Thursday, March 17, 2011


Winner Announced!
Congrats to:
A.C. Morris
You've been coming here every single day in March so far and it's paid off! You're getting all five of Emily's books and I'm going to send you some cashola to see Something Borrowed when it comes out on May 6, along with some of your favorite movie candy! So congrats to you (Man, I wanted THIS ONE! Hahah!) so, send me your full name along with your mailing address so you can get your prize! And don't worry everyone, there are still SO MANY more FABULOUS authors to come! There are ELEVEN days in March left PLUS, I've got some EXTRA authors who wanted to be a part of this, so we're heading into April for this one!

Emily had me at hello. She just did. I love her more than anything. Since I lived in her hometown, I had the pleasure of meeting her a bunch of times. She sent me her very own ARC of Baby Proof just because I was nervy enough to ask, I've been out to dinner with her, she taught me how to smile properly (touch the back of your teeth or the roof of your mouth with your tongue as the camera clicks), and she let me cut in line in front of everyone the day before I had to move from Chicago to Scottsdale! I truly consider her a friend. I hope she says the same of me.

I think she treats everyone she meets the same. She's kind and gracious and such a talented author, but you all already know that. And when I asked her if she'd like to participate in the Book-A-Day Giveaway, she said I could offer anything I wanted. So, I figured you guys would want it all, right? So, that's what you're getting. ALL OF EMILY's BOOKS.


To win Something Borrowed, Something Blue, Baby Proof, Love the One You're With and Heart of the Matter, all you have to do is leave a comment here on something pertaining to why you love Emily Giffin, because I've already told you why I love her. Or why you love her books. Or why you would LOVE to READ her books.

So that's PART ONE.

Part Two is a little bit more intense, and you don't have to play along if you don't wanna win part two. Up to you.

Emily's first book, SOMETHING BORROWED is coming out on the BIG SCREEN (May 6th!), starring Kate Hudson, John Krasinski, Ginnifer Goodwin and Colin Egglesfield.


I wanted to kick in a little something more so here's the second part of this giveaway:

--Go over to Emily's site and sign up for her e-newsletter here. You'll get a sneak peek at her amazing upcoming book WHERE WE BELONG if you sign up, and it's AWESOME! I'm already in love with her hottie guy character, Peter. And you'll also get exciting movie news in the e-newsletter too.

--At Emily's website, you'll find the answers to these two questions that I would like you to answer. I'm going to 'moderate' these questions in the comments section so no one can see the answers right away, but I'll make them all live after the qualification time is over, which you will have until Friday, March 18, 5:00 p.m., to answer.

1. What is the title of the young adult book Emily wrote before she wrote Something Borrowed that was never published?

2. In one of Emily's books, there is a main character with the same initials as Emily. What is that character's name. And what is that book? P.S. Emily didn't even know this until I told her!

If you answer these two questions correctly and within the timeframe, you will also be entered to win two movie tickets to SOMETHING BORROWED and I'll also send you your choice of candy for the movies if you're brave enough to sneak it in!

So, let's all get your Emily Thinking Caps on! Get on over to her site and sign up for her e-newsletter here and then find those EASY-PEASY answers and drop me a comment! Let me know why you wanna win ALL FIVE of Emily's fantastic books!

Thanks for taking the time to read this post! I know it was a long one! And good luck to each and every one of you!

Love ya Emily, and if you don't get your arse out to Scottsdale for your next book tour, we are THAH-ROOOO! xo

(If that wasn't enough for ya, you can scroll at your leisure through all of this to read my previous posts about my antics with eg!)

PeaCe uP!

NOTE: Comment moderation is on, not to worry, your comments will be posted and accepted after the deadline time but do check back to confirm you are listed for the book drawing over the weekend!

ANOTHER NOTE: OK, SCREW IT! I'm too lazy to monitor comments and you all clearly know the answers anyway, and if you don't you can are lucking out now. Put the answers in the comment section along with why you love EG and you'll be entered for the movie prize package as well. eg would want it this way. BUT, go sign up for her e-newsletter too! xoxo

Please leave a comment, and all those who do will qualify to win Emily's books! I’ll draw the winner in a couple of days and I will post the winner’s name at the TOP of this post, in the highlighted area.

Come back and read about each book every day in March. Choose the books you'd like to win. Enter for any or ALL the books. Each entry will count as an entry toward the grand prize of winning ALL 31+ books at the end of the month. You can win the book of the day and still qualify to win ALL the books at the end of the month!

PLEASE be specific with your name in the comment section, and IF YOUR NAME is listed as the winner, you must email me at in order to claim your prize. Email me with your full name and address so I can have your book(s) sent to you.

Thanks, and GOOD LUCK! And come back tomorrow to see what book I’ll be giving away then too!

It’s MaNiC MoMMy’s March Madness Book-A-Day Giveaway! Read ALL the Rules and Details Here!

Sorry, only U.S. and Canadian residents only!


1 – 200 of 234   Newer›   Newest»
Heidi @ Decor & More said...

I love Emily because I'm thrown into depression when I get to the end and have to wait for her to write another! :)
I'll comment for the movie tix separately...can't wait for that GNO!
Thanks, MM!

Crystal said...

OH MY GOSH!!! I have been dying to read these books!! before Christmas I set up a "Christmas list" that contained only books and I had all of these listed on there. of course no one got me ANY books...(my fiance thinks it's a boring gift...I disagree) and I was kind of let down. Anywho, I've heard nothing but RAVE reviews of EG. and the titles of her books? OMG! I am soooo all over them (being a newly engaged gal I just LOVE anything even vaguely mentioning something wedding related, i.e. "Something borrowed, something blue..."). I just know I would LOVE these books! so, pleeeeeeeease pick me!


Crystal said...

Gosh! It took me some time to figure out the answers to part 2!! Part 2 was definitely INTENSE! But it definitely makes me want to win these books even more! (and even if I don't I know I'll just end up buying them!)

At first I thought you might be refering to the first BOOK she wrote (written at the ripe age of 6) titled, The Funny Pandas and the Messy Room. But through further investigation I discovered her first YA novel never published is in fact LILY HOLDING TRUE Yes Regis, that is my final answer.

Which took some digging, since I have yet to read her books, but maybe this giveaway will grant me that chance! (hint hint)

*crossing my fingers and toes*

fourkidsmom4 said...

I have read all of Emily's books. In fact I waited with baited breath for each of them to come out. I had to sell my books to raise some $, though, so to win them all, reread them, and put them back on my bookshelf would be AMAZING!!

Karen said...

Hmmm...okay...for Part I...I would love to read her books because the sample chapters I read look amazing! And the movie trailer? OMG! It will take everything for me to wait to see if I've won so I won't go out and load up on these books in the meantime. As for Part II...I did sign up for the newsletter and found that the YA novel was "Lily Holding Time" (and YES she totally needed to fire the agent). The book with the character with the same initials - I hope - was Ellen Graham from "love the one you're with." I'm definitely going to the movie - with my girlfriends - and my candy of choice is Skittles (yes, I do separate them by color because I'm weird.) ktmixon315

Jen R said...

I have yet to read a book of Emily's. They are all on my wishlist and I would LOVE to read them because I have only heard great things about them. Nothing but great things
Jen Rabenstine

Christina said...

I love these books! She's such a great writer, I immediately get sucked into the story and I can't put the book down! Thanks Emily!


Logan Collins said...

I have to say I have had so much fun reading your blog everyday. Today was great! I enjoyed looking for all the answers. I signed up for the newsleter. Unfortunately I have never read Emily Griffin but I do very much want to now. She sounds like a very cool lady and I love the trick about how to smile for the camera. I think her timeline is too cute!
1. Lily Holding True

2. Ellen Graham in Love the one you're with

Anonymous said...

I love Emily Giffin because she is an amazing writer

I could not find the name of the young adult book that she wrote before she quit the lawfirm but I did find her childhood book title. She wrote "The Funny Pandas and the Messy Room" when she was 6 years old. Does that count?

I think the initials are Ellen from "Love the ne You're With" but I do not know the character's last name so it is just a guess.

Thanks for the wonderful giveaways!

-Donna W.

Meg said...

Emily Giffin was my first introduction to modern Chic Lit (ie. not Jane Eyre...which I LOVE. Because I'm hip like that.)

And now? I'm trying to introduce it to my cousins. Who read Everything. Except true chic lit. And I have made it my mission to rectify that. On purely a loan/must mail back when done basis.

Also?? She's a fellow Wahoo. 'Nough said. 2:
1. "Lily Holding True"...unless I've seriously misconstrued the plot of the Funny Pandas and the Messy Room

2. Ellen Graham in "Love the one you're with"

IandSsmom said...

Can't wait to see the movie! Just love Kate Hudson! and Great books been on my tbr list to long and need to get 'em on my read list!!!

