Monday, March 14, 2011


Winner Announced!

Congrats to:
Beth C. who commented:
"Of course I read all the way through! I love
to read what you write! RL"
And it's a good thing you did read all the way through because you will ALSO receive a copy of Real Life & Liars! So please send me your full name and mailing address and you'll get your two books by Kristina Riggle! Congrats! And there are many more books to come! Lots of two-fers still coming your way and maybe even a THREE-fer as well! Thanks everyone for stopping by!

Book: The Life You’ve Imagined

Author: Kristina Riggle Website:

Winner Will Be Announced Above

I met Kristina Riggle at a writer’s conference just as she was getting established as an author. She had gotten her dream agent (this is EVERYBODY’S dream agent, guys!), and her first book was on its way to publication, Real Life & Liars (more on that later). She was sweet and kind and I wish I got to hang out with her more that weekend.

Here’s a snippet on THE LIFE YOU’VE IMAGINED, which is her second novel:

In high school, Cami and Anna were as close as they could, years later, both have returned to their hometown to face the people they had once left behind. Anna must confront her mother, still distraught over the abandonment of her husband, and come to terms with choices she had made years before. While Cami returns home to stay with her alcoholic father, she uncovers a secret he sought to keep which could change her life and salvage her future. They reconnect with their classmate, Amy, who can't understand why achieving the thin body and handsome man of her dreams hasn't given her the happily-ever-after she desired. This is a novel that digs deep and touches the heart of the issues so many women face-the quest for perfection, the hope of love, the value of family and importance of always striving for your dream.

To win THE LIFE YOU’VE IMAGINED, leave me a comment on something you’ve always imagined you’d like to do: Skydiving, painting, sleeping in til noon. Of course, for me, it’s having my novel published (I've got to finish writing it first!). So, get creative and be honest on this one. I can’t wait to hear your answers – what have you always imagined you’d like to do someday?

Kristina also has a third novel coming out this summer, June 28, to be exact. If you’re still sticking around MaNiC then, I will be sure to keep you posted and perhaps there will be a giveaway for that book too! It’s called: THINGS WE DIDN’T SAY (don’t you LOVE the title’s of Kristina’s books?!) Here's a description:

What makes up a family? For Casey it’s sharing a house with her fiancĂ©, Michael, and his three children, whom she intends to nurture better than she ever took care of her self. But Casey’s plans have come undone. Michael’s silences have grown unfathomable and deep. His daughter Angel seethes as only a teenage girl can, while the wide-eyed youngest, Jewel, quietly takes it all in.

Then, son Dylan runs off and the kids’ mother, a woman never afraid to say just what she thinks, noisily barges into the home. That’s when Casey decides that the silences can no longer continue. She must begin speaking the words no one else can say. She’ll have to dig up secrets—including her own—uncovering hurts, and beginning healing that is too long overdue. And it all begins with just a few tentative words…

Kristina digs deep into relationships, and her characters are real and scarred, full of heart, with secrets and worries, and you’ll want to read all three of her books, I guarantee you!

Have you gotten this far into the post? Because if you have, there’s a little surprise for you. When you leave your comment, if you also put RL at the end, I will enter you to win Kristina Riggle’s first book REAL LIFE & LIARS as well because it just so happens I have an extra copy right here in my hot little hands! So, kudos to you for reading through to the end!

PeaCe uP my friends!
Please leave a comment, and all those who do will qualify to win The Life You've Imagined! I’ll draw the winner in a couple of days and I will post the winner’s name at the TOP of this post, in the highlighted area.

Come back and read about each book every day in March. Choose the books you'd like to win. Enter for any or ALL the books. Each entry will count as an entry toward the grand prize of winning ALL 31+ books at the end of the month. You can win the book of the day and still qualify to win ALL the books at the end of the month!

PLEASE be specific with your name in the comment section, and IF YOUR NAME is listed as the winner, you must email me at in order to claim your prize. Email me with your full name and address so I can have your book(s) sent to you.

