Monday, July 17, 2006

Belly Love Because Of Babies

Amazing site. Let me know what you think after you check it out. And guess which one is me...

The Shape of a Mother


Anonymous said...

This should be interesting.....
I'll let you know.

Andie said...

well, I've never had any children. I admire women who have.

In fact, I'm afraid of being pregnant, of having a child, of it all.

Kudos to you, manic mom for having children and being proud of your marks! It's amazing!

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

Ok, confession--I just found the site yesterday so my war scars are not up on the site... yet.

I totally plan to do it. In fact, I was in the shower this a.m. and I was checking things out, trying to figure out the best angle to share my marks.

So, sorry if I led any of you on! ; )

Andie--don't be afraid to ever get pregnant. You will miss out on the absolute biggest joy that you are capable as a woman to experience.

Anonymous said...

I am so not going to visit since you aren't on there.......

I feel so deceived.

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

r martini--you were just going over there to check out me out? That's not fair! You should go over there to celebrate the beautiful bodies of women who have sacrificed their svelte and smooth bodies to create THE HUMAN RACE!!!


Anonymous said...

I feel the need to read this week's Journal of the American Medical Association. Believe me...there a few men such as myself who "celebrate the beautiful bodies of women who have sacrificed their svelte and smooth bodies to create THE HUMAN RACE!!!"

And to answer your question...well yes!

A woman's body is the most beautiful creation!

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

r martini--you always provide a smile!

Anonymous said...

OMG...this is the site for anyone needing a reality check. Sorry guys...we don't all look like Demi Moore does after having three kids...

Anonymous said... act surprised?


MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

See, smiling again! : )

TTQ said...

Damn, I scoured them all then decided you weren't there! So I checked to see if the answer was in your was! Great site, I wonder if my sis will add hers?

Anonymous said...

Heard about this site today from Lena at Cheeky Lotus. Loved it and had to pass it on! Glad to see others sharing it, too.

Rachel said...

That site is totally blowing up all of the sudden. Well I guess it's not that sudden since it's pretty new, but it's cool that it's getting so much promotion. I think it's fabulous.

Anonymous said...

What a great idea! I admit to cringing at some of those photos only because I can relate. Those scars come when your belly is stretched to the maximium and that is just painful :) (Not to scare you Andie, childbirth and raising the little boogers, is absolutely incredible and I don't know how people go through life never experiencing it)

Although I seem to be friends with all the girls who look like they never had kids in the first place...sigh... ;)