Tiffany Drew said...

I would love love LOVE to win these! I have been dying to read Emily's books, I have heard nothing but good things. I am also looking forward to seeing the movie, but I want to read the books first so this would REALLY help me out :)


1)Lily Holding True

2)Ellen Graham, Love The One You're With

Sherri M Lee said...

Part 1: Oh why do I love EG? Well lets just start by saying I love her books...all of them. She has a way of writing about people, the truth about "real" people, but you love them and their flaws anyways. I LOVED Rachel/Dex, but because of the way she wrote about Darcy, fell in love with her too! In HOTM, who couldn't love Valerie? Yes, what was happening was wrong, but can't tell me you weren't rooting for her too! As a fan I love her as a person because she interacts with her fanbase (ie facebook), makes us feel special. And lastly, my friends and I made a GNO out of her signing in Aiken, SC. Not only did we meet Emily, but she met us out later for drinks...she turned our mini GNO into an extraodinary memory!

Part 2: 1) Her first Young Adult novel was titled "Lily Holding True" 2) The character with her initials is Ellen "Dempsey" Graham from LTOYW!

Thanks so much, my fingers are crossed...xoxo!!!

Sherri M Lee from Charlotte, NC

Bee said...

I would love to read Emily's books because I've heard nothing but fantastic things about all of them from TONS of different people - they've all been on my "to read" list for months.

Q1. Lily Holding True
Q2. Ellen Graham in Love the one You're With

-Bee H.

Kimmi said...

I love Emily because she managed to rehabilitate a character like Darcy into someone likable. And she's a Bon Jovi fan. Who doesn't like a Bon Jovi fan?

jdstec said...

I LOVE Emily Griffen. As strange as it sounds,when I read here books, it's as if she is speaking in my voice.
1. Lily Holding True
2.Ellen Graham, Love the One You're With.
Challenging. Thanks for the fun.


IandSsmom said...

ok sorry got so excited about Kate Hudson I jumped the gun!!!
1. Lily Holding True
2. Ellen Graham in Love the One Your With!
Hope it counts even though I know I already posted!!! Cuz I love her books and soooooo want to win!!!

Anonymous said...

Emily Giffin just gets it -- she understands women and our place in the world -- every woman, no matter where they come from, what they do, who they are, can relate to her characters. Bonus -- her books are fab to read on the beach!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I ran out of books on a vacation and randomly bought "Love The One Your With" in an airport. I was hooked and had that book read in 2 days. As soon as I got home, I went and bought Something Borrowed, Something Blue, and Baby Proof. I read those in a week. I have since passed on my Emily books to friends (at least 10!)to share the wealth her awesomeness. My books look pretty run down and abused from so many reads so I would love to get a brand new crispy set of her books for my shelves!

Monica Flaska

Lindsay Elizabeth said...

I LOVE that Emily 1. wrote nasty hate mail after her first book wasn't published and 2. that she KEPT the rejection letter, and now displays it proudly on her website. Good for her!

I also am stumped on the second question... I found the first answer "Lily Holding True" but the second has thrown me! I assumed it would be Ellen from Love the one you're with! But her last name starts with a D.... I failed, but I do love that this made me learn more about EG!

Meredith said...

Borrowed "Something Borrowed" (hee hee) from a friend and loved it, can't wait to read the rest...

Anonymous said...

I love Emily Giffin! I have read a few of the books but would love to have the entire collection, her books are so relatable and suck you in to where you feel like you are part of the characters world!
Answers to the questions:
1. Lily Holding True
2. Love The One You're With

faithspage said...

She's beautiful, talented, witty, and a matchmaker.
Once I start reading one of her books I don't want to put it down. I kind of get lost in them.

Anonymous said...

I forgot the second part of question 2...Ellen Graham



Sarah Lashua said...

I love Emily Giffin because she has awesome character delveopment. Something Borrowed is probably my favorite book of all time.

megan es said...

My mom has read all of her books. Now I want to read all of them.

Wanda Zerangue said...

Part II

1) I signed up for Emily's newsletter
2) Her unpublished book is Lily Holding True
3) The character with the same initials is Ellen Graham from the book Love the One You're With

Wanda Zerangue

BethC said...

I have only ready Something Borrowed and I absolutely LOVED it. I like the way I can connect to the characters in the book. Their feelings really come alive for me. I just finished it last week and cannot wait to get the follow up book and all of her books. Would be awesome if I won them!

Casey said...

I've been waiting for this one, because I heart Emily Giffin.

I love Emily Giffin because we BOTH went to Wake Forest! Go Deacs! How's that for knowing your authors! And because she's like the cutest thing ever. And because her books are so so so fun to read! And because I know if she would just meet me, we'd be besties!

And, because I already get her newsletter :-)

Amy R. said...

I absolutely ADORE Emily Giffin! I've read all her books except for HOTM, which I am planning to read in the near future. I love her because she inspires me to write my own novel. She is a fantastic role model for women. I'd love to win all 5 of her books so my collection can be complete - plus, those books look GORGEOUS all lined up on a book shelf!

I signed up for the e-letter and my answers to your following questions are:
1) Lily Holding True
2) Ellen Graham in Love the One You're With

jpetroroy said...

I love how Emily really gets to the heart of what women are feeling--and don't even know they're feeling

lisa justus said...

I love Emily Giffen books because I like to read chic lit about women that I can identify with or that I at least believe the characters. I don't like the cookie cutter type that just fills in stereotypical blanks with character names. Some of her books I can identify with and others I just come to think of the characters as if I know them personally. I signed up for the newsletter as asked and scoured it for the answer to the questions. I think the character is Ellen in Love the one you're with. I must be missing something though when it came to finding the name of the young adult book. I found the name of the story she wrote as a child, "The funny pandas and the messy room" and I found the reference to the young adult book writtern in 1997 and a little of chapter 1 which started "I was on the phone with Miles" but didn't see the title anywhere. Oh well, that is the best I can do.

Chelsea Hoffman said...

YES? Yes. I just want all those books, okay?! I just do. And I most likely will go see the movie because I LIKE HATE HUDSON. :) Yes.

Amanda Leigh said...

PART ONE: I love Emily Giffin b/c she wrote Baby Proof. As a woman who has no desire to have children, it was very exciting to read a book about a couple who didn't want kids either. She's a great writer b/c she gives so much depth to her complicated characters. Something Borrowed is one of my favorite books of all time.
I also love Emily b/c she updates her Facebook page with pics and quizzes. She is really involved with her fans.

PART TWO: 1. Ellen Graham in Love the One You're With
2. I searched all over her website and could not find the title of her unplublished YA novel. I can tell you that she wrote The Funny Panda & The Messy Room as a child and that Rolling the Dice was the original title of Something Borrowed.

The Poty's said...

I love her books because they are so capivating. You really feel like you know the characters in the books. Like they could be your friends.

As for the movie questions,
I already get her newsletter

I looked all over her site and see lots of references to the young adult novel even the first page of it but no title anywhere. I see a title of the first book she wrote whe she was a kid but not one for the young adult novel.

The character with the same initials is Ellen Graham from Love the One Your With.

Krystal said...

I LOVE Emily Giffin because she was who really got me started on chick lit. I haven't been reading for long but once I read Something Borrowed, I was hooked on chick lit. I would love to win her books because I have let me friends borrow mine and I miss them terribly! :) I also love that she posts to her fans on FB just as she knows each one personally and has been our BFF forever!

Her first book that was not published was Lily Holding True. Ellen Graham is the character with the same initials from Love the One Your With.

Thanks for this great opportunity, Manic. I am already planning on seeing the movie, going for free would only make it that much better!
Krystal Dyer

Melissa said...

I love all her books! What I love most about EG is the ways she tells the stories from different character's view points.

1. Lily Holding True
2. Ellen from "Love the One You're With"

Melissa Rem

CAnative said...

Part One: Decided to read Heart of the Matter due to a recommendation from Jen Lancasters blog. LOVED it. I really liked the way she made you relate to both sides of the story. Even though you think it may be a very black or white decision on who to side with, you really end up liking all characters.

Part Two: Lily Holding True & Ellen Graham


Kirsten said...

First, love Emily Giffin's books because they make me happy, and I like her, even though it seems she lost her baby weight awfully quick, and is always looking stylish and cute, I won't hold it against her.

Second, her YA novel was called "Lily Holding True" and the character with the same initials, Ellen Graham from "Love The One You're With"

Thanks, I like tests. :-)
Kirsten R.

Anonymous said...

I can tell that I will totally love Emily's books... they will be a fun read especially since I am currently prego.

xx (fingers crossed)


Melissa said...

I love Emily's books. They have such a realistic feel to them. The dialogue is so genuine between all the characters and I love how she gets us into their heads. I'm excited that she'll have a new book out soon!

Melissa said...

