We're doing a lot of "staycation" things this summer since hubby and I's work schedules often clash, but last weekend we took our three boys to the drag races for the first time (for them, we've been many times and love it) and we had so much fun as a family!!
I have my best friend,Laura, visiting me every Thursday this summer. She works in a private school so its hard in the academic year to meet up. We have gone to lunch, checking out new books!, bought plants for our lawns. It has been a blast.
Cyndee Thomas
p.s. Thank you for the chance to win good books to read:D
Ooh! Pick me! I've heard of all of these by now, and SPIN is the only one I own. :)
Most fun was sitting on the beach in Florida, doing nothing!
My excitement this summer comes from helping to plan my sister-in-law's baby shower. In just a few short months, I will be the proud aunt of twins!!
Terri M.
It has been meeting Jennifer Weiner!
I most exciting thing I did was go on a trip to Hong Kong!
Lilian @ A Novel Toybox
I just got a new job on Monday and I am ECSTATIC!
Happy Summer....Nan :)
My cousin, her husband and kids will be here this weekend. I am looking forward to it. It will be so much fun!
The most exciting we did this summer was going to Indianapolis to see my niece and nephew.
Dropping my kids off next Wednesday to my parents for a full 5 days!! Peace, Quite, and all about my husband and I.. definitely needed!
I'm going to SF and Napa at the end of August. Cannot wait!
After debating 5 yrs, I'm finally having my patio resurfaced. Yeah, I know, it's not very exciting to most, but my home is my haven and I love making big changes.
We're having a family picnic at the cabin in a few weeks. Always fun!
Thanks for the great giveaway.
Margie T
The most exciting thing of my summer hasn't happened yet. I'm HAVING A BABY in the next couple of weeks! Obviously, I'm pretty excited (and scared to death) about this! Enjoy your vacay!
The most exciting thing I have done this summer is going canoeing with my family in Michigan.
ElisaCP at sbcglobal dot net
we are in cape cod as I type...our first vacation since having our kids 5 years ago!!! much needed!!
Whitewater rafting in Colorado
Heading to the beach in week for our family VACA!!
Thanks for the giveaways and for all the fantastic book suggestions! So hard to pick which ones I want to take to the beach with me though!!!!!
A week in Florida with friends. It was the perfect way to kick off our summer break.
This is a tough question cause I have so many plans for this summer. I just got back from my week long CA trip (back home to see friends and family after a year of being gone). Then I have three concerts I am going to next month that I can hardly wait for. Plus I might get to NYC to see my sister and my folks might make it out to Boston for a visit. My dad has been going through Chemo so they haven't been able to visit but I got my fingers crossed for August. SO yeah, I can't choose, it's a wonderful summer!
So, it'll be after summer but my hubby and I are going to Vegas in September and I'm stoked!!!
Spent a great long weekend at the lake with a college friend!
The most awesome thing we are doing this summer is going to sleepover at a baseball stadium.
I spent my summer reading ALL of the books on my reading list and my teachers reading list... "You can't open a book without learning something new." Is a very true quote!
Watching my grandson brings me so much joy, he just started crawling this week!
I was an instructor at a music camp and one night at midnight i got to climb a rock wall and go down a zip line all under a full moon.
I am driving the sag wagon for my daughter's biking team across Iowa this week, RAGBRAI. So I am getting a lot of reading done. Lovin' this week!
Thanks for this awesome giveaway. Great books!!
Going to Hawaii with my 9 yo daughter on 8/23 no dad and brothers , can't wait!
most exciting thing i'll do is head out to chicago to visit my best friends!
Amazing blog to follow
I would suggest to follow my all Cheap NFL Jerseys and NHL Jerseys to follow his blog .
Vivacious Blog - Full life and energy.
The most exciting thing this summer for me is my annual trip to Hawaii coming up at the end of August.
goweezie AT aol DOT com
I just got back from my own beach vacay in Destin, Florida! Now I need a vacation from vacation to recover!
So far the most exciting thing to happen this summer is my nephew having his first child!
The most exciting thing this summer has been putting in a pool in our yard. It was a lot of work with the landscaping, concrete, etc., but it's been a great summer for it!
The most exciting thing I've done this summer is watch my 3 year old learn to swim.
The most exciting thing I've done all summer is be pregnant. It certainly limits the things I usually do but it's like nothing else!
We are going to Santa barbra for a family
The most exciting thing I've done for the summer or will do: I'd like to say meeting Karen White and seeing Kimberly Brock in 2 weeks is my exciting thing (because both of those are pretty awesome!) But.. the most exciting thing I'll be doing this summer is: Being a bridesmaid in my brother's beach wedding- watching him embark on a new life with his wife, and gaining a sister in law in the process.
The most exciting thing that will be done this summer is a week on the Columbia River at the end of August.
Nothing too exciting this summer. I guess a visit from my mother in law was the most exciting thing. She lives the entire country away and stayed with us for three weeks.
I think my most exciting thing I've done this summer is camping with the family. There is nothing like cramming the four of us into a 250 sq ft RV for four days and seeing if we manage not to kill each other! :)
Colbey J
I got married in Jamaica - impossible to beat that!!!!
Thanks for entering to win this book! Comments are now closed! No more entries will be taken to qualify for this book, but please check back for the next book being featured!
My most exciting thing will be finally seeing my daughter, who moved away a year and a half ago! I cannot wait to enfold her in one big hug.
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