Tuesday, March 08, 2011

SLIM TO NONE & WINGING IT by Jenny Gardiner

Congratulations to DENISE who wrote:
"2 books for 1 - awesome! Also, that cupcake looks delicious on the cover. Now I want a cupcake."
Well honey! You get the two books but you'll have to buy your own cupcake! YAY!!
So email me your full name and address and Jenny will send you the books! Get ready for some FUN reading. The only problem will be,
Don't worry everyone, there are still MORE fun books headed your way, AND more TWO-FERS,
so don't despair, and keep entering because for every entry you make, that'll add your name in that many times for the GRAND PRIZE of 31+ books at the end of the month! (I WISH I COULD ENTER!)
I can't tell you how much fun I AM HAVING DOING THIS GIVEAWAY!

Book: Slim to None and Winging It

Author: jennygardiner.net

Winner: DENISE

Website: jennygardiner.net

I met Jenny Gardiner online in a chick-lit yahoo chat group that was awesome when it was going strong. So many terrific writers bonded through that group who were not published authors but persevered and stayed true to their talents, and Jenny was one of them. Today she’s offering up two books, Slim to None AND Winging It for you all! Read about it them here!

Winging It was a last minute surprise even to me! I thought we only had Slim to None for you guys, but Jenny just emailed me and said to go ahead and throw in Winging It too, which is a Memoir of Caring for a Vengeful Parrot Who's Determined to Kill Me (Think Marley and Me with a deadly beak!)

Slim to None:

What woman doesn’t have a love-hate relationship with food? I see you all shaking your head in agreement! In Slim to None, for Abbie Jennings, food is her life. She’s a food critic, and a fairly large one at that. When she’s outed on Page Six of the New York Post, her editor suggests she lose some weight or lose her job – you can’t be a food critic and be recognized around town. It’s time for Abbie to “peel back the layers of her past and confront the fears that have led to her current life.”

Read the First Chapter: Slim to None

Winging It:

Like many new bird owners, Jenny and Scott Gardiner hoped for a smart, talkative, friendly companion. Instead, as they took on the unexpected task of raising a curmudgeonly wild African gray parrot and a newborn, they learned an important lesson: parrothood is way harder than parenthood.

A gift from Scott's brother who was living in Zaire, Graycie arrived scrawny, pissed-off, and missing a lot of her feathers -- definitely not the Polly-wants-a-cracker type the Gardiners anticipated. Every day became a constant game of chicken with a bird that would do anything to ruffle their feathers. The old adage about not biting the hand that feeds you -- literally -- never applied to Graycie.

But Jenny and Scott learned to adapt as the family grew to three children, a menagerie of dogs and cats, and, of course, Graycie. In this laugh-out-loud funny and touching memoir, Jenny vividly shares the many hazards of parrot ownership, from the endless avian latrine duty and the joyful day the bird learned to mimic the sound of the smoke detector, to the multiple ways a beak can pierce human flesh. Graycie is a court jester, a karaoke partner, an unusual audio record of their family history, and, at times, a nemesis. But most of all, she has taught the family volumes about tolerance, going with the flow, and realizing that you can no sooner make your child fit into a mold than you can turn a wild parrot into a docile house pet. Winging It is an utterly engrossing reminder of the importance of patience, loyalty, and humor when it comes to dealing with even the most unpleasant members of the family.

Jenny Gardiner is also the author of the award-winning novel SLEEPING WITH WARD CLEAVER (what happens after the Happily Ever After when a woman who married Mr. Right wakes up to realize he’s become Mr. Always right – coming to e-books soon), Winging It: A Memoir of Caring for a Vengeful Parrot Who's Determined to Kill Me, OVER THE FALLS and a contributor to the upcoming humorous dog-lovers anthology, I’m Not the Biggest Bitch in This Relationship*. Which, if you are a dog lover, YOU WILL WANT TO MAKE SURE TO GET THIS ONE WHEN IT COMES OUT!