Part 2:
1. Lily Holding True
2. Ellen Graham from LTOYW

buttah said...

Answers are Ellen Graham in Love the One You're With, and Lily Holding True! I see these books everytime I go to my Tar-zhay (Target for all of you who aren't familiar with it's southern Louisiana pronounciation!) and I consider getting them but never this would be a great prize for me!

LynnBelo said...

I love Emily because she is a fantastic writer and her books suck you in beginning to end. My best friend and I love taking her books on vacation and talking about them!

1. Lily Holding True
2. Ellen Graham in Love The One You're With

Juliet Farmer said...

i love Emily because she knows how to craft a good story and her characters are relateable.

Susan @ The Book Bag said...

I think I could love Emily because when I watched the trailer to the movie, I found myself watching it with a HUGE smile on my face! The movie looks amazing!

I have not read any of Emily's books yet but I LOVE learning about new authors and I would LOVE to win these books to read -- I would then lock myself in my room and devour them!!

1. Lily Holding True

2. Ellen Graham in Love the One You're With

Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

MaggieDu said...

AHHH I am so excited about this one!!! I love Emily Griffin!!! Love Love love her!!!

I read Something Borrowed around the time I was getting married and couldn't it put it down! So naturally I had to get the rest of them as they came out. My girlfriends and I were talking about starting a book club around these books.

Part II

Lily Holding True
That was hard to find!!! But I got to know a lot about Emily.

Ellen Graham in Love the One You're With

Here's hoping!!

Ally said...

She really opened me up to the world of Chick Lit! I can't wait for the movie.
Ally N

Erin Goff said...

I picked up Something Borrowed while browing in the bookstore during some much needed "child - free" time a few years ago. Read the first chapter just standing in the aisle at Barnes and Noble. Love her books - the characters are flawed - sometimes seriously flawed - yet they are all true and you relate to them in spite/because of that. Would love to win this collection.
1. the unpublished book: Lily Holding True
2. character with EG initials - which by the way, my initials are also EG (must mean I'm fated to win - ha!) is Ellen Graham.
Thanks again for these wonderful giveaways!

Ally said...

Oh and 1) Lilly Holding true
2) Ellen Graham in Love the one you are with
Ally N

Autumnn D said...

Every time I walk in my local Books-a-Million, I see the row of sleek Emily Giffin books and can never decide which one to purchase, so I always end up selecting another book. This would be the PERFECT opportunity to be introduced to the world of Emily Giffin (one that I am apparently really missing out on!) I have this thing about books in that if there's more than 1 in a series, or even just a collection by a specific author, I have to have them all: I have the full 'Shopaholic' series, all of Jen Lancaster's books, the Ya-Ya Sisterhood set, etc. and many more--time to add Emily Giffin's complete set to the list!! Please?

Melissa said...

I love Emily Griffin's books! Every since I read her book Something Borrowed, I look forward to reading anything new!

Part 2:
I signed up for her newsletter, I can't believe I didn't think of that before! And I'm totally going to use that tip for smiling!

Q1: Lily Holding True...that was harder to find than I anticipated!

Q2: Ellen Graham in Love the One You're With


michelle mierczewski said...

I must confess, have not read Emily yet...I own "Heart of the Matter", I will move her up on my BTR list!

Hally said...

Isn't it crazy that Emily's books are almost EXACTLY like the conversations you have with your besties when you think no one is listening? I love that her writing is just so authentic and real. :)

Hally Hoots

Mom'sLove said...

To be honest, I have never read Emily's books. After reading the comments by the fans, I'm intrigued. And while I'm being honest, I also read the answers to your questions, Lily Holding True and Ellen Graham in Live the One You're With... Thanks girls for doing the work for me!

AisforRandom said...

I love emily because she makes me laugh. I think it's one of the best reasons to love someone

Alyse said...

I love Emily because the books turn into movies in my mind as I read them...lucky for me it is really happening now!

Carly said...

I would love to read Emily's books because she mentions that they are inspired by real life events and I love that!

The Young Adult Book is Lily Holding True.
The character with the same initials as Emily is Ellen Graham and book is Love the You're With.

Carly Haynes

Rachael said...

I have considered picking up this books a million times. What luck! I am honestly drawn to these books by the covers- they just seem fun!

Carie Casey said...

I have read all of her books and love her. I would love to own all of these books.The reason I love her is that you feel a real connection to all of her characters even if they are doing something you don't agree with. My favorite book by her is Love the One You're With. I devoured that book. Oh I hope I win!!


Jules said...

I love Emily because i think it's cool that she changed the course of her career after finishing law school and realizing it didn't make her happy.

1.Lily Holding True

2. Ellen Graham in Love The One You're With

Bridget said...

Part I- I love Emily's characters because they are "real" people.

Part II-
1) Lily Holding True
2) Ellen Graham in Love the One Your With

I would love to win this prize!

Jenn3128 said...

I would love to read her books because she seems like she just gets it. Oh, and Manic, I loved the little scavenger hunt this morning!
1) Lily Holding True
2) Ellen Graham - Love the one you're with

Dani In Chicago said...

I think Emily's writing is beautiful. I hope to be as talented as a writer as she is some day. I also met her once at a book signing and she was really sweet. Hope to meet her again someday, this time as a fellow writer!

1. Lily Holding True (What a great title!)

2. Ellen Graham in Love the One You're With

Dani Patarazzi

Anonymous said...

I <3 EG because when I read her books I can always see myself in one of her characters. It makes it where you can relate and feel like you are apart of the story.

1- Lily Holding True. (At first I was going to say The funny Pandas and the messy room!)

2- Ellen Graham....Love the one you're with! (Thanks to my DH for helping me look through my books since I overlooked it when I first was on the search!)

What a great eye Manic Mommy!! :)

LizzyBethDJ said...

I would love to read her books. She's on my "to read" list on and I've just not been able to make my way through to her yet.
The answers for part 2 are:
Lily Holding True and EG is Ellen Graham.

Anonymous said...

Emily's books have been on my "To Read" list for a few years now. With the film version of "Something Borrowed" arriving in theaters in May, I would love to read the novel first before seeing the movie!
1) Lily Holding True
2) Ellen Graham
Amy S.

Kristen said...

I LOVE her books, mostly because I always feel her characters are so relatable! I feel like I know them so well by the end of the book. Awesome giveaway!!!!

1. Lily Holding True
2. Ellen Graham in Love the One You're With

Kristen Y.

The Big-Bellied Beauty said...

Pick me! I love her books! I'm so jealous that you know her! And very excited about the movie...


Valerie Clark said...

I love Emily's books. My friends read them as well and we love to discuss them after reading.

1. The book is Lily Holding True
2. EG = Ellen Graham in Love the One You're With

J. said...

Her books Something Borrowed and Something Blue are two of my favorite books! Both of those books I couldn't put down, and when I did, I thought about them until I picked them up again!!

Neely said...

I love Emily because we share an affection for Mi Cocina Mambo Taxi's and I got to drink some with her in Dallas.

Part 2:

Lily Holding True

Ellen Graham-Love the One you're with

Kahla Fiorante said...

I have always hated reading, but ever since I came into contact with Something Borrowed I was in love. It is a cool story how I got my first Emily Giffin book..When I worked at the airport I was checking out the plane that was about to take off and noticed someone had left a book on the seat, it was Something Borrowed. I took the book with me and contacted the passenger and she told me it was something she did, she would read a book and leave it on the plane for the next passenger. She told me to keep the book and read it and said I would love the book! I read the book in a day and the next day went out and bought every one of her books she had out! She is an amazing writer and I tell all my gfs to read her books!

As for Part two:
1. Lily Holding True
2. Ellen Graham in Love the one you're with

Thanks! Kahla! :) <3

Unknown said...

I love Emily's books b/c I feel that we all know someone like the characters she writes about. Everyone of her books I read were so hard to put down...I remember reading Love The One Your With in 1 day My poor kids had to fend for themselves that day! lol

1.Lily Holding True
2. Ellen Graham in Love the one your with

Mona Badwan said...

I love Emily because her books are great reads and she is always in touch with her fans on facebook.

1. Lily Holding True
2. Ellen Grahm in Love the One Your With

Unknown said...

I love Emily Giffin because reading her books take me to a place that I can just relate to. I feel like her books speak to me and bring me into the characters' world. I enjoy reading her books so much that when they are over I get sad at the idea of waiting so long for another one.

1. Lily Holding True
2. Ellen Graham LTOYW

Karen McAnerin said...

Eg is amazing. My sister introduced me to SOBO and immediately I was hooked and wanted to read book after book, which I did. With two little kids I would use any ounce of alone time to read, and would get right into the book. My sister sent me her link to Facebook, and right away I was immediately impressed with her connection to her fans. She is constantly updating and commenting on posts. She has a great sense of humour (I'm Canadian, hence the "u") and really makes everyone on her page feel like a true friend. She isn't "too good" to talk to her fans and I love how she will sometimes ask for help and want everyone's opinion. It's so hard to verbalize how amazing she is, but she really is <3

lauramw0607 said...

