Wednesday, March 09, 2011


Winner Announced!
Congrats to Jenn3128
You have won The Education of Hailey Kendrick!
Please email me so I can have Eileen mail you your book!
And everyone, I am taking a little break over the weekend (a getaway with my BOYFRIEND aka Mr. MaNiC!), but not to worry, books are scheduled to post still, but I won't be announcing winners over the weekend. What that means is you'll still be able to enter for any books that I haven't chosen winners for yet (from Thursday's entry on)! I'll choose winners probably Monday. Thanks for all your FUN answers to the questions I've been posing -- it's been a treat for me to read them! I MAY do some incentive book prizes for some of the creative ones, and for those of you who said you like chocolate and peanut butter, I may be the only person in THE WORLD who does not like that combo! Weird, I know!

Book: The Education of Hailey Kendrick

Author: Eileen Cook


OK guys, here’s one for the Young Adult in all of us! I love me some YA reading, and I love me some Eileen Cook, who is also another Friend I Know In Real Life!

If you are so inclined (bored, whatever), you may read all about the night I met Eileen Cook which also includes Jess Riley, Jen Lancaster and my BBFF Swishy, who some of you may know from reading my blog. Swish is very close to having her own book published and believe me, I will be screaming from the rooftops when it does get published! Read about the night I met Eileen here. (And incidentally, this is the night I met Jen Lancaster too because I know so many of you came via Jen. This is also the night I ate a truffle off the floor in a bar. Would YOU let a perfectly good truffle go to waste? I think not. That night will live in infamy, my friends!

Have you realized I digress A LOT when doing these book reviews? Sorry.

Back to Eileen!

I met Eileen also from the Yahoo Chick Lit Group I believe and she is also one of those women who DID NOT GIVE UP! This is now her fourth book, and she didn’t start out in Young Adult! Meeting Eileen was a BLAST, and she’s fun and generous and hilarious and kind and all of this shows in her writing as well.
The book she is giving away today is THE EDUCATION OF HAILEY KENDRICK, and here’s a blurb on it, because honest disclaimer, I have not had a chance to finish it, but I will tell you this, Eileen WRITES like a teenager!

Hailey Kendrick always does exactly what’s expected of her. She has the right friends, dates the right boy, gets good grades and follows the rules. But one night, Hailey risks everything by breaking a very big rule in a very public way … and with a very unexpected partner in crime. Hailey gets caught, but her accomplice does not, and Hailey takes the fall for both of them. In the process, she loses everything – her best friend, her boyfriend, her popularity, her reputation. But some secrets are worth keeping, no matter the cost, or are they?
You’ll also want to check out Eileen’s other books – her women’s fiction – hilariously light-hearted Unpredictable, and her YA What Would Emma Do? And Getting Revenge on Lauren Wood.

Her blog is exceptionally funny – you can find it at Eileen's Blog/.

And secret bit of trivial information, Eileen's dad is kinda sweet on me... hee hee hee!
Please leave a comment, and all those who do will qualify to win The Education of Hailey Kendrick! I’ll draw the winner on March 10 and I will post the winner’s name at the TOP of this post, in the highlighted area.

Come back and read about each book every day in March. Choose the books you'd like to win. Enter for any or ALL the books. Each entry will count as an entry toward the grand prize of winning ALL 31+ books at the end of the month. You can win the book of the day and still qualify to win ALL the books at the end of the month!

PLEASE be specific with your name in the comment section, and IF YOUR NAME is listed as the winner, you must email me at in order to claim your prize. Email me with your full name and address so I can have your book(s) sent to you.

Thanks, and GOOD LUCK! And come back tomorrow to see what book I’ll be giving away then too!

It’s MaNiC MoMMy’s March Madness Book-A-Day Giveaway! Read ALL the Rules and Details Here!

Sorry, only U.S. and Canadian residents only!


Kristin said...

Thanks for the background and reviews of the books. They make me want to read them even more!

Melissa Braun said...

I love her YA books, but haven't read this one. Being a middle school teacher has one serious benefit: YA lit!

Heidi @ Decor & More said...

Love a good YA every so often! So glad to learn a little more about her, too-- thanks, MM!

Sugar__Mama said...

loving all the great reviews of these books. put my name in the hat please!

Logan Collins said...

I read Unpredictable and it was like candy. Excited to read this one too.

Homestead Jen said...

I definitely want to read this one - and not just because I relate to being the kid who always did what she was told. Mostly because I knew I would be the one to get caught!

Anonymous said...

This looks like a great book. I would love to read it. Thanks for the great book giveaways.

-Donna W.

