Thursday, July 20, 2006

Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy!

Okay, I think I'm in a good mood today. And it's raining and thunderstorming. Go figure. That PMS monster is a little devil bitch, ain't she?


Chrissy said...

I'm feeling sorry for myself, at the moment...send me some rain to cheer me up!

Anonymous said...

I find tossing chocolate and martinis at the PMS monster helps ever so slightly.

Andie said...

I wonder if it's the PMS monster that is giving me the munchies?

I wanna go home and take a nap!!! LOL

Anonymous said...

As much as I would like to....I so can't be a part of this PMS conversation.

However, I'm glad you're in a better mood.

Joy, Joy, Happy, Happy
make me want to go
Nappy, Nappy.

I'm so silly!

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

I TOTALLY want a nap right now. and suddenly, I'm crabby again. You're lucky you don't have to contribute to this PMS conversation R.

Anonymous said...

Amen sister!

Anonymous said...

OHhh The PMS Monster Sucks!!! And when the monster visits here She really really Visits!!!

Thank goodness we have great Choc Cookies called Tim Tams they are great for a Tim Tam slam in Rum n diet coke or for a cool down effect a Tim Tam frappacunio... hmmm.. homer drool....


MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

OOOOH RR, we may have to make a trade cuz those cookies sound really good. What are you craving from the US? DO you have a web link to those cookies? I'm feeling less PMSy just reading about the cookies!

xxxx said...

I'm on my fifth chocolate-covered Oreo over here ... that should tell you about the kind of night I'm having!! :)

Anonymous said...

FYI- Rachel V. started a blog- the link is on my site

Anonymous said...

today was my son's birthday and there's half a chocolate cake on my kitchen counter. it will be gone by tomorrow... :)

Sara Hantz said...

The PMS monster. Omg. Tell me about it! I eat so much I barely have time to draw breath.

Ben said...

Don't mess with Mother Nature.


Anonymous said...

We can do a trade if you like ... I am so missing Resses Peanut Butter Cups!!! oh drooooool..........

Or even hersheys' mini's...

What flavour's do you want, plain, carmel, Tia Maria, or Dark choc????

Also good with coffee.. bite both ends off and then do a tim tam slam...suck up the coffee...


TTQ said...

Don't hate it too much, one day it will be gone forever! Glad you were feel ing better! Even if it was fleeting!

Anonymous said...

I thought of naming my blog "PMS Bitch From Hell" for that very special week out of every month.

Hang in there.