I have been in love with Emily's books since I read the first chapter of Something Borrowed. I read SOBO, Something Blue and Baby Proof in one week down in Mexico. When I got home I quickly read Love the One You're With and got Heart of the Matter on the day it came out. I am eagerly awaiting Where We Belong. The first chapter was riveting! I love Emily for her amazing books, but also her amazing personality. What other author interacts with her readers as well as Emily does? She is just a down-to-earth gal. I look forward to reading everything she writes! And in answer to your questions:

1. Lily Holding True is the book that never got published.
2. Ellen Graham in Love the One You're With (which by the way is my second favorite book by her, Something Blue being my favorite. But LTOYW is just real. I absolutely loved it. I think about the characters all the time!)

Alison said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ashley said...

Part 1

I love Emily because Something Borrowed is the only book I have read at least 5 or 6 times. I've come back to it at many different stages of my life and each time found something new to love about it. I also love her for making a movie out of it and being involved in it to make sure it stays true to the book!!

Ashley said...

Part 2:

1. Lily Holding True
2.Ellen Graham, Love the One You're With

Alison said...

EG is my favorite. I have given copies of her books or shared mine with lots of girlfriends. We are getting a group together for the movie and I can't wait. I love Emily for many reasons. For one, she is an incredible author. After finishing a book I always want more, more, MORE! Secondly, she interacts with her fans. It's obvious she appreciates her fans and our feedback. Great giveaway!

Christy said...

I love EG b/c she writes about real women that I want to read about! There's non of that fake perfect Mommy, perfect body, perfect woman crap for me to get all depressed about as I read. Her characters have real problems with real solutions and I find that refreshing and thought provoking and wonderful :) I want all of her books so I can read them over and over whenever I want!

Part 2: I'm already getting her e-newsletter but the answers are:

1. Lily Holding True (wish I could read it!)
2. Ellen Graham in LTOYW

Christy Buchanan :)

cari welsh said...

I love Emily because I read all 5 of her books in less than a month! Everyone was a page turner I couldnt put down! :)

lizett34 said...

I love Emily Giffin! I can not wait for this movie to come out! I have read all of these books and they are amazing! The answer to your first question is 'Lily Holding True' and the answer to the second question is 'Ellen Graham' in 'Love The One Your With'. Thanks!

valerie i. said...

Part 1: I've never gotten to read these books, and I'd love to, but my friends won't loan them out! I really love reading books about women in lifestages I haven't gotten to (not married, no baby etc.) Plus all my pals love them.

valerie inglis said...

Part 2: signed up for the newsletter.

Answers to those questions:
1- Lily Holding True
2- Ellen Graham in Love The One You're With

OMG- hope i win this one. even includes CANDY!

mikaysmom said...

I love Emily's books. they just pull you in and you can't stop reading them! Would love to win the whole set, let a friend borrow one and it was not returned! Imagine that!

larissa said...

I love Emily because her style of writing is so realistic and effortless. I was never EVER a fan of reading until I randomly picked up Something Borrowed one day at Target and that literally made me an avid reader. I've yet to come across another author whose books I can get into as much as hers.
Can't wait for the next one :)

Anonymous said...

I have met Emily a couple times and she's an amazing person. I love her books and I always count until the next one is released. Love her!


1. Lily Holding True

2. Ellen Graham in Love The One You're With.

Thanks for the giveaway!

Jillybean12 said...

I love Emily Giffin, because she is so real in her writing. You can picture yourself as anyone of her characters in either a small way or on a larger scale. I first started reading her novels in 2008. I started with Something Borrowed. I had never known her work before this and the reason I even picked up the book to read the back cover was because I loved the front cover soooo much!! Lol!! After that first book I was hooked. I bought the next 3 books that were out at the time and fell in love with all of those too! I cried my eyes out when I got to the end of Baby Proof. I rave about her books to all my friends and family and though I hate lending out my books, because I never seem to get them back, I gladly loan out hers because I know whoever reads it will fall in love with her just like I did. I have all of her books in paperback and had to go promptly to ebay to find them in hardback so that I would have a complete collection. Emily turned me onto Islee Haynes when she posted the prints of hers that were inspired by Emily's books. Of course I had to have those too! Now I have a whole bookshelf lined with Emily's books in hard and soft cover with a picture of "Emily's Girls" by Inslee Haynes hanging right over it!! I hope I don't sound too obsessed over her, I just adore every single word she has written and can read her novels over and over again. That to me is the sign of a truly gifted author.

1. Lily Holding True is the name of her Young Adult novel that was never published.

2. Emily share's the same initials as Ellen Graham from "Love the One You're With".

Keri Santiago said...

My answers to the two part questions are.

Lily Holding True.
Ellen Graham in 'Love the One You're With'

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Emily said...

I bought Something Borrowed one weekend during my first year of law school, when I was avoiding the library and studying of any kind because I was feeling like I wasn't supposed to be there. I remember picking the book up, reading about Emily, and seeing that she had been an attorney, but then started writing books. "Well, clearly," I thought, "I've found my kindred spirit." I have always wanted to write...short stories, mostly...but I frequently said to my parents that I should just quit law school to read books all day and then write a bestseller and live off the proceeds. But I was (and sometimes, still am), the type of person who is afraid to change their path. I was afraid to actually stop going to law school, despite hating it, because I had started, and that meant I had to finish. I drafted a letter (that I never sent) to Emily before I even read the book, asking her how she made the decision to stop being a lawyer. Then I read the book, and fell in love with it...quickly rushing out to buy Something Blue because I was a little behind schedule and I think Baby Proof was due to come out shortly after that. So that's the reason that I love Emily (besides that she has a great name!!); because hearing about her career change made me finally embrace the fact that people change paths...and the world doesn't end!

Unknown said...

I also have never been a reader, but when my neighbor turned me onto the first book I was addicted! I have them all. I hated waiting for the next one to come out! I am currently rereading all of them now, Im on Heart of the Matter! I can not wait for a girls night to see the movie, and the next book!

1. Lily holding true
2. Ellen Ghram

Jennifer Rose said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cibele Ramos said...

>>> Part one - Why I love Wmily's books?
That is a tough question. Well, I fell in love with Something Borrowed since the very first pages. I was completely amazed with that situation and wanted to know how Rachel would get rid off that. As much as I was reading, as much I fell in love with the book 'cause I could feel every single emotion of the main character and I'm absolutely sure I never felt something like it with any other writers. Then I read Something Blue and once again, Emily stole my heart making me fall for Darcy, the one I hated before. The most special thing about her writing is that it makes me feel like I was living that situation when I'm not even close of that. I don't even have a best friend, for God's sake. But with that I had the obligation of reading all of her books and with that, I can say now I have fall in love with my best friend's fiance, had my fiance stolen, met my ex boyfriend at the street even when I'm perfectly happy with my marriage, I lost my husband 'cause we want different things in the baby subject and was married to a pediatrician who fell in love with somebody else. Yeah, when I'm with Emily's books, I'm not just reading, I'm living.

>>> Part Two

1) Lily Holding True
2) Ellen Graham from Love The One You're With

Unknown said...

I love Emily's work, she inspires me to write. Whenever I start one of her books I loose myself in it and cant put it down.

April Hussar said...

Oh no! I can see all the other comments! LOL. But I did go sign up for Emily's e-newsletter and I can tell you that the VERY first book she wrote, in third grade, was ... (drumroll) ... "The Funny Pandas and the Messy Room." :)

And -- I love E.G.'s books because she draws such great characters -- they're never one-dimensional. You never know what might happen -- or who might become the heroine the next time around! So fun -- and like true life. :)

XO love ya, Manic!

Kimberly said...

I already received her e-newsletter..does that count?
Part 1:When I read "Something Borrowed" years ago, I just couldn't put it down. I loved her characters and how the story moved along. After that, Emily Giffin joined my list of favorite authors and I couldn't wait for each of her books to come out. I am sooooo excited for the movie. I just hope it does the book justice! Congrats to Emily in her writing success!
Part 2:
Question #1. Lily Holding True
Question #2 Ellen Graham in "Love The One You're With"
~Kimberly J.

Jennifer Rose said...

Emily has a gift, her writing allows the reader to actually go through the emotional journey that her characters go through..many authors attempt it but her characters stick with you on a personal level. I've always been a movies over books person but Emily's books really opened the door for me and made me realize how enjoyable reading is again.

1.Lily Holding True
2.Ellen Graham

Jessica said...

Part One: I love EG because her characters are relatable. You might want to hate Rachel but you just can't because I don't know any woman who hasn't felt the same way.