Thanks, and GOOD LUCK! And come back tomorrow to see what book I’ll be giving away then too!

It’s MaNiC MoMMy’s March Madness Book-A-Day Giveaway! Read ALL the Rules and Details Here!

Sorry, only U.S. and Canadian residents only!


Anonymous said...

I have always wanted to do some sort of jumping from a high place - like a plane, or a cliff, or bridge. I think the thrill of free falling would be completely exhilarating. However, I am not a fan of heights or smashing hard into the ground, so not sure that will ever actual happen. Thanks for all the great book suggestions! RL

Meredith said...

I want to ride a motorcycle for my upcoming 40th bday, and I'd love to go hang gliding in the dunes at the beach. RL!

Lisa justus said...

I've always wanted to travel more, to see more than the few states along the eastern seaboard that I've seen. Of course with three kids and a husband who would rather pull teeth than get in a car, and thinks vacations are when he should stay home and hang out with his doesn't seem very doable at this point. I would love to go on a cruise, see Australia as well as explore the rest of the USA among others.

Jen R said...

I've always wanted to try parasailing. RL
Jen Rabenstine

faith w said...

Sounds like a good book

Sugar__Mama said...

looks like another good read. please put my name in the hat! RL

MaggieDu said...

This sounds like a great read!

I have always imagined wanting to own a coffee shop. A small little coffee shop that has shelves upon shelves of books people left behind or swapped, so that people could come in, order coffee, and curl up with a book. Maybe when I retire.



Angie McCraine Parks said...

Sounds good! Angie Parks


Karen said...

My dream has always been to be at both of my children's weddings. Yes, I'd love to write a book (memoir) and I'd like to get my house finished (we've been here 10 years and my decorating ability is anorexic...unlike the rest of me), but my real mark on the world are my two babies (21 and almost 19). Thank you for the contest and for giving me a fun way to spend March! RL ktmixon315

Anonymous said...

I've always wanted to travel more and maybe try scuba diving.

Thanks for the great book giveaways!


-Donna W.

Anonymous said...

Open a knitting store/coffee shop.... yarn, caffeine & knitters. Heaven.

Jen Fee 9476

Kari said...

I've always wanted to open my own doggie daycare or do anything for animals. Hope to win this time!

Kari Keller

Anonymous said...

I've always wanted to open up children's clothing boutique!!

Tina Brannan said...

I've always wanted to ride a horse!!

Colleen Turner said...

I read The Life You've Imagined last year and loved it! I can't wait to read the next book! RL

Tiffany Drew said...

I've always wanted to take a drive cross country. This will probably never happen since I get car sick after five minutes, but I would still love to do it. I'd like to rent a giant RV and pile in with the husband and kids and just drive all over :) RL

Bee said...

I've always wanted to write and publish a novel. And open a bakery.


-Bee H.

Margie said...

I'd like to play the piano better. I took lessons when I was young, but didn't follow through. I'd like to be able to sit down at the piano, pick up any piece of music, and play!

Amanda Skarsgard said...

I would love to take a long trip to New Zealand. After spending a year travelling the US in an RV. RL

Anne said...

Can't wait to read it! RL

Anne Beth

Sarah Lashua said...

I would like to get into amazing shape and be a personal trainer! RL

Tara S. said...

I want to get published too. It means completely revamping my manuscript and I'm totally afraid to go back there, but that's what my biggest dream would be.

LizzyBethDJ said...

Things I've always wanted to do? The list is long - "bucket list" long! Here are just a few: skydiving, live in Europe (it used to be Italy but now I've added France, England, Scotland and Germany to that list), hike the Grand Canyon, drive across the US in an RV.

Erin Goff said...

I always imagined skydiving or bungee jumping. But 3 kids later and now I dream of a quiet day by myself to sip a latte and read a good book! RL!

buttah said...

I have always imagined I would own my own business one day....don't know exactly what, but I think it would be along the lines of women's fitness or a fun place for kids, like an indoor bounce house type thingy! One day I'll make my dream come true! RL

IandSsmom said...