Her work has been found in Ladies Home Journal, the Washington Post and on NPR’s Day to Day. She likes to say she honed her fiction writing skills while working as a publicist for a US Senator. She lives in Virginia with her husband, three kids, two dogs, one cat, one rabbit, and a gregarious parrot.

*I'M NOT THE BIGGEST BITCH IN THIS RELATIONSHIP is an anthology of funny dog stories put together by the hilarious memoirist Wade Rouse. The book, published by NAL/Penguin and to be released in September, features some 11 New York Times bestselling authors, two Emmy award-winners and a Tony award-winner. Some proceeds will go to Humane Society of the US as well as designated animal charities chosen by contributing authors. Authors featured (besides Wade and Jenny Gardiner include): Chelsea Handler; Carol Leifer; Merrill Markoe (who created Stupid Pet Tricks and co-created Late Night with David Letterman); Jeff Marx (Tony-winning creator of Avenue Q); comic/actor Alec Mapa, Jane Green, Beth Harbison, Rita Mae Brown, Jill Conner Browne, Jen Lancaster, Bruce Cameron, Stephanie Klein, Annabelle Gurwitch, Caprice Crane, Bruce Cameron and Laurie Notaro.

Please leave a comment, and all those who do will qualify to win After You! I’ll draw the winner on March 9 and I will post the winner’s name at the TOP of this post, in the highlighted area.

Come back and read about each book every day in March. Choose the books you'd like to win. Enter for any or ALL the books. Each entry will count as an entry toward the grand prize of winning ALL 31+ books at the end of the month. You can win the book of the day and still qualify to win ALL the books at the end of the month!

PLEASE be specific with your name in the comment section, and IF YOUR NAME is listed as the winner, you must email me at stephanieelliot@gmail.com in order to claim your prize. Email me with your full name and address so I can have your book(s) sent to you.

Thanks, and GOOD LUCK! And come back tomorrow to see what book I’ll be giving away then too!

It’s MaNiC MoMMy’s March Madness Book-A-Day Giveaway! Read ALL the Rules and Details Here!

Sorry, only U.S. and Canadian residents only!


Sugar__Mama said...

they both sound great! please put my name in the hat!

Sarah Lashua said...

Two books today. Yay!

Karen said...

These books sound fabulous!!! Hope I win...but even if I don't...these are definitely on my list! ktmixon315

Lesley Davis, Esq said...

Both books sound great!

ChristineCet said...

Slim to None sounds like my kind of book! and a parrot who imitates smokes detectors...hmmm

Maggie D. said...

Ooo!! Yes Please!

Ally said...

I LOVE her and would really love to have these books.

Anonymous said...

These books look like great reads! Thanks for the wonderful books you are giving away.

-Donna W.

Margie said...

Great books and giveaway! Love birds, so really want to read Winging It!
Margie T

Tiffany Drew said...

Would love to read them both :)

Debbie said...

i want them all! LOL!

Christine in NJ said...

WOW! How did I NOT know about these books? Can't wait to read! Yay! Thanks again MaNiC!


Anonymous said...

Pretty sure I'm going to be able to relate to Slim to None! That is on my purchase list now. Thank you too for the head's up on I'm Not the Biggest Bitch in This Relationship. That release date is going on the calendar!

Colbey Jones

Melissa Braun said...

There's nothing quite like a double header! :-) Love it!

Anonymous said...

These books sound terrific!

Kristin L.

jdstec said...

As an overweight animal loving foodie, I would love to win these books, but I am even more excited about "I'm Not the Biggest Bitch in This Relationship" and just pre-ordered it.

Sadie said...

Fingers crossed!

Kimmi said...

Would love to win them.

Lindsay Elizabeth said...

Two books?! How exciting. Love that the bird in Winging it is described as curmudgeonly!

absolutahnie said...

these sound wonderful!

Shelly said...

Wow! Looks like some great books!

kathygold9778 said...

Sound like 2 really great books that I will add to my list...but maybe I'll luck out and win!!! :)

Thanks again!

IandSsmom said...