Part Two:
Lily Holding True
Ellen Graham - Love the one you're with

Kristin said...

I love Emily Giffin because she came into my life as an author in my life just as I was making the transition into mommyhood. The first 6 months of my transition were not the easiest and reading Something Borrowed really allowed me something to look forward to at the end of long emotional day. I know have a beautiful seven year old daughter and have been a huge fan of EG ever since. I write down on calendar the date that any new book is coming out and try and transform all my friends into lovers of her as well.

AmandaGayle said...

I am definitely one of eg's biggest fans!! I read SOBO, SoBlue, Baby Proof and Love The One You're With in 3 days each!! That's not easy with a full time job and a 2 yo...I had all of eg's books (in hardcover, I couldn't wait) but lent them out to various girlfriends and never got them back. they would pass it to a friend, who passed it onto a friend, and so on... like to think that was my way of passing on the great writing that is Emily Giffin's!!
I would love a complete set of her novels, but this time I'm not lending them out! I'll just point people to their nearest library : ) speaking of, I was returning a DVD to our dinky little library yesterday, and the woman in front of me was returning HOTM!! I've been waiting for her to bring that back for weeks! I asked her what she thought of eg's writing, and she said it was her first eg book!! I listed all of the books, and told her about the movie on May 6th.

Unknown said...

I love emily's books because I can really relate to the characters and I get so into them that I think they are real and want to know what happens next in their lives! Thanks Emily for such great characters and stories! I have read them all but only actually own one of the books, I borrowed the rest from a friend but would love to have my own copies to reread them...hint hint :)
1. Lily Holding True

2. Ellen Graham in Love the one you're with

Kcoombs said...

I love Emily because reading her books is like talking to old friend. Life has the ability to make us numb during certain trying times. I love that Emily has the ability to really make you feel the same emotions as the characters in her novels. My son was born with special needs and my Mom is battling cancer. I have just thrown myself into rereading all of her novels. Her books have been a total escape from my reality! I love being her fb "friend"!! I look forward to her posts. I also love the fact that she actually updates her page and has some of her lifelong friends on her page as well. She's just as real as they come!! I look forward to meeting her one day. I can't wait for Something Borrowed and Where We Belong to be released!! Plus I love her smartassness. :)

Melissa P. said...

I'm a huge fan of Emily's work because I have found something extremely relatable in each and every one of her books. I love reading something and going "EXACTLY!!" Love love love her. Favorite author, by far. She also is hysterical.

1. Lily Holding True

2. Ellen Graham from Love the One You're With (Got this one right away because I just read it again!)

Jonessa said...

Part 1: I am dying to read Emily's books. They have been on my to-read list forever!!!!!! I have heard nothing but good things about them. I hope that I win so I can finally get started.

Part 2.
Question 1 is Lily holding true.
Question 2 is Ellen Graham. That one was not as easy to find.

Unknown said...

I love Emily because through her books this manic mommmy can travel to places that someday I would like to physically travel to!!!

Hbrewer426 said...

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Emily Giffin. I wait like a kid for Christmas on each new book release. I rush out to get the book read it so quickly because I have been waiting so long... then ugh... the end. I LOVE her books. Have a date night with my friends for the movie. Cant wait.

For the second part of this,
1. Lily holding true
2. Ellen Graham in Love the One you are with.

AshleyPenwarden said...

I love Emily because Something Borrowed is the first romance novel I ever read and I got from the airport to read on my first flight when I moved to Birtish Columbia for 3 months. So it brings abck a lot of memories and I share the books I do have with my friends.
Ashley Penwarden

Unknown said...

Lily Holding True and Ellen Graham-Love the One You're With (This is the book that made me fall in love with Emily's talented writing.)

Corey~living and loving said...

What's NOT to love about her books? I really loved that the first two overlapped eachother a bit, but from different character's point of view. very cool.

Anonymous said...

This is easy! I love EG books because they are so believable and you can instantly connect with the characters. I find myself wondering how I would handle the situation at hand. I have downloaded the books on my iphone and read them while at work...(Dont tell my boss) I cant help it, once I start reading I cant put them down! I would love to win a hard copy of each book to add to my collectiong!

AshleyPenwarden said...

Sorry forgot to add the answers
1)Lily Holding True

2)Ellen Graham, Love The One You're With

Ashley Penwarden

Maribel Villanueva said...

Part one: I love emily because she is am amazing writer :)

Part two:
1. Lily holding true
2. Ellen graham, Love the one your're with

Kate said...

I love Emily and her books because they transport me to the world within the books. All the characters feel like real people that I could meet and are easy to relate to. Also, I love how the characters are intertwined throughout the books. Like how Rachel and Dex from Something Borrowed are the brother and sister-in-law in Heart of the Matter.

I also remember not being able to put down Something Borrowed (first one I read). I was sitting in front of a bowling alley in my car reading when I was supposed to meet my friends inside!

I have passed on the books to many friends and they all tell me they can't put it down and want to read more!

Lily Holding True and Ellen Graham-Love the One You're With

Unknown said...

Sorry but this is going to be a long answer cause I love EG for many reasons:
First I love her as an author. She creates characters that are very easy to relate to. I feel like I know/have a friend as the same character in all her books, have gone through the same experience. I even feel like I have been through the same experiences as her characters. I know I've been Rachel, I am Rachel and I married my Dex :)
Another reason why I love her as an author is because she doesn't make characters you hate. Reading all her books, I never disliked a character. There's always something likeable and charming with the characters. I believe in every story there is a villain of some sort, but with EG's books, the villains are not bad. For example, Valerie in Heart of the Matter, is someone I thought I'd hate for getting with a married man, but reading about her you'll learn that she is a respectable, kind loving mother and woman who just followed her heart. And Darcy, with her vain and self-centered attitude, is also charming, and funny and sweet in her own way. I love her!
Lastly I love Emily Giffin because she is so down to earth. After being her FB friend I learn that she is so nice. She invites her FB friends to events, book clubs and even starbucks!!! I wish I lived near her and I'd be there!!

Finally, I want the copies of the books because I always lend mine to my ppl and they returned it in less than perfect condition as when I gave to them. (My sister, younger, have "accidentally" torn a corner of a page!!)

Lily Holding True is the name of the young adult book written before SOBO, but never published.
and Ellen Graham from Love the One your with has the same initials as Emily Giffin!!!

Heartbroken but Still Standing said...

Part One: I love Emily because every single book in some way, shape or form has spoken to me.
Love the One Your With could have been my biography. I've been a fan since I found Something Borrowed while on vacation back in June 2006 (I had a new baby and wanted something to read while he slept.) I haven't missed a book since. Buying on the day they come out or preordering them.

Part 2: Question 1: The young adult book that Emily Giffin wrote before Something Borrowed was LIly Holding True. Question 2: One of the main characters in Love the One You're With is Ellen Graham - initials E.G. the same as Emily Giffin.

Unknown said...

I LOVE EG BOOKS! I have really never enjoyed reading so much. Emily's books gave me a new appreciation for reading in general, but I haven't enjoyed another author's books so much as hers and CANT WAIT for her new book! I am also psyched about the release of SOBO!
1. Lily Holding True

2. Ellen Graham in Love the one you're with

Please pick me! I would just love copies of all of her books :)

Ginny said...

Part 1:

I love Emily Giffin because she helps me inspire a love of reading in others! As an English teacher, I love recommending her books to my students. She helps me foster a love for reading in my classroom and she helps me show my students that reading can be fun and exciting - you just have to find great books like Emily's!

Part 2:
1. Lily Holding True
2. Love The One You're With



Jeffie Laura said...

I've read several of her books, and absolutely LOVE them. I own something borrowed, and would love to complete the collection!

Answers that I totally copied (Thanks other commenters!):
1. Lily Holding True
2. Ellen Graham in Love the One You're With.

missy1019 said...

Ever since I discovered her book Something Borrowed, that became my favorite story! I always am excited when her next book comes out. It's the style she writes with that is so real and to the heart. There just isn't any other word to describe Emily. I have never met her in person but by the way I see how she interacts with her fans, she is a gem.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lilysiam said...

First of all Thank you for the Giveaway!! Who wouldnt want to win Emilys books!!! I have only read one and am hooked!! Her books hold your interest right until the end!! Now I cant wait to see the movie!!
!. Lily Holding Time
2. Ellen Graham in Love the One Your With. (Cant wait to read this!!)

Keeping my fingers crossed!

CariLynn said...

I would love to read Emily's books because I keep hearing how fantastic they are! And it would really help my piggy bank to win them since I'm supposed to be saving money to go back to school! CariLynn

Unknown said...