I always wanted to be able to sing! Probably not much I can do to make that happen since I'm tone deaf but it is a dream! I also always wanted to go to Hawaii and since that is slightly more attainable I'll probably go with that one!! Sounds like another fun book!

AisforRandom said...

I've jumped out of a plane, white water rafter, and all sorts of other things. Now all I want is to be gainfully employed.

Meg said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I use to work on a very busy street and would see all these older girls driving a motorcycle and would think if they can do that I can do that! Well I did! I always told my husband I would never ever ride in the rain. Well guess what? I did that too! So now I would like to drive to the other side of the state for a weekend getaway. RL
Pennygirl, Manitowoc

Meg said...

I want to run a bookstore. NOT a B&N, but a real bookstore. That just sells books. Real ones. With pages and such. RL

Debbie said...

I know this is going to sound crazy but I've always wanted to write a book. Recently, I've started to write down a few serious ideas. There is really no reason i can't do it. Well,right now my biggest obstical Debydew110

janabailey said...

I've always wanted to live abroad. Rome, Prague, Barcelona.....some amazing European city. Not forever. Just for a year or two. Just to experience the daily life there and the culture.

Jana B

Crystal said...

I have always wanted to have a family of my own. And I pray that I get that chance after we get married. But before kids, I hope to travel the world with my future husband. Definitely an experience I'd like to share with him. <3


girllovestoread said...

I want to own a book store!

kathygold9778 said...

My dreams and aspirations aren't that big...I would love to be a stay at home mom and be able to commit myself to my children, family, and home 100%.


Chelsea Hoffman said...

I have always wanted to travel way up north to see aurora borealis. That's right. The northern lights.

Lilianarenee said...

For years all could imagine doing was being a successful, young business person. I was on a one way street in my mind. Get where we I want to be and thats all I would ever need.
Now that I'm running my business and where I thought i wanted to be all I can imagine is ending it all and becoming a stay at home mom.

Or... Becoming a stunt driver (or at least taking a few classes, because in my mind I am already half way there) and driving some bad ass cars.
Or just having the job of the top gear guys on BBC America :)


Amanda Leigh said...

I've always dreamed that I'd win the lottery and never have to work again. Then I could always sleep in and travel the world. I'd be such a happy girl! RL

- Amanda Leigh

LynnBelo said...

Oh, where to begin. Of course there's always been skydiving and joining a roller derby team, but I would love to open a restaurant...a soda fountain & bakery. I worked in the last soda fountain in my area in high school (late '90s) with the 87 year old original owner and fell in love with it. And it's terrible that this and future generations will have no idea about the magic of it.

Lesley Davis, Esq said...

I've always wanted to travel kid free with my husband. Maybe when our kids are older. Hope you had a great weekend! RL

Sadie said...

Fingers Crossed!!

Anonymous said...

Not having to work and being able to spend my time volunteering. I love the feeling when you are doing something without expecting a return but its hard to find the time when you have a full time job and you want to spend your weekends relaxing your brain. RL


DaphneSFL said...

I've always wanted to be able to sing in front of people, or at least have the confidence to. I always want to participate in karaoke when I'm out with friends, but am way to embarassed to do it. RL

Carla said...

I would like to learn to use power tools and take on my own home remodeling. Can't wait to buy a
miter saw and change out my woodwork! Off to Lowe's tomorrow.
Measure twice, cut once! RL

jdstec said...

As cheesy as it sounds, to be a professional singer. RL

Kimmi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kimmi said...

I would love to be proficient at the piano - - and play for my own enjoyment. Not gonna happen though.

Katy Finn said...

I would love to be able to decorate my house like they do on HGTV...and dress like a super model or I suppose I could dress like they do on HGTV and decorate like a super model. That'd work too!! lol

Hally said... you're asking the tough questions Mir.