Ok I absolutely need Winging It because I have that bird! Mines name is Picasso and although he loves me (he has proved what a wonderful mate he will make!) he hates everyone else! But I love him so I don't care!! :) Great books!!!

Amanda Skarsgard said...

double your pleasure and double your fun!

Jen R said...

sounds great!

jen rabenstine

Emma S. said...

Jenny Gardiner is a Penn State alumna, and back in 2006, I wrote an article about her entering the American Title Contest with her book "Sleeping With Ward Cleaver". I read that book, and thought it was so cleaver. I never knew she wrote two more novels. I always wish fellow alumni the best! That dog anthology sounds fantastic as well!

Ronit said...

Both sound wonderful! Ronit W

Meredith said...

The books sound great! I'd especially love to give my mom the parrot book - she is "mom" to an African Grey who rules her life!!

Crystal said...

wow! a two for one deal!!! both books sound great!

Anonymous said...

Double the reading enjoyment...

Jen Fee 9476

Sharon Cox said...

I can feel myself laughing out loud already...

StephRochelle said...

I'm always up for trying a new author, and hey - two is better than one...well, sometimes...you get the idea. :)

Anonymous said...

Your suggestions are awesome! I have never heard of many of these authors, Thanks!

Ready To Be A Momma said...

This is the best giveaway ever! Hope I win.

janabailey said...

Can't wait to read! Love that there are two books today!

Jana B

Autumnn Darden said...

"Slim to None"...weight-wise, I wish this was the story of my life! :) A girl can dream, right?? Both books sound great.

LindsayK918 said...

Sounds great! Here's hoping!

Susan @ The Book Bag said...

Both of these sound great! Thanks for the giveaways!

Suzebomb - The Book Bag

Anonymous said...

these both look hilarious! we saw the wild parrots in telegraph hill (san francisco) and the documentary about it was great, too.

girllovestoread said...

two book swinna!

Melissa said...

Both books look entertaining, but "Slim to None" really stands out to me. Melissa Rem

CariL said...

Pick me, pick me, pick me! CariL

Deb said...

These two look really good as well, again thanks for doing such a great month of giveaways!

LynnBelo said...

These are so fantastic!! Being well behind the curve, and just recently watching Marley and Me, I can't wait to read Winging It! Too funny! And Slim to None looks absolutely fantastic!

Bridget said...

Two for one!

Leah B said...

Both of these look like great reads! Thanks!

Homestead Jen said...

These both sound great!

(Though I am weirded out since my high school sweetheart was a Scott, and back then everyone called me Jenny. Nice to know one Jenny/Scott couple worked out!)

val said...

two books that both sound awesome. i hope i win this one for sure.

Jenn3128 said...

Manic, you're the best!

Melissa B. said...

These sound great!

Melissa B.

Anonymous said...

Both of these sound like great reads! Love the line about Graycie learning to mimic the smoke detector!

Alli said...

These both sound hilarious!! Cannot wait to read them - and to get a copy of the bird one for my friend, who has a thing for exotic birds - she'll get a kick out of it!!
Alli M. Jones

Dani In Chicago said...

I think that Chick Lit group on Yahoo was where I first met you!

dani patarazzi

Lauren Louise said...

Yay for two books! I can def. relate to Slim to None. There's so many cupcake shows on tv these days, and every time I see one I get the urge to stuff my face with sugary treats. So bad.

Daphne said...

I really hope I win this round because both of these books are fantastic!

Meg said...

My best friend and I always compare her puppy and my baby - can't wait to hear how a bird compares!

Hally said...

Thanks Manic...She & her books sound amazing.

Hally Hoots

AisforRandom said...

Is this a book my charlie sheen?

Unknown said...

Woo Hoo a 2 book giveaway! :) They both sound great! Even if I don't win...Jenny is on my list of desired authors to read now.

Sheenah said...

They sound really good! I'll have to add these to my list if I don't win.

Karen C. said...

Both of these sound great- I love the vengeful bird!

Denise said...