Q1 - I just love Emily Giffin...she seems so genuine and caring...and what a talent!! I was in awe when she posted on my fb page. :D
I don't find much time to read (I have a 6 yr old and 3 yr old and work full time)...BUT I discovered EG's books when i was pregnant with my now 3 yr old....i hadn’t found words like hers EVER..her writing is mesmerizing and i could never put her books down and i would be sad when i would get to the last chapter!!
…I had to read everything she wrote!! i went out and bought all her books (baby proof, something borrowed, something blue, love the one you’re with and I remember how anxious I was to pre-order heart of the matter last year! So anxious too for her next book next year!!!!! Oh, I already read the first chapter of Where we Belong…oh my gosh, fell in love with Peter!!!
Q2 –1)Lily Holding True is Emily’s first unpublished novel. 2) The character name with the same initials as Emily Giffin is Ellen Graham in LTOYW.
Thank you!! shicha

Anonymous said...

I love reading books by Emily Giffin because she has a way of captivating me on the complexity of her characters and issues they deal with. I feel like she goes into issues other authors are afraid to, and does it perfectly. The books keep you guessing from start to finish, and are the kind of books I never want to put down! I also loved how involved she is with her fans on the social networking sites. The answer to the questions are 1. Lilly Holding True 2. Ellen Graham in "Love the One You're With"

-Brittney Scott

missy1019 said...

Answers: Lily Holding True (which I found through searching online)
but Ellen Graham (I confess, I searched and couldn't find and got it from the others)

Tyra said...

Part 1
I have read every one of these books already because Emily Giffin is brilliant!!

Part 2
1. "Lily Holding True"
2. Ellen Graham in "Love the one you're with"

Tia T. said...

Hi :)

My name is Tia and I'm from Raleigh, NC.

I love Emily Giffin and All of her books so much that I've bookmarked her facebook page so its easy access too keep up with the latest while I'm at work. I've been a huge fan since I was an exchange student at California State University-Northridge in 2005.

It would really bless me to have all 5 of her books again because all of my books from her, I end up giving away to people so they can experience Emily's novels. My worn out copies are gone and I would love to have them all replaced with autographed copies so I can take them with me when I move into my new place April 20th! I promise not to give away autographed copies but I'll cherish those :)

Have a great day!

Warmly, Tia

baunach2595 said...

I fell in LOVE with Emily's books back in high school when I read her first book. From the time I opened the book I couldn't put it down, I literally read each of her books in one day. Once I was finished I went to the book store to find anything else by her, with no luck. I had to wait for what felt like forever for the next book. I have read every book that she has wrote and published and always sooooo excited for the next one. I have told all my friends about her books and let them BORROW them and they all have loved them. She is the most amazing author that just makes you fall in love with the character and a lot of us that can really relate to the story. It feels as if you are in the story watching from the outside of a window. This is what makes her an amazing author. I have been on the e-mail list for awhile now so here are the answers to the questions. I had to do some hard research for the first question :-) just to come back to write my answers and find everyone elses hahah oh well... :-)

Question 1: Lily Holding Time is the book that was never published

Question 2:Ellen Graham (EM) in my most favorite book Love The One You're With" I noticed the initals but thought it was on purpose how ironic..

Would love to win the books and I am so exicted for the MOVIE!

Fingers Crossed!!!
Nikki Bock

Dulcibella said...

I have read every one of Emily Giffin's books. Except for Heart of the Matter, which I bought and is sitting in my bookshelf waiting for me to get to it! And I guess I kind of forgot so thank you for the reminder, I'm bringing it upstairs to be my next book to read. Yippee!
I love her books mainly because I just get so wrapped up in the story and the characters and I really relate to them and really enjoy her writing! She tells a great story, and I was so excited to learn that there is a movie coming out! Fabulous.
I signed up for the newsletter and checked out her site. The answers to the questions are:
1. Lily Holding True
2. Ellen Graham in Love the One You're With

Unknown said...

I started reading Emily's books when I was pregnant with my twins. The first one that caught my attention was "Baby Proof" for obvious reasons. We basically were poor living in North Carolina and didn't have any cable so I got through my first one very quickly and immediatly went to the library and got the rest. I was instantly hooked. The characters are so relatable and you never know what is going to happen. I also love Emily because she is a mom of twins like myself but also makes time for her fans. She always takes the time to read and post on her fans comments! Shes also a great matchmaker haha. She really truly is an amazing author and a great role model! I appreciate all of the entertainment she gave me while I was living a not ideal lifestyle! Her books were really the only thing other than knowing I was pregnant that could make me smile at that time... well I guess my husband too lol. Thanks for the opportunity to win so I can read these books again!
Answere part 2:
1.Lily Holding True
2.Ellen Graham "Love the one you're with"

Nicole Skrable

Jessica D said...

Part one~I love Emily because although her characters are flawed,they are very likeable. I read each book in a day, two at the most. I never buy hardback books, but I will make an exception for these! I can't wait for paperback!!!
Part two~ Lily Holding True
Ellen Graham~Love the One You are With

baunach2595 said...

I feel in love with Emily's writing in high school. I was looking through the local book store and happend to see her book when I walked in. Her book are amazing and I really couldnt put the books down. I literally have read her books all in one day. After reading her first book I went to the book store to find the next one only to be dissapointed to find out it wasnt out yet and seemed like I waited a life time for it to come out. She is a writer that really makes you feel like you are on the outside watching through the window. She has she amazing detail to really keep you in tune with the characters. I know I can relate to her books as well as i am sure other can. I have told all my friends about her books and have let them BORROW them only to find out they loved her writing as much as I do. I am SOOOOO EXICTED for the movie and to keep waiting for the next book she will put out. I would love to win this prize package. I am already on her e-mail list so here are my answers which took a little time to find the first one only to come back to the page and see everyones answers posted hahah :-)

Question one: Lily Holding True

Question Two: Ellen Graham (EM) in "Love the one you're with" which is my favorite book and so ironic because I noticed the initals and assumed she knew about it so funny....

baunach2595 said...

I feel in love with Emily's writing in high school. I was looking through the local book store and happend to see her book when I walked in. Her book are amazing and I really couldnt put the books down. I literally have read her books all in one day. After reading her first book I went to the book store to find the next one only to be dissapointed to find out it wasnt out yet and seemed like I waited a life time for it to come out. She is a writer that really makes you feel like you are on the outside watching through the window. She has she amazing detail to really keep you in tune with the characters. I know I can relate to her books as well as i am sure other can. I have told all my friends about her books and have let them BORROW them only to find out they loved her writing as much as I do. I am SOOOOO EXICTED for the movie and to keep waiting for the next book she will put out. I would love to win this prize package. I am already on her e-mail list so here are my answers which took a little time to find the first one only to come back to the page and see everyones answers posted hahah :-)

Question one: Lily Holding True

Question Two: Ellen Graham (EM) in "Love the one you're with" which is my favorite book and so ironic because I noticed the initals and assumed she knew about it so funny....

Thanks Nikki Bock

Sherry Bercu said...

Why do I love Emily--please what is there not to love --her books are great --so I must tell the truth "Something Borrowed" has been staring at me from my book shlef for a very long time. Then I saw a trailer of the movie and ran home to read--the movie so can not come out before I read it.--This hooked me --I am on book 2 and want all of them. Another reason to love her--at then end of the day she followed her dream which in its self makes her my hero---- I already signed up for her site after I read the first


1)Lily Holding True

2)Ellen Graham, Love The One You're With

Lisa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I love Emily because she is so down to earth. I don't know of another author that corresponds with their fans themselves. Her books are amazing! I have read them each 3 times so needless to say they are not in "like new" condition. Can't wait to see Something Borrowed in the theater.
Emily is the reason I started reading for fun.

Question One: Lily Holding True
Question Two: Ellen Graham in Love The One You're With

Good luck ladies and keep smiling:)

Lisa said...

Part 1: I love Emily Giffin books because they are so relatable
Part 2: #1 Lily Holding True; #2 Ellen Graham, Love the One you're With

Unknown said...

I love Emily because she says in her books what I'm thinking. I love her because her characters are real and she has the courage to portray women and all our crazy feelings the way we really are. Reading her books is like reconnecting with an old friend, I always feel so good and more whole but also sad because the visit is over. I first read Something Borrowed while on vacation and it was so good that I had to buy Something Blue which I finished before we got back. Many of my friends have had similar experiences. I also love Emily because she is so accessible. I actually feel like I'm her real life facebook friend.
For the questions:
1. Lily Holding True
2. Ellen Graham

Unknown said...

Oops i forgot the book name for #2. Please amend my prior post.
2 - Emily Graham from Love the One You're With

Cheryl said...

I love Emily Giffin books! Her characters are so real, the stories so captivating, just can't put the books down!

Christine in NJ said...

