Thanks to Feener at Mommy Vents for the suggestion of There's A Method to Her Manic! And to all of the other fun, witty, snarky, crazy ideas you all sent in. And I'm really sorry I didn't do a contest for this one, but not to worry, there's ANOTHER CONTEST coming your way either Friday or Monday, I PROMISE! Because YES, there really is a method to her manic! And now, I present you with today's topic:
We play Would You Rather with the kids every now and then and it’s usually pretty tame, like would you rather be stuck in the ocean surrounded by sharks or on an island slathered in peanut butter and attacked by lions (Sharks please)? Or would you rather be dropped from a plane or dropped from a boat with bricks tied to your feet (Again, I’m going with the water theme I think)?
The other night, Mr. Manic and I were driving home from a party, after he decided the GPS chick was WRONG and he took a left instead of a right and we ended up in Timbuktu.
Since we were going to be in the car for a while, I suggested a rousing game of Would You Rather.
It started off tame enough with me asking, “Would you rather meet Robert DeNiro or Jack Nicholson?”
He asked me, “Would you rather meet Kate Hudson or Julia Roberts?”
“DUH! Julia! But I’ve already MET her!”
“No you didn’t. You stood near her at the American Club in the airport while she talked on the phone.”
“Still. Why would I want to meet Kate Hudson? She does nothing for me. By the way, HOW far from home are we?”
“OK, my turn,” I said. “Would you rather… hmmm… let’s see… have me come to work with you for a full day or…”
“I choose the second thing! The second thing!”
“WAIT! I didn’t even give you the second choice yet!”
“I know. But whatever it is, I’ll choose it!”
“OK, you’re being a jerk though. Your turn.”
“Would you rather give me a blow job or have me right now drive the car across four lanes of traffic and over the embankment?”

Now that you have a new tagline, why not switch to the lilac color scheme for the whole website?
Pink is feminine, but lilac is feminine and regal. Goes great with the tiara.
Just my $0.02 (0.0129 Euro at today's rates)
Funny! I didn't know you linked on the 5 minutes for mom site. I did too! Small world. Kwana.
Hmmm.....so many places one could go with this blog.
You never guessed me as yesterday's anon poster.
How have you been?
You never call, you never write.....
You don't bring me flowers...
You don't sing me love songs...
Martini's back!!! So it was not my long-lost real life boyfriend! But my long-lost blog-friend!
How you been!!!?!?!?!?!
First anon--I would love to go with the lilac scheme and put the tagline / photo on the top masthead but I am scared to mess up my blog.
Kwana--yep, I'm on the Five Minutes for Mom too--I have a link on my sidebar right under the ads and my myspace link. Bet ya didn't know I had a myspace account either huh? Who wants to friend me?
I guess I shouldn't tell Mr Manic then that in the next few days is the not-well-known holiday of "BJ and a Steak Day" (I kid you not). I'm purposely not remembering the exact date, although I know it's right around mid to late March, so that I don't consciously not celebrate; it's more of an accident....
Also, the sweater I put on (no coat no coat, it's 50 degrees!) today obviously wasn't washed the last time I wore it (shhh) and had... my blood donation sticker on it from the last time I donated!
Oh oh oh, and Deal or No Deal on Monday had someone who wore a tiara during her competition (she did badly though). I so thought of you when I saw that!
Bwhahaha! I would have said the exact same thing!
Tiaras were very in when I got married. I'm a little tiny bit sad I didn't take up that opportunity. Maybe I'll just start wearing one to work. I am Supreme Dictator in my classroom, so why not a tiara--or a crown? ;)
That new holiday sounds intriguing. I love steak and hubby not so much. That would be a small price to pay...
Okay, overshare here, ladies: I, um, don't, um, totally, you know, like, hate it, you know? Like, I actually, you know, like, like it.
ok that is pretty funny. recently a friend was just talking about BJ's and how she uses them to get what she wants from her hubby. she wanted a new kitchen - promised him one...
thanks for the linky love !! wahooooo
OK, this is now turning into BJ talk! There is a method to my manic!!! Share away friends! And men, chime in if you wish. Or not. And maybe I'll share a tale or two. Later on down the line.
I LOVE the new tag line. It just seems to be so you!
Now that is some funny stuff! Did you really yell out "EMBANKMEN"! I would have loved to see the look on his face.
Everything has been good. Busy, busy, busy....train, train, compete. Start all over.
If only I would have known you wanted flowers and love songs......
Manic you may want to be more specific on how we should chime in on this discussion....just sayin'
To quote my student: "What was the question???"
I love the pic and new tagline a LOT!
I find that story hard to swallow.
You heard Dr. Laura, make sure you please your man or you'll end up like Mrs. Governor Spitzer! Hey! Maybe she DID spits-er and that's why her strayed? LOL!