I'd love to be able to leave the kids and take my hubby to Greece! We often dream abotu when the kids will be old enough to leave for at least a week! >:D

Thanks for the giveaway.
Hally Hoots

The Jagow Family said...

I've always imagined driving across country with my husband, taking as long as we want and stopping wherever we want and of course, with a limitless supply of money. maybe when we retire...ha!

Jenn3128 said...

I've always wanted to have my own pary planning business. RL

Anonymous said...

I've always wanted to open up a clothing boutique!! RL

xx (fingers crossed)


Kristi said...

I've always wanted to go to Scotland. I feel drawn there. Btw, what a beautiful book cover. RL

Kristi Marie W.

jpetroroy said...

I'd love to go on a safari in Africa RL

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...what a thought provoking many things! One dream that's always stuck out for me is performing on Broadway -- even if it's only my husband cheering me on from the orchestra seats. I would love to belt out the show tunes that I frequently sing in the shower, the car, while cleaning, in the office, etc. And maybe wear (and look good in) blue patent leather pants like Mimi in RENT! RL

hannahnjonsmom said...

Happy living "the life I've imagined"...

Joelle said...

I have always wanted to go to college but fear of not being successful always holds me back. :(

Carie Casey said...

i have always wanted to try out for American Idol. Alas, I am too old. RL


Leah B said...

I have always wanted to travel more. Overseas and in the U.S., but somehow there always seems to be a reason not too [mostly time & money!]. RL

Krystal said...

My dream was always to go skydiving... now that I'm a mom, I can't imagine doing it. I would love to travel to as many new places with my family as we can. I also want to go scuba diving.

Krystal Dyer

Jennie Englund said...


I had to google who Kristina's dream agent was.

And YES! Yes! Yes!

She's a lucky girl!

Crafty Mama said...

I have always wanted to live on a popcorn farm. I would grow all kinds of popcorn in all kinds of colors to sell. And, we would never run out of popcorn on movie night! It's a crazy dream, I know!

BethC said...

Of course I read all the way through! I love to read what you write! RL

Natalie M. in VA said...

I have always wanted to go Tandem Jumping. I don't think I have the guts to jump alone, but I figure with a trained professional literally attached to my back, I might have a better chance at follow-through! On a slightly more boring note, I always dreamed I'd have my own grad-school student loans paid off before I had to put my own kids through college, so there's that wish too. :) RL!
- Natalie M.

Unknown said...

Whether I win this or not...this book is on my purchase list! I've always wanted to go skydiving. LOL but you used that. I've always wanted to own my own business. I just need to find a niche first. LOL Thanks for this great month of giveaways Stephanie! RL

Melissa said...

I've never been adventurous and have never wanted to skydive. I have always wanted to travel to Europe though.

LindsayK918 said...

Finally lose those last 10 pounds!!

Carly said...

Love a good story about growing and realizing life isn't what you thought it would be.

Carly Haynes

BrendaBMarion said...

I would love to publish a book--so far I just have lots of little snippets written down and hopr to someday pull them all together into something more cohesive! When I was little, I used to dream about having a PhD so I could call myself "Dr."

Nanette said...

For years I've wanted to someday go to Culinary Arts School...don't know if it will ever happen but it remains my dream. Nanette N. *RL*

Jessica said...

I would really love to win this book! I always enjoy reading new authors and I think I'll like this book. RL

RivkaBelle said...

Something I've always imagined myself doing...Riding a gorgeous horse on the sand, at sunset, on an Israeli beach (that, in a perfect daydream, is deserted except for me and whoever I am there with)...I'd happily ride a horse at sunset on any pretty sandy beach, but I dearly want to go to Israel, so let's make it an Israeli beach :o) RL

Lauren Louise said...

I've always wanted to go backpacking in Europe. A friend of mine from college and I always talked about doing it, and it's still on my mind.

Homestead Jen said...

Thanks for the chance for this. And RL!

Jules said...

Well-I always thought I'd get married but that hasn't happened yet!

Becki*** said...