OK! SCREW IT! You are sooooo funny!... Well I'm going over to Emily's site anyway! YOU turned me onto Emily!!!... I bought her "new" book about 2 years ago with a gift card from YOU! HeHe BUT first I read all her other books... IN-ORDER cause I'm anal like that! She is such a good writer!

And I felt a bit like a cheater since I have been such a loyal MaNiC follower... I remember (from reading your BLOG!) when you mentioned the initials at a book signing!

March has been so much fun! Thanks again!

1. Lily Holding True
2. Ellen Graham in Love the One Your With!


Anonymous said...

I read SoBo a couple of years ago because one of my best friends told me that I would love the main character...I started and I didn't put down the book till I finished. I then proceeded to read SoBlue, Baby Proof, and Love the One You're With within a week, and I've been a huge Emily Giffin fan ever since. That same friend and I are getting geared up for the SoBo premiere, and neither of us can wait. :D

1. Lily Holding True
2. Ellen Graham

Arpana Annie Gupta said...

Like many others, I adore Emily. Saying why, would be easier if there were just a couple of things that make her so wonderful. However, there are several things that make her such a beloved author for many....her writing is sensational, she is approachable, cares about people, and most of all seems to be kind and caring (just to name a few). I know I sound like I know her personally....but the reality is that I don't. I wish i did. Can you imagine having Emily Giffin as a friend.

But after all is said and done, the MAIN reason why I love her is that her books make me continue to "BELIEVE: BELIEVE IN THE POWER OF LOVE AND GOODNESS".
Emily gives me hope....
How powerful is that!!
After a rough past few years....her books have helped me smile and go on....

Part 2 Answers:
1. Lily Holding True
2. Ellen Graham in Love the One You're With

Kristi said...

Part 1:
I love Emily for more than just her great books. She's obviously a fantastic author, otherwise, you wouldn't be offering ALL of her books. I totally understand, they're just all too good and it's way too hard to pick a favorite. I digress... the real reason I love EG is because she is so great to all of her fans. She is extremely active on her FB and is always giving away great prizes.

To anyone who has not read her novels... READ THEM. They're so great that you're sad when you finish them because that means they're over.

Part 2:
"Lily Holding True" and Ellen Graham from "Love the One You're With"

Kristi Hooke

Ronit said...

I love Emiily's books. They feel real and her characters seem like people I know or want to know.

I love a little internet treasure hunt...
1. Lily Holding True

2. Ellen Graham in Love the one you're with

Amy Nichole G said...

I would love to read these books. Before today I hadn't heard of Emily or her books (I know, shame on me!), but now I'm so intrigued I might just get online and buy them!

Mayan said...

I LOVE Emily because her books make me want to stay in bed and read all day and night. She has an extraordinary gift of making you relate to the characters and making you feel like you're friends with the characters too. I absolutely love her books and introduced them to all of my friends. Thanks for having this contest! I keep giving all my copies of her books away, so this would be great to complete my set.

1. Lily Holding True
2. Ellen Graham in Love the one you're with

Anonymous said...

I just love Emily's books...they allow me to escape from the realities of life. ;)

Elise B said...

I love reading Emily's books because they are so entertaining and I have a hard time putting them down once I start reading!

Part 2 answers-
1)Lily Holding True

2)Ellen Graham, Love The One You're With

Elise B.

Unknown said...

How do I love Emily, Let me count the ways.
I absolutely love the way her books mention people from previous books. While I was reading Heart of the Matter, I was completely taken by surprise when it mentioned the connection between Tessa and Rachel. Being that Something Borrowed is my favorite book, I loved reading about Rachel again!
I also love that her books are so real. It addresses real problems in a way I can see a real person doing so.
I really would love to have a new copy of all her books because I have a problem. I just love to share too much. Being the booklover that I am, I always want other people to enjoy the books I love. I lent my copy of Something Borrowed to a friend and she apparently doesn't have the same love of books as I do. When the book was returned to me, it had severe water damage. I contemplated giving it an early funeral, but I just couldn't do it. I just absolutely LOVE all of Emily's books!!!

Part 2
1. Lily Holding True (I want to read this!)
2. Ellen Graham (Love the One You're With)

Kellie said...

I am a social worker on an assertive community treatment team working with adults with severe, persistent mental illnesses, which tends to be a bit stressful (to say the least). Emily's books are what I refer to as "junk food for the brain", as they are an entertaining way for me to escape, laugh, and relax. Unfortunately, I donated my copies several months ago. I would like to re-read Something Borrowed prior to the movie's release, as it has been quite a while since I originally read it.

Part two:
1. Lily Holding True
2. Ellen Graham

Thank you for the opportunity to win these amazing books! :o)

JessicaJ said...

I fell in love with Emily the second I started reading "Love the One You're With". In fact, I finshed the book that very same day. Being a working mom of two small children and a drawer full of partially read books that says A LOT! She's smart, she's witty, she's honest. I have found myself relating to each and every one of her characters. Not only is she a brillant author but she is hands down "one cool chick". I look forward to the day she makes her way to Chicago and I actually have a chance to meet her.

1. Lily Holding True
2. Ellen Graham in "Love the One You're With"

BRN2SHOP9 said...

I absolutely love Emily Giffin!!!! Her books always leave me wanting more. They are fantastic!!!!

I love that she is so open with her fans. She not only allow people to "follow" her on facebook, but she responds to their comments. Listens to their ideas, has a ton of contests! I just love her!!!

BRN2SHOP9 said...

I think the answer to question 1 is Lily Holding True.

BRN2SHOP9 said...

I believe the answer to question 2 is Ellen Graham in "Love the One You're With"

Wanda Zerangue said...


I love Emily's books because she catches you with the first sentence and keeps you wanting to know what happens next until the very last page. I've lost a few nights sleep from not being able to put one of her books down! I don't know her personally, but would love to win a copy of all 5 books and perhaps one day meet her in person to get them autographed!!

Thanks for hosting this opportunity!

Part II I answered in a previous comment but will post again

1. Lily Holding True
2. Ellen Graham from Love the One You're With

Wanda Zerangue

Angie M Parks said...

I am a huge EG fan and I am not ashamed to admit it. I have Something Borrowed, Something Blue, Baby Proof and Love the One your With. I also actually today bought Heart of the Matter at Target. 'Lily Holding True' was the first novel and Ellen Graham of "Love the One Your With" is the character.
I have known about the movie and anticipating it's arrival for probably a year now. I can not wait for it to come to theathers. Thanks for the Trailer. AMP

janabailey said...

I really like her books. I love her books just because you get caught up in the stories. They are chick-lit...but don't have that "everything goes wrong and it is the end of the world" feeling and then 50 pgs later it is happily ever after. Her's seem a bit more gounded and more believable.

1) Lily Holding True
2) Ellen Graham/Love the One You're With

Jana B

lisa said...

I love Emily because she writes in a way that is relatable, but at the same time I feel like I am on an adventure when I read her books. As a mommy and small town girl I live vicariously through her characters and feel like they could be my friends if they were real!!

Amie Ray Davis said...

Part 1

I love Emily because she's awesome! Living in Atlanta, I've met her a few times. Each time she was equally fabulous.

Part 2

1. Lily Holding True

2. Ellen Graham - Love The One You're With

glo said...

part 1:

i love emily because she invents characters who are relatable. i can picture any of them walking down the street. she also connects with her fans in a way that is both raw and genuine.

her first 3 books played a huge part in a trip i took with my sister to paris. my sister had lugged all the hardbacks along and we found ourselves reading on the plane and in our hotel room well into the night, laughing and crying, discussing and bonding over the stories. it is a memory i hold very dear!

part 2:

1) lily holding true
2) ellen graham in 'love the one you're with'

Jessica said...

I would love to win Emily Giffin's books because I think she is amazing! I have already read all of them but I got them from the library and didn't buy them. These are the kind of books I would love to read over and over again so I would love to own them so I can read them whenever I want. =] I love Emily because she is such a talented writer and she makes me feel so many different emotions while reading her amazing books.

Here are the answers to the questions. I am dying to see this movie. I got my mom hooked on the books so I would love to take her with me.
1. Lily Holding True
2. Ellen Graham in Love the One You're With. That is such a good book! I would love to read it again!

Thanks so much,

Margie said...

I have never read any of Emily's books. But I read some of the book synopsis and reviews, and they sound very intriguing. Lots of interesting characters, romance, friendships...
Thanks for this great giveaway.

kristinrose said...

I've read two of Emily's books and I could not put them down. I'm a fan of her writing style and am eagerly awaiting to see the movie!)AND the answers are: Lily Holding True & Ellen Graham, Love The One You're With

pjd6497 said...

I love emily's books because she really makes you feel what the characters are feeling, and i love emily because she stays connected with her fans on facebook

pjd6497 said...

part 2:

1) Lily holding true

2) Ellen graham in love the one your'e with

pjd6497 @ alum. uncw. edu

Courtney said...