MaggieDu said...

I normally read a few YA books a year, screening them for the group of kids I work with. This one has a lot of potential I believe.

Lesley Davis, Esq said...

Considering I have 3 daughters (2 of which are screaming right now) this sounds like a good book for me. Really enjoying seeing what book you're giving away each morning!

Karen said...

I have a daughter who will LOVE this and I'm interested too! :) ktmixon315

Meg said...

LOVE Eileen Cook! I've been trying to get my (YA) cousins to start reading her so my husband doesn't look at me funny when I got to the YA section. Of course, he also looks at me funny when I go anywhere but the Self Help section....

Colleen Turner said...

This sounds so good! I wanna know what she did:)!
Colleen Turner

Ally said...

I could really use a win today, and this book looks great!
Ally N

Jen R said...


jen rabenstine

The Jagow Family said...

I haven't read a YA book in a long time...this one looks like I might need to read it. Thanks again!

michelle jagow

Kathygold9778 said...

Oh, I would love to read this book because honestly there is a secret tween hiding inside me...LOL!

Sarah Lashua said...

Looks great!

LizzyBethDJ said...

OOOOhhhhh... YA - for the teen in all of us!

Emma S. said...

I love reading YA books. Harry Potter and Megan McCafferty's series are two of my all-time favorites series in any genre.

Anonymous said...

My summer reading list is getting bigger and bigger, thanks for doing this.

K Loeser

Dolly said...

O too funny!!

I've started reading more YA, and looking for good ones to pass along to my HS age nieces.

Margie said...

Looks fun! Thanks for the chance!
Margie T

Crafty Mama said...

This looks so good! I love reading YA novels!

Crafty Mama said...

This looks so good! I love reading YA novels!

Debbie said...

Thanks for this great give away. Debydew110

BrendaBMarion said...

Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants was my first foray into the guilty pleasure of YA reading...this one looks just as engaging!

Anonymous said...

Love some entertaining YA reads to mix in with other books! Thanks for doing this!

Leah B said...

Looks like a good book ... and a little YA never hurt :-)

Meredith said...

I love a good YA book!

Angie McCraine Parks said...

Love this author!

Tina Brannan said...

Looks like a fun read!

Ronit said...

Ditto what Melissa Braun said! Ronit W

Bee said...

It sounds like a really fun book.

-Bee H.

girllovestoread said...

Keeping my fingers crossed

Tiffany Drew said...

Looks great! Thanks for another great giveaway!

janabailey said...

I'm in!

Jana B

Unknown said...

I love YA lit. It brings me back.
Kirsten R.

Autumnn Darden said...

First off, I *LOVE* Jen Lancaster, so I love this post! Second, this looks like a great YA read. Will have to check it out!

LynnBelo said...

I secretly love YA books and movies! I can't wait to read this one!

Erin T. said...

I throughly enjoy your digression during your book reviews - I have to laugh somehow, and your reviews are a good bet that I'll do just that!

Jennie Englund said...


Great post!

Love the sidekick, Swishy!

Anonymous said...

Looks like a good read - back to being younger!

Christine in NJ said...

I have not read a YA book in about a year... Very Much looking forward to this one! Thanks MaNiC! And Congrats to your BFF Swishy (close to being published - YAY!)!!!!


Denise said...

I love a good YA book!

Christine in NJ said...

I have not read a YA book in about a year... Very Much looking forward to this one! Thanks MaNiC! And Congrats to your BFF Swishy (close to being published - YAY!)!!!!


IandSsmom said...

This looks so good! And I love stories about the authors -so fun!!

Chelsea Hoffman said...

YES PLEASE. I'm a young adult, and I like young adult novels!

DaphneSFL said...

Another great book, thanks for adding it to the contest.

Anne said...

I'm putting all the books on my reading list!

Amy Nichole G said...

This sounds like a fun read!

Christina said...

I love finding out about all of these great books and authors!!


Jenn3128 said...

Another one I'd like to read.

jdstec said...

I am that "girl" who continues to relive high school and love YA books. Some people consider this sad. I am not one of them.

Kristy said...

This was sounds sooo good! I really want to read it! Thank you so much for your blog. I've never found SO many books i've wanted to read in one blog. You have great taste and your so lucky to have some author friends. :)

Erin Goff said...

This sounds like another good one. Thanks again for your great giveaways - you are making March so fun!

Casey said...

I love young adult reading. LOVE IT.

PS. How do you get to meet all these awesome authors? And can I please join this group?

Ready To Be A Momma said...

Love YA lit!

Lauren Louise said...