2 books for 1 - awesome! Also, that cupcake looks delicious on the cover. Now I want a cupcake.

Unknown said...

Would love to win both...they are both now on my must read list!

Cassandra H said...

Would love to read these

Nanette said...

I'm running out of comments! LOL!! Pick me is all I can come up with today. Nanette N.

Casey said...

What a fun fat tuesday surprise! two books!

Erin Goff said...

These sound funny... here's hoping!

Julie Carroll said...

I'm loving this month! Both books look great!

Susan L. said...

These books sound interesting.

RedDragon said...

Having a plethora of pets in my house (4 cats, a snake, seeral fish, 1 dog and 2 hermit crabs) I can envision the insanity of Winging It. Birds have never liked ne (although I did petsit a seriously mean cockatoo once-upon-a-time)...this one sounds good.

Susan L. said...

These books sound interesting.

Becki*** said...

A twofer!!!! :)

amypackster said...

Having an African Grey in the family, I'm intrigued.

Jennie Englund said...

New here! *waves*

denny144@aol.com said...

A vengegul parrot book and I’m Not the Biggest Bitch in This Relationship--love the titles. Wish I didn't have to wait on the latter.
Denny Gross

Rachael said...

I wanted to a be a food critic when I was younger- sounds awesome!

equinn726 said...

Both books sound great! I'm also putting "Sleeping with Ward Cleaver" on my 'to read' list :)

Erin T. said...

If I don't win - I'll just have to buy these books! I've always wanted a parrot, but a friend informed me of just how much work they take (she said think of a 2-year old. Now think of a 2-year old for 70 years) and I decided against it. But that doesn't mean I don't still wish I could have one!

Mom'sLove said...

Awright! I wanted to read both of these since you mention them before! Yes! Me, I wanna win these!
(its.. never mind)

Colleen Turner said...

These books sound hilarious! I would love to win them!
Colleen Turner

Dolly said...

BOTH books sound great!!!

My mom has had some sort of parrot for ages, it's currently some little sort - the only reason it doesn't tear off my face is that my voice sounds so much like my mother's...poor bird looks at me like, "hey, why the mask, lady??"

Anonymous said...

I'd love to win these books! Sounds like good reads :)
Valerie Gerardy

Jonessa said...

Both books sound fantastic! I just started a diet so Slim to None may be just what I need. Winging It reminds me of a friend I had I high school. We taught his African Grey to say some horrible things. Wonder if he still has that bird.

Logan said...

My boyfriend has us on a no caffiene diet and it is driving me crazy. Slim to none is a must read for me. Also, there was a slim fast ad posted write beside your entry. haha

Tara S. said...

I'll read anything with a cupcake on the cover!

Anonymous said...

I love Jenny Gardiner! Thanks for the book giveaway. jennyfromthecube@yahoo.com

Taylor Morris said...

wow - these books look awesome!

The Poty's said...

Keeping my fingers crossed!

Jeffie Laura said...

Yea - two books!

Jenny Gardiner said...

Wow, Manic, you are amazing with your awesome followers! Thanks so much for hosting my books and I hope you all will get a chance to check them out! I have to say, this sounds maybe a leetle bit weird but I finished up Allison Pearson's I THINK I LOVE YOU at the gym the other day in the midst of my very intense biking workout and I didn't have anything I was really jonesing to read on my Kindle so I pulled up Sleeping with Ward Cleaver, which I haven't read since it was published several years ago. I have had so much fun reading it again and I still love my protagonist in that book--Claire is the mom I think most moms can really relate to, at least on some level. I'll be getting it up on kindle again very soon so keep looking for it!
Wanted to wave hi to Emma! Great to see you here! And I TOTALLY cracked up over this line:
"As an overweight animal loving foodie, I would love to win these books." Hilarious!
Thanks for stopping by!!!

The Jagow Family said...

These both sound great...hope to win! :)

michelle jagow

Anonymous said...

Two books woo hoo!!! I hope to win!!! They both sound really great!!!

Laura Kay
anovel review

Bee said...

