Sunday, July 30, 2006

The Tim Tams Are Dead.

I ate them ALL.

I had to.

The D.I.E.T with a
capital D,
capital I,
captial E,
capital T, starts tomorrow. It was my last hurrah!

In fact, my scale conveniently died on me so I am even going to Target to get a replacement one tomorrow (and also search for the candy bars I need to mail to the winners).

My fortune cookie tonight (yes, because since the diet starts tomorrow, I had to gorge myself today, and that included BK, then Chinese food for dinner)...

"The next few days are a lucky time for you. You can take a chance."

So, come on AGENT A, call me! Take a chance on me! Take a chance on me! (And those are the only words I know from the ABBA song)...You've got my manuscript. I'm ready to deal!

Going to bed now. I'm reading this:
Pretty Little Dirty then next up, Straight Up And Dirty which a kind commenter (RR, BFF) told me my story and Swishy's inaugural waxing story were way more funnier than Stephanie Klein's. I’ll have to skip to that part of the book and judge for myself.


Drewpy Drew said...

The first verse goes like this "If you change your mind, I'll be first in line. Honey I'm still free. Take a chance on me."
Yes, I know the whole song. And yes, I know how sad that is.

xxxx said...

Oh my gosh, do you remember how we sang that song ... where? At dinner? Or lunch? Or in the car? I totally just remembered that!! HA HA HA.

OK, and here's my side of the waxing field trip, which I'm not going to even try to make a hyperlink for:

Kelly said...

My husband lived in Austrailia for a while and LOVES Tim Tams.
I've had them and they are the BEST. And they do solve PMS.
I am sad for you that they are all gone.
I remember that feeling when our supply ran out.

Anonymous said...

Ah, yes. The days preceding a diet are wonderful, aren't they? When you can eat all the delicious stuff in your house in order to remove it from temptation...

Good luck with the agent.

Anonymous said...

Waxing stories scare me to death.

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

You had to bring up cookie dough! I'm starving!

Anonymous said...

I must confess- I have never had a Tim Tam. No clue what they even consist of.... do tell.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on killing your Tim Tams.
Congrats and good luck on your diet. As you know MM, I'm a cyclist and recently started running as well. Here a link to a site that helps me with diet planning for my whole family..(OK the kids eat differently, they get all the good stuff)....just thought I'd share.

By the way....did you say your dream included a cyclist? :-)

Jessica said...

As a former certified personal trainer, skip the scale and judge your progress on how your clothes fit.

Good luck!

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

Eileen--Tim Tams are a chocolate cookie treat that Ramblin' Rose sent to me from Australia!

Latina--You only failed if it was a chocolate fudge or cinnamon frosted poptart.

Yes, R martini--you guessed it. You were the cyclist in my dream.

Jessica--the clothes are snug, the scale is broken. Bad news.

Anonymous said...

Lucky me.....


MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

Oh yessss you were very lucky.

Anonymous said...

Double :) :)

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

What's DOUBLE mean? Did we do it twice? hahahahhaha

Anonymous said...

MM, it was your dream.
Readers may start getting the wrong impression about us.....but I need to know.....was it so enjoyable you would like to start the dream where it left off?

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

Heh heh heh. I think we are leading the readers on...

Maybe we'll get more hits!

But you need to blog then.

Anonymous said...

Now you've forced me to actually update my blog.....imagine that....okay.

I'll continue a dream theme....sound like a plan?

What will the regulars and visitors think?