Part 1:
I love Emily because she is just incredibly awesome. She interacts with her fans on a regular basis so you really do feel like she's your friend. She's an awesome writer. And has great style!

Part 2:
1. Her first book that wasn't published was called 'Lily Holding True'.
2. The character with the same initials as Emily Giffin is Ellen Graham from 'Love the One You're With'.

I'd love to win!
Courtney J. from Calgary AB

Anonymous said...

I love Emily Giffin!!! She was the first author I liked on fb! and I love how much she shares with her fans! I feel like I could easily sit around at a table and chat with her over coffee! I adore her books and hate when they hard back 'cause of the extra $$ lol! Her last book I went on a stakeout at the library and got to be the first one to check it out!!! That is dedecation :) I would love to reread all her books and share the ones I don't have with friends! I love sharing books!

I am chomping at the bit to see her movie! So so excited! This was the first book of hers that I read and have been a loyal follower ever after! Ok now for the questions :)

1. Lily Holding True and
2. Ellen Graham :) from love the one your with!

I'd love to win these, but the truth is I'd like to win ALL the books this month :)

Laura Kay

Kristi said...

I've never read Emily, but I've wanted to. All the women on the online book board I visit rave about her books.

Kristi Marie W.

Leslie Barr said...

I have never read Emily Griffin before but after seeing the preview to Something Borrowed I am dying to!

Anonymous said...

Part 1 - I like Emily because each book of hers that I have read has been an unexpected surprise. I thought they would be all chick lit but they are more than that and each one has been a pleasant surprise.

Part 2 - q 1 is lily holding true
and q 2 is ellen graham in love the one you're with


Holly W said...

I own Love the one you're with and love the book! I have something borrowed on cd that I bought at a thrift store. haven't listened yet but I'd rather read it anyway!

As for part 2, i worked really hard to find the answers, then came back and realized you already kept them open! Oh well, I learned about emily in the process. Question 1: Lily Holding True Question 2: Ellen Graham in Love the One you're with

Kelly said...

I love Emily. She's the only author that i can say I've read all of her books. I fell in love with Something Borrowed and had to get the next two. Since then I've bought her books as soon as they came out. I've passed my books on to my sisters and friends and I'm dying to see Something Borrowed when it comes out, because not only do I get to see SOBO come to life, but I get to see John Krasinski!!!

1. Lily Holding True

2. Ellen Graham, Love The One You're With

Kas said...

One of my friends LOVES her books, so that's why I would LOVE to win them so I can finally get around to reading them!

Kassie H.

Jo said...

I would love to own copies of all her books! Emily Giffin is so talented and really makes you fall in love with the characters she creates because they are relatable. I can't wait for the next book!

1. Lily Holding True

2. Ellen Graham in Love the One You're With


Joann :)

Anonymous said...

OK - Let's see if you are reading my comments!! Do you know that today is St. Patrick's day and I have been celebrating that and the fact that it is also my anniversary. Now I gotta do all this work for the drawing!! I haven't read any of Emily's books but she sounds like a wonderful person and writer. (The best I can do after the Guiness) No time to check the website today.
March madness has been a lot of fun with you - keep it going. Patti Cole

Kristin J said...

Part 1
I would love to read her books because it sounds like many others already do love them and her as an author.

Part 2
1- Lily Holding True
2- Ellen Graham in Love The One You're With

Nanette said...

Hi Manic! I want to win Emily's books for a few reasons. First, I need a new series to read once I'm finished with Jen Lancaster's (although I've already pre-ordered her new book coming out soon). Secondly, I am not familiar with Emily's work and based on the comments I've read, she is a MUST READ! I love finding new authors to read and just the titles of her books have caught my attention. I am so excited to have the chance to win them all. Thanks again so much for having this contest. It is the highlight of my day each morning when I log on to see what you are giving away next!! Anywho...I have signed up for Emily's newsletter!! I'm so excited!! The answers to your two questions are as follows: 1)Lily Holding True and 2) Ellen Graham (Love The One You're With). Also, my favorite movie snack (besides popcorn) is HOT TAMALES!!! Oh...I SO HOPE I win!!!!!!!

Lesley Davis, Esq said...

I've seen her books numerous times but never actually read one. This would be great!

Anonymous said...

Just when I think your give away can't get ant better....I have been dying to read her books! The only thing that has stopped me thus far is fear that I will slip into one of my "good book trances". This where I basically stop functioning for a day or two while I go into an intense "can't put this book down" reading session which carries on to the wee hours of the morning! This is hard to do do as a working mother of two (under six)!

Colbey J

Wendi from louisiana said...

I love EG because she knows women- well, she is one- ha. Lemme win the books?

Wendi from Louisiana

Anonymous said...

I would love to read these-Emily's books have been on my Amazon wishlist forever!

Gen K.

grandytaiko said...

I read her first two books and they made me laugh and cry and not always in that order. I would love to read them again before the movie comes out and this is a great way to do it! Thanks for the chance to win.

Kristan said...

WHOA, would love to win, because I've read 2 of her books and really want to read the rest! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I love her books. They always have a way to make me feel like I will be loved and will find the love I want. She just has that way of making me cry happy tears

part 2:
1)Lily Holding True
2)Ellen Graham

Terri said...

Wow! This is a fantastic prize package!

Part 1 - I love Emily Giffin because her books are always so relatable. The characters always either remind me of myself, or people I know.

Part 2 - can't wait to start getting updates from Emily on new books and the movie.
1. The unpublished YA book was titled Lily Holding True
2. The character with the same initials is Ellen Graham from Love the One You're With.

Terri M. in Phoenix

Michelle said...

I think that Emily Giffin is the most down-to-earth author. I've never seen an author so attentitive to her readers. I love her facebook page-I couldn't believe that she had actually replied to one my threads! It is truly amazing that she has time to "talk" with us amidst her crazy schedule and life; i mean come on, she is a mother of three and a full time writer?! I can barely make time with one child!

Anonymous said...

I don't just heart Emily's books because every time I read a new book I read one of her old ones at the same time so I don't finish the new one too fast. I am a teenager and I love Emily's books because they are written in such a way that anyone can relate to them. I am a teenager and I can relate to the toxic nature of Darcy and Rachel's friendship as the both fall for the same guy. I am a teenager and I am in high school, so it's prom not engagement but the message still applies. I also feel for what Tess goes through as a stay at home mom. It is a powerful thing when an authors makes you relate to things you are yet to experience. Emily's book's aren't just entertaining the reader connects to the characters. I the realness of emotions and the authenticity of everyday life are at the core of Emily's books. They read like a glimpse into someone's life. When you finish the book, you think the characters live down the street They are that real. I am an avid reader. Emily's books are so special to me. I am basically emotionally attached to them.
I love Emily because she is truly an inspiration to me. I am a type a overachiever and her story has helped me to consider pursing something other than medical school or law school and pursue what I love the most. Emily inspires me and I dream of getting to meet her one day! I would love to chat with her about her writing and mine!
I also love that I share the same first name as Emily. :)
1. Lily holding True
2. Ellen Graham

Chrisy Krueger said...

Confession: Don’t judge me!…I…have never read…one of Emily’s books (the crowd gasps, my head goes down in shame). But I would like to. I’m sure I’m missing out on something great.
--Chrisy Krueger

Erika L. said...

I haven't read any of her books, but I keep seeing them at the library and now will pick one up when I see it.

1.) Lily Holding True
2.) Ellen Graham

Books & Reviews said...

1. Lily Holding TRUE
2. Ellen Grahm in Love The One You're With.

I have been reading Giffin's books since they first came out! I would love to add her full collection to my collection. She is an amazing write with a lot of spunk!

A.C. Morris said...

1. "Lily Holding True"

2. Ellen Graham in "Love the One You're With"

I've read two of her books so far and really enjoyed them both. I loved how the characters didn't really turn out the way you'd expect them to. The books definitely weren't predictable. I'd love a chance to read the rest!

Anonymous said...

I pick up her books frequently at the bookstore, but never manage to purchase. It would be great to win so I would finally read EG.

Anonymous said...

I forgot to put my name on this comment:

Anonymous said...
I pick up her books frequently at the bookstore, but never manage to purchase. It would be great to win so I would finally read EG.

TaraUB in IN

Melissa Braun said...

I heart EG because she depicts people as they are, but with a humorous compassion.

Part two:
1. Lily Holding True
2. Ellen Graham

kathygold9778 said...

I love EG and her books. I have only read her first two but I SERIOUSLY loved them. Recently, Jen Lancaster did a give-a-way and we were all to post our favorite book and I posted Something Blue. ADORED that book...i actually re-read it the minute I finished it I loved it so much.

And, since I lucked out and you posted the comments I might as well post the asnwers as well :)

1. Lily Holding True
2. Ellen Graham in Love the One Your With


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