I really want to visit London. And then have a proper English tea at a cottage .. . .

equinn726 said...

I would really like to visit the Galapagos Islands. RL

Ronit said...

I've always wanted to travel to Europe. Someday, I hope! RL :) Ronit W

Juliet Farmer said...

i've always wanted to swim with dolphins. guess i have to get over my fear of open water first!

Mom'sLove said...

I read this book, it is a great story. Add me to the 31 day books thinging.. ;)

Dawn from CA said...

I've always wanted to be able to sing..REALLY sing, like belt out the national anthem at a professional baseball game kind of sing. Since I can barely carry a tune, this is probably not very realistic but I still enjoy my solo concerts while alone in the car!

ChristineCet said...

oh so many things to do, so little time. I definitely want to go to Paris. I've traveled extensively in the US. Once my son if off to college this fall, I'm going to take a painting class, learn spanish (again) and learn to make wine! I volunteer at a winery but want to try to make my own at home too. RL

Lucy872 said...

I've always wanted to just drop everything and go to a warm beach in a place like Hawaii and do nothing for a couple weeks. It would help me "recharge" and find the stuff that makes me tick. Relaxation without worry. Maybe someday...RL

grandytaiko said...

Well, I've always imagined getting my pilot's license. I'm not a very good flier but there is something amazing about being able to fly my own plane or helicopter. I don't know if I'll ever get the chance to be a pilot, but it's on my Bucketlist.



My Two Army Brats said...

I want to hire a maid and not worry about cleaning anymore!!!! RL

Tazwild said...

What I would like to do:
1. Get my masters in Epedimology---
2. Own a B&B on the Coast --West Coast up Northern Calif or Oregon (worked at one in my 20's and could so imagine my life there)but first and for now my life is about my 6 year old so for the rest we'll see--pretty happy were I am at now but one should never close the door to options:) RL

Bridget said...

I always imagined traveling to Europe. Haven't made it yet.

Ally said...

My husband is Canadian and every year over Christmas his family goes to a Polar bear club. I still haven't worked up the nerve to do it, but I'd like to.

Anonymous said...

To publish my own recipet book! I love cooking and finding new ways to change food so everyone will enjoy it. I always make sure I master a recipe before I add it to my list so I hope one day I will reach my dream.

jeffie laura said...

I want to visit all 50 states. Only 13 left!

Unknown said...

I already have this book. But what the heck. I could use another as a gift. The one thing I've always wanted to do, like you, is to get my novel published. And like you, I need to finish it first!

Dani Patarazzi

jne said...

My dream in life is to take a trip to Greece. Hopefully I'll be able to achieve that one soon! RL! -Jenni(fur) N.

BuffyDee said...

Hmmm... hard one. Never thought I would go sky diving but my son said he wanted to for his 18th Birthday so we are going in TWO weeks.... But what have I always wanted?!?!? *staring at the screen* sad to say that I have really never even thought about it.. and I'm nearly FORTY. Always so worried about what other people want... I would actually like to travel more.. yeah SEE THE WORLD! That's what I want! RL

Dizzy Ms. Lizzy said...

I would love to be able to travel to the Pacific Northwest, and see the Ocean. My family is all from the East Coast, and I have seen the Atlantic many times, but have never seen the Pacific. I think it's time.

And while I am out that way, I would love to go up into Alaska and actually see the Northern Lights. In person. I have seen many pictures and videos of them, but seeing them in person? Now THAT would be amazing.


Liz J.

your invisible pixie said...

I've always imagined going to Australia. I've wanted to go there since I was 8 and my mom had a patient who was Australian who stayed with us. I'd love to go there and visit her, although I doubt she'd remember me after all this time!

Tyra said...

I have always imagined visiting Australia!

Brenda L B said...

I would have to say live in a foreign maybe Italy for at least a year or more. that woujld be great. Brenda L B

Denise said...

I've always wanted to get my pilot's license. My grandfather was a pilot, and when I was 12 he got me a flying lesson for my birthday where an instructor took me up and let me fly the little plane. It was incredible, and I have dreamed of flying again ever since.