These both sound fantastic!
-Bee H.

Michelle said...

Oh how fun! Michelle from Honest & Truly! (again) I love it when perseverance pays off. Fingers crossed it does for you, too, Manic!

Dulcibella said...

Two books is twice as good! And they both sound like fun reads.

sarah frederick said...

Another can't wait to read

Buffy Dee said...

Both books look awesome...

Lisa justus said...

bonus!!!!! 2 books instead of 1. Count me in!

jne said...

Those look like excellent reads! -jenni(fur) N.

Dawn Geske said...

Hope I win.

Dawn Geske said...

Hope I win. :)

grandytaiko said...

These both sound like great books to read on a lazy Sunday. Thanks for the chance to win!

Tina Brannan said...

Both sound awesome!!

Crafty Mama said...

Two more good ones!

Anonymous said...

Yay! Two books...you are quickly filling up my "books that I want to read whenever I am not at the ballpark" list. LeslieGC

Kas said...

Two books?! Yay! Looks good!

Kassie H.

Nicole said...

Bonus....two books!

nicole harper

Beverly Victoria said...

Chick lit and a memoir. Two of my favorite types of books. Please!!

Lilianarenee said...

Whenever we are out at different restaurants I assume every solo eater is a critic. Both of these sound amazing.

Melinda said...

Pick me!!!

Anonymous said...

They both sound fabulous!!!

BRN2SHOP9 said...

Both books have been on my TBR list for a while. I would love to read them

Unknown said...

Thank you to Jenny for offering two books today. Both will be on my "To Read" list.

Amy S.

Rachel Marie said...

PICK ME PICK ME :) lol. This is something I really want to just sit down with on the couch, with a blanket and some hot chocolate. Yumm. Bliss right there.

auh.maz.ing rachel

Books & Reviews said...

Both books sound fab. -anguerre

Unknown said...

she's a Jen I'm a Jen!! I must win! =)

Anonymous said...

This definitely sounds like my type of reading material - Jill Fay

Krystal said...

These books sound great! Thank you, Manic, for this great opportunity!

Krystal Dyer

Ms. Thouvenel said...

Awesome looking books.


Tracy Miller said...

I love the sound of these books. Tracy Miller

Sarah S. said...

Another author to add to my list!

Sarah S.

egreenwood said...

Please pick me! I need some new books!

Jennifer @ Diving In said...

They both sound good! Would love to win them :)

Nicole Marie said...

I can't wait to read Slim to None! It's going in my Amazon shopping cart now :)

NicoleMG from CT

Holly W said...

Yes, 2 books today!

Tina the power said...

These look so great!

Katrina Swiney said...

Would love to read both! I have struggled with weight my whole life so Slim to None sounds like it would resonate with me!

Sherry Bercu said...

Surprise--not one but two fabulous books to try to win today--:)

Carie Casey said...

These sound fantastic. I hope I win.


Kirsten said...

A 2 for 1, Love it!

Kirsten R.

Tyra said...

So different yet both seem hilarious and tragic!

Anonymous said...

A book about parrothood would definitely be a welcomed change of pace!

keltban said...

TWO BOOKS !!! :) Fantastic! Both sound great!!

kristinrose said...

i'm loving this blog..so many great books have been added to my reading list!

Valerie M. said...

Thanks for the chance to win, the books sound good. :)

Amy Risner said...

Loving the double whammy: two books! Sign me up please!

Unknown said...

Sounds like a great book! I haven't seen either yet! Thanks for the givewaway!
Tiffany aka Cozy Reader

Terri said...

Score on the double books!

Terri M. in Phoenix

Wendi from Louisiana said...

Have I told you this is the most fun project? Well, it totally is!!

Missy B said...

Two for one!

Hawkzter said...

All I have to say is, wow! Like the past books that have been offered in this contest, these two sound amazing.

Tammi Hawk

Tanya Quilts in CO said...

Chick lit is my favorite!

Ronda C. in B'ham said...

Two books. Awesome!!!