Good thing I wasn't drinking anything when I read that or I would have choked!
Embankment? Now that really blows!
Nice tagline- and GREAT picture!
We have a board game called Zobmondo that's just like the 'Would You Rather' game, but some of the questions are just bizarre. Like would you rather eat vomit or puss? or would you rather have a bird pluck out your nosehairs one at a time or a little person sit in your mouth and hit your teeth with a pick ax? See, bizarre questions- although I think yours takes the cake! ;)
BTW- I agree; embankment's the way to go, especially if he wasn't promising you anything in return.
Yes, I really did yell EMBANKMENT, EMBANKMENT! I even tried to take the wheel and steer it in that direction but couldn't see as my head was stuck below the belt... ahahah, kidding on that one!
Lilly--Zobmondo sounds right up my alley--reminded me of another one I asked Tukey--would you rather have all your teeth yanked out or your nose hairs pulled out. He chose his teeth. When I asked him why, he said, "I don't have any nose hairs. DUUUUUUUUUHHHH!!!
I might opt for a steak in exchange, although after a big meal I would be too full to take anything else in my mouth.
Feener, she had to promise ONLY ONE BJ FOR A WHOLE NEW KITCHEN!!! WOW, she must be really, really good at it!
Kim, you would find that story HARD to SWALLOW!!!!
B--did you realize what you said in your comment? Something about CHOKING? We are getting nasty over here folks. I like it!
And Drew, you dirty dog boy!
Anyone else got a crude innuendo to share?
I'm pretty sure I've had this same conversation with my husband.
This Friday, March 14--
Steak and A Blow Job Day:
Thanks a lot MICHELLE!!!!!!!!!!
Hold UP! I can't eat meat on Fridays during Lent!
And yes, I meant that to be dirty. A dirty joke about Lent. That's me--klass-ay!
Manic! Now that I know what date it is, I can't conveniently forget about it. Although, I do like the idea that I can't eat meat during Lent, so technically I can't celebrate this year.
And I would feel so wrong, too. March 14 is my sister's birthday. Definitely not two celebrations I want intertwined!
Although one thing I did always find interesting about Steak and a BJ Day. Knowing what it is, you'd assume a man invented it. But knowing men, wouldn't they want their BJ first and steak second? Then again, if it's backwards, then men definitely invented it. ;)
And here's what I thought when I first heard of this new-found holiday--
I thought the WOMAN got taken out for a steak in exchange for the BJ, you know like she at least got a nice meal out of it first!
I didn't realize it's a day ALL ABOUT THE MAN! Yah, right, like that's ever gonna happen in Manic's lifetime!
You SAID "embankment," across the four lanes of Chicagoland traffic...but I notice you're back online blogging. One can only assume...
You can't fool a professional logical arguer.
I have two broken legs, a few cracked ribs, and a cast from my armpits on down. Fortunately for me, and the blogging community, I am still able to type!
Poor Mr. Manic--he's still in ICU!
HA HA HA! Love that...serves him right!
And love the new tagline. No need to have a contest - I think it fits perfectly!
Hey there lady,
Well, I've been trying to check my email but the freaking firewall at work let us check "personal" email, and the wireless is down at work so I can't even check on my lap top. Can you send it to
It may get blocked but at least it will go to my spam or junk folder and I can read it!
This is so hard.
So its been discussed, if a man got steak, a bj, and got to shoot a gun at the same time what would happen. It would be like the ultimate pleasure experience.
HA HA love it!
BTW,Tag line is perfect!
But cracking up over here. You're like a fly on the wall at a bar where there are only women talking and we don't think there are men listening! LOL!
Bina, I just emailed you at that address!
Tanya, you forgot the guy would probably need to be drinking a beer as well!
Colorful--thank you!!!
Kids are off school so now I have to go make them pancakes and devise a plan for getting out of steak and a BJ day tomorrow. Hey, I COULD contract Tukey's strep throat...
Let me say.....it's very relieving, no pun intended or maybe so ;) , to read that women have some of the same thought processes as men when it comes to sex.
I ask you ladies.....what if the table were turned?
I CAN'T STOP LAUGHING!!! Yer killing me!
Martini, if the table was turned, I'd have my steak before my pleasure. And a glass of wine while he's at it. I don't need to shoot off a gun, though.
No steak for me. I'd be too full.
Gimme some crab legs and a great bottle of chardonnay fermented in a stainlees steel bin, NON-OAKED for me!
Matt Nathanson's Come On Get Higher playing on a loop (see previous post for THAT sexy song)
800-count sheets on a Westin bed.
No kids.
TONS of pillows.
A slight buzz from the wine.
No kids.
Yep. Women are definitely more complicated than men.