Beverly Victoria said...

I have always wanted to ski. That being said, I think I missed my chance, because my knees aren't as spry as they used to be. Sounds like another great book. RL

Susan @ The Book Bag said...

Something I have always wanted to do and hope to do before I die, is to go up in a hot-air balloon. They are so awesome to watch from the ground. I can't even imagine what it is like to be up in the air in one!

Thanks for your giveways! I hope you and hubby had a great weekend away!


Suzebomb - The Book Bag

Anonymous said...

I''ve always wanted to quit my job and move to Europe for however long it takes me to figure out whatever the hell it is I can never seem to find.

K Loeser


Write Spot said...

I've always wanted to visit Paris to sit in cafes, drink cafe au lait, and write. It makes me sigh with longing...RL

Unknown said...

Two things...I really have always wanted to try skydiving. Throw my fear of heights and caution to the wind and try something that looks absolutely freeing. The other is to travel all over Italy and Spain. These countries just fascinate me with their history, culture, and art. I just have to experience it for myself.

Anonymous said...

I've always wanted to write for a living, but life has gotten in the way so far. How does one get started?! RL

Amy S.

Logan Collins said...

Live abroad for a month probably in Italy. When I was little I always wanted to be the first female football coach at the college level. RL!
Logan Collins

shopgirl said...

Wow there are so.many.things I had imagined I'd be doing or the life I'd be living - rather than the one I'm in right now. I too, dream of having a book or something that I've written published - but like you said - I guess I actually need to write it first!!

I've also wanted to become a photographer too - I even have the nice camera too - just need to get out there and sell my talents I guess.

Corey~living and loving said...

Corey would so want to win this. :) I'm pretty content with my life, and not very adventurous. hmmmm....I do want to travel more, I suppose. RL

Miss G-thing said...

I am Italian and I have always imagined that I would travel to Italy and see where my family was from. My grandma was born in Italy and came to the U.S. as a small child. It is one of my dreams to see to the city where she lived and emerge myself in the culture. This book by Kristina Riggle sounds really interesting. My father is an alcoholic so I can relate to the story line as well. To the second part - RL
Miss G-thing

Jonessa said...

I've always wanted to open my own used book store with a small cafe. I want it to be in a house rather than a building with a garden and a big tree in the front. During nice weather there would a few small tables where people could nibble on baked goods and coffee enjoying their books. We would have a special kids area too where people could trade thier kids books for new ones. We live in small town New England and think it's a perfect spot for my store. Just need to money to get stated.

Anonymous said...

Travel to Australia and learn to scuba dive so I could dive the Great Barrier Reef!
Gen K.

Valerie said...

I've always wanted to go back to school to become a teacher. There's still time, its not a lofty "always wanted to" but, hey! RL

Kirsten said...

I always wanted to be the dinner & a movie girl on TBS. It incorporates 2 of my favorite things, movies & food :-) Kirsten R.

CariLynn said...

Have a home with a yard where I could plant a garden. CariLynn

Unknown said...

I have always imagined living in France... too bad I don't speak french. Maybe someday I can retire there, right? RL

Tracy Miller said...

I want to learn to surf!

Erica said...

Own a little antique store. Just the thought of going on buying trips to rural France and England then coming home to my shop seems like heaven.

sarah frederick said...

I always wanted to be on a cooking show.

sarah frederick said...

I always wanted to be on a cooking show

Melissa said...

I would love to run a full marathon. Melissa Rem

Nicole said...

I would love to be able to travel more. Lots of road trips would be awesome.

Nicole Harper

Katrina Swiney said...

For years, I've wanted to travel to Paris, France and see the Eiffel tower. I have an unnatural obsession with it- I have paintings and pictures all over my house of it! My friend just spent a month there recently and I was so jealous! Le sigh..

StephRochelle said...