Danny Coleman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

A double double!! Pick Me

Anonymous said...

A double double Pick Me. I forgot my name! Patti Col

Anonymous said...

Love the idea of a Marley and me with a bird! I have always wanted a pet bird but have been outvoted by the cat lovers in the house:0


Carly said...

These sound awesome!

Carly Haynes

Anonymous said...

These sound great! Pick me ;)

A.C. Morris said...

They both sound really good, especially Slim to None!!

Lauren said...

Both of these sound great! Lauren Royall

bella said...

The cupcake on the cover of slim to none is making me hungry.

Jenny Gardiner said...

thank you all for stopping by! Let me know if you get a chance to read these what you think about them! Thanks again Steph for hosting me! It's been fun ;-)

Michelle Mierczewski said...

Sadly enough, food is my life also...cupcake please?

Dawn from CA said...

Yippee! A 2-for-Tuesday! Lots of good reading for hours spent sitting in the car waiting for kids to finish practice, school, etc.. :)

Kristy said...

They both sound like great reads! I love animal stories and I loved Marley & Me. I know i'd love these books. :)

Germaine said...

Both books sound great!

Anonymous said...

xx (fingers crossed)


LizzybethDJ said...

First I want to read Winging It then I will give it to my friend who has recently become a parrott mom to a loud argumentative bird! I could see her house in your description of the book!

Siobhan F. said...

Thanks for doing these giveaways, although it's Slim to None that I'll be winning it.

Kristi said...

They both sound fabulous! I'm in.

Kristi Marie W.

Anonymous said...

I don't think I left my comment for this one yet. Two interesting reads. TaraUB in IN.

Amy said...

You know I love me some good NF!
-Snarky Mommy

Cori Bravo said...

Oooh, pick me! These sound fantastic!

Anonymous said...

Ooh, ooh I grew up with a parrot. They're mean, mean birds. Would love to read this story!

Pamela Hoffman

Erika Lundquist said...

Both sound like good reads.

Amanda Leigh said...

Winging It and Slim to None both sound great!

- Amanda Leigh

Nearl said...

I love love love her!!! Would love to win these two books!

Kristin said...

PICK ME!!! No seriously...pick me. Please? Great!


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

winging it sounds like a fun read!
Pennygirl, Manitowoc

Anonymous said...

Let me try this again.... I have been out the loop for a while and I am excited to be able to come back and see some great books at add to my collection. What a wonderful thing from you and the authors!! :)

Also what a great 2 for Tuesday! :)

Amanda Duren

Anonymous said...

Ooooohhhh.....a two-fer! I'm in!


Angie McCraine Parks said...

Two books, cool!

Shelley said...

Yay, two books!

Anne said...

TWO books? Sounds great!

Anne Beth

Amy Nichole G said...

I want both of these books!

Christina said...

They both sound great!


Melissa said...

They both sound fun!

buttah said...

Great choices again!

Clarebear117 said...

Those look like great books!!

Anonymous said...

Slim to None sounds like a book right up my alley and Winging It would be a book that I wouldn't normally choose [which usually turn out to be the best :)]

Anonymous said...

Both books sound great!


Dizzy Ms. Lizzy said...

Slim to None sounds like a very interesting read!

Brenda L B said...

I have to tell you I love this contest since I love to read and when a great author as yourself suggets a book, of course you want to read it too. I think I can truly relate to the parrot book being a parent and more so the Slim to none having fought with my weight all my life. Brenda L B

gun1not said...

Both books sound like great reads for the summer.

Jenny Gardiner said...

Manic's followers are the BOMB! Love reading the comments & thanks y'all (said in my best faux southern drawl) for stopping by!

Jess said...

would love to read both!

BethC said...

I might be to late....but never hurts to try! I love Jennifer Gardiner!!

amanda mcneil said...

Sounds like some great reads!

Stephanie said...


Anonymous said...

I love your write-ups!

Gen K.

gennykeywood AT gmail DOT com

Faith Hope and Cherrytea said...

llluving your choices! too FUN!