I love YA books more than I probably should. It's nice to go from a serious read to something YA every now and then. It's like taking a short breather.

Unknown said...

I still feel like I am a young adult. LOL Pick me! ;)

Melissa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rachael said...

I want to know what happens!

Melissa said...

It's so great you get to meet all the authors!

Lindsay Elizabeth said...

I love the pic, what a great group of authors!

And secretly I am such a sucker for YA books!

buttah said...

Sounds like another great one!

Clarebear117 said...

I think I need to discover what 'Ya' is! :)

StephRochelle said...

I'm a fan of Eileen Cook, so I'm pretty excited to see this book on your list! Yay!

Nanette said...

Can't wait to win! Nanette N.

Anonymous said...

YEAH! another great book!

Juliet Farmer said...

Yay for YA! :)

Coleen said...

I would love to read this book. I have been really sick and this is the first post since the first book you posted!!! I love reading YA books. . it takes me back to my younger years. . which then makes me appreciate where I am now!!! Plus my baby sister reads a lot of YA books and then I can share them with her!!!

Anonymous said...

I've never read anything by Eileen Cook, and would love to have the chance to :)

Unknown said...

I really want to read this one. YA is often overlooked because of the age group but the writing can be so strong. It looks like a good read!

Bridget said...

Great review. Sounds good.

Anonymous said...

sounds like another great read! Add me to the pot! Not the kind that you smoke...
(never mind)

Julie Carroll said...

I love YA books too! And after I read it I can pass it on to my teenage niece .. .

equinn726 said...

I love a good YA book every now and again! Thanks for posting all of these books this month.

Lizett34 said...

I am super curious to find out what she did to make everyone change their mind!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the reviews! They have helped me find some great new books to read and authors to check out!

Kelly Hildebrand

Kas said...

I'm always down for a good YA book!

Kassie H.

Dani In Chicago said...

Haven't read a YA in a long time.

Dani Patarazzi

Melissa said...

Always love a good YA book! Melissa Rem

Dulcibella said...

It's me again! What am I going to do when March is over? It's going to totally mess up my morning routine to not come here and comment in the hopes of winning a book.

Valerie M. said...

Good good good!

Jeffie Laura said...

Pick me!

BRN2SHOP9 said...

Sounds like a great book.

Dizzy Ms. Lizzy said...

I love Eileen! I had the pleasure of meeting her in Ft. Wayne, IN on her book tour for "Supernatural". I now had a couple of her other books, and have loved every one of them!

Thanks, Manic Mommy!

Krystal said...

I am loving this opportunity to find all these authors! I also, really enjoy YA! :)

Krystal Dyer

Lilianarenee said...

Who doesn't love a good YA book every once in a while?

Anonymous said...

sounds like a great read for my 14 year old daughter :)

Laura Kay

Tyra said...

I think I shall never grow out of enjoying YA fiction! Now I will have to look for all of Eileen's books!

Anonymous said...

Love YA books, but since I have boys, I don't get to read many "girl" ones. LeslieGC

Erika Lundquist said...

Would love to to win this one.

Write Spot said...

So into YA books right now. This sounds like a good one!

Brenda L B said...

wow, again a book with turns and twist and question about loyalty...I can relate and would love to read. Brenda L B

Hally said...

Oooohhh sounds great. I'm a huge fan of reading YA. Sharon Creech & the Bobbsey Twins are in my adult bookshelves right along side all my NYTimes best sellers!

Thanks, Manic!
Hally Hoots

Alli said...

This book sounds so awesome...just the kind of thing I like! I love reading fun, YA books - they are easy to get into and are quick reads! :)
Alli M. Jones

Anonymous said...

Sounds great & I can share with my daughter.

Jen Fee 9476

your invisible pixie said...

that sounds like a group of ladies i would like to hang out with! yay books!

Jess said...

all of these books so far have been great! I love this giveaway
Jess Heady

Susan @ The Book Bag said...

Would love to win this one!

Suzebomb - The Book Bag

RedDragon said...

I may need to get this even if I don't win - my son is now interested in girls (he's only ten!!) so I need all the insight I can get on what teenage girls think!
Lisa P.

Anonymous said...

Sounds fun! Love the pic's you included!

Kristi said...

Both myself and my daughter are fans. Looking forward to it.
Kristi Marie W.

Carie Casey said...

Love YA books. Sounds good.


Nicole said...

Love your take on the authors and their books!
Nicole Harper

Ms. Thouvenel said...

A good YA is always fun.

Tracy Miller said...

I love YA!

Beverly Victoria said...

I'm a high school substitute teacher, so reading YA comes with the territory. I'd love to read this one!