For years now, I've wanted to learn to ski. Living with snowy winters my whole life, I've never learned, and I'm so uncoordinated that I'm not sure it would go very well. And despite what they say, with my clumsiness, it really could hurt to try! haha

Holly W said...

I've always wanted to try skydiving but I'm scared I'll pee my pants. :) RL

Amy Nichole G said...

I have always wanted be the lead singer in a band. RL

Leslie Barr said...

i've always wanted to zipline

Christine in NJ said...

LOVED Real Life & Liars! Just started The Life You've Imagined and am SOOOOO EXCITED for a 3rd Kristine Riggle Book! Yay!

Thanks again MaNiC!


Dulcibella said...

I have always imagined that I would travel around the US on a road trip in an RV. Just sell everything and hit the road with no timeline or deadline. And you know, my husband is just now thinking we might do that someday. (after years of telling me I am crazy.) So maybe that wish will come true in a few years or so.

Kristi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sarah S said...

I've always wanted to live comfortably. RL

Sarah S.

Ronda C. in B'ham said...

I have always wanted to own my own business.

Kristi said...

I've always wanted to live in another country for a few years. I'm new to this blog and so far am loving it! Referred here by author Emily Giffin (from her FB page)! RL

Kristi H.

Casey said...

I want to go to a summer olympics and cheer on the USA - as a spectator, not an athlete ;-)

Lindsay Elizabeth said...

I've always wanted to drive cross country!

Christy Finepoet said...

I have always wanted to go to Macchu Picchu, and the Greek Islands and Victoria Falls. And, yeah, publish my book about writing poetry!!

Anonymous said...

I would like to travel to France or Italy.

Melissa Braun said...

I've always imagined about taking off and starting over somewhere. Now with kids, it doesn't have the same ring of authenticity to it, but the lure of moving to a small town and getting a service- industry type of job just hooks me. I'm attracted to books like that too - Hank and Chloe, Dakota, Hope Was Here. RL

Ms. Thouvenel said...

I've always imagined owning my own bookstore on the Oregon coast.

Anonymous said...

I have always wanted to learn to swim properly! I wasn't an active participant at my lessons and was asked to withdraw - they pick up on the fact that I was afraid of water!!
RL Patti Cole

Erika L. said...

I have always wanted to travel. From the time that I was young I read books about far off places and knew that someday I wanted to see those places. I have a good made a good start and I know that more traveling is in my future. For now though, I travel each time that I read a book. RL

Tanya Quilts in CO said...

I imagine owning a quilt shop!

Anonymous said...

I've always wanted to go mountain climbing. I can't imgaine getting to the top and looking out at the world! Crazy beautiful is my guess.

Laura Kay

Wull M. said...

I've always imagined my husband and I living in a very lush environment in a country cottage home; we would own a small cafe attached to a little bookshop. I think sometimes maybe I read a little too much...

RL ;)

Michelle Mierczewski said...

silly as it mat seem, i want to learn to speak Italian....

Lauren said...

I've always wanted to ride in a hot air balloon. RL. Lauren Royall

Nearl said...

I have always wanted to move to Boston. Well, my dream may come true. I have finally started saving up for the big move across country.

Anonymous said...

Always wanted/dreamed of living in Hawaii! So hope to put that dream into action, maybe run a bed and breakfast!


Unknown said...

I have always wanted to go to Ireland. RL!

Anonymous said...

I'd like to travel around Europe. RL. TaraUB in IN

karenk said...

this sounds like a fabulous read...RL

kmkuka at yahoo dot com

Kristin J said...

Bungee Jumping. It terrifies me, but also sounds exhilarating! RL

Kristen said...

Going to Austrailia! RL

Kristen Y

Anonymous said...

I've always wanted to travel around the world for an entire year.


Germaine said...

Live in a different country for a year or so.

The Poty's said...

I would love to be a party planner for super rich people. So I could go through with every great idea and have to hold back. It would be so fun!

Terri said...

I've always wanted to go for a hot air balloon ride.

Terri M. in Phoenix

A.C. Morris said...

