Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Reason #24

Reason #24 On Why It's A Bad Idea To Have Two Instant Message Conversations Going At The Exact Same Time:

Because one could be a conversation with your editor and one could be a conversation with a fellow blogger. And one such conversation with fellow blogger could be about how I was going to write something completely inappropriate but decided not to in the event her child would intercept the IM.

When fellow blogger IMs for me to GO FOR IT, signalling her son is not around, and it's all clear to be inappropriate, I IM to her:

"Pimp me like the whore that you know that I am."

Only, you guessed it. I IMed THIS particular message to my editor.

Uh-Huh. Yes. I did. Did too.


Jess Riley said...

Happy birthday a day late, my dear!!!

So did your editor slap you around and make you give her all your money?

Sandra in NM* said...

OMG, please tell me you're kidding and you only posted this for shock value! How did you get out of it? :-)

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

jess--thank you! Great b'day!

Sandra--totally, totally true!!!
Fortunately, she's a very cool editor!!

Kalynne Pudner said...

I keep "virtual office hours" -- AIM -- for my students. I've never written that, exactly, but have sent a gender-sensitive IM meant for a friend to a hot 22-year old guy. Ooooooh.

I'm guessing your editor is pretty cool, though.

Happy belated birthday. You look great in Michelle's posted pics.

Kelli said...

that is so funny, BUT since from what I know of you, she must know you somewhat also and know, its all joking! you crack me up

Suburban Correspondent said...

Oh, boy. That's great.

Laski said...

And "dear editor" replied . . . "I already am."

Oh, and happy birthday from one Aries to another . . .

Eileen said...

Happy Birthday- also late.

If one can't be pimped by their editor- than by who I ask?

Laura ~Peach~ said...

i am willing to bet she LAUGHED...many such mistakes have come from my IM'ing days... lessons learned hard way LOL

Laski said...

You are right about Idol! Why didn't I notice that? Duh!

Oh, I LOVE Poo Poo cookies. Love 'em.

People are gonna wonder what the heck I'm talkin' about . . . oh well.

POO POO cookies rock! Manic . . . you can explain . . .

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

Hahah! Poo Poo cookies = Fiber One bars!

House of Jules said...

I'm sorry, I'm just not clear on the "inappropriate" part of that IM. :)
House of Jules

MaBunny said...

LOOL, I've done that before... my husband and I play an internet game where you can send private tells backand forthto other players. Sometimes I getintotell hell talking toseveral friends at once. One friend of mine, particularly a guy alwasy sends me tells to try to trip me up. Meaning tomake me blush,/sighorwhatever and I've posted backansering himand accidentaly sent itto say a kid that was aksking me forhelp or something, lol. It can get rather embarrasing if you don't watch who you are typing to,:))
So, have you thought of a wedding story yet?
Timeis running out to post iton my 100th post!!!

Jenster said...

I don't know. That seems like a pretty appropriate thing to say to your publisher via your editor...

Beth from the Funny Farm said...

Isn't that your editor's JOB though! :-D

Moll said...

And I thought manic moms were supposed to be GOOD at multitasking!

Stephanie J. Blake said...


Danielle Younge-Ullman said...

This is hilarious. I think I might have to send something like that to my editor too. Though I am a (35-year-old) dinosaur who does not text or IM so it would have to be email.

Happy Belated!

Unknown said...

Ha Ha! That's just my luck. When I was on AIM one time, I did the same thing, but THANK GOD it wasn't THAT bad, cause it was between my mom and my sister!

Colleen - Mommy Always Wins said...

You should buy her a "pimp cup" to show her you're sorry. They're kinda pricey, so maybe you can show us how to make our own on the next episode of "Booking With Manic".

Grandmother Goddess of the Garden said...

Too funny...thanks for the pre-rad laugh!


Amanda said...

Happy birthday Manic! So is your editor pimping?

Sorry, been visited by mother and not fully recovered yet

Tanya said...

Thats awesome. I hope you told her it was a preview of your new book ;)

stewbie2 said...

Well, in that case, I totally hope your editor pimps you out! ;)

Cecily R said...

That is one of my fears come true!!!

I dunno though Manic, maybe your editor needed to hear it...

Angela Williams Duea said...

Noooo...how did you get out of that one?

Michelle Kemper Brownlow said...

I was there - she is telling the truth!!!

As Cape Cod Turns said...

That is just classic. Who knows, maybe you will get a few extra bucks from her, in ones of course.

Mom said...

Oh My!!!!

Tonya Staab said...

ha ha I'm rolling on the floor here. That is so something I would do :)

kim said...

what jenster said.

Anonymous said...

I've totally done that...at work. To my boss.

She talks so loud on the phone and she was having a conversation with a guy that sits just next door. I was complaining about her super loud voice to a cubicle neighbor via IM, and said, "She's literally ten feet away. I don't think he needs the phone."

And I sent it to her. The loud boss.


Four in Costa Rica said...

Why oh why wasn't I the editor you were talking with that day? You'll have to let me know who it was you slipped to. That's hilarious!