Angela Ackerman said...

Oh I'd love to win this one--I loved Getting Revenge and I know this one will be just a s great. Thanks for the generous giveaways!

Angela @ The Bookshelf Muse

Holly W said...

I would probably eat the truffle too. :)

Sarah S. said...

I love some YA fiction!!

Sarah S.

Sherry B said...

you make me laugh--anyways love to read YA brings be back to the times of "me" and the "world revolves around me"--such a great escape form the everyday world of being "not about me times"

BethC said...

I have 3 teenage daughters...we would ALL love to read this!!!

Lisa justus said...

I like to read YA books sometimes and save the good ones for my daughter. Sounds like one we both might like.

Anonymous said...

I read some young adult mainly to discuss with my teens. This sounds like it could be interesting.


A.C. Morris said...

I love YA books and this one sounds really fantastic!

Taylor Morris said...

I heard her books are amazing! I would love to win!

Michelle Mierczewski said...

I suck at keeping secrets.... :(

Anonymous said...

Please pick me ;)

Buffy Dee said...

Fingers crossed

Terri said...

Fun! Who doesn't want to occasionally think back to their teen years?

Terri M. in Phoenix

Tanya Quilts in CO said...

I love YA books!

Anonymous said...

Would love to read this book. Thanks for doing this giveaway!

Siobhan F. said...

I enjoy a good YA book, usually sci fi/ fantasy, but my brother got me into the teen drama ones too . . .

Amanda Leigh said...

I'm so into YA books right now. Can't wait to read this.

- Amanda Leigh

Nicole Marie said...

I love me some YA books :)

NicoleMG from CT

Anonymous said...

Pick me!! Patti Col

Nearl said...

Looks great, and just added her blog to my list.

Anonymous said...

I can never pass up some good YA reading and I have no good excuse for it!

Colbey J

Dawn Gross said...

sounds like fun reading!

Dawn MG

kristinrose said...

still loving all the books mentioned!

Eileen's Dad said...

So my deepest heartful feelings towards you are just TRIVIAL!! This drops you down to somewhere about third in my list of potential replacements when/if my wife ever gives up on me.

Anonymous said...

Every once in a while a good YA book is just what you need! Makes me feel young again!


Hawkzter said...

This sounds like such a great book. Even if I don't win it here, I would love to get it for me and my daughter to read.

Stephanie said...

Note to Eileen's Dad: Hellooo, it's "trivial" because I'm here to promote your daughter's BOOK, not share all the tell-tale secrets of our online flirtation! hahah. PLUS, it's also "trivial" because I was going to write "here's a bit of 'trivia'" but kind of messed up, PLUS, it is 'trivial' because Eileen's MOM and MaNiC MoMMy's Husband would KICK MY ARSKY if it was anything MORE THAN TRIVIAL, RIGHTO!?!?!!? : ) ... now can you please elevate me back to first in line if Mrs. Eileen's Dad's Wife kicks you out and my husband gets rid of me? HAHHAHA!

Stephanie said...

Oh, Eileen's Dad, do you want to be entered into the contest? hee hee

Croppergirl said...

I'm just now into YA literature. I'd love to read this one.1

Pamela Hoffman

Ronda C. in B'ham said...

Just starting reading YA. Would love to try out another one

Anonymous said...

I love a well-penned YA read :)

jne said...

Looks good! Jenni(fur) N.

Books & Reviews said...

Sounds, good! -anguerre

Anonymous said...

Sign me me some YA!!


Crabby Mommy said...

I would love to share this YA book with my book club!

Missy B said...

So glad I'm not the only one to live YA books!

Eileen's Dad said...

OK, second and I'll think about first. And as far as the contest goes, I'll take a pass as I already have a signed copy and will let someone else have a chance.

Crystal said...

i LOVE YA books!!! I didn't get back into reading until I was done with college (which was about 2 years ago OMG!) but I looooove reading now. And the blurb has me wanting to read more!

Germaine said...

I need to have a kid so I don't feel guilty reading YA literature, but I do love it so!

Amy Risner said...

I'm a HUGE fan of Eileen!

Wendi from Louisiana said...

I digress a lot, too!

Anonymous said...

xx (fingers crossed)


Anonymous said...

Ohhhh...I need this one! So aI can read it and then give it to all my students to read!

AisforRandom said...

come on luck!!!!!!!!!

Honi A. said...

review makes it enticing!

hannasmom said...

Love your book reviews! This book sounds like a fun read.

Stephanie said...


Faith Hope and Cherrytea said...

LOTS of great reading material here! thx for the intro....