I would love to play roller derby. I can't really roller skate and don't live anywhere near a team, but hopefully someday I'll get the chance! RL.

Wendi from Louisiana said...

Travel to Italy with my whole family and eat gelatos and drink cappuccino on ever corner of Rome.


Anonymous said...

I use to work on a very busy street and would always see older women riding motorcycles and thought if they could do that then I could do that. I did it! I told my husband I would never ever ride in the rain and guess what.. I did that too! So this summer I would love for us to take our motorcycles on a getaway weekend across the state.

Alli said...

I have always wanted to try bungee jumping!! I don't know why, because I am scared of heights, but I think it would be an amazing rush anyway! Maybe someday I will do it :)
PS This book sounds AWESOME, yet again! :)
Alli M. Jones

Rachael said...

I've always wanted to go on some long term- summer long road trip, explore South America, something like that!

Anonymous said...

This is on my "to read" list so I'd love to win it! RL


BRN2SHOP9 said...

sounds like a great book!

I am scared of heights, so anything that can stay on the ground!

Emma S. said...

I've always wanted to travel the world. See and experience everything all these countries have to offer!


feliciadel said...

I love books about friendship!
Felicia Dellis

Amy R. said...

I, too, would like to get my novel published! (Still gotta finish it though!) RL.

Nan110 said...

Looks like a good book to read


Anonymous said...

I would love to give a speech without being so nervous - RL - Jill Fay

Ready To Be A Momma said...

I have always wanted to get pregnant and actually stay pregnant long enough to give birth! By the way, got "What's Up Down There" today in the mail. I'm so excited, thank you again!

Hawkzter said...

I have always wanted to travel abroad for months. I hope to retire well so I am able to afford to do this in my "free" years. There is so much about the world I wish to discover!

Kate said...

Her third book is coming out on my birthday! Of course, this little stinker should be about 6 weeks old at that point, so chances are I won't be doing much reading. ;)

Wendy K (Florida) said...

I'd like to take one year to work on a cruise ship...

Kas said...

I have always wanted to take a month off just to do wine tours in Europe. I call it my "Drink my Way Through Europe" fantasy. :)

Kassie H.

Siobhan F. said...

If I had the time and money, I would live to live a month at a time in a different city, in the US and around the world. RL

Nicole Marie said...

I want to go skydiving!

NicoleMG from CT

Anonymous said...

I have always wanted to open my own bakery / coffee shop! RL

Colbey J

Michelle said...

I so want to open a kids' cooking school. It's a skill that is being vitally lost. And so many kids won't even TRY things anymore. Boo. RL

Christina said...

I've always wanted to live on a beach. I daydream about waking up with the sun, sitting out on the deck drinking coffee while listening to the waves, getting way too much sun and relaxing on the warm sand. Think of how many books I could read then! Someday...


xxxx said...

OBVIOUSLY publish my AMAZING book! :)

And maybe get married. Depends on the day :)


musiquedevie said...

Baseball is my passion and one day I dream of visiting all 30 MLB parks with my dear friends - it's my ultimate dream road trip! RL!

TinaPow said...

I have always wanted the kind of mom who always keeps her cool.....still practicing

Anonymous said...

I would love to have the ability to travel where and when I want. There are so many places I would like to visit, both in the US and abroad.

Tina said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sugar__Mama said...

i'd like to go to egypt and wander through all the sites i've read about since i was a child

Anonymous said...

I always thought I go home again to live - but financially doesn't look like it will happen.


Jillybean12 said...

Before I die I want to visit Historically significant places in Europe. RL

EBrowning said...

I would love to go to Hawaii and spend at least a week just laying on the beach reading! :) RL!

Denise said...

I want to learn to drive a motorcycle :) I love a good book!

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...


Faith Hope and Cherrytea said...

goodness this sounds great! thx!

Faith Hope and Cherrytea said...

sorry forgot the RL ! yikes! can't have youdoing all that writing w/o remembering what i've read!