I smell sex and Candy here
Who's that lounging In my chair
Who's that casting Devious stares
In my direction Mama this surely
Is a dream
Are women more complicated or more willing to communicate?
I'm glad you were not specific Manic!
You make me happy.
Um, I was laughing a little bit as I read this post. I busted out in loud giggles as I began reading all the comments. My hubby is like most, he loves the occasional bj. I however wasn't always fond of giving them.. Until a friend and I were talking and she gave me a bit of advice. I tried the advice and when I did he asked me how I had come up with that idea and I told him. He said he wanted to send my friend a dozen roses for a thank you:)) LMAO-- now, his 40th birthday is a week away, should I really tell him about the steak/bj holiday? Haven't decided yet...
( was that TMI??)
anyway love the new tag line. Have a great day!!
ANON! I want THAT ADVICE!!! Does it have to do with the hand-mouth movement? I have to say ... MEN READERS, CLOSE YOUR EYES! ... I can do 'em pretty good, BUT, if there's a fun little trick out there, hey, why not!
Seriously, email me if you don't want to share in the comments, but why not share here anyway... after all, your ANON so who cares!!! TELL US! TELL US!
And I bet you anything Martini is shouting, "YES! TELL US! TELL US!" as well!
And I bet you anything Martini is shouting, "YES! TELL US! TELL US!" as well!
Manic....am I that predictable?
With that said.....YES! TELL US! TELL US!
heh. I like kate's response to s&bj day!
I love your new tag line. Perfect!
and I love your answer to your husband. LOL
I realized I spelled YOUR instead of YOU'RE. I hate when I misuse grammar. I am a literary mess.
Anon, come back and tell us. That's just cruel to bring that up and then drop it. It's like saying, "I know what you're getting for your birthday!"
For real, its not fair for Anon to post that they got "milkshakes" and not offer to teach us. I'd even let her charge.
...running off to look up the slang word "milkshakes"...
Anon, you might have to hold a class on this one! I think you just mean like everyone wants a milkshake but no one is gonna share one!?!?!?
Its a quote from a rap song.
My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard
and they're like, its better than yours
right, its better than yours
I could teach you but I'd have to charge
I don't remember who sings it. Its just one of those annoying catchy songs. I'd google it, but I'm at work and well, that probably wouldn't be the best thing.
FYI I was told 'Milkshake' supposedly translates as bj.
Given the nature of our conversation ..... I would be the only to benefit from a "milkshake".
Sometimes one has to sacrifice for the sake of humanity.
You all have talked me into it.....
Ok, Ok... even though I'm posting this anon, it's still not the type of thing I would normally type lol.
The few times I would give hubby a BJ I wasn't real keen on the whole wait till the end and spit or swallow... I have a bad gag reflex and he knew that and really didn't want to be thrown up on.
So I did talk to my friend about this,and she said to just put your tongue on the roof of your mouth so that when the end happens it goes under your tongue and doesn't immediately shoot into the back of your throat to make you gag.
I did try it, and toward the end hubby was real adamant about telling me , but I continued in my endeavors. I immediately did spit but didn't gag!! He asked me how I had thought of that , I was truthful with him, and a few days later I told my friend that he wanted to send her a dozen roses as a thank you for helping me with my (non) break-thru!!!
Anon--YOU ROCK! You better email me and out yourself!!!! Do I know you in real life?!?!?! I used to pretend it was mint flavored ice cream. OMG, I cannot even believe I am telling this...
And just wait till tomorrow's post--I'm holding a contest in honor of Steak and a BJ Day! LOL!
okay... the BEST tagline ever!
A twist on Shakespeare. SWEET. I puffy heart it!
You just described my ideal scenario, too. I thought I was the only one who hated oaked chardonnay. I found a really good virgin one (tee hee, given the conversation) recently that I've been drinking too much of. Let me know if you want the name of it -- not too expensive, either.
I would, however, go for the steak (esp if it was the petite trio from Wildfire) instead of the crab legs. Now I'm hungry. Oops!
I will admit that I've never pretended it was another flavor, let alone mint ice cream. I'm not sure that'd work for me. Removal is a better solution entirely ;)
Just think--all he had to do was listen to the nice lady on the GPS . . . these comments are cracking me up!!!
I just wanted to say I loved your new tagline and the shades - they are SO you. And the embankment thingy... it cracked me up!
Stupid GPS lady got us lost in rural Tennessee last year. I'm with Mr. M on this one.
If you're gonna surrender your "man card" anyway, better to let your wife navigate and leave the BJs to mechanical devices. Unless the GPS gives BJs. Maybe someone at Garmin is working on that feature.
Sorry ladies, but y'all got raunchy first...
Thanks for the idea